Marc Salomone / blog: / Book: Les Deux Formes (Amazon)
Paris, Tuesday March 2, 2020
Judicial Court of Bordeaux / 30 r Frères Bonie / 33000 BORDEAUX
Phone. : 05 47 33 90 00 / Mail:
Mr. Attorney of the Republic,
The news brings to the public a news item whose questions it asks require solutions.
1) - The facts
On Monday March 1, in Bordeaux, a 16-year-old motorist refuses to obey police orders.
Twice, even blocked by the police, he tries to flee.
To arrest him, three police officers shot him several times.
The driver received several bullets in the chest. He ended up stopping his race a few hundred meters further.
The vital prognosis of the teenager, hospitalized at the CHU of Pellegrin would no longer be engaged according to the Bordeaux prosecutor's office.
An investigation for "aggravated refusal to comply" and "attempted homicide on a person holding public authority" was entrusted to the judicial police.
When the vehicle was stopped, two passengers, present in Audi, then fled. One of them, 21, was arrested shortly after and taken into police custody.
IGPN was also informed about the use of their weapons by the three police officers.
2) - Analysis
1- continuity
This situation of the crazy minor and the adults accompanying them who do not have the mastery of the facts of the minor is according to the formula “well known to the police services”.
As usual, I met her for the first time in 1985 in Vallauris. The trick was already making the judicial police officers (OPJ) smile. This formula regulated vehicle theft. A minor drives, adults are present as hitchhikers. The minor benefits from the 1945 ordinance.
2- Consciousness
An adult of 21 cannot be the passenger of a minor of 16 without knowing what he is doing with him, that he runs the risk of an accident and in this circumstance that he goes to the clash with the police.
So, these two adults were fully aware not only of the risks which concern only them but also of the faults which concern justice.
3- Industry
You have to be blind not to read and see over the news that this exploitation of people protected by law, rightly so, namely minors and the mentally retarded, has become an industry.
a- The disabled
We no longer count the mentally ill associated with terrorist acts.
Each time, this leads to closing the file after a judicious psychiatric placement.
b- Minors
Minors now play at least in quantitative terms a leading role in attacks against police officers and other state agents (janitors, firefighters, doctors, etc.)
3) - Reality
It can be explained to us that the minors of today are not those of yesterday and that they bicker more violently than in the past.
But unless we insult us, we cannot be explained that the repeated assaults on state agents, its places (schools), etc. are within the reach of minors for the sole reason that the sight of coitus or a Gore scene on the Internet will have traumatized them.
a- Forty years ago, the presence of minors behind the wheel of stolen cars was the result of the will of the traffickers.
b- Today, the presence of minors behind the wheel of cars attacking police officers stems from the will of the political leaders concerned.
It is indeed politics that we are talking about.
4) - Evolution
1- The ordinary
Justice could reserve a sovereign appreciation of the faults of each other when it came to common law.
She could manage her delinquent herd because of insurance reimbursements, the social gravity of the facts, the social peace effect of concealments, prison places, etc.
2- The current one
a- Today, the attacks against the police, the drifts towards terrorism, the murders of teenagers, the political terrors towards journalists, firefighters, etc; become the rule and the raison d'être of what is the manifestation of a political strategy.
b- That is to say participation in a form of "conquest of Power".
c- This driver did not imagine on his own to run over the police and ruin his life or even lose it. No more than those who blow themselves up in public.
5) - The ruse
The qualifications retained ("aggravated refusal to comply" and "attempted homicide of a person holding public authority") appear severe.
In fact, they were expected and are already mastered by factious groups that are producing all over France which is for the moment only a multiplication of incidents.
Justice then completes the action of its enemies.
6) - The proposal
Justice must rule the law according to these realities.
This is why I propose that, already in this case, the magistrates consider that the adults present in the vehicle are criminally responsible for what the minor did and undergoes of which they could not ignore the minority.
They are criminally responsible in several ways:
A- Responsible for active facts
1- Because they are of age and that he is a minor, moreover, is clearly minor compared to them and that this age difference was known to them.
2- To have let him drive who more in driving mistakes.
3- To have let him refuse to comply
4- For letting him escape the police
5- For letting him use the car as a weapon.
6- For letting him attack the police.
B- Responsible for passive facts
They are responsible for the injuries that the endangerment of the police and the flight caused the 16-year-old minor.
They are the ones who must be held to account for these injuries, not the police, even if they were subsequently cleared.
7) - Conclusion
In this case, the minor has already had his sentence. He will be judged and convicted anyway. The 1945 ordinance, even amended, protects it and that is very good.
What will be useful to him and which will serve all his fellows who feel the insistent gaze of the Big Brothers weigh on their shoulders, is to learn that the latter are now fully responsible for the crimes they commit through the manipulation of publicly defined prey. as vulnerable. Whether minors or the mentally handicapped.
The police would no longer have to deal with the smirk of the pimps who demanded more respect from their part for their underage whores; the famous "little ones".
Whether for minors or the disabled, if state officials continue to be the "little telegraphists" of criminal networks, they will soon be dependent on them.
Isn't that already what is at stake here?
Please accept, Mr Prosecutor of the Republic, my sincere greetings,