samedi, décembre 14, 2013

Moitoiret , insanity, criminal responsibility , Crime of State, official crime

Moitoiret , insanity, criminal responsibility , Crime of State, official crimeTranslation , google translation , the reference text is the French
Paris , Monday, Nov. 25, 2013The trial Moitoiret up each of its responsibilities. The condemnation of this crazy 30 years in prison is to sanctuaries criminalization of mental illness.30% of detainees with mental disabilities are reported to entering prison .As before , and constantly , they will say that French executives merely yield to public opinion at the request of the French .Silence individuals, who seemed obvious in ordinary justice, has become an accomplice .Very conveniently , the media just remember lobotomies family comfort, mental power, that families Windsor and Kennedy were practicing on some of their members in the 30s . We thought we got rid of these legal subprime . They return .The following is derived from program text that humanity has forged the return of deportees : Never again!I'm not here to discuss the place of each other in this trial and its conclusion. This court has committed a crime. It is the duty of every man, and in any case any French , to denounce it.Now, for the treatment of madness, his actions, the rule is the prison, the hospital is the exception. No longer are doctors who diagnose a disease , it is the judges who grant of care. It is no longer a hospital that supports a patient. This is the prison agreeing to share prey.The press tells us that the Court of Lille sentenced to two years farms, because of " recidivism" a madman who gets angry when he does not take his pills . See Chained Duck, 07.12.11 , P. 5 . Comment of the Prosecutor: "If each time you upset , it ends kicked , he will spend years behind bars ! " . We note that the prosecutor did not say : A asylum, but " behind bars ." It is the criminalization of mental illness , the elimination of care as a judicial concern , which is the judicial policy . We are not facing an emergency DIY . It is a policy of social elimination crazy. It is a crime .After the massacres of the 30s and war , including the French psychiatric hospitals ( 50,000 deaths the sole responsibility of the French staff) , we could expect anything but the repetition of the criminalization of mental illness.Instead we clearly a game of hide and seek State officials to determine which best rentabiliseront mental illness to their respective shops. The copycat judges, the complicity of psychiatrists, as a body , are despicable .This development involves the decision to break with the legal doctrine of the Civil Code to borrow one that does not come from the Nazi regime but found it in support of his domineering aspirations.The doctrine of right under the Civil Code and the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen is based on the principle of separation between intangible incarceration of disabled persons and hospitalization crazy.This separation of madness and crime , hospital and prison has constitutional value as well as the separation of religion and state . It proceeds from the same ideological state movement. It is the same story and especially the same temporality.This is the French Revolution, which serves as a template to output crazy prisons to put them in insane asylums . These are revolutionary , physician Philippe Pinel and Pussin such that , in 1793 , under the legal cover of the Paris Commune, the crazy out of prisons and remove their chains , resulting symbols of crime and enslavement . These provisions will be constantly taken up by the Directory, the Consulate , the Empire and the bourgeois Kings. It is a medical and legal base that formed from 1789 to 1838.This has been followed by all regimes of constitutional law, including the most brutal dictatorships. Bonaparte is the legal institutionalization from the Civil Code.Stalin's Great Terror of 1936 is one of those moments of indescribable horror which seems arbitrary outweigh any legal consideration. However, it was possible to escape police repression obtaining status mentally ill . Those considered mad were not hospitalized and incarcerated .It tells us or what was this terror or that lived at the time crazy in all psychiatric systems around the world.By cons , this tells us that erasing the line between psychiatric and prison , criminalization of madness psychiatrization criminal misconduct carceralization hospitalization, not arising from accommodation, to disorders , usage criminals, the legal system .This confusion results from a deliberate legal system to another substitution. Must not unconsciousness , irresponsibility , of condemnation. It takes a decision.You have to decide to move from a system of law based on constitutional principles , which may otherwise be violated , a system based on doctrines and foreign rules to these principles.It is the substitution of an administrative and legal policy based on reason, or tainted by arbitrariness and trampled the crime to another administrative policy and legal based on an irrational can be streamlined and