Paris, Wednesday, December 5, 2012
François HOLLAND
The care of
Chief of Staff
Mr. President
I have the honor to submit, for your information, the attached text.
I beg you to accept, Sir, the assurance of my highest consideration,
Marc Salomone
Paris, Wednesday, December 4, 2012
Christiane TAUBIRAAttorney,Minister of Justice
Chief of StaffMr. Christian Vigouroux
Business technical adviser reservedEric Lafontaine
13, place Vendôme75042 PARIS CEDEX 01Tel. : 01 44 77 60 60Fax:
Madam Attorney General,
I have the honor to send you the enclosed text.
the purposes of his defense, in the office of judge Gentil, Sarkozy has
shown that in practice the government, the "separation of powers" is an
"I can tell you that neither Philip nor Courroye myself have acted to
delay, modify or complicate the Bettencourt affair,,, I want proof that
your name has intervened in Intitiative Philippe Courroye on the instruction of the Attorney General of Versailles. And who would have thought that the PG of Versailles would have this instruction if the Minister of Justice did not agree? And
who can imagine that the Minister of Justice gives its approval if the
President does not agree?;;, This is proof that I do not interfere ... ".The Chained Duck, the mercrdit November 28, 2012, P. 8With
these words, uttered under his experience as Head of State, Mr Sarkozy
shattered the manipulation of the doctrine of the independence of the
judiciary, by departmental representatives, to deliver the common people
dark desires only to judges.
as a representative of the Executive by universal suffrage making can
and should tell the judges that breaches of loyalty are mistakes.
Judges ranked after all applications without opening preliminary investigations before them for two reasons:a-They
think that the executive power, the only worthwhile in their eyes, is
not that Mr. Sarkozy and Mr. Bartolone are the subjects of a public
judicial Interogation.b-They
do not imagine for a moment an inquiry about a person they consider the
"state nobility" at the request of another person they see as a beggar.
This was publicly theorized by Judge Salas researcher.c-business frameworks for the Ile de France are classified offices for failing to show that covers both those cited above.
goes without saying that to spend the taxpayers' expense, a smig per
day, four days per person in London, under a pretext professional
untrue, for his sake, as well as the fact of using a car or forbidden to engage in witness tampering, are criminal offenses.
goes without saying that the fact that elected maintains relationships
with reciprocal services wheeler proved creates conflicts of interest
and opens on mafia-type reports, which justice to worry. As it does elsewhere, for the same information to Mr. Cope.
goes without saying that the fact that a head of state to be sucking on
order, with the vocabulary identified by the psychiatrist as the type
of vocabulary rapists also rape. In this case, the rape of a member, and the rape of the Constitution.
ask you specifically, Madam Minister, to ask the prosecutor and the
Attorney-General to review the texes loyally offered to them, as Mr.
Sarkozy told a judge us as you power.
judges elected to the porosity of the requests of businessmen is a
direct cause of the Mafia stranglehold on Corsica, the accumulation of
violent deaths is a visible and bloody.
Judge Salas researcher raise the specter of moral order as soon as he
comes to question the justice of criminal activity executive. My answer is that the position of senior executives of the state is unusual.
Nobody asks them to be exemplary. But
when they commit crimes are made public policy and organize networks of
frames that go with citizenship legal action is fully justified.
If we look at the acts under judges we see that they are intentionally public. One of their major reasons being, besides the pleasure they provide is to be public to organize political life.
the other hand, in the case of the Ile de France at least, is the fact
that their knowledge of employees, executives here, which combine with
the press to challenge the government.
communicate these facts to the court is siding with corrupt employees
and elected against employees and elected officials honest.
It is said that the annual report of Transparency International. Citizen Action is déterminente in reducing corruption, a major scourge of our time.
Covering the crime of executives because of feudal ideology of another time, prevents judges to modernize France. We are back.
Can you remain neutral in this debate, Madam Attorney?
Please accept, Madam, the assurances of my highest consideration,
Marc Salomone
jeudi, décembre 06, 2012
Président de la République, Ministre de la justice, corruption et justice
Paris, le mercredi 5
décembre 2012
Président de la République
Aux bons soins de
Monsieur BESNARD
Chef du Cabinet
Monsieur le Président
J’ai l’honneur de
vous adresser, pour votre information, le texte ci-joint.
Je vous prie d’agréer,
Monsieur le Président, l’assurance de mes salutations distinguées,
le mercredi 5 décembre 2012
des Sceaux,
de la Justice
du cabinet
technique affaires réservées
place Vendôme
Tel. :
01 44 77 60 60
Fax :
la Garde des Sceaux,
l’honneur de vous adresser le texte ci-joint.
Pour les besoins de sa défense, dans les bureaux du
juge Gentil, M. Sarkozy a établi que dans la pratique des pouvoirs
publics, la « séparation des pouvoirs » est une
- « Je peux vous dire que ni Philippe Courroye ni
moi-même n'avons agi pour retarder, modifier ou compliquer l'affaire
Bettencourt,,,J'en veux pour preuve que votre désignation est
intervenue à l'intitiative de Philippe Courroye, sur l'instruction
du procureur général de Versailles. Et qui aurait pu penser que le
PG de Versailles aurait donné cette instruction si le garde des
Sceaux n'était pas d'accord ? Et qui peut imaginer que le garde
des Sceaux donne son aval si le président de la République n'est
pas d'accord ?;;,C'est bien la preuve que je n'interviens
pas... ».
Le Canard Enchaîné, le mercrdit 28 novembre 2012, P. 8
ces mots, prononcés au titre de son expérience de Chef de l'Etat,
M. Sarkozy réduit à néant, la manipulation de la doctrine de
l'indépendance de l'autorité judiciaire, par les représentants
ministèriels, pour livrer les gens du peuple aux seuls désirs
obscurs des magistrats.
Ministre, au titre de représentant du Pouvoir exécutif procédant
du suffrage universel peut et doit dire aux magistrats que les
manquements à la loyauté sont des fautes.
magistrats classent sans suite toutes les demandes d'ouvertures
d'enquêtes préliminaires qui leur sont soumises pour deux raisons :
Ils pensent que le Pouvoir éxécutif, le seul qui vaille à leurs
yeux, ne veut pas que M. Sarkozy ou M. Bartolone soient les sujets
d'une intérogation judiciaire publique.
Ils n'imaginent pas un seul instant ouvrir une enquête sur une
personne qu'ils considèrent comme étant de la « noblesse
d'Etat » à la demande d'une autre personne qu'ils considèrent
comme un gueux. Ceci a été publiquement théorisé par le
juge-chercheur M. Salas.
Les affaires concernant les cadres de la Région Ile de France sont
classées d'offices pour ne pas avoir à montrer qu'on couvre celles
des deux ci-dessus cités.
va de soi que le fait de dépenser, aux frais du contribuable, un
smig par jour, sur quatre jours, par personne, à Londres, sous un
prétexte professionnel mensonger, pour son seul plaisir, de même
que le fait d'utiliser une voiture interdite ou de se livrer à une
subornation de témoin, sont des fautes pénales.
va de soi que le fait qu'un élu entretienne des rapports de services
réciproques avec un affairiste avéré crée des conflits d'intérêts
et ouvre sur des rapports de type maffieux, dont la justice a à se
préoccuper. Comme elle le fait d'ailleurs, pour les mêmes
informations pour M. Copé.
va de soi que le fait, pour un Chef d'Etat, de se faire sucer sur
ordre, avec le vocabulaire repéré par les psychiatre comme étant
le vocabulaire type des violeurs, est aussi un viol. En l'espèce,
c'est le viol d'une députée, et le viol de la Constitution.
vous demande expressément, Madame la Ministre, de demander à M. le
procureur de la République et à M. le procureur général
d'examiner loyalement les texes qui leur sont proposés, comme M.
Sarkozy nous dit devant un juge que vous en avez le pouvoir.
permissivité des magistrats envers la porosité des élus aux
sollicitations des affairistes est une des causes directes de la
mainmise maffieuse sur la Corse, dont l'accumulation de morts
violente est la marque visible et sanglante.
juge-chercheur Salas agitent le spectre de l'ordre moral sitôt qu'il
est question d'interpeller la justice pour une activité criminelle
de cadre dirigeant. Je réponds à cela que la position des cadres
dirigeants de l'Etat est singulière.
ne leur demande d'être exemplaire. Mais lorsque les actes criminels
qu'ils commettent sont des faits publics qui organisent des
politiques et les réseaux de cadres qui vont avec, l'action
judiciaire citoyenne est pleinement justifiée.
nous étudions les actes soumis aux magistrats nous voyons qu'ils
sont volontairement publics. Une de leurs raisons d'être majeures,
outre le plaisir qu'ils procurent, c'est d'être publics pour
organiser la vie politique.
part, dans le cas de la Région Ile de France au moins, leur
connaissance est le fait de salariés, cadres dirigeants en l'espèce,
qui s'associent à la presse pour interpeller les pouvoirs publics.
pas communiquer ces faits à la justice c'est prendre parti pour les
salariés et élus corrompus contre les salariés et élus honnêtes.
ce que dit le rapport annuel de
Transparency International. L'action citoyenne est déterminente dans
le recul de la corruption, un fléau majeur de notre temps.
En couvrant
la criminalité des cadres dirigeants du fait d'une idéologie
féodale d'un autre temps, les magistrats empêchent la France de se
moderniser. Il nous font reculer.
vous rester neutre dans ce débat, Madame la Garde des Sceaux ?
vous prie d'agréer, Madame la Ministre, l'assurance de ma
considération distinguée,
Bartolone, justice, corruption, mafia
Paris, December 5, 2012 wednesday
V. No. :Classification Opinions to the October 9, 2012No parquet: 12221000175Complaint / denunciation dated April 6, 2012 theAgainst XFacts: Other than criminal casesClassification OpinionsExamination of this procedure does not justify criminal prosecution on the grounds that:"The consequences of the fact that you complained are not sufficiently serious for the prosecution considers necessary to judge your case on the criminal. 'However, you can enter the civil court to claim damages.You can challenge this décidion of ranking purposes by sending an e motivated and accompanied by a copy of this filing to the Attorney General at the Court of Appeal. '
N. No. :a-Application to open a preliminary investigation, April 6, 2012b-Call classeement unanswered, Friday, November 16, 2012
Mr. Attorney General,
I have the honor to communicate to you the memory of Appeal announced by November 16, 2012
Title 1: First Prev examination. P.2-3Title 2: The reality of judicial demand. P. 4-12Title 3: Facts public and "insufficiently serious consequences": P. 13-16Conclusion and PS: P. 17
Title 1 - First review
1) - The illegality of textI request a review of the legal value of the text of Mr. Prosecutor. It has obvious legal flaws:
1 - Mr. prosecutor uses a catchphrase completely unsuitable for the application concerned."The consequences of the fact that you complained are not sufficiently serious for the prosecution considers necessary to judge your case on the criminal. 'Mr. Prosecutor responds to a question that question.There is nowhere relief sought.
