samedi, décembre 14, 2013

denial, Sarkozy judges, political manipulation , journalist, omerta , dishonesty

denial, Sarkozy judges, political manipulation , journalist, omerta , dishonesty
translation google translationthe reference text is the French text

Paris , Wednesday, Dec. 11, 2013

Mr. prosecutor

Subject: the reasons for denial, "reconciliation" or "forgiveness" requires that the truth be told .

Copy to:
President of the Republic
Prime Minister
Madam AttorneyThe Minister of the Interior
President of the Court of Appeal of ParisProsecutor General to Paris
Mr. District Attorney in LilleThe procurator Lady of the Republic in Bordeaux
Madame ZIMMERMANN , Judge ; Dean .Madame Kheris , JudgeMadame PALLUEL , Judge
Mr Fillon , Deputy Prime Minister honoraryMr. Galut , MPMr. MESLOT , MP

Chapter 1 - selective legal concerns of judges
Monday 25 March 2013, at its Implementation Review in the case Bettencourt said Mr Sarkozy said:- "' To all those who have supported me and to those who fought me , I want to say that at no time in my public life , I have not betrayed my duties " " I will . devote all my energy to demonstrate my integrity and my honesty. truth will triumph . I have no doubt . " " Obviously I claim no special treatment except that of every citizen to have the right to a fair and impartial justice ." "It's because I have confidence in the judiciary that I will use the remedies which are open to all citizens ." "
October 5 , 2013, at the dismissal of Mr. Sarkozy said in the case Bettencourt, the Davet and Lhomme journalists say :- " " Above all, the conclusion of this incredible political and legal soap appears as a striking different cases in which the name of Nicolas Sarkozy appears: each time, Judges approach the former president , continued its environment, but without ever reaching the reach itself. Nicolas Sarkozy is elusive . Formed at a time when business poisoned politics, he has until now, like no other before him, get out of the legal net. "
The request for a preliminary investigation filed by Mr. Salomone , July 19, 2012 , with the prosecutor of the Republic Paris , is well in accordance with:1 - Repeated concerns of judges to investigate possible criminal misconduct by Mr Sarkozy ,2 - The certainty of Mr. Sarkozy for not having committed any fault,3 - His desire to answer these questions as any other litigant ,
However , I note that :1 - The multiple and repeated actions of judges for Mr Sarkozy soldent far all by non- places or equivalent.
2 - The request to initiate criminal investigation filed by Mr. Salomone was followed as police maneuvers and deliberate sabotage of a hearing by the representative of the State. This simple Peacekeeper could not handle on its own a hearing on a case involving Mr Sarkozy .
This raises a question:

Multiplicity of legal attacks against Mr. Sarkozy , the hierarchical support thereof, the diversity of the relevant courts allow that Mr. Sarkozy is the object of attention of the judiciary and not any network individual judges, as the legendary " red judges".
Judges mixed passion, commitment means to organize their tracks .
The question of the success or failure of the company arises because the share was not from a court is provided by chance but because of a recurring concern . Take Mr. Sarkozy is at fault as the hypothesis of an accumulation of evidence due to the investigation that the purpose of the seizure of any opportunity to act judicially against Mr. Sarkozy .
But if we stick to the technical goals displayed , failure is obvious and general.
The only current potential success is that of an indictment for violation of the secrecy of the investigation . But this indictment is the result only of a comment by Mr. Sarkozy on a pending case . In this case, the judges still have nothing.
The indictment is therefore a formal legal exercise on the conduct of an investigation. Mr Sarkozy would have pipes on the conduct of an investigation by itself fails to reach . This unique indictment is a procedural wrangle .
The only advantage of this Implementation exam is finally lift the yoke of presidential immunity . It no longer exists for that is not related to the exercise of the presidential office itself. It is therefore not binding on Mr. Salomone for a case of prostitution and forcible rape .
Judges open investigations into the facts as they know in advance doomed to legal failure, how come there so they do not respond to the request by Mr. Salomone ?
The request of Mr. Salomone based on the production of easily verifiable facts and qualifiable .1 - Finding the facts. They have existed or not? In practice, the judge knows a call. Justice , he knows a hearing and reading the police report. It's just yes or no.2 - Qualification facts. It is immediate .a- Are you it rape or sexual assault when a man takes advantage of his position to demand a blowjob domination of another person ?The answer is yes or no. Shades are subordinated to this principle response .b- Is there corruption, embezzlement, hotel pimping , etc. .These are matters of course .
3 - Qualification of constitutional facts . It is a simple reflection. Judges have full capacity.Is it specific or ordinary as the Head of the Executive Power in the exercise of its functions requires sex involved a representative of the Legislature itself in the exercise of its functions?These qualifications and ensuing require no special investigations. It is a reflection of law that judges also have the capacity.
Why embark on an indictment of Mr. Sarkozy for uncertain facts that there will be no evidence against ? Why not investigate facts that seem simple , established , verifiable immediately ?
I will first examine the various reasons that may cause the prosecutor of the Republic refuse consideration of this request, or to accept the sabotage of hearing it has itself commissioned .
These are :1 - Social discrimination2 - The fact that the request is based on the revelations made by a book whose passages are broadcast by the media.
Chapter 2 - Social discrimination
Social discrimination itself as an obvious answer . We will see that it is unsatisfactory as partial .
We can even further the issue of discrimination based on racial characteristics of Salomone and his religious beliefs.
It is pertinent to say that the prosecutor of the Republic sabotages hearing Mr. Salomone .He has not ignored the requests of Mr. Salomone since it was summoned to the police station to be interviewed on his letters .b- mails were apparently given intermediate files. They allowed themselves by maneuvers .c- In the case of an application for the former Head of State , it is a Peacekeeper who was responsible for taking the testimony of Mr. Salomone and not a police inspector .