compassionate .All legal systems have these constant intrusions parallel legal practices. They creep into the rational law , appear as isolated sequences , dependencies, implications of this right of the Civil Code.These practices are in fact parallel apparitions, convulsions , fumes, ante - constitutional legal doctrines. The most famous are the administrative policies and legalproduced by religious ideologies . Here we are dealing with a parallel secular law formed by state personnel.Practices of rape, marital rape , rape of unconsciousness administrative rape, etc. , are frequently sequences rights become private and illegal , who can no longer proclaim publicly and constantly seek to create a space in the public right .These specific medical and legal doctrines , which include the criminalization of feudal crazy appear at the end of the 19th century. They find their fulfillment in political regime Nazism. His supporters have therefore shared the defeat of the latter in 1945.Hitler's regime is the only regime in a developed country that has institutionalized the confusion between mental illness and public crime.Only the defeat of Nazism in 1945 explains the apparent novelty of the criminalization of crazy. The resurgence of this doctrine born in psychiatric and undemocratic political systems of the 19th century had to keep a low profile during the post-war decades .The fact that resurface today indicates that a new confrontation between democracy and its enemies is underway.The Nazis were not forced psychiatric castes to accept the political madness eradication and elimination crazy. This is the Nazi regime who responded to the expectations of official psychiatric currents buyers medical applications decompartmentalization practices of violence and internment medical practices violence administrative detentions .From the moment we think that the brain of the patient belongs to medicine , it becomes sensible to think that the patient's body belongs to the administration. Partial or total destruction of the brain of the madman may well occur with or accommodate the total or partial destruction of his body.The eradication of madness as only referred care may well be accomplished in a genocidal elimination crazy.Networks psychiatrists are demanding the merger of detention practices and hospitalization . This allows them to have crazy without medical justification of confinement methods.Democratic achievements of Western civil society are reflected in reports to crazy. All democratic reforms characters physiatry postwar result. Such , the so-called Anti- psychiatry, disqualification of confinement , control , even evanescent , by law.The criminalization of madness can ignore these developments to ensure that psychiatrists comfort of state dictatorship over crazy. By placing the mentally ill in prison, psychiatry savings democratic debate on patient care and care work .The opposition of any psychiatric staff , physicians, management, unions , nurses, judicial review of psychiatric internment , indicates the permeability of the medium to ideas based on the rejection of democracy and civil rights in favor of the right of state caste. This state of mind does not necessarily lead to the criminalization of madness but it prepares the ground . It already allows psychiatrization social conflictualities , which is always better than nothing , but it is not enough.The revival of the criminalization of madness is in the rediscovery of this sector of state thought of the late 19th century. We want to return to this movement of the late 19th century so unfortunately thwarted by the defeat of his patron in 1945.To stage this renewal of the criminalization of madness , we developed a device that perverted both law and psychiatry.It replaces the finding of insanity a more respectful scientific apparently human couple , personal freedom crazy, the dichotomy of the abolition or alteration of discernment.By this verbal pirouette , the authorities measure the fool in the light of the crisis of dementia. If it is not there, which is usually the case , the fool can then be declared aware of his actions . It remains to consider and determine what measures the fool is accessible to the conviction and therefore the prison sentence . And voila .This is the way open to arbitrary and political calculations of order and castes.The First Consul has established dementia at the material time as a criterion for the elimination capacity of discernment and therefore criminal responsibility. It led to the replacement of legal action by the medical action. In this justice differs from the butcher .But it is of course valid for people in good health . These are the only ones at a time T can " lose your head ." Fools they are in a perpetual state of dementia. Their "head" is already "out there" . Mental illness is their normal state. They are sick and not guilty.The First Consul did not set up this argument of dementia at the material time to trap the mentally ill. He did it to prevent that judge healthy minded people who have lost their mind for a moment . It would be unfair to make a persecutor