2 - There is no application to criminal judgment because it is not a complaint. This is a request for a preliminary inquiry.This is a magistrate Nanterre exposed me there is a difference between the two. It is therefore.The prosecutor of Paris said: "Your letters," not your complaint.
3 - The text is a signed informed gribouilli which is most likely not due to Mr. Prosecutor. There is no delegation of signature indicated. Yet it is signed. However, this text is not an argument administrative type. It is a decision of the prosecutor in person. There is not his name, nor probably his signature.
2) - Recognitiona-The prosecution does not dispute the facts,By this formula "The consequences of the facts ... are not sufficiently serious "Mr. prosecutor implicitly recognizes that my intention is undeniable.
How would it be otherwise? Submissions to the attention of prosecutors are analyzes press articles or books, which have been the subject of any complaints which are themselves built on the verification scrupulous and legal facts reported.
b-The prosecution did not dispute my analysis or my requests. It simply talk about other things and answer other questions.
3) - ConclusionThe complaint that Mr. Prosecutor class without following is a pure invention on his part.
There is no complaint. It is not a question of judgment. It does not discuss the facts or analysis.He does not decide on the application before it is submitted.The text is probably not signed by the prosecutor in person, or legally in his name.
That's a lot of mistakes to create the forensic evidence the classification of a request to investigate a case of corruption and mafia association.
I request the review of the legality of this text.
Title 2 - The reality of judicial demand
Mr. Prosecutor invalidate the artifact. On what basis?It does not on the basis of a factual dispute, he notes, but on the basis of an estimate of the severity of their consequences.
As the facts as reported are necessarily imaginary, I will return the facts and analyze the concepts of "consequence" and "insufficiently serious consequence" applied to them by Mr. Prosecutor.
1 - The material facts2 - The logic of the refusal of the application3 - The arguement of "consequences."
1) - The Materiality of facts
A-The facts and the lawThe request has not occurred on the "consequences" of facts but on their materiality.We do not need to give the consequences of drug transport to denounce it.The neighbors do not need to wait for the ranger enters the house he is eyeing to report it to the attention of authorities. Etc..The facts reported are inherently criminal acts. These facts constitute the manufacture of a criminal social structure.There is evidence that the alliances of politicians and businessmen that operate on mutual support, promoting a particular right which is the well-known right "brothers" are alliances known under the general title of alliances mafia. They are themselves a potential criminal consequences.That these consequences are to come into action or effect or delay does not affect the criminal form such alliances.
What is happening today in Corsica is the "serious consequences" of alliances between politicians and businessmen that are formed several years ago.The judges will wait until they such alliances have gangrenné throughout the Region Ile de France, or any chamber member, to act? As they did in Corsica.
The facts have already been studied in the application of 6 August. I refer. By cons I would return to them from the prosecution process to invalidate this application.
B-The facts and reasonsMr. Bartolone links with this wheeler is not circumstantial or friendly. These are links work, business, career. On both sides, these people are interested, including financially.
It is not a friend who finance the anniversary of Mr. Bartolone is a must.It is not a friend who uses the premises of Mr. Berda is a partner.Intervening with Mr. Beregovoy, Minister of Finance and the Prime Minister to save the company from Mr. Berda, Mr. Bartolone has not simply asked the state to consider the fate of a company difficulité .Mr. and Mr. Bartolone Berda established there a pact.I ask the court to tell us if it is a corruption pact.That is why I request the opening of a preliminary investigation.
It seems irresponsible to rely on "consequences", present and visible, these actions clearly corrupt to classify the request without result.It is typical of the corruption without being constantly "serious consequences" to each of its events.
If the standard of judicial intervention is that it must notify the public. This is an avant-garde design of the mixed state. This is the kind of mix that led the N'drangheta Palermo to Milan, and now Frankfurt and Marseille.
Birthday Mr. Bartolone is not a friendly appointment. It is a professional appointment. Mr. Bartolone would not have the financial means by itself. Mr. Bartolone not organizing this hop to celebrate her birthday. He took advantage of this anniversary to access a world in which social status does not entitle him.
It is Bac +3 and commercial framework, in a world where you need to be bac +5 and Great school to qualify for a major item. For the reception, it can eyeful to people who usually despise.
If Mr. Bartolone made a career with money from businessmen, not only with his political capacity, with the program and the importance of it for the people is that he wants to do, he will be obliged to the policy of his supporters real that racketeers.
For the reception, probably among others, Mr. Berda assured Mr. Bartolone access to circles that cater to national leadership positions, and not just local. In this sense, Mr. Bartolone to his position as President of the National Assembly as Mr. Berda.
What in the name of justice refuses her request to Mr. Bartolone account of his relations with businessmen?
This should have been done since July 7, 2011, on the anniversary of Mr. Bartolone. He was then President of the General Council of Seine-Saint-Denis.
This is even more important, urgent somehow, when Mr. Bartolone is President of the National Assembly. It is the 4th or 5th character of the state. How can we accept that it does not account to the justice of the whole relations at least potentially mafia?
It is justice to discharge or not.
C-The times are changingLet's face it, relationships Berda Mr. and Mr. Bartolone are character, logical mafia. It is now impossible to ignore reports of a politician and a politician wheeler that describes itself in the language mafia reports "brothers."
This term is a legal term of a law other than that of the Civil Code. This is a legal concept which derives from the mafia thought. What movies have popularized the gangsters in some population changes nothing. Mr. Bartolone is not a keumé cities.
There was a time when a great writer could describe his sodomisations little boys Algeria, as a challenge to the established order. Today, it is the way the court office. Take a woman by force to submit to conjugal duty, a right formerly, rape today. Joke between pear and cheese pretty bare legs in shorts Scouts became random.
Corrupt politicians, luggage tickets, fake jobs, the arrangements between friends with the IRS, etc.. These practices were the wasteland relationships dangerous politics. A game and a rite of passage.
All this was a regular social transgressions. Since the 80s, the case in Urba political corruption, water has flowed under the bridges.
Mr. Bartolone can stubbornly maintain that style of politics that now because he does what it takes for him to make no reproach. He could do it quietly because the Seine-Saint-Denis is a department where the UMP and Socialist parties agree on a common goal which is to distribute the items among them.
Until the goal is not achieved, there will be silence on the methods of socialist Seine-Saint-Denis. As there is silence on the methods used by the elected right Hauts de Seine.
In this anniversary, the Head of reception, the real host is not Mr. Bartolone. This is Mr. Tapie. He comes to pocket 450M euros from taxpayers because of the consequences of a decision by the Minister of Finance Mr. Sarkozy. Socialist deputies present were all taken publicly vehement stance against this measure. Mr. Bartolone serves as a bridge between Sarkozy and Socialist leaders. He would not have done it without the receipt. It should express themselves politically and was swept away. This is Mr. Berda which allows him to get to level discussions between people of rank government Ump and PS.
It is also for this kind of services that the State executives are silent on the sources of income of Mr. Bartolone. Because it is good source of income for unreported income. This is part of the issues to be addressed by the preliminary investigation.
It is this silence that the prosecutor shoots there is no "consequence" "serious". It is said that there is still little French relations executives businessmen in Corsica. Today, it is the motion for battle against "drift racketeer" Corsica.
For the moment, intense mafia, the famous "porosity" thugs and elites has not yet become a political issue in Seine-Saint-Denis. One day soon, as Corsica, the French discover the "insufficiently serious consequences" alliances of policy frameworks and legal blindness.
2) - The logic of the invalidationThe argument of "serious consequences insufficiently" seems a simple remark circumstantial. There is nothing.
Mr. Prosecutor incrit is a series of logical principles. We will study one after the other.1 - blood test2 - The social criteria.
1 - The question: Is there blood?The issue of "serious consequences" required the commitment of legal action is not circumstantial. That is, for years, the logic of relations executives State to the public.
In the police reports to citizens "serious consequences" resulting in "Is there blood? ". If there is blood moves. If there is no blood, it does not move. I have been witness Province and Paris.
A report on pedophilia shows a pedophile crisis that moves successively to his psychiatrist, psychiatric emergency hospital in a police station. In all cases, the answer is the same: Go to act first and then we will intervene. We will not do anything until you do not have abused a child.
Mr. prosecutor does not affect the principle. As depravity frames do not have political consequences should be doing nothing.
This cycle of the resignation of the state is endless.
2 The social criteriaThe second logic behind this formula is the social logic.The magistrate x-researcher gives the keys in his speech to the newspaper Le Parisien.The judge said a-right uneven, feudal, or colonial census.- DENIS SALAS, magistrate and researcher *"NO comment on the action of Marc Salomone, it seems important to remain very cautious about the use of criminal weapon, including termination. It seems dangerous to make a referral to the judge for a popular action, that is to say very much open to any citizen, there is no filter, the risk of lead to what I call the penal populism. The information has a perverse effect. Just look at the number of those who have ruined the lives of some people. How denunciations result in a non-place! But the damage is done, since the charge, once released, remains as a stain. 'Interview by A.-C.J. Le Parisien, October 2007.
Note: The word "fundamental" when used in a way that does not mean, as in this case, means that the author is an administrative addresses other administrative. He noted that the text will be used to purify the administration of a foreign clans recognized by the cliques in place.
This doctrine "fundamental" tells us that:1 - There is a second class citizen.It is defined by the words "popular" "any citizen", he can not enter into the judicial sphere if one "opens widely" the "referral"2 - This is a citizen Monsieur Jourdain crimeIt "ruin the lives of some people," he "denounced" without reason, He "evil." He "defiled." It is "populist." It is "anyone". It is "dangerous."3 - We must fight: It is the "filter".Formula prosecution is applying a policy of both social segregation and subordination of policy to crime. It is only when the population is reached in the flesh by the crime that pesonnel State is, or purports to act.
Under the pretext of an evaluation of "consequences", "serious" or not, a crime is a conspiracy to distance moved.
4) - The argument of "consequences"1 - ProtectionMr. prosecutor did not deny and does not refute the accusations about relationships mafia. He says they would not have "insufficiently serious consequences."He does not even deny that there are "consequences" and can be "serious". It just says they are not "enough".We are in the protection priori.Indeed, these facts have not been judicially established. How Mr. Prosecutor can he judge their consequences?We simply ask us projetter in the future, the time of "consequences."These future consequences can be spent discovering the consequences in the future. The effect of "subprime."Making their victims to come due to the "serious consequences insufficiently"?
2 - RecklessnessM to the prosecutor's action agreement between a politician and racketeer has no consequences "sufficiently serious."
We are talking about under the control of bloodshed in Corsica, Marseille, and mainly for the moment. It is neither the king nor the Silver-eccentric people who are directly responsible. It is primarily and directly because of the corruption of State officials first, then the action of thugs. Since these killings and the dissolution of the BAC Marseille, facilities magistrates take another direction.
By referring to the "consequences" of unproven facts, Mr. Prosecutor seeks not to establish. That's why he postponed our look after. He shows us the moon that we do not regard the earth.
