vendredi, octobre 12, 2012

Preliminary investigation: Presidency of the Republic

Translation google translation. The reference text is French.

The Head Office of the President

Paris, September 14, 2012


Dear Sir,

The President of the Republic received the mail you want to send it to me and entrusted the care of you.

Be sure it has been taken careful note of your approach.

I beg you to accept, Sir, the assurances of my best.

Pierre Besnard

Translation google translation. The reference text is French.

Paris, Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2012

President of the Republic
The Chief of Cabinet

Your ref. : PDR/SCP/CDO/AES/A005882
Your letter of September 14, 2012

The Chief of Cabinet,

I sincerely thank you for your answer.

I appreciate the honor done me the President of the Republic to keep me informed of the care with which it was aware of the approach that I want to maintain it. I did not expect. I am truly touched.

On September 10, I sent a copy of the record to Ms. Garde des Sceaux. I delayed, because the experience, I have no confidence in the judiciary, absolutely none. But it is the natural way to inform government initiatives judicial citizens.

I have included the maneuvers of the political police, or parallel, call it as you want. I know it well. It works with the floor. These people do not scare me. They can crush me, this is something else.

I beg you to accept, Sir Pierre Besnard, the assurance of my best wishes,

Marc Salomone
PS: Attached are letters to Ms. Garde des Sceaux, in addition to those already sent to the President.

1 - Your mail
2 - Letter to Ms. Taubira 10/09/12
3 - Letter to Ms. Taubira 17/09/12
4 - Letter to Mr. Prosecutor, 17/09/12
5 - Letter to Mr. Prosecutor, 28/08/12
6 - Letter to Mr. Prosecutor, 07/09/12

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