d- The junior attendant, without professional autonomy has taken all the provocations to place Mr. Salomone refyser obliged to sign a text that his statements.e- He did not randomly but not under the orders of his superiors.f - It is impossible that the prosecutor of the Republic did not participate in this scenario.Why this scene ?
A -Applications Salomone about Mr. Sarkozy are systematically obscured
1 - The apartment of M. SarkozyIn 2007, Mr. Salomone filed a request to initiate preliminary inquiry into the apartment on the island of the bowl , in Neuilly , bought by Mr Sarkozy apparently in appalling conditions . Logs indicate that Mr. Salomone is a former SDF and therefore he does not know what he says.The application shall be dismissed without any investigation had taken place. Journalists say in 2012 that the investigation was sabotaged . They will challenge the prosecutor of Nanterre. But afterwards.
In 2007 , journalists were all hoping that Mr Sarkozy would Marshal they felt necessary. The law was so much smaller.
2 - The Rape of the memberJuly 19, 2012, Mr. Salomone tabled the request to initiate preliminary inquiry against Mr Sarkozy . It is always ignored .
B- All requests for Mr. Salomone are opposed.In 2000, Mr. Salomone asked Mr. prosecutor to intervene to stop the plunder, exploitation of a vulnerable family by civilian thugs.The answer will be the formation of a conspiracy between the police and thugs and another four police stations between police and prosecutor to silence Mr. Salomone and protect thugs.We know from experience that this is a steady state policy.
C- It would be easy to establish that the refusal to provide professionals in the application filed by Mr. Salomone , like the refusal of judges to act on it , a refusal to class.
In 2007, leading journalists today at the opening of a preliminary investigation of Mr. Balkany has called Mr. Salomone "former homeless " when he filed an application for opening a preliminary investigation into the apartment in Ile de la Jatte , Neuilly , Mr Sarkozy .The qualification of " Old SDF " served to organize code silence and allow the prosecutor said fault to close the file . He did agree with the press. Communications took place between the two bodies .
Today, while the case is prescribed, all the media say there was the basis for legal action and professional misconduct by the prosecutor who was in charge .
In 2012, when the press gave new evidence , Mr. Salomone challenged justice. He was told that the case had already been closed.
We notice the difference with the Balkany case currently . In one case, when the information is provided by journalists, classified elements are reopened. In the other, the request made by Mr. Salomone , a past ranking prohibits reopening .
The only reason all these maneuvers are professional practices within social discrimination. Others speak probably a mafia design of the exercise of a profession.
In any case , democracy does not find his account.
This social discrimination extends to all the reports of Mr. Salomone with state officials . They see him as a person outside the law because as less .
Acting under the authority of the prosecutor of the Republic, a senior officer of the judicial police , responsible for organizing the torture of Mr. Salomone said Mr. Salomone , while he was squatting in strength and was leaning against the ground by two police officers face , tight handcuffs in the back , "You're in your place Mr. Salomone , down! " . These words express slave being held by a senior black police officers .
This notion of social discrimination responds to a question:Why judges, journalists , feminists , political parties, politicians, etc. . not they are following their arrests Salomone address ?Because for them , it is a sub- shit .
The law is for conferences and press releases . The ordinary work of agents of the State is organized on other criteria.