3 - The actors madeReferring to the consequences of their actions and not fact, Mr. Prosecutor wants to lead us elsewhere, beyond the facts. Why and where?
I will examine the legal debate suceptible "serious consequences" contained in the acts of each of the players in this action.
A-M. BerdaB-Mr. BartoloneMr. C-prosecutor of Bobigny
A-M. BerdaMr. Bartolone is not the manipulator receipt. It is at this point, a puppet.The Project manager is Mr. Berda.
Mr. Berda can not say disinterested patron of politics. If this were the case, it would remain in France to pay the taxes due from it for the French activities which relate his fortune.
This notorious racketeer, tax exile in Switzerland, enters into a relationship he knows mafia type with which a politician has asked at least once a service critical to its business. Mr. Prosecutor good credit is a moral man who went into exile in Switzerland to avoid paying taxes due,
Mr. Prosecutor strikes us that the "consequences are not serious enough." That he knows?What this tells us that reception is not an operation of money laundering?What were the consequences of this reception in the affairs of Mr. Berda?What is the relationship of the normal business wheeler and elected?
Judge Salas researcher stated publicly that the demands of the people of lower rank are messy for people of higher rank. Apart from this feudalism, on behalf of which the magistrates they are subordinated to the administrative doctrine of "brother"? Everyone knows that it is a language mafia.
B-Mr. BartoloneMr. Prosecutor invalid request because it does not happen in France, hinder a personage of the state to the demands of a anyone.
Mr. Bartolone has not the means of receipt or policy that goes with it. It is neither technocrat, nor a son of technocrat or equivalent.
His relationship with his godfather Mr. Fabius present policy "door gun." Mr. Hollande, first secretary of the Socialist Party speaks of it as a "little guy from 9-3".Master these reports are very common in home classes in graduates. In a trial of Assisi, cf. Lechien case, the defendant's life survey has revealed that he had been persecuted in the normal school teachers because his father was a "concierge" These comrades were to mark the meanness of his extraction torturing the social .
And we wonder why the difficulty in France into the 21st century.
So to overcome real social handicaps that Mr. Bartolone decides to pursue a policy career based on luxury, it can get up to those people who hold the key positions of power and who despise him.
To this end, he seized the opportunity of a service request from a contractor adventurer. He joined with him in the logical relationships "brothers" and reciprocal services.
This is the type of industry historical penetration mafia state and local authorities.
Teamsters unions American truck drivers, have left invade and control by the mafia wanting to pay the very real problems posed by the opposition of employers to syndicatx. Including the use of armed provocateurs. The Mafia has rid the provocateurs employers. In "consequence", these unions have become one of the main points of the mafia anchors in civil society. They are the bane of the 1960 Minister of Justice Kennedy. They are one of the reliable sources of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1964, and the candidate Bobby Kennedy in 1968.
I do not epilogue, I think the judges know the "serious consequences" of this case, criminal ramifications, better than anyone else in France. On what, Mr. Prosecutor, you said that it Tchernobyle cloud prevents crime once again France?
Mr. prosecutor tells us that these facts were not sufficiently serious consequences. Mayor Sevran in 9-3 asked the mobilization of the army to simply allow its citizens to live in safety.
What allows Mr. prosecutor to be sure this is unrelated crime policies "fraternal" reciprocal services, Mr President of the General Council?
M. C-prosecutorThe prosecutor of Marseilles emphasizes the phrase: "You should know not to push a file at any price."The judge spoke of Corsica, France, why would it be otherwise in the 9-3?In this case are involved personal relationships of executive networks with local justice networks elected officers of the same territory.
Qelle is the impartiality of the prosecutor of the Republic when dealing with issues concerning the "brother" of the elected "9-3", which "brother" becoming President of the National Assembly probably sees him himself as the "brother" of the President of the Republic.
Is it only by blindness Mr. prosecutor responds next to the question and judge "insufficiently serious" consequences of a strategic alliance, career, between a racketeer and a politician?
Blindness or appreciation judicious balance of forces within the state?
Title 3: Facts public and "insufficiently serious consequences"
1) - CorsicaIn few clicks on the Internet we find this reference:
All witnesses the actions of the State in Corsica said that the State had refused to worry about corruption, profiteering, drift alliance of politicians and businessmen. As a result, two ministers of justice and interior, just move in Corsica to supplement the failure of the State.
Here are two examples of facts deemed insufficiently serious by the prefect and the prosecutor:
1 - Example MinisterialOn 11 September 2004, the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry at the time, Mr Sarkozy, also had his "brother", Jean Reno, the prefect of Corsica Lemas. It was forced to hand it gives prefect for a building permit in an area unbuildable. This time it was refused. But we know that commercialism is the main reason cited by both Ministers in what they call "drift racketeer" and now "Mafia" of the island. We are in violent crimes.
Here are the details of the conversation without "serious consequences suffisaments"
Jean Reno: I filed a building permit Bonifacio.
Cécilia Sarkozy: Really?
Jean Reno: Yeah.
(Voice Anonymous - probably Cécilia Sarkozy): It will become a mansion, you'll see. Will you and us ...
Jean Reno: Voilà!
Nicolas Sarkozy, speaking to Jean Reno: The Prefect ... Then? You know, John?
Jean Reno: Yes, of course ...
Pierre-René Lemas: We took care of all building permits ...(The actor raises his arm on the shoulder of the officer)
Camille de Rocca Serra: So, so, so ... Anyway!
Jean Reno: No, but all is well, all is well ...
Camille de Rocca Serra: Until you get angry!
Pierre-René Lemas: But no! then, speaking to Nicolas Sarkozy: We'll talk later.
Camille de Rocca Serra: You know, it is with us now ... Corsica more than him ...
Pierre René Lemas: Camille is angry with me ...
Camille de Rocca Serra: You have to see the movie too ... Corsica more than him, you can not know ...
Nicolas Sarkozy, speaking to Camille de Rocca Serra: Yes, that's what I was told Christian ...
(Voice anonymous - probably Jean Reno): Ah, then you'll see ...
Certainly, the intervention "insufficiently serious" the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry at the time did not directly "serious consequences". It simply served to legitimize all actions "businessmen" in real estate.
2 - Example judicialThe judiciary is subject to the whims of this profiteering supported by the elected representatives and the Executive. Reflected in the turnarounds of the Administrative Tribunal of Bastia:
February 28, 2008, the Administrative Court ordered the suspension of Bastia permit filed Jacques Séguéla.On April 17 the same judge, Lucette Erstein rejects the application for interim relief filed by ABCDE. She justified in the name of "the presence of elements of new law and new explanations."The only novelty is that Sarkozy, Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry, became his "brother." He needs to make a name in the world of Showbizz, glitter, artists.
The Minister of the Interior Valls said that the President of the Republic, François Hollande, asked to examine the "causes" of disorders Corsicans. Compromise and submission of state institutions to the reality of the integration of the corruption in the state is one of the main causes.Instead, as if nothing had happened frameworks involve state myth "money" and the ghost "population". It does not eat bread, they will not respond.
Among the "serious consequences insuffisement ': 18 dead in annnée.
2) - Mr. Cope
A-identityMr. Cope's interest in our discussion is that it has the same characteristics as Mr. Bartolone.Mr. Cope is a former Minister of the Budget, Secretary General of the UMP deputy.Mr. Bartolone is Past President of the General Council of Seine-Saint-Denis, MP, Speaker of the National Assembly.
Mr. Cope, as Mr. Bartolone, chose a mentor for Financial accompanied in his social and political.
Mr. Bartolone called "brother." Mr. Cope named him "friend." In both cases, the fréritude amitude and are shared by the other.For both, the brother-friend pay for access to a world they would not have access without assistance.
In both cases, it is stated loud and clear that there is no discussion of money, interest or corruption between brothers-friends.
There is however a remarkable difference.
In one case the court investigation in another class file it. The same, the same.
Mr. prosecutor uses subterfuge to take no further request for an investigation on the relationship of Mr. and Mr. Bartolone Berda.
Within a matter not directly related to Mr. Cope, judges Renaud Van Ruymbeke and Roger Le Loire prenennt initiative to examine the relationship between Mr. Cope and Mr. Takieddine a racketeer Lebanon. French justice wants to check if this part of friendship is not large enough to leave room for gifts of all kinds, including hard cash.
Mr. Cope denies any involvement in any crime whatsoever. This does not différenment Mr. Bartolone. But Mr. Cope, it is not enough to stop the action of the magistrates.
This change is a simple change judicial scrutiny. The questions asked by the judges to motivate an investigation are the same as those raised by a reflection on the anniversary of Mr. Bartolone. Y did he corrupt, mafia organization, criminal penetration of the state, forming a criminal network in the state, to what extent?
B-Omerta discriminant
We see that the two categories of omerta executive networks. Those who benefit and others.
It is not the ritual distinction powerful and miserable. This distinction it concerns types of frames of the same rank.
To the same criteria, the judges rank executives see their records or Constrain be interested. This is without serious consequences, without the characteristics or criminal, for some, is at least suspect for others.
As follows:a-Mr. Cope is paying a visit to London by a boss, the staff money it is "sufficiently serious." Two judges are hunting.
b-By cons, for elected officials and senior staff employees, the Regional Council of Ile de France who are paid four days in London on a lie professional expense of the taxpayer, the judges describe the facts and "do report any criminal offense. "
If it is, as claimed by the Judge Salas researcher, not to jeopardize careers by accusations risky, what twists Mr. Cope made by this legal initiative is any less important, or more important, for the political capacity of the latter than would be the opening of a preliminary investigation into the association information concerning Mr. Bartolone Mafia?
Conclusion:In view of what is happening in France today, the judicial response to Mr. Prosecutor is indaptée and Third World. Cover turpitude elites is a distraction that the French no longer have the means, mainly due to leaving cover too.
It's fine to give public lessons in civics Corsica. To the public insult. It is still necessary that the State officials, including judges, give another face of the state as seen by Corsica, for example.
I beg you to please respond to the request for a preliminary investigation. You can not suspect Mr. Bartolone be less able than another to answer the questions of the judges and investigative police officers concerned.