of the mentally ill, much less the precursor criminal abuses against them again today. He was a dictator , not a common criminal , a sadist.With this spin , this dirty trick , this retraction of madness , it does not change law is changed law.Thus, on Moitoiret trial. Mr. Moitoiret is mentally ill . He is obviously crazy.The quarrel of discernment is not about the trial. It focuses on judicial recognition of mental illness. It is denied. The mentally ill are seen as a danger, a cheater , a masked crime scene. The function of the court is then to reveal the criminal 's face and eradicate mad madness socially destroying crazy .The press reports that another child was already removed by Mr. Moitoiret the grounds that he was " elected". She tells us : "Parents recover the boy and the matter ends there ." cf . The Curb , 07.12.11 , P. 11 . So , the authorities knew .Once again , what is presented as a thunderclap unpredictable was preceded by warning signs . The government did nothing . The timely intervention led care . The resulting bloodshed in response destroys .It is now settled doctrine that administrative representatives of public authorities intervene only answer to the question : Is there blood?If yes, we operate.If not, we do not intervene .This blood test as a legal rule determines the transformation intervention trials in sacrificial court sessions , purifying and expiatory .At the same time , the press announced that the French will pay 4.5 billion euros, 15 billion in total to U.S. individuals to liquidate the financial arrangements said Credit Lyonnais by which public financial executives have time sabotaged the French public bank to achieve its privatization. Not a single official has been convicted. Not one.We should be able to rely on the judiciary to pave the way for recognition of judicial originality of mental illness , organize a new legal way for the social care of the disease. Instead we regress in the sordid state manipulation of madness.Either this man is healthy. It may be considered . Either he is ill , and his place is in a psychiatric hospital . Nowhere .This criminalization of fools will continue carceralization psychiatry , social persecution crazy without end or limit .Justice becomes more regressive each trial in his convictions , is anyway no help for the weakest among us.How to claim bruise fools and protect children ? Those that criminalize madness or make it accessible to the prison are the same fools who seek to destroy the Ordinance of 1945. 

conclusionSince 1789 , the separation of crazy and prison , madness and crime , is a principle that has constitutional value .The Incarceration of the mentally ill , crazy , is not a criminal derived from civil law that organizes single legality. This is the regular activity of a parallel criminal law , the introduction of a legal subprime , toxic provision in the judicial process .The French are facing a dual ownership , sometimes referred to as dual power . We need to talk , establish the opposition Republican right which forms the legal and illegal parallel law. Call it what you will .The doctrine of accessibility to the sentence , to distinguish among fools who can be locked up for those who can not be, has the same scientific scope , legal, lawful, that the theories developed by the same psychiatrists and lawyers on fools who can live and those who can not , or those who can keep their brains and those who need to be amputated in part or in whole.
Criminal conviction of Mr. Moitoiret instead care which he is entitled in law is both a work on the heritage of law and the heritage of public questioning of madness.Trials examining the possibility of incarcerating crazy not to intern in civil psychiatric hospital not covered by judicial strict sense of civic discussion, but discussion on the conditions for exercising the right .The French must accept that they glide through the procedures of public justice sequences rights that do not fall under the affiliation of the Civil Code and the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen ? This is the challenge that the French were faced when the obligation was made to some of them wear a distinctive sign, the yellow star .Since 1945, the crimes of political administrations which replace the Civil Code, such as commercial administrations religious , racial, political, scientific, etc. . within the jurisprudence of the Nuremberg Tribunal on Crimes against humanity.This applies to the criminalization of mental illness, his surrender in court of persons found mentally ill , their conviction , their incarceration.Mr. Moitoiret itself must be recognized and be crazy Insane Asylum placed in accordance with the request of psychiatrists and Pussin Pinel and the decisions of the representatives of the people that followed from 1789 to 1838.
The Descent of MM . Pinel and Pussin for medicine and the Paris Commune of 1793 to the right is the only constitutional affiliation in judicial treatment of the insane . Judgment Moitoiret not over. This opens a public debate .
Marc Salomone

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