4) - Chapter 4: Using the book
1) - The questionThe fact that the request for the opening of a preliminary investigation is established through a book which Mr. Salomone was not aware that the press is not it grounds for disqualification of the application from judges?
I want to show here that the judiciary accepts the judicial process that is mine in the questions that are mine.For the same subject, the same references to the same questions , the prosecutor responds to requests for opening of preliminary investigations.
This will lead me to question the refusal of the prosecution to hear that request it while acceptance thereof jurisprudence established in the judicial treatment of other requests and demands of others.
From the study of two newspaper articles The world, I will analyze the conditions of this legal action and reports to the request to open a preliminary investigation made ​​by Mr. Salomone , July 19, 2012 , to M . Sarkozy .
1 -2 -
2) - The CurseMedia presentation of the book Mrs. William " Monarch " was made so morally disqualify any attempt to give a legal response to remarks about Mr Sarkozy .
Journalists have cast a spell , surrounded book a curse against anyone who dares to read it as the revelation of an actual crime , public. The procedural bringing the book to the attention of the justice who refuses to grasp by itself would be cursed and sink into oblivion.
The current judicial response to this criticism , or rather the formation of the protective dome .
Judges, at the request of a lawyer , seized a book whose theme is precisely in the field of book Mrs. William; political actors Department senior -de- Seine.
This constitutes a precedent.
In the magical world of the media, law corresponds kisses qu'emploient pure heart to break the spell of the witch and wake up beautiful .
3) - An investigation by the prosecutor"The Paris prosecutor ordered , Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2013 , a preliminary investigation for" laundering tax fraud " aimed directly at Patrick Balkany and Isabelle Balkany , his wife. They are suspected of having concealed , for many years , some of their assets to the tax authorities .The brand new Central Office for the fight against corruption and financial and tax offenses ( OCLCIFF ) , created on October 25 , was in charge of investigations.The big game
4) - The reasons for this legal actionOctober 9, Me Dosed , lawyer of some victims of the Karachi affair , wrote to Mr Van Ruymbeke , judge, to seek the convening of several persons mentioned in the book French Corruption ( Stock ) , published the same day, including Mr. Schuller .The book is " essential to state the truth as part of the information you provided revelations ," wrote Me Dosed .In this book, Didier Schuller discusses various episodes of interest MM . Van Ruymbeke and The Loire. Revelations he repeated and completed in the office of judges.Questioned in this context , the former general counsel (RPR) Hauts- de- Seine Didier Schuller was questioned , Wednesday, Oct. 23 , by judges Renaud Van Ruymbeke and Roger Le Loire , entered the financial aspect of the case in Karachi . Mr. Schuller denounced on record, illicit financing of Edouard Balladur campaign in 1995, and implicated several personalities namely right , Jean -Francois Cope , the current president of the UMP.On this occasion, Mr. Schuller resumed his accusations in the book French Corruption against Mr. and Mrs. Balkany .
5) - The legal conditions book readingThis book is not an obvious first for the judges. Yet they read and form the sole support for industrial action .A- It depends entirely on the testimony of a fugitive from justice .B- It involves judicial precedent workC- It involves a prosecutor
A- The testimony of a common law1 - Statements by Mr. Schuller is the sole basis of journalistic investigations ." One last point: our book is not limited to statements of Didier Schuller , as they are supplemented and reinforced by our own investigations. " Gerard Davet and Fabrice Lhomme French corruption (Stock , 310 p.) .
Mr. Schuller 's claims are the basis for this surely remarkable job.
2 - The book is the only basis for judicial investigations.a- "The investigations launched by the Paris prosecutor follow the statements of the former general counsel (RPR) Hauts- de- Seine , Didier Schuller, interviewed October 24 by judges Renaud Van Ruymbeke and Roger Le Loire margin the financial side of the business of Karachi. Mr. Schuller repeated before magistrates in particular its reported in the book French Corruption ( Stock ) charges. "b- "On October 9, Me Dosed wrote to Mr Van Ruymbeke to solicit the convocation, including Mr. Schuller, several people mentioned in the book French Corruption ( Stock ) , released the same day. "
3 - The author statements that underpin the new action is convicted of common law."The wrongdoing in OPDHLM had led to the conviction of Mr. Schuller, in 2007, to three years in prison .. "
4 - He has a score to settle with the people he accuses ."... While Mr. Balkany had received a dismissal at the end of the instruction. Amer, M. Schuller told the judges that if he had " paid his debt " , the mayor of Levallois was " much better out ." "" It feels actually dropped since his return to France in 2002. It is now a 66 year old man who wants , as he says himself, " clear his name " . He lied for years , he disappointed himself "
5 - He is jealous of the person he accuses" I have no heritage. Mr. Balkany By cons , as seems to confirm the documents that I gave you a copy and were available to the court , would have at its disposal a palace in Marrakech, a luxury residence Saint- Martin, and the usufruct of the Moulin de Giverny , "assured Mr. Schuller judges . " I am pleased to see that what I thought of political funding could be used for other purposes and probably personal ," quipped the former adviser to General Clichy -la- Garenne - candidate in this county for municipal 2014 .
6 - He is interested in the dissemination of his statements" He now wants to conquer a town hall, that of Clichy -la- Garenne , no other ambition than to conduct a clean campaign. "
"In addition, Didier Schuller makes no secret of his desire to serve his past speaking publicly in a book in order to present himself as a new man to his constituents . "
7 - It is taken as a first criterion of morality and truth." Charles Pasqua is of course a ubiquitous character in our book ... because it is an essential personality in the department .... Moreover, Didier Schuller, on this point, recognized by the former minister of the interior of many qualities , including the fact of not being a money man . " .If Mr. Schuller said ...
8 - The facts are taken into account by themselves no certainty délictualité .A- "At this stage of the investigation, it may be noted that the sale of shares may be used to hide the payment of funds to Mr. Patrick Balkany , then president of the OPDHLM 92 " , emphasized a report PJ , June 4, 1998Mr. B- Schuller himself said : "It would ," "I thought ." See s.5 .C- " Or reports of the Judicial Police of the time referring to suspicious transactions. "D- Nothing is gained . We must first investigate suspect then , and only then conclude , no one knows what . We do not verify the accuracy of obvious error, it is built from an uncertain possibility .
9 - The facts mentioned in the book of Mr. Schuller are already known to the justice and were dismissed as part of investigation by the same judges who show today."Among the documents submitted by Mr. Schuller judges Van Ruymbeke and the Loire ( which judges in the case of HLM Hauts- de- Seine already had knowledge without curiously implement them ) include in particular a bank statement showing the existence of an open in July 1994, on behalf of Mr. Balkany , the ABN Amro bank account in Zurich , "
B. The work of judgesThis book compels judges to validate elements of investigations they had previously disqualified.The facts mentioned in the book of Mr. Schuller are already known to the justice and were dismissed as survey items by the same judges who show today.