Please accept, Mr. Attorney General, the assurances of my highest consideration,
Marc Salomone
PS:1 - CowardiceWhen I informed the senior civilian applications preliminary initiations that I filed, I told them that I'm too alone, the answer is always the same.a-- Ha! Sarkozy? Bartolone? It's tricky. Must search all the evidence. Otherwise, they can sue. It's very complicated.The best response I've had is that of an international lawyer specializing in the complaint declared against Heads of State. They are all black and African.Question phone in 2007:- "Master, I filed a request for a preliminary investigation against Mr. Sarkozy. The press says that you have experience in the complaint against Heads of State. Can you give me some information?- Response:Ha! Is this you? Excuse me, I have a plane to catch! 'Sénariste a film would dare produce this replica.b-There is little, a left-wing editor:"Ha! Sarkozy! Bartolone! It's tricky ... Excuse me, I asked! '
2 - Attached is the text of the August 6, 2012
V. No. :Classification Opinions to the October 9, 2012No parquet: 12221000175Complaint / denunciation dated April 6, 2012 theAgainst XFacts: Other than criminal casesClassification OpinionsExamination of this procedure does not justify criminal prosecution on the grounds that:"The consequences of the fact that you complained are not sufficiently serious for the prosecution considers necessary to judge your case on the criminal. 'However, you can enter the civil court to claim damages.You can challenge this décidion of ranking purposes by sending an e motivated and accompanied by a copy of this filing to the Attorney General at the Court of Appeal. '
N. No. :a-Application to open a preliminary investigation, April 6, 2012b-Call classeement unanswered, Friday, November 16, 2012
Mr. Attorney General,
I have the honor to communicate to you the memory of Appeal announced by November 16, 2012
Title 1: First Prev examination. P.2-3Title 2: The reality of judicial demand. P. 4-12Title 3: Facts public and "insufficiently serious consequences": P. 13-16Conclusion and PS: P. 17
Title 1 - First review
1) - The illegality of textI request a review of the legal value of the text of Mr. Prosecutor. It has obvious legal flaws:
1 - Mr. prosecutor uses a catchphrase completely unsuitable for the application concerned."The consequences of the fact that you complained are not sufficiently serious for the prosecution considers necessary to judge your case on the criminal. 'Mr. Prosecutor responds to a question that question.There is nowhere relief sought.
2 - There is no application to criminal judgment because it is not a complaint. This is a request for a preliminary inquiry.This is a magistrate Nanterre exposed me there is a difference between the two. It is therefore.The prosecutor of Paris said: "Your letters," not your complaint.
3 - The text is a signed informed gribouilli which is most likely not due to Mr. Prosecutor. There is no delegation of signature indicated. Yet it is signed. However, this text is not an argument administrative type. It is a decision of the prosecutor in person. There is not his name, nor probably his signature.
2) - Recognitiona-The prosecution does not dispute the facts,By this formula "The consequences of the facts ... are not sufficiently serious "Mr. prosecutor implicitly recognizes that my intention is undeniable.
How would it be otherwise? Submissions to the attention of prosecutors are analyzes press articles or books, which have been the subject of any complaints which are themselves built on the verification scrupulous and legal facts reported.
b-The prosecution did not dispute my analysis or my requests. It simply talk about other things and answer other questions.
3) - ConclusionThe complaint that Mr. Prosecutor class without following is a pure invention on his part.
There is no complaint. It is not a question of judgment. It does not discuss the facts or analysis.He does not decide on the application before it is submitted.The text is probably not signed by the prosecutor in person, or legally in his name.
That's a lot of mistakes to create the forensic evidence the classification of a request to investigate a case of corruption and mafia association.
I request the review of the legality of this text.
Title 2 - The reality of judicial demand
Mr. Prosecutor invalidate the artifact. On what basis?It does not on the basis of a factual dispute, he notes, but on the basis of an estimate of the severity of their consequences.
As the facts as reported are necessarily imaginary, I will return the facts and analyze the concepts of "consequence" and "insufficiently serious consequence" applied to them by Mr. Prosecutor.
1 - The material facts2 - The logic of the refusal of the application3 - The arguement of "consequences."
1) - The Materiality of facts
A-The facts and the lawThe request has not occurred on the "consequences" of facts but on their materiality.We do not need to give the consequences of drug transport to denounce it.The neighbors do not need to wait for the ranger enters the house he is eyeing to report it to the attention of authorities. Etc..The facts reported are inherently criminal acts. These facts constitute the manufacture of a criminal social structure.There is evidence that the alliances of politicians and businessmen that operate on mutual support, promoting a particular right which is the well-known right "brothers" are alliances known under the general title of alliances mafia. They are themselves a potential criminal consequences.That these consequences are to come into action or effect or delay does not affect the criminal form such alliances.
What is happening today in Corsica is the "serious consequences" of alliances between politicians and businessmen that are formed several years ago.The judges will wait until they such alliances have gangrenné throughout the Region Ile de France, or any chamber member, to act? As they did in Corsica.
The facts have already been studied in the application of 6 August. I refer. By cons I would return to them from the prosecution process to invalidate this application.
B-The facts and reasonsMr. Bartolone links with this wheeler is not circumstantial or friendly. These are links work, business, career. On both sides, these people are interested, including financially.
It is not a friend who finance the anniversary of Mr. Bartolone is a must.It is not a friend who uses the premises of Mr. Berda is a partner.Intervening with Mr. Beregovoy, Minister of Finance and the Prime Minister to save the company from Mr. Berda, Mr. Bartolone has not simply asked the state to consider the fate of a company difficulité .Mr. and Mr. Bartolone Berda established there a pact.I ask the court to tell us if it is a corruption pact.That is why I request the opening of a preliminary investigation.
It seems irresponsible to rely on "consequences", present and visible, these actions clearly corrupt to classify the request without result.It is typical of the corruption without being constantly "serious consequences" to each of its events.
If the standard of judicial intervention is that it must notify the public. This is an avant-garde design of the mixed state. This is the kind of mix that led the N'drangheta Palermo to Milan, and now Frankfurt and Marseille.
Birthday Mr. Bartolone is not a friendly appointment. It is a professional appointment. Mr. Bartolone would not have the financial means by itself. Mr. Bartolone not organizing this hop to celebrate her birthday. He took advantage of this anniversary to access a world in which social status does not entitle him.
It is Bac +3 and commercial framework, in a world where you need to be bac +5 and Great school to qualify for a major item. For the reception, it can eyeful to people who usually despise.
If Mr. Bartolone made a career with money from businessmen, not only with his political capacity, with the program and the importance of it for the people is that he wants to do, he will be obliged to the policy of his supporters real that racketeers.
For the reception, probably among others, Mr. Berda assured Mr. Bartolone access to circles that cater to national leadership positions, and not just local. In this sense, Mr. Bartolone to his position as President of the National Assembly as Mr. Berda.
What in the name of justice refuses her request to Mr. Bartolone account of his relations with businessmen?
This should have been done since July 7, 2011, on the anniversary of Mr. Bartolone. He was then President of the General Council of Seine-Saint-Denis.
This is even more important, urgent somehow, when Mr. Bartolone is President of the National Assembly. It is the 4th or 5th character of the state. How can we accept that it does not account to the justice of the whole relations at least potentially mafia?
It is justice to discharge or not.
C-The times are changingLet's face it, relationships Berda Mr. and Mr. Bartolone are character, logical mafia. It is now impossible to ignore reports of a politician and a politician wheeler that describes itself in the language mafia reports "brothers."
This term is a legal term of a law other than that of the Civil Code. This is a legal concept which derives from the mafia thought. What movies have popularized the gangsters in some population changes nothing. Mr. Bartolone is not a keumé cities.
There was a time when a great writer could describe his sodomisations little boys Algeria, as a challenge to the established order. Today, it is the way the court office. Take a woman by force to submit to conjugal duty, a right formerly, rape today. Joke between pear and cheese pretty bare legs in shorts Scouts became random.
Corrupt politicians, luggage tickets, fake jobs, the arrangements between friends with the IRS, etc.. These practices were the wasteland relationships dangerous politics. A game and a rite of passage.
All this was a regular social transgressions. Since the 80s, the case in Urba political corruption, water has flowed under the bridges.
Mr. Bartolone can stubbornly maintain that style of politics that now because he does what it takes for him to make no reproach. He could do it quietly because the Seine-Saint-Denis is a department where the UMP and Socialist parties agree on a common goal which is to distribute the items among them.
Until the goal is not achieved, there will be silence on the methods of socialist Seine-Saint-Denis. As there is silence on the methods used by the elected right Hauts de Seine.
In this anniversary, the Head of reception, the real host is not Mr. Bartolone. This is Mr. Tapie. He comes to pocket 450M euros from taxpayers because of the consequences of a decision by the Minister of Finance Mr. Sarkozy. Socialist deputies present were all taken publicly vehement stance against this measure. Mr. Bartolone serves as a bridge between Sarkozy and Socialist leaders. He would not have done it without the receipt. It should express themselves politically and was swept away. This is Mr. Berda which allows him to get to level discussions between people of rank government Ump and PS.
It is also for this kind of services that the State executives are silent on the sources of income of Mr. Bartolone. Because it is good source of income for unreported income. This is part of the issues to be addressed by the preliminary investigation.
It is this silence that the prosecutor shoots there is no "consequence" "serious". It is said that there is still little French relations executives businessmen in Corsica. Today, it is the motion for battle against "drift racketeer" Corsica.
For the moment, intense mafia, the famous "porosity" thugs and elites has not yet become a political issue in Seine-Saint-Denis. One day soon, as Corsica, the French discover the "insufficiently serious consequences" alliances of policy frameworks and legal blindness.
2) - The logic of the invalidationThe argument of "serious consequences insufficiently" seems a simple remark circumstantial. There is nothing.
Mr. Prosecutor incrit is a series of logical principles. We will study one after the other.1 - blood test2 - The social criteria.
1 - The question: Is there blood?The issue of "serious consequences" required the commitment of legal action is not circumstantial. That is, for years, the logic of relations executives State to the public.
In the police reports to citizens "serious consequences" resulting in "Is there blood? ". If there is blood moves. If there is no blood, it does not move. I have been witness Province and Paris.
A report on pedophilia shows a pedophile crisis that moves successively to his psychiatrist, psychiatric emergency hospital in a police station. In all cases, the answer is the same: Go to act first and then we will intervene. We will not do anything until you do not have abused a child.
Mr. prosecutor does not affect the principle. As depravity frames do not have political consequences should be doing nothing.
This cycle of the resignation of the state is endless.
2 The social criteriaThe second logic behind this formula is the social logic.The magistrate x-researcher gives the keys in his speech to the newspaper Le Parisien.The judge said a-right uneven, feudal, or colonial census.- DENIS SALAS, magistrate and researcher *"NO comment on the action of Marc Salomone, it seems important to remain very cautious about the use of criminal weapon, including termination. It seems dangerous to make a referral to the judge for a popular action, that is to say very much open to any citizen, there is no filter, the risk of lead to what I call the penal populism. The information has a perverse effect. Just look at the number of those who have ruined the lives of some people. How denunciations result in a non-place! But the damage is done, since the charge, once released, remains as a stain. 'Interview by A.-C.J. Le Parisien, October 2007.
Note: The word "fundamental" when used in a way that does not mean, as in this case, means that the author is an administrative addresses other administrative. He noted that the text will be used to purify the administration of a foreign clans recognized by the cliques in place.
This doctrine "fundamental" tells us that:1 - There is a second class citizen.It is defined by the words "popular" "any citizen", he can not enter into the judicial sphere if one "opens widely" the "referral"2 - This is a citizen Monsieur Jourdain crimeIt "ruin the lives of some people," he "denounced" without reason, He "evil." He "defiled." It is "populist." It is "anyone". It is "dangerous."3 - We must fight: It is the "filter".Formula prosecution is applying a policy of both social segregation and subordination of policy to crime. It is only when the population is reached in the flesh by the crime that pesonnel State is, or purports to act.
