Part 1: French text, Part 2: English text, Google translation
le lundi 30 octobre 2017
Objet :
La vacance des places de cadre public dirigeant
copie :
de l’Economie et des Finances
générale du Trésor
des dépôts et consignation :
de la Commission de surveillance
du Parlement
des Groupes parlementaires
le Président de la République,
Canard Enchainé du mercredi 25 octobre 2017, p.1 publie un billet
« Personne ne veut la Caisse ».
s’y rapporte que le Président Macron a voulu précipiter la démission du Directeur
Général de la Caisse des dépôts et consignation, M. Pierre-René Lemas. Celui-ci
pouvait rester jusqu’en 2019.
problème est que les personnes pressenties pour lui succéder se dérobent.
s’en suit que M. Lemas est chargé d’assurer un intérim qui pourrait durer un
certain temps.
ne parvient donc plus à pourvoir l’un des postes les plus prestigieux qu’il
puisse offrir.
Une raison déterminante en est que la rémunération du Directeur général de la Caisse des dépôts
et consignation ne convient plus aux cadres susceptibles de concourir à ce
sont en fait les revenus des fonctions administratives dirigeantes de l’Etat qui
ne correspondent plus à ceux des cadres de même niveau dans le circuit
mondialisé qui est aujourd’hui la référence professionnelle.
prestige de ces fonctions auprès du public et du personnel d’Etat ne suffit plus
à effacer leur disqualification financière et donc in fine morale auprès de
leurs Alter egos mondiaux.
sein de l’Etat, la mondialisation a fait entrer les revenus du secteur privé en
concurrence avec ceux du secteur public dans la définition du rang d’importance
et de considération attaché à une fonction dirigeante.
les départs dans le privé (pantouflage), les allers-retours public-privé
(rétropantouflage) et finalement cette dérobade qui ne peut plus être masquée.
revenus des cadres dirigeants français sont fixés par deux décrets.
Le Décret n° 2013-56 du 16 janvier 2013 relatif à la rémunération du
directeur général de la Caisse des dépôts et consignations
« Une base juridique est donnée à la
détermination par le ministre chargé de l'économie et le ministre chargé du
budget des éléments fixes, variables et exceptionnels de la rémunération du
directeur général de la Caisse des dépôts et consignations, dans le respect du
plafond défini par le décret n° 53-707 du 9 août 1953 modifié relatif au
contrôle de l'Etat sur les entreprises publiques nationales et certains
organismes ayant un objet d'ordre économique ou social. »
Le Décret n° 53-707 du 9 août 1953 modifié. Il fixe :
La liste des cadres dirigeants concernés :
« Les
éléments de rémunération d'activité des présidents du conseil d'administration,
des directeurs généraux, des directeurs généraux délégués, des
présidents-directeurs généraux, des présidents et membres de directoire, des
présidents du conseil de surveillance, des présidents, des gérants et, d'une
manière générale, des personnes qui, quel que soit leur titre, exercent des
fonctions équivalentes »
Le plafond à respecter :
« Les
décisions des ministres prises en application du I relatives aux sommes versées
aux personnes mentionnées au 2° du I au titre des 1° et 2° du I ne doivent pas
conduire à fixer ou approuver des rémunérations excédant un plafond brut de 450
000 euros. Ce plafond peut être modifié par décret. »
C’est ce
« plafond » que les cadres dirigeants cités jugent irrévocablement
inadapté à l’autorité actuelle de leurs charges.
Il serait
incompréhensible qu’on ne tienne pas compte de leurs opinions concernant la
fixation du niveau de leurs rémunérations.
de revenus fondés sur l’exceptionnalité des fonctions est un élément ordinaire
de la discussion légale de ces rémunérations.
commercialisant l’exercice de l’autorité des cadres dirigeants publics, la
solution de « l’intéressement » qui vient spontanément à l’esprit des
analystes ne tient pas compte de la spécificité de la fonction publique.
contre, des solutions respectueuses du Service de l’Etat, du Service public,
des discussions salariales adaptées à ces fonctions, existent.
permettraient d’allier le respect des normes salariales de la fonction publique
et l’exigence légitime des cadres dirigeants de porter leurs rémunérations à la
même hauteur que celles de leurs collègues mondiaux.