"Among the documents submitted by Mr. Schuller judges Van Ruymbeke and the Loire ( which judges in the case of HLM Hauts- de- Seine already had knowledge without curiously implement them ) include in particular a bank statement showing the existence of an open in July 1994, on behalf of Mr. Balkany , the ABN Amro bank in Zurich , or the reports of the police at the time citing suspicious transactions account. "" " At this stage of the investigation, it may be noted that the sale of shares may be used to hide the payment of funds to Mr. Patrick Balkany , then president of the OPDHLM 92 "stressed already a report of the PJ , June 4, 1998 ."You can return to the tormented passage of Attorney Philippe Courroye , another close friend of Nicolas Sarkozy , the head of the prosecutor in Nanterre between 2007 and 2012. "
"Very few elected UMP have been implicated , and even Mrs. Balkany , who could be prosecuted in a case related to the General Board, was inexplicably spared justice. "
"We searched the entire folder HLM Hauts-de -Seine, where we found evidence never revealed publicly and which sometimes had been neglected by the survey. For example: the proven existence of the Swiss account of Mr. Balkany . "
C- The questioning of a prosecutor1 from this book , journalists challenge the prosecutor concerned. They recall in an interview with newspaper readership .A- Question: " What protection has benefited Mr. Balkany to have so far escaped justice?Answer : You can return to the tormented passage prosecutor Philippe Courroye , another close friend of Nicolas Sarkozy , the head prosecutor of Nanterre between 2007 and 2012. Very few elected UMP have been implicated , and even Mrs. Balkany , who could be prosecuted in a case related to the General Board, was inexplicably spared justice. On the other hand , Mr. Balkany is an extremely influential figure in the Hauts -de -Seine. This is a man who intimidates many people. This probably explains why for so long , languages ​​do not be untied . "
2 - " Question : What are you implying about Courroye - namely its inertia to continue the " friends of the clan " or UMP members - is serious enough ... Do you really investigated this?Answer: It is said the prosecutor Courroye is well known : it has been the subject of an incendiary administrative report , and it must be held on 14 and 15 November by the Higher Judicial Council in the espionage of journalists from Le Monde . Its management Bettencourt , such as apartment Nicolas Sarkozy , has been rightly criticized on numerous occasions . "
6) - ResultsSo , at the request of the prosecutor of the Republic, a legal action is conducted by judges Renaud Van Ruymbeke and Roger Le Loire instruction .This mobilization of judges is made on the basis of about a questionable person deemed legally dishonest, envious , ambitious .
Yet it is through him that judges act against the elect of the nation that citizens of municipalities have renewed their confidence in decades.This action is based entirely on the facts in writing on the basis of statements of convicts interested in mending his public memory and harm people that involves book.The opening of the preliminary inquiry established by the revaluation index presumption of fault of previously rejected for their lack of relevance under presumption of fault elements.This reassessment of Justice previously neglected elements through the questioning of a prosecutor under his flowing professionally friendships with individuals referred by citizens arrests of justice.
7) - CaseThe least we can say is that the opening of this action based on this set of dubious elements was not a foregone conclusion .It states that :a- Judges consider the publication of a book as a source of legal action.b- The judges admit the request of third parties to open a preliminary investigation and audition from a book on the grounds that it provides evidence for the truth in the part that interests them.
Chapter 5: The silence frames
1) - These gentlemen and ladies do not want to hear requests for Mr. Salomone , Why do not they ask questions of Mr. Salomone themselves, in their own way ?
The A- symmetrical occultationNot only no part of state repression or ideological , not a substitute for Mr. Salomone , but each type of action of the executive networks is a type of symmetric concealment of the purpose of the request of Mr. Salomone .
This asymmetry is organizing a noisy silence.
B- DeterminationThese same networks executives can not argue weakness, carelessness , amateurismes to justify their silence on this request.
I will examine these two qualities of public managers involved in the criminal indictment of Mr. Sarkozy , the asymmetry and determination.3) - The asymmetries1 - Asymmetrical surveysA- The magistrates opened a preliminary investigation against Mr. Balkany , elected solely on the basis of statements by a repentant in a book by journalists who are strangers to the world in which they investigate .B- They ignore the request for a preliminary investigation against Mr. Sarkozy filed on the basis of the testimony of an honest person involved in the political environment of the person; Mrs. William.
2 - Asymmetry womenA- A woman and her children defending their inheritance. This purely private matter causing trouble in the state.This will til self ?On this occasion , the judges involved Mr. Sarkozy , he is Head of State , and put it into consideration when it is no longer .This business comes confusion :a- one disqualification of a court, the scenery to another ,b- The indictment of the Director of Public Prosecutions and head of the Tribunal.c- A probable corruption pact between a judge and a litigantd- The cancellation of the entire proceedings against Mr Sarkozy for lack of evidence.e- The conduct of Minister Woerth court is a gasket to save face .It was therefore in full knowledge of the facts , undermined the prestige of the state to pretend to attack Mr. Sarkozy then we knew that the case would result in a non- place on .
B- A member is raped by the Head of State as he receives in the exercise of his functions for which it has sought a hearing in the exercise of its functions. The judges are there just very ordinary.The only sketch tracking is an arrangement between prosecutors and the police commissioner concerned to defeat a formal hearing requests Salomone .
3 - Asymmetry professional acharnements .A- journalists say their investigation has allowed them to measure a particular type of fury from the repressive state staff (judges and police ) and ideological state personnel and journalists.
What is this specific hard ?"Our goal is also to show how judges, police officers and journalists have tried all these years to establish the existence of an account of Mr. Sarkozy abroad which , as we remember them in our work, the reality has never been established. "Again, the big guns of State officials mobilized continuously to find what they are not .
B- The same journalists are the most complete silence on the alleged rape of a member by Mr Sarkozy .However, they can not say they listen to everything being said about Mr Sarkozy .
4 - Asymmetry professional vocationsA- journalists tell us that " no one is untouchable" and that their " sole purpose is to put in public information of general interest , and we believe that they are. " .B- The same journalists were never investigated by themselves on statements of Mrs. William source in good faith but not journalism .They thus contribute to the silence and the disqualification of the book and the request for a preliminary investigation that followed.
4) - The desire for action framesWhat your talking about ?We are facing various occupational groups :- They have all the resources of the state and media- They proclaim seek at all costs to a man caught in criminal cases .- They do this over a long period .- They extend their research worldwide .- They do not hesitate to sow chaos in the state such as the legitimacy of its professionals can be involved, as in the case Bettencourt and transfer to Bordeaux.- They are willing to put this man in examination, the result in court.- They destroy the farce of presidential immunity on which they organized their work throughout the five year term of Mr. Sarkozy .We are not here in front of a marginal fringe movement . These are the castes of the State conspire and act to carry what is presented by the journalists as a real hunt .Mr Sarkozy himself has mentioned on several occasions that involve constant search for judicially in "business" to condemn .And these people , these networks , these institutions would not see the desirability for their cause to consider this information given by Mrs Guillaume regarding an alleged rape of a member in the exercise of its functions, by the Head of State , in the exercise of its function?