Under the pretext of an evaluation of "consequences", "serious" or not, a crime is a conspiracy to distance moved.
4) - The argument of "consequences"1 - ProtectionMr. prosecutor did not deny and does not refute the accusations about relationships mafia. He says they would not have "insufficiently serious consequences."He does not even deny that there are "consequences" and can be "serious". It just says they are not "enough".We are in the protection priori.Indeed, these facts have not been judicially established. How Mr. Prosecutor can he judge their consequences?We simply ask us projetter in the future, the time of "consequences."These future consequences can be spent discovering the consequences in the future. The effect of "subprime."Making their victims to come due to the "serious consequences insufficiently"?
2 - RecklessnessM to the prosecutor's action agreement between a politician and racketeer has no consequences "sufficiently serious."
We are talking about under the control of bloodshed in Corsica, Marseille, and mainly for the moment. It is neither the king nor the Silver-eccentric people who are directly responsible. It is primarily and directly because of the corruption of State officials first, then the action of thugs. Since these killings and the dissolution of the BAC Marseille, facilities magistrates take another direction.
By referring to the "consequences" of unproven facts, Mr. Prosecutor seeks not to establish. That's why he postponed our look after. He shows us the moon that we do not regard the earth.
3 - The actors madeReferring to the consequences of their actions and not fact, Mr. Prosecutor wants to lead us elsewhere, beyond the facts. Why and where?
I will examine the legal debate suceptible "serious consequences" contained in the acts of each of the players in this action.
A-M. BerdaB-Mr. BartoloneMr. C-prosecutor of Bobigny
A-M. BerdaMr. Bartolone is not the manipulator receipt. It is at this point, a puppet.The Project manager is Mr. Berda.
Mr. Berda can not say disinterested patron of politics. If this were the case, it would remain in France to pay the taxes due from it for the French activities which relate his fortune.
This notorious racketeer, tax exile in Switzerland, enters into a relationship he knows mafia type with which a politician has asked at least once a service critical to its business. Mr. Prosecutor good credit is a moral man who went into exile in Switzerland to avoid paying taxes due,
Mr. Prosecutor strikes us that the "consequences are not serious enough." That he knows?What this tells us that reception is not an operation of money laundering?What were the consequences of this reception in the affairs of Mr. Berda?What is the relationship of the normal business wheeler and elected?
Judge Salas researcher stated publicly that the demands of the people of lower rank are messy for people of higher rank. Apart from this feudalism, on behalf of which the magistrates they are subordinated to the administrative doctrine of "brother"? Everyone knows that it is a language mafia.
B-Mr. BartoloneMr. Prosecutor invalid request because it does not happen in France, hinder a personage of the state to the demands of a anyone.
Mr. Bartolone has not the means of receipt or policy that goes with it. It is neither technocrat, nor a son of technocrat or equivalent.
His relationship with his godfather Mr. Fabius present policy "door gun." Mr. Hollande, first secretary of the Socialist Party speaks of it as a "little guy from 9-3".Master these reports are very common in home classes in graduates. In a trial of Assisi, cf. Lechien case, the defendant's life survey has revealed that he had been persecuted in the normal school teachers because his father was a "concierge" These comrades were to mark the meanness of his extraction torturing the social .
And we wonder why the difficulty in France into the 21st century.
So to overcome real social handicaps that Mr. Bartolone decides to pursue a policy career based on luxury, it can get up to those people who hold the key positions of power and who despise him.
To this end, he seized the opportunity of a service request from a contractor adventurer. He joined with him in the logical relationships "brothers" and reciprocal services.
This is the type of industry historical penetration mafia state and local authorities.
Teamsters unions American truck drivers, have left invade and control by the mafia wanting to pay the very real problems posed by the opposition of employers to syndicatx. Including the use of armed provocateurs. The Mafia has rid the provocateurs employers. In "consequence", these unions have become one of the main points of the mafia anchors in civil society. They are the bane of the 1960 Minister of Justice Kennedy. They are one of the reliable sources of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1964, and the candidate Bobby Kennedy in 1968.
I do not epilogue, I think the judges know the "serious consequences" of this case, criminal ramifications, better than anyone else in France. On what, Mr. Prosecutor, you said that it Tchernobyle cloud prevents crime once again France?
Mr. prosecutor tells us that these facts were not sufficiently serious consequences. Mayor Sevran in 9-3 asked the mobilization of the army to simply allow its citizens to live in safety.
What allows Mr. prosecutor to be sure this is unrelated crime policies "fraternal" reciprocal services, Mr President of the General Council?
M. C-prosecutorThe prosecutor of Marseilles emphasizes the phrase: "You should know not to push a file at any price."The judge spoke of Corsica, France, why would it be otherwise in the 9-3?In this case are involved personal relationships of executive networks with local justice networks elected officers of the same territory.
Qelle is the impartiality of the prosecutor of the Republic when dealing with issues concerning the "brother" of the elected "9-3", which "brother" becoming President of the National Assembly probably sees him himself as the "brother" of the President of the Republic.
Is it only by blindness Mr. prosecutor responds next to the question and judge "insufficiently serious" consequences of a strategic alliance, career, between a racketeer and a politician?
Blindness or appreciation judicious balance of forces within the state?
Title 3: Facts public and "insufficiently serious consequences"
1) - CorsicaIn few clicks on the Internet we find this reference:
All witnesses the actions of the State in Corsica said that the State had refused to worry about corruption, profiteering, drift alliance of politicians and businessmen. As a result, two ministers of justice and interior, just move in Corsica to supplement the failure of the State.
Here are two examples of facts deemed insufficiently serious by the prefect and the prosecutor:
1 - Example MinisterialOn 11 September 2004, the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry at the time, Mr Sarkozy, also had his "brother", Jean Reno, the prefect of Corsica Lemas. It was forced to hand it gives prefect for a building permit in an area unbuildable. This time it was refused. But we know that commercialism is the main reason cited by both Ministers in what they call "drift racketeer" and now "Mafia" of the island. We are in violent crimes.
Here are the details of the conversation without "serious consequences suffisaments"
Jean Reno: I filed a building permit Bonifacio.
Cécilia Sarkozy: Really?
Jean Reno: Yeah.
(Voice Anonymous - probably Cécilia Sarkozy): It will become a mansion, you'll see. Will you and us ...
Jean Reno: Voilà!
Nicolas Sarkozy, speaking to Jean Reno: The Prefect ... Then? You know, John?
Jean Reno: Yes, of course ...
Pierre-René Lemas: We took care of all building permits ...(The actor raises his arm on the shoulder of the officer)
Camille de Rocca Serra: So, so, so ... Anyway!
Jean Reno: No, but all is well, all is well ...
Camille de Rocca Serra: Until you get angry!
Pierre-René Lemas: But no! then, speaking to Nicolas Sarkozy: We'll talk later.
Camille de Rocca Serra: You know, it is with us now ... Corsica more than him ...
Pierre René Lemas: Camille is angry with me ...
Camille de Rocca Serra: You have to see the movie too ... Corsica more than him, you can not know ...
Nicolas Sarkozy, speaking to Camille de Rocca Serra: Yes, that's what I was told Christian ...
(Voice anonymous - probably Jean Reno): Ah, then you'll see ...
Certainly, the intervention "insufficiently serious" the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry at the time did not directly "serious consequences". It simply served to legitimize all actions "businessmen" in real estate.
2 - Example judicialThe judiciary is subject to the whims of this profiteering supported by the elected representatives and the Executive. Reflected in the turnarounds of the Administrative Tribunal of Bastia:
February 28, 2008, the Administrative Court ordered the suspension of Bastia permit filed Jacques Séguéla.On April 17 the same judge, Lucette Erstein rejects the application for interim relief filed by ABCDE. She justified in the name of "the presence of elements of new law and new explanations."The only novelty is that Sarkozy, Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry, became his "brother." He needs to make a name in the world of Showbizz, glitter, artists.
The Minister of the Interior Valls said that the President of the Republic, François Hollande, asked to examine the "causes" of disorders Corsicans. Compromise and submission of state institutions to the reality of the integration of the corruption in the state is one of the main causes.Instead, as if nothing had happened frameworks involve state myth "money" and the ghost "population". It does not eat bread, they will not respond.
Among the "serious consequences insuffisement ': 18 dead in annnée.
2) - Mr. Cope
A-identityMr. Cope's interest in our discussion is that it has the same characteristics as Mr. Bartolone.Mr. Cope is a former Minister of the Budget, Secretary General of the UMP deputy.Mr. Bartolone is Past President of the General Council of Seine-Saint-Denis, MP, Speaker of the National Assembly.
Mr. Cope, as Mr. Bartolone, chose a mentor for Financial accompanied in his social and political.
Mr. Bartolone called "brother." Mr. Cope named him "friend." In both cases, the fréritude amitude and are shared by the other.For both, the brother-friend pay for access to a world they would not have access without assistance.
In both cases, it is stated loud and clear that there is no discussion of money, interest or corruption between brothers-friends.
There is however a remarkable difference.
In one case the court investigation in another class file it. The same, the same.
Mr. prosecutor uses subterfuge to take no further request for an investigation on the relationship of Mr. and Mr. Bartolone Berda.
Within a matter not directly related to Mr. Cope, judges Renaud Van Ruymbeke and Roger Le Loire prenennt initiative to examine the relationship between Mr. Cope and Mr. Takieddine a racketeer Lebanon. French justice wants to check if this part of friendship is not large enough to leave room for gifts of all kinds, including hard cash.
Mr. Cope denies any involvement in any crime whatsoever. This does not différenment Mr. Bartolone. But Mr. Cope, it is not enough to stop the action of the magistrates.
This change is a simple change judicial scrutiny. The questions asked by the judges to motivate an investigation are the same as those raised by a reflection on the anniversary of Mr. Bartolone. Y did he corrupt, mafia organization, criminal penetration of the state, forming a criminal network in the state, to what extent?
B-Omerta discriminant
We see that the two categories of omerta executive networks. Those who benefit and others.
It is not the ritual distinction powerful and miserable. This distinction it concerns types of frames of the same rank.
To the same criteria, the judges rank executives see their records or Constrain be interested. This is without serious consequences, without the characteristics or criminal, for some, is at least suspect for others.
As follows:a-Mr. Cope is paying a visit to London by a boss, the staff money it is "sufficiently serious." Two judges are hunting.
b-By cons, for elected officials and senior staff employees, the Regional Council of Ile de France who are paid four days in London on a lie professional expense of the taxpayer, the judges describe the facts and "do report any criminal offense. "
If it is, as claimed by the Judge Salas researcher, not to jeopardize careers by accusations risky, what twists Mr. Cope made by this legal initiative is any less important, or more important, for the political capacity of the latter than would be the opening of a preliminary investigation into the association information concerning Mr. Bartolone Mafia?
Conclusion:In view of what is happening in France today, the judicial response to Mr. Prosecutor is indaptée and Third World. Cover turpitude elites is a distraction that the French no longer have the means, mainly due to leaving cover too.