Chapter 2: The implications1) - The double actionPlace of Mr Sarkozy in this legal debate is twofold.On the one hand , it is linked to a series of business and government investigations, including those referred to Karachi, Balkany , Bettencourt, Libya , etc. . What I call the noisy implications.On the other hand , it is subject to a judicial activity and silent vibrionnante which implies no attempt to bring the action until conviction . What I call the silent implications.
The Bettencourt affair is emblematic of what appears to be a genuine battle of judicial policy on the part of judges themselves.
2) - Noisy implicationsMr. Sarkozy is involved in various ways in the preliminary investigation of Mr. and Mrs. Balkany and decided by the prosecutor.1 - An action based on the reading of a book. This validates the request to the Court against Mr Sarkozy from the book Mrs. William.2 - The lawsuit seeks both to clarify the facts of the case Karachi and those concerning income of Mr. and Mrs. Balkany .3 - In both cases , Mr Sarkozy is present in the survey.a- In the Karachi affair , he was indicted for violation of the secrecy of the investigation . Which ended fruitless discussions on total legal immunity of the Head of State.b- In the Balkany case , it is present in the maze of financing political clans senior -de- Seine. It is the examination of these meanders under investigation .4 - Mr. Sarkozy is on the flaws in the legal action. It is directly affected by disability prosecutors to investigate cases of dominant political clans Haute- Seine. It has benefited primarily in the case of the apartment of the Ile de la Jatte , he acquired arguing its government securities.5 - Mr. Sarkozy is directly interested in the ability of the judiciary to follow or not bookish publication of criminal information .
3) - Silent implicationsIn the interview the authors of French Corruption , which serves as a basis for judicial investigations, a question is asked about Mr. Sarkozy .Question: " Clio : Do you have proof that Nicolas Sarkozy has an account in Switzerland? "

Answer: " We have made ​​no demonstration in this book about this potential behalf of Mr. Sarkozy . We , somehow , investigated the investigation focused on possible hidden assets of Mr Sarkozy abroad. We have established linkages with other sulfur banker Jacques Heyer and collected many disturbing testimony . Our investigations should be examined in detail and , on this point , only the reading of the book will allow everyone to have an opinion .Our goal is also to show how judges, police officers and journalists have tried all these years to establish the existence of an account of Mr. Sarkozy abroad which , as we remember them in our book the reality has never been established. "
The author repeats here the main argument of the political support of Mr. Sarkozy : we try to take Mr. Sarkozy on the fact that a single mistake , it happens to propose any.
Generally speaking, managers of the state are covered by a procedure carried out at a dead end, then they disappear from the court records.
To provide references :The fact that a- regional Adviser each spend four days a smig day to attend the Games in London, under the pretext of promoting their region , is considered by the court as legal because without excess.b- The fact that the President of the General Council, became President of the National Assembly, do you finance political appointment by a racketeer fleeing their tax obligations , is considered by judges as too insignificant to be considered.c- Paying its cheaper apartment arguing its debt Minister , MP, Chairman of the General Council , Mayor, is a légalisante banality .d- Mr. Balkany has already been investigated . He was laughing all addressed to the investigators .e- Despite rumors , no institution has investigated Mr. Cahuzac before the revelations of press does not cause a public scandal .f - The agreement between the Regional Council of Ile de France and the World newspaper to bribe the main witness pranks Regional Council is covered by the prosecutor that ignores the request to open a preliminary investigation filed Mr. Salomone
Apart from a few settlements of accounts , as Villepin case or media blunders , as the case Cahuzac , no personality in this state rank seems to be ambushed and frankly harassed by the state surveillance apparatus as M . Sarkozy .