It's fine to give public lessons in civics Corsica. To the public insult. It is still necessary that the State officials, including judges, give another face of the state as seen by Corsica, for example.
I beg you to please respond to the request for a preliminary investigation. You can not suspect Mr. Bartolone be less able than another to answer the questions of the judges and investigative police officers concerned.
Please accept, Mr. Attorney General, the assurances of my highest consideration,
Marc Salomone
PS:1 - CowardiceWhen I informed the senior civilian applications preliminary initiations that I filed, I told them that I'm too alone, the answer is always the same.a-- Ha! Sarkozy? Bartolone? It's tricky. Must search all the evidence. Otherwise, they can sue. It's very complicated.The best response I've had is that of an international lawyer specializing in the complaint declared against Heads of State. They are all black and African.Question phone in 2007:- "Master, I filed a request for a preliminary investigation against Mr. Sarkozy. The press says that you have experience in the complaint against Heads of State. Can you give me some information?- Response:Ha! Is this you? Excuse me, I have a plane to catch! 'Sénariste a film would dare produce this replica.b-There is little, a left-wing editor:"Ha! Sarkozy! Bartolone! It's tricky ... Excuse me, I asked! '
2 - Attached is the text of the August 6, 2012
Bartolone, justice, corruption, maffia
le mecredi 5 décembre
Réf. :
de classement du 9 octobre 2012
parquet : 12221000175
en date du 6 avril 2012 de la
Faits :
Autres affaires non pénales
de classement
de cette procédure ne justifie pas de poursuite pénale au motif
que :
« les
conséquences des fait dont vous vous êtes plaint ne sont pas
suffisament grave pour que le parquet estime utile de faire juger
votre affaire sur le plan pénal . »
avez néanmoins la possibilité de saisir le tribunal civil pour
réclamer des dommages et intérêts.
pouvez contester cette décidion de classemnt en adressant un
courrier motivé et accompagné d'une copie du présent avis de
classement au procureur général près la Cour d'Appel. »
Réf. :
Demande d'ouverture d'une enquête préliminaire, le 6 avril 2012
Appel de classeement sans suite, le vendredi 16 novembre 2012
le procureur général,
l'honneur de vous communiquer le Mémoire annoncé par l'Appel du 16
novembre 2012
1 : Premier examen. P.2-3
2 : La réalité judiciaire de la demande. P. 4-12
3 : Faits publics et « conséquences insuffisament
graves » : P. 13-16
et PS : P. 17
1- Premier examen
L'illégalité du texte
demande l'examen de la valeur légale du texte de M. le procureur de
la République. Il présente des tares juridiques manifestes :
M. le procureur de la République emploie une formule toute faite
complètement inadaptée à la demande concernée.
« les
conséquences des fait dont vous vous êtes plaint ne sont pas
suffisament grave pour que le parquet estime utile de faire juger
votre affaire sur le plan pénal . »
le procureur de la République répond à une autre question que la
question posée.
n'est nul part demandé de jugement.
Il n'y pas de demande de jugement au pénal puisqu'il ne s'agit pas
d'une plainte. C'est une demande d'ouverture d'enquête préliminaire.
un magistrat de Nanterre qui m'a exposé qu'il y a une différence
entre les deux. Elle existe donc.
procureur de la République de paris dit : « Vos
courriers », et non votre plainte.
texte est signé d'un gribouilli informe qui n'est très probablement
pas du fait de M. le procureur de la République. Il n'y a aucune
délégation de signature indiquée.
Il est pourtant signé. Or, ce texte n'est pas un argumentaire
administratif type. Il s'agit d'une décision du procureur de la
République en personne. Il n'y a pas son nom, ni sans doute sa
2)- La
a- Le
parquet ne conteste pas l'exposé des faits,
Par cette
formule « Les conséquences des faits... ne sont pas
suffisament grave » M. le procureur de la République reconnaît
implicitement que mon propos est incontestable.
Comment en
irait il autrement ? Les textes soumis à l'attention du parquet
sont les analyses
d'articles de presses, ou de livres, qui n'ont fait l'objet d'aucune
plainte et qui sont eux mêmes construits sur la vérification,
scrupuleuse et juridique, des faits relatés.
b- L parquet ne conteste pas mes
analyses ni mes demandes. Il se contente de parler d'autre choses et
de répondre à d'autres questions.
plainte que M. le procureur de la République classe sans suite est
une pure invention de sa part.
n'y a pas de plainte. Il n'est pas question de jugement. Il ne
discute ni des faits ni des analyses.
ne se prononce pas sur la demande qui lui est soumise.
texte n'est probablement pas signé par le procureur de la République
en personne, ni légalement en son nom.
Ça fait
beaucoup de fautes pour créer l'évidence légale du classement
d'une demande d'enquête sur un cas de corruption et d'association
Je demande l'examen de la légalité de ce texte.
Titre 2- La réalité judiciaire de la demande
le procureur de la République invalide son artefact. Sur quelle
base ?
Il le fait non sur la base d'une contestation des faits,
dont il prend acte, mais sur la base d'une estimation du degré de
gravité de leurs conséquences.
Comme les faits dont il fait état sont nécessairement
imaginaires, je vais restituer les faits réels et analyser les
notions de « conséquence » et de « conséquence
insuffisament grave » qui leur sont appliquées par M. le
procureur de la République.
1- La matérialité des faits
2- Les logiques du refus de la demande
3- L'arguement des « conséquences ».
1)- La Matérialité des faits
A- Les faits et le droit
La demande n'a pas eu lieu sur les « conséquences »
des faits mais sur leur matérialité.
Nous n'avons pas besoin de donner les conséquences d'un
transport de drogue pour le dénoncer.
Les voisins n'ont pas besoin d'attendre que le rôdeur
entre dans la maison qu'il lorgne pour le signaler à l'attention des
autorités. Etc.
Les faits signalés sont en soi des faits criminels. Ces
faits constituent la fabrication d'une structure sociale criminelle.
Il est avéré que les alliances des élus et des
affairistes, qui fonctionnent sur le soutien réciproque, la
promotion d'un droit particulier qui est le droit bien connu des
« frères », sont des alliances connues sous le titre
général d'alliances maffieuses. Elles constituent par elles-mêmes
un potentiel de conséquences criminelles.
Que ces conséquences soient en actes ou à venir ou à
effet retard ne change rien à la forme criminelle de telles
Ce qui se passe en Corse aujourd'hui est la
« conséquence grave » d'alliances entre élus et
affairistes qui se sont nouées il y a plusieurs années.
Les magistrats vont ils attendre que ce type d'alliances
ait gangrenné toute la Région Ile de France, voire toute la chambre
de député, pour agir ? Comme ils l'ont fait en Corse.
Les faits ont déjà été étudiés dans la demande du
6 aoùt. J'y renvoie. Par contre je me permets de revenir sur eux à
partir de la démarche du parquet pour invalider cette demande.
faits et leurs raisons
Les liens de
M. Bartolone avec cet affairiste ne sont pas circonstanciels ni
amicaux. Ce sont des liens de travail, d'affaire, de carrière. Des
deux cotés, ces gens sont intéressés ; y compris
Ce n'est pas
un ami qui finance l'anniversaire de M. Bartolone, c'est un obligé.
Ce n'est pas
un ami qui utilise les locaux de M. Berda, c'est un associé.
intervenant auprès de M. Beregovoy, Ministre des finances, puis
Premier Ministre, pour sauver l'entreprise de M. Berda, M. Bartolone
n'a pas simplement demandé à l'Etat d'examiner le sort d'une
entreprise en difficulité.
M. Bartolone
et M. Berda ont établi là un pacte.
Je demande à
la justice de nous dire s'il s'agit d'un pacte de corruption.
pourquoi je demande l'ouverture d'une enquête préliminaire.
m'apparaît totalement irresponsable de se fier aux « conséquences »,
actuelles et visibles, de ces actions manifestement corruptives pour
classer la demande sans suite.
C'est le
propre de la corruption que d'être constamment sans « conséquences
graves » à chacune de ses manifestations.
Si le
critère d'intervention judiciaire est celui ci, il faut en avertir
le public. C'est une conception avant-gardiste de l'Etat mixte. C'est
ce genre de mixité qui a conduit la N'drangheta de Palerme à Milan,
et maintenant à Franckfort et Marseille.
de M. Bartolone n'est pas un rendez vous amical. C'est un rendez vous
professionnel. M. Bartolone n'en aurait pas les moyens financiers par
lui-même. M. Bartolone n'organise pas cette sauterie pour fêter son
anniversaire. Il profite de cet anniversaire pour accèder à un
monde auquel son statut social ne lui donne pas droit.
Il est Bac+3
et cadre commercial, dans un monde où il faut être bac+5 et Grande
école pour prétendre à un poste majeur. Par cette réception, il
peut en mettre plein la vue à des gens qui ordinairement le
Si M.
Bartolone fait carrière avec l'argent des affairistes, et non
seulement avec ses capacités politiques, avec son programme et
l'importance de celui-ci pour le peuple, c'est qu'il veut faire,
qu'il sera obligé de faire, la politique de ses soutiens réels,
celle des affairistes.
Par cette
réception, probablement entre autres, M. Berda a assuré à M.
Bartolone l'accès aux cercles qui pourvoient aux fonctions
dirigeantes nationales, et non plus simplement locales. En ce sens,
M. Bartolone doit son poste de Président de l'Assemblée nationale
aussi à M. Berda.
nom de quoi la justice refuserait elle de demander compte à M.
Bartolone de ses relations avec les affairistes ?
aurait dû être fait depuis le 7 juillet 2011, lors de
l'anniversaire de M. Bartolone. Il était alors Président du Conseil
général de Seine-Saint-Denis.
encore plus important, urgent en quelque sorte, quand M. Bartolone
est Président de l'Assemblée nationale. Il est le 4ème ou 5ème
personnage de l'Etat. Comment peut on accepter qu'il ne rende pas
compte devant la justice de la totalité de ses relations au moins
potentiellement maffieuses ?
à la justice de donner quitus ou non.
temps changent
Disons le
clairement, les relations de M. Berda et de M. Bartolone sont de
caractère, de logique, maffieux. Il est impossible aujourd'hui de
passer outre les rapports d'un homme politique et d'un affairiste que
le politicien lui-même qualifie dans le langage maffieux, de
rapports de « frères ».
Ce terme est
un terme juridique d'un autre droit que celui du Code civil. C'est un
concept juridique qui découle de la pensée maffieuse. Que les films
de gansters l'aient popularisés dans certaines population n'y change
rien. M. Bartolone n'est pas un keumé des cités.
fut un temps où un grand écrivain pouvait décrire ses
sodomisations de petits garçons d'Algérie, comme un défi à
l'ordre établi. Aujourd'hui, c'est d'office le chemin du tribunal.