How is it that these state institutions such as the judiciary and the police , including both errors among junior executives devote so much time to find fault with a man of the first rank in the state, they say every time he did not commit any kind in the case then considered ?
Mr. Sarkozy is therefore subject to official monitoring or noisy and quiet and informal monitoring .
4) - The Bettencourt affairThe case Bettencourt said is characteristic of this dual state supervision .
1 - The noise monitoringA daughter and her son defend their heritage they feel challenged by a clever charm that mother . This is a private matter.Following revelations , justice extend its inquiries to politicians. We realize that these people are a clan that is Mr. Sarkozy . The investigation started when he was still head of state . Shortly after its release of Power, is indicted with former Minister Woerth.The judge cancels the indictment for lack of sufficient charge .Beautiful story of judicial wisdom, some will say .Too good episode of moral justice to be honest, tell the others.
2 - The Silent Monitoringa- The magistrates knew from the start that they would never be sufficient evidence for a trial.b- They know that Mr Woerth will never be convicted of facts prescribed.
This purely civil and private matter has become an affair of state by extending investigations to third parties who were not covered by the applicant family.This extension has caused :a- The indictment and the judgment of the President of the Criminal Court of the place .b- The indictment and the transition to the High Judicial prosecutor concerned Council.c- The divestiture of the court where the benefit of a change of scenery with the obligation to file a new study .The withdrawal of d- family portions of the record by agreement between them for not falling into this legal mess .An e- corruption pact between the judge of the new court and Mr Sarkozy , his lawyer .f - Finally, the dropping of charges for their failure against Mr. Sarkozy .g- The charges against Mr. Woerth will not hold in court due to prescription and other technical disqualifications.
All this , judges knew from the start in Paris.The judge who Indicted Mr. Sarkozy knew he should give the reference to the court . He negotiated its withdrawal at the same time he was negotiating his promotion. Through the same channels , those of a corruption pact between himself and Mr Sarkozy , his lawyer .
No court has been reached about the pact for the same reasons that judges have jointly led Mr. Sarkozy to make a journey of submission to the judiciary.They did not hesitate to make the public believe they held good reason to worry about a former head of state when they knew they should give up.The judiciary is politically divided in the exercise of its function.The attorney who defended Mr Sarkozy has emerged rapidly as an accomplice at least moral thereof . In doing so, judges who continued the investigation of Mr. Sarkozy appeared as holders of implacable justice with the powerful. Gentile judge especially given the image of a conscious promotion judiciary.
Magistrates have declined in their ability to say the right without legitimately be challenged.Here are the consequences of a deliberate choice of procedure.The Bettencourt affair is a bit understandable because it is a simple matter of property grabbing invested by political aims .It now appears that the two aspects of the case , family and politics are separate.The judges enlarged the comings and goings of political Mme Bettencourt for the purpose of financing political parties. In doing so, they have completely confused the family business .
This intermingling of the two cases is voluntary. Magistrates have introduced state issues in a private matter. They wanted Mr. Sarkozy in their hand and tell him that it is to them that owes its freedom and its ability to act publicly.
5) - ResultsThe authors of a book that is the basis for engagement by the magistrates of legal action against the elect of the nation say :"Above all, the conclusion of this incredible political and legal soap appears as a striking different cases in which the name of Nicolas Sarkozy appears: each time, Judges approach the former president , his entourage continue but never reach reach himself. Nicolas Sarkozy is elusive . Formed at a time when business poisoned politics, he has until now, like no other before him, get out of the legal net. "
This statement clearly indicates that there is indeed a voluntary fury of the judiciary, and beyond the police and journalists, as reported by journalists in their book taken by the judiciary.
- "Our goal is also to show how judges, police officers and journalists have tried all these years to establish the existence of an account of Mr. Sarkozy abroad which , as we recall in our work , the reality has never been established. "
This harassment occurs at two levels:The a- level public affairs that are born and die or remain.b- The political caste and their stubbornness to surround Mr. Sarkozy Business intractable and insoluble. They only quality to the person of Mr. Sarkozy to the scope of the judges, and more broadly the political force that resurfaced from oblivion : the intermediate body.
Chapter 6: The reasons for silence.
1) - QuestionWhen Bettencourt lady defends his livelihood , the State is disorganized . And we are told that the rape of a member shall not disturb justice. Why ?
On the one hand judges harass Mr. Sarkozy by procedures whose primary characteristic is that not a single one succeeds.The other , Mr. prosecutor participates explicitly or not , sabotage a request to open a preliminary investigation into an easy affair that could well go to a criminal conclusion.
What is the purpose of the judiciary? There is a public fight. Governments involved. Why not retain the request of Mr. Salomone ?
2 ) - ResponseA response is well aware of all this information .
The purpose of all legal operations is precisely not to arrive at the presence of Mr Sarkozy in court or the bar in his political career . Instead .This is because Mr. Sarkozy is considered essential in the political arena by the ruling circles it is covered legal proceedings without issues.We try to make him understand that there could however have one if circumstances change .These procedures have already established the lifting of presidential immunity from prosecution . Now, it will not be enforceable .