Prendre une femme de force pour la soumettre au devoir conjugal, un
droit autrefois, un viol aujourd'hui. Plaisanter entre la poire et
fromage des jolis jambes nus des scouts en short est devenu
corruption des hommes politiques, les valises de billets, les emplois
fictifs, les arrangements entre amis auprès du fisc, etc. Ces
pratiques furent le terrain vague des relations dangereuses de la vie
politique. Un jeu et un rite d'initiation.
ça fut un ordinaire de transgressions sociales. Depuis les années
80, l'affaire Urba en matière de corruption politique, de l'eau a
coulé sous les ponts.
Bartolone ne peut s'entêter de maintenir ce style de train de vie
politique que parcequ'il fait ce qu'il faut pour que personne ne lui
en fasse le reproche. Il a pu le faire en toute quiétude car la
Seine-Saint-Denis est un département où les partis UMP et
Socialistes sont d'accord sur un objectif commun qui est de se
distribuer les postes entre eux.
que l'objectif n'est pas réalisé, il y aura silence sur les
méthodes des socialistes en Seine-Saint Denis. Comme il y a silence
sur les méthodes utilisées par les élus de droite en Hauts de
cet anniversaire, le Chef de réception, le véritable hôte, n'est
pas M. Bartolone. C'est M. Tapie. Il vient d'empôcher 450M d'euros
de la part des contribuables du fait des conséquences d'une décision
prise par la Ministre des finances de M. Sarkozy. Les députés
socialistes présents ont tous pris publiquement de véhémentes
positions contre cette mesure. M. Bartolone sert de pont entre M.
Sarkozy et les dirigeants socialistes. Il n'aurait pas pu le faire
sans cette réception. Il aurait dû s'exprimer politiquement et
aurait été balayé. C'est M. Berda qui lui permet de se mettre au
niveau des discussions entre les personnes de rang gouvernemental de
l'Ump et du PS.
aussi pour ce genre de services rendus que les cadres de l'Etat font
le silence sur les sources des revenus de M. Bartolone. Car il s'agit
bien de source de revenus ; de revenus non déclarés. Ceci fait
parti des questions à aborder par l'enquête préliminaire.
de ce silence que M. le procureur tire qu'il n'y a pas de
« conséquence » « grave ». C'est ce que
disaient il y a encore peu les cadres dirigeants français des
relations affairistes en Corse. Aujourd'hui, c'est le branle bas de
combat contre la « dérive affairiste » Corse.
l'instant, l'intense activité maffieuse, la fameuse « porosité »
des voyous et des élites n'est pas encore devenue une affaire
politique en Seine-Saint-Denis. Un jour prochain, comme pour la
Corse, les français découvriront les « conséquences
insuffisament graves » des alliances des cadres politiques et
des aveuglements judiciaires.
2)- Les logiques de l'invalidation
des « conséquences insuffisament graves » semble une
simple remarque circonstancielle. Il n'en est rien.
M. le procureur de la République s'incrit dans une
série de principes logiques. Nous allons les étudier les uns après
les autres.
1- Le critère du sang
2- Le critère social.
La question : Est-ce qu'il y a du sang ?
La question
des « conséquences graves » nécessaires à l'engagement
d'une action légale n'est pas circonstancielle. C'est, depuis des
années, la logique des rapports des cadres de l'Etat au public.
Dans les
rapports de la police aux citoyens les « conséquences graves »
se traduisent par « Est-ce qu'il y a du sang ? ».
S'il y a du sang on se déplace. S'il n'y a pas de sang, on ne se
déplace pas. J'en ai été témoin en Province et à Paris.
Un reportage
sur la pédophilie nous montre un pédophile en crise qui se déplace
successivement : chez son psychiatre, aux urgences
psychiatriques hospitalières, dans un commissariat. Dans tous les
cas, la réponse est la même : Passez à l'acte d'abord et nous
interviendront ensuite. Nous ne ferons rien tant que vous n'aurez pas
agressé un enfant.
M. le
procureur de la République ne déroge pas au principe. Tant que les
turpitudes des cadres n'ont pas de conséquences politiques il y a
lieu de ne rien faire.
Cet engrenage de la démission volontaire de l'Etat est
sans fin.
critère social
La deuxième
logique qui sous-tend cette formule est la logique sociale.
magistrat-chercheur x en donne les clés dans son intervention auprès
du journal Le Parisien.
Le magistrat affirme un droit inégal, de type féodal, colonial ou
- DENIS SALAS, magistrat et
commenter l’action de Marc Salomone, il me semble fondamental de
rester très prudent quant à l’usage de l’arme pénale, et
notamment de la dénonciation. Il me paraît dangereux de faire de la
saisine du juge une action populaire, c’est-à-dire de l’ouvrir
très largement à n’importe quel citoyen, sans qu’il n’y ait
aucun filtre, au risque d’aboutir à ce que j’appelle le
populisme pénal. La dénonciation a un effet pervers. Il suffit de
regarder le nombre de celles qui ont ruiné la vie de certaines
personnes. Combien de dénonciations se soldent par un non-lieu !
Mais le mal est fait, puisque l’accusation, une fois rendue
publique, reste comme une souillure.
recueillis par A.-C.J. Le Parisien, Octobre 2007.
Note :
Le mot « fondamental » lorsqu'il est employé de façon à
ne rien vouloir dire, comme dans ce cas, signifie que l'auteur est un
administratif qui s'adresse aux autres administratifs. Il signale que
son texte va servir à épurer l'administration d'un étranger aux
clans reconnus par les camarillas en place.
doctrine « fondamentale » nous apprend que :
Il existe un citoyen de seconde zone.
est défini par les mots « populaire » « n'importe
quel citoyen », celui ne peut entrer dans la sphère judiciaire
que si on « ouvre très largement » la « saisine »,
Ce citoyen est un M. Jourdain de la criminalité
« ruine la vie de certaines personnes », il « dénonce »
sans raison, Il fait « le mal ». Il « souille ».
Il est « populiste ». Il est « n'importe qui ».
Il est « dangereux ».
Il faut le combattre : Il faut le « filtrer ».
formule du parquet est donc l'application d'une politique à la fois
de ségrégation sociale et de subordination de l'action publique à
la criminalité. Ce n'est que lorsque la population est atteinte dans
sa chair par le crime que le pesonnel d'Etat agit, ou prétend agir.
le prétexte d'une évaluation des « conséquences »,
« graves » ou non, d'une délinquance, c'est une
complicité à distance qui s'installe.
L'argument des « conséquences »
1- La protection
M. le procureur de la République ne nie pas et ne
réfute pas les accusations portées au sujet de relations
maffieuses. Il déclare qu'elles n'auraient pas de « conséquences
insuffisament graves ».
Il ne nie même pas qu'il y a des « conséquences »
et qu'elles peuvent être « graves ». Il dit juste
qu'elles ne le sont pas « suffisament ».
Nous sommes là dans la protection à priori.
En effet, ces faits n'ont pas été établis
judiciairement. Comment M. le procureur de la République peut il
juger de leurs conséquences ?
nous demande simplement de nous projetter dans l'avenir, le temps des
« conséquences ».
conséquences à venir, peuvent être les conséquences passées à
découvrir dans l'avenir. L'effet « subprime ».
Qui rendra
leur dû aux victimes à venir des « conséquences
insuffisament graves » ?
Pour M le
procureur de la République l'entente d'action entre un élu et un
affairiste n'a pas de conséquences « suffisament grave ».
Nous parlons
ici sous le contrôle du sang versé en Corse, à Marseille,
principalement et pour l'instant. Ce ne sont ni l'Argent-roi ni la
population excentrique qui en sont directement responsable. C'est
d'abord et directement du fait de la Corruption des cadres de l'Etat
d'abord, de l'action des voyous ensuite. Depuis ces assassinats et la
dissolution de la BAC de Marseille, les facilités des magistrats
prennent un autre sens.
En renvoyant aux « conséquences » de faits
non établis, M. le procureur de la République cherche à ne pas les
établir. C'est pour ça qu'il reporte notre regard sur l'après. Il
nous montre la lune pour que nous ne regardions pas la terre.
3- Les acteurs des faits
En se référant aux conséquences des actes et non à
leur fait, M. le procureur de la République veut nous entrainer
ailleurs, hors des faits. Pourquoi et vers où ?
Je vais donc examiner le débat judiciaire suceptible de
« conséquences graves » contenu dans les actes de chacun
des acteurs de cette action.
A- M. Berda
B- M. Bartolone
C- M. le procureur de la République de Bobigny
A- M. Berda
M. Bartolone n'est pas le manipulateur de cette
réception. Il n'est, à ce moment là, qu'une marionnette.
Le Maître d'oeuvre, c'est M. Berda.
M. Berda ne peut pas se dire désintéressé, mécène
de la vie politique. Si c'était le cas, il resterait en France pour
payer les impôts qu'il doit au titre des activités françaises qui
lui rapportent sa fortune.
Cet affairiste notoire, exilé fiscal en Suisse, entre
dans une relation qu'il sait de type maffieux avec un homme politique
auquel il a au moins une fois demandé un service décisif pour ses
affaires. M. le procureur de la République fait bien du crédit
moral à un homme qui s'exile en Suisse pour ne pas payer les impôts
M. le procureur de la République nous assène que les
« conséquences ne sont pas suffisament graves ». Qu'en
sait il ?
Qu'est ce qui nous dit que cette réception n'est pas
une opération de blanchiment d'argent sale ?
Quelles ont été les conséquences de cette réception
dans les affaires de M. Berda ?
Quelles sont les relations d'affaires habituelles de
l'affairiste et de l'élu ?
Le juge chercheur Salas déclare publiquement que les
demandes des personnes de rang inférieur sont salissantes pour les
personnes de rang supérieur. A part ce féodalisme, au nom de quoi
les magistrats se subordonnent ils à cette doctrine administrative
du « frère » ? Chacun sait qu'il s'agit d'un
langage maffieux.
B- M. Bartolone
M. le procureur de la République invalide la demande
car ça ne se fait pas, en France, de gêner un personnage
considérable de l'Etat pour les demandes d'un n'importe qui.
M. Bartolone n'a pas les moyens de cette réception, ni
de la politique qui va avec. Il n'est ni énarque, ni fils d'énarque,
ou équivalents.
Ses rapports avec son parain politique M. Fabius le
présentent en « porte flingue ». M. Hollande, Premier
secrétaire du Parti socialiste en parle comme d'un « petit mec
du 9-3 ».
Ces rapports de Maître à domestique sont très courant
dans les classes diplômés. Lors d'un procès d'Assise, cf. Affaire
Lechien, l'enquête de vie du prévenu a mis au jour qu'il avait été
persécuté à l'école normale des instituteurs parce que son père
était « concierge » Ces camarades se devaient de marquer
la bassesse de son extraction sociale en le martyrisant.
Et on se demande pourquoi la France peine à entrer dans
le 21ème siècle.
C'est donc pour surmonter de réels handicaps sociaux
que M. Bartolone décide de mener une politique de carrière fondée
sur le luxe, Il peut ainsi se mettre à la hauteur de ces gens qui
détiennent les clés des postes de pouvoir et qui le méprisent.