As regards the judiciary, intermediate bodies , hateful insolence which Mr Sarkozy has shown during his five years may no longer be appropriate. Otherwise, miraculously , a procedure, among others , lead .
This is what are these procedures. They organize a balance between the ruling powers.
Through these procedures, they are whistling whip the ears of Mr. Sarkozy and its equivalents. It is a feudal logic does not guarantee in any way the constitutional rights , ie a good justice for all French .
In this framework , the request of Mr. Salomone is not retained because it is too simple. In a very short operating the judge concerned can verify the statements of Mrs. William. If they are true, Mr. Sarkozy must be tried for rape, etc. .

Journalists whose judges show bookish information as a basis for legal actions say : "No one is untouchable. At least we hope. "
However , they contribute themselves to the omerta vis-à -vis what Ms. Guillaume . As such, they disrupt the equality of all before the law.
Feudal distinction in the quality of people is therefore both an "old homeless " for a university graduate . It's convenient, all those who hinder personally disqualified.
But the facts say his stubborn public wisdom.
If the facts reported by Mrs. William is correct , the alleged rape of a member in the performance of his duties , Mr. Sarkozy , in the exercise of his duties was voluntary , political, premeditated.
It aimed to change the relationship between the executive branch and the legislative branch , to establish a relationship of moral strength favorable to the Executive Branch and the Legislative Branch Public subordination thereto .
Mr. Sarkozy does not use this criminal form by chance. For over 20 years, the common crime is a political force in its own , one of the major drivers of changes in modern societies share .Its purpose is to endorse this type of political struggle by French executives.
I think I have shown that the refusal of the prosecutor of the Republic to comply with the request of Mr. Salomone is not a judgment but a denial .
Who can believe that this alleged crime and the omerta found not to have consequences for the functioning of government ?
How can we accept that a statesman can only think back in the public debate without explaining to whom this law governance satrap ?
Reply with contempt to my questions is not enough to describe what appears to be the rape of a woman and a member , misappropriation of public funds , the exercise of pimping and prostitution setting in an elected duress.
On the occasion of the death of Mr. Mandela, President of the Republic of South Africa, the media bombard loop need to install the direction of state policy of "reconciliation" between the left and right, through an agreement between Mr Hollande and Sarkozy .
I recall that the "reconciliation" , or Europe " Forgiveness " demands from criminals statement clear , truthful and public their lack of judgment and acceptance thereof .
To pass Omerta mafia for a democratic judicial policy is outrageous.
I know from experience that nothing is out of the public demand. I therefore renew the request for a preliminary investigation filed July 19, 2012 .
Please accept, Mr. prosecutor , the assurance of my distinguished consideration ,

Marc Salomone

PS:Tuesday, December 3 2013, 3:32 p.m. , I received a message from the number : 01,82,52,47,84 . I recalled . It is the prefecture of police. I left a message called : Philippe Schwartz.