A cette fin, il saisit l'occasion d'une demande de
service d'un entrepreneur aventurier. Il entre avec lui dans la
logique des rapports de « frères » et des services
C'est la filière historique type de la pénétration
maffieuse de l'Etat et des collectivités publiques.
Les syndicats des Teamsters américains, les camioneurs,
se sont laissés envahir et contrôler par les maffieux en voulant
règler les problèmes très concrets posés par l'opposition du
patronat aux syndicatx. Notamment l'usage de provocateurs armés. La
maffia les a débarassé des provocateurs du patronat. En
« conséquence », ces syndicats sont devenus l'un des
principaux points d'encrages de la maffia dans la société civile.
Ils sont en 1960 la bête noire du Ministre de la justice Kennedy.
Ils seront l'une des sources crédibles de l'assassinat du Président
JF Kennedy en 1964, et du candidat Bob Kennedy en 1968.
Je n'épilogue pas, je pense que les magistrats
connaissent les « conséquences graves » de ce dossier,
ses ramifications criminelles, mieux que quiconque en France. Au nom
de quoi, M. le procureur de la République déclare-t'il que le nuage
de Tchernobyle du crime évite une fois de plus la France ?
M. le procureur de la République nous dit que ces faits
n'ont pas de conséquences suffisament grave. M. le Maire de Sevran,
dans le 9-3 a demandé la mobilisation de l'armée pour simplement
permettre à ses administrés de vivre en sécurité.
Qu'est ce qui permet à M. le procureur de la République
d'être certain que cette criminalité est sans lien avec les
politiques « fraternelles », de services réciproques,
de M. le Président du Conseil général ?
C- M. Le procureur de la République
Le procureur de la République de Marseille insiste sur
la formule : « Il faut savoir ne pas pousser un dossier
à tout prix ».
Ce magistrat parle de la Corse, en France, pourquoi en
irait il autrement dans le 9-3 ?
Dans cette affaire sont en cause les liens personnels
des réseaux de cadres locaux de la justice avec les réseaux de
cadres élus du même territoire.
Qelle est l'impartialité de M. le procureur de la
République lorsqu'il traite de questions concernant le « frère »
des élus du « 9-3 », lequel « frère » en
devenant Président de l'Assemblée Nationale se voit sans doute
lui-même comme le « frère » du Président de la
Est-ce seulement par aveuglement que M. le procureur de
la République répond à coté de la question posée et juge
« insuffisament grave » les conséquences d'une alliance
stratégiques, de carrière, entre un affairiste et un élu ?
Aveuglement ou appréciation judicieuse des rapports de
forces au sein de l'Etat ?
3 : Faits
publics et « conséquences insuffisament graves »
La Corse
quelques clic sur Internet nous trouvons cette référence:
les témoins des actions de l'Etat en Corse ont dit que l'Etat avait
refusé de se préoccuper de la corruption, de l'affairisme, des
dérives des alliances des élus et des affairistes. Il
en résulte que deux ministres, la justice et l'intérieur, viennent
de se déplacer en Corse pour suppléer à la défaillance de l'Etat.
Voici deux
exemple de faits jugés insuffisament graves par le préfet et le
procureur de la République :
1- L'exemple
Le 11
septembre 2004, le Ministre de l’Économie, des Finances et de
l’Industrie d'alors, M. Sarkozy, présentait aussi son « frère »,
M. Jean Reno, à M. le préfet de la Corse Lemas. Il s'agissait de
forcer la main au préfet pour qu'il accorde un permis de construire
dans une zone inconstructible. Cette fois-ci ce fut refusé. Mais on
sait que l'affairisme est la cause principale citée par les deux
Ministres dans ce qu'ils nomment la « dérive affairiste »
et désormais « maffieuse » de l'Ile. Nous en sommes aux
crimes de sang.
Voici le
détail de la conversation sans « conséquences suffisaments
graves » :
Reno : J’ai déposé un permis de construire à Bonifacio.
(Le comédien
pose le bras sur l’épaule du haut fonctionnaire)
l'intervention « insuffisament grave » du Ministre de
l’Économie, des Finances et de l’Industrie d'alors n'avait pas
directement de « conséquences graves ». Elle a
simplement servi à légitimer toutes les actions « affairistes »
dans l'immobilier.
2- L'exemple
magistrature s'est soumise aux caprices de cet affairisme soutenu par
les élus et représentants du Pouvoir Exécutif. En témoigne les
revirements du Tribunal administratif de Bastia :
Le 28
février 2008, le Tribunal administratif de
Bastia ordonnait la suspension du permis déposé Jacques Séguéla.
17 avril dernier la même juge, Lucette Erstein, rejette la requête
en référé déposé par l’ABCDE. Elle justifie cela au nom de "la
présence d’éléments de droit nouveaux et de nouvelles
seule nouveauté est que M. Sarkozy, Ministre
de l’Économie, des Finances et de l’Industrie, est devenu son
« frère ». Il a besoin de se faire un nom dans le monde
du Showbizz, des paillettes, des artistes.
le Ministre de l'intérieur Valls à dit que M. le Président de la
République, François Hollande, demande de s'interroger sur « les
causes » des désordres Corses. La compromission et la
soumission des institutions de l'etat à la réalité de
l'intégration de la corruption dans l'Etat en est une des causes
lieu de cela, comme si de rien n'était les cadres d'Etat mettent en
cause le mythe « argent » et le fantôme « population ».
Ca ne mange pas de pain, ils ne répondront pas.
les « Conséquences insuffisement graves » : 18
morts dans l'annnée.
M. Copé
de M. Copé dans notre discussion est qu'il présente les mêmes
caractéristiques que M. Bartolone.
Copé est ancien Ministre du Budget, Secrétaire général de l'UMP,
Bartolone est Ancien Président du Conseil général de
Seine-Saint-Denis, député, Président de l'Assemblée nationale.
Copé, comme M. Bartolone, a choisi un mentor financier pour
l'accompagné dans son ascension sociale et politique.
Bartolone l'appelle « frère ». M. Copé le nomme
« ami ». Dans les deux cas, la fréritude et l'amitude
sont partagées par l'autre.
l'un et l'autre, le frère-ami paie l'accès à un monde auquel ils
n'auraient pas accès sans son concours.
les deux cas, il est affirmé haut et fort qu'il n'y a aucune
discussion d'argent, d'interêt ou de corruption entre les
y a pourtant une différence remarquable.
un cas la justice enquête dans l'autre elle classe le dossier. Le
même, à l'identique.
le procureur de la République use de subterfuges pour classer sans
suite une demande d'ouverture d'enquête sur les liens de M.
Bartolone et de M. Berda.
le cadre d'une affaire qui ne concerne pas directement M. Copé, les
magistrats Renaud Van Ruymbeke et Roger Le Loire prenennt
l'initiative d'examiner les liens entre M. Copé et M. Takieddine, un
affairiste libanais. La justice française veut vérifier si le cadre
de cette amitié n’est pas assez large pour y laisser la place à
des cadeaux de toutes sortes, y compris en espèces sonnantes et
M. Copé
dément toute participation à quelque délinquance que ce soit. Il
n'en va pas différenment de M. Bartolone. Mais pour M. Copé, cela
ne suffit pas à arrêter l'action des magistrats.
changement judiciaire est un simple changement de regard. Les
questions posées par les juges pour motiver une enquête sont les
mêmes que celles posées par une reflexion sur l'anniversaire de M.
Bartolone. Y a -t'il corruption, association maffieuse, pénétration
criminelle de l'Etat, formation d'un réseau criminel dans l'Etat,
dans quelle mesure ?
L'Omerta discriminante
voyons que l'omerta distingue deux catégories de réseaux de cadres.
Ceux qui en bénéficient et les autres.
Il ne s'agit
pas de la rituelle distinction des puissants et des misérables.
Cette distinction-ci concerne des types de cadres de même rang.
Pour les
mêmes critères, des cadres voient les magistrats classer leurs
dossiers ou au contraite s'y intéresser. Ce qui est sans
conséquences graves, ou sans caractéristiques pénales, pour les
uns, devient au moins suspect pour les autres.
Ainsi :
a- M. Copé
se fait payer un séjour à Londres par un patron, sur l'argent
personnel de celui-ci, c'est « suffisament grave ». Deux
juges se mettent en chasse.
b- Par
contre, pour les élus et hauts cadres salariés, du Conseil régional
d'Ile de France qui se font payer 4 jours à Londres, sur un mensonge
professionnel, aux frais du contribuable, les magistrats qualifient
les faits ainsi : « ne font
état d'aucune infraction pénale ».
S'il s'agit,
comme le prétend le juge-chercheur Salas, de ne pas compromettre des
carrières par des accusations hasardeuses, en quoi le tord fait à
M. Copé par cette initiative judiciaire est-il moins important, ou
plus important, pour les capacités politiques de celui-ci que ne le
serait l'ouverture d'une enquête préliminaire sur les informations
d'association maffieuse concernant M. Bartolone ?
Conclusion :
regard de ce qui se passe en France aujourd'hui, la réponse
judiciaire de M. le procureur de la République est indaptée et
tiers-mondiste. Couvrir les turpitudes des élites est une
distraction dont les français n'ont plus les moyens, principalement
du fait d'en avoir laissé couvrir trop.
bien beau de donner publiquement des leçons de civisme aux corses.
Jusqu'à l'insulte publique. Encore faut il que les cadres de l'Etat,
dont les magistrats, donnent un autre visage de l'Etat que celui vu
par les Corse, par exemple.
vous prie de bien vouloir donner suite à la demande d'ouverture
d'une enquête préliminaire. Vous ne pouvez pas suspecter M.
Bartolone d'être moins capable qu'un autre de répondre aux
questions des juges et aux investigations des policiers concernés.
vous prie d'agréer, Monsieur le procureur général, l'assurance de
ma considération distinguée,
PS :
1- Lâcheté
Lorsque j'informe des cadres
civils des demandes d'ouvertures d'enquêtes préliminaires que j'ai
déposées, que je leur dit que je suis trop seul, la réponse est
toujours la même.
a- - Ha ! Sarkozy ?
Bartolone ? C'est délicat. Il faut rechercher toutes les
preuves. Sinon, ils peuvent attaquer en justice. C'est très
La meilleurs réponse que j'aie eu
est celle d'un avocat international spécialisé dans la plainte
déclarée contre des Chefs d'Etat. Ils sont tous noirs et africains.
au téléphone en 2007 :
« Maître, j'ai déposé une demande d'ouverture d'enquête
préliminaire visant M. Sarkozy. La presse dit que vous avez une
expérience dans la plainte contre des Chefs d'Etat. Pouvez vous me
donner des renseignements ?
Réponse :
Ha !
C'est vous ? Excusez moi, j'ai un avion à prendre ! »
sénariste de film n'oserait produire cette réplique.
Il y a peu, un éditeur d'extrême-gauche :
« Ha !
Sarkosy ! Bartolone ! C'est délicat... Excusez moi, on me
demande ! »
2- Ci-joint le texte du 6 août
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