article caustique du journal satirique montre sans conteste que les réflexions
officielles en cours ne parviennent pas à trouver une solution à cette question
majeure du fonctionnement de l’Etat qu’est l’acceptation de leur nomination par
les cadres pressentis.
les dispositifs en place et les réflexions qui les construisent, c’est un
devient dès lors à la fois plausible de prêter attention à une réflexion
parallèle à celles-ci et utile d’expérimenter des dispositifs qui pourraient créer
une réussite.
vous remerciant de votre attention et dans l’attente de vous lire,
vous prie d’agréer, Monsieur le Président de la République, l’assurance de mes
salutations distinguées,
Part 1: French text, Part 2: English text, Google translation
Part 1: French text, Part 2: English text, Google translation
Paris, Monday, October 30, 2017
Subject: The vacancy of public executive positions
Copy :Prime Minister
Minister of Economy and Finance
Director General of the Treasury
Deposit and Deposit Office:
General manager
Supervisory Commission
Presidents of Parliament
Chairmen of the parliamentary groupsMr. President of the Republic,
Le Canard Enchainé of Wednesday, October 25, 2017, p.1 publishes a ticket "Nobody wants the Caisse".
It reports that President Macron wanted to precipitate the resignation of the Director General of the Caisse des Depots et Consignation, Pierre-Rene Lemas.
This one could stay until 2019.
The problem is that people approached to succeed him are stealing.
It follows that Mr. Lemas is responsible for ensuring an interim that could last a certain time.
The state is no longer able to fill one of the most prestigious positions it can offer.
One decisive reason is that the remuneration of the Director General of the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignation is no longer suitable for executives likely to compete in this post.
It is in fact the revenues of the leading administrative functions of the State that no longer correspond to those of the same-level executives in the globalized circuit that is today the professional reference.
The prestige of these functions with the public and the state staff is no longer enough to erase their financial disqualification and therefore in fine moral with their global Alter egos.
Within the state, globalization has brought private sector incomes in competition with those of the public sector in defining the rank of importance and consideration attached to a leading role.
Hence the departures in the private sector (pantouflage), the public-private round-trips (retropantouflage) and finally this evasion that can no longer be masked.
The revenues of the French executives are fixed by two decrees.1- Decree No. 2013-56 of 16 January 2013 on the remuneration of the Director General of the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations
"A legal basis is given for the determination by the Minister for the Economy and the Minister responsible for the budget of the fixed, variable and exceptional elements of the remuneration of the Director General of the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, in compliance with the ceiling by the decree n ° 53-707 of August 9, 1953 modified relative to the control of the State on the national public companies and certain organizations having an object of economic or social order.
"2- Decree No. 53-707 of August 9, 1953 amended. It fixes:
a- The list of executives concerned:"The elements of activity compensation for the chairmen of the board of directors, the managing directors, the deputy managing directors, the chief executive officers, the chairmen and members of the board of directors, the chairmen of the supervisory board, the chairmen, the managers and, in general, persons who, whatever their title, perform equivalent functions "
b- The ceiling to respect:"The decisions of the ministers taken pursuant to I concerning the sums paid to the persons mentioned in 2 ° of I under 1 ° and 2 ° of I shall not lead to the fixing or approval of remuneration exceeding a gross ceiling of 450,000 euros. .
This ceiling can be modified by decree.
"It is this "ceiling" that the executives cited cited find irrevocably unsuited to the current authority of their offices.
It would be incomprehensible that their opinions regarding the fixing of the level of their remuneration should be disregarded.
The exceptionality of income based on the exceptionality of the functions is an ordinary element of the legal discussion of these remunerations.
By commercializing the exercise of the authority of public executives, the solution of "profit-sharing" that spontaneously comes to the minds of analysts does not take into account the specificity of the public service.
On the other hand, solutions respectful of the State Service, the Public Service, wage discussions adapted to these functions, exist.
They would make it possible to combine the respect of the salary norms of the civil service and the legitimate demand of the executives to bring their remunerations to the same height as those of their global colleagues.
This caustic article of the satirical newspaper shows without a doubt that the official reflections in progress are not able to find a solution to this major question of the functioning of the State that is the acceptance of their appointment by the prospective executives.
For the devices in place and the reflections that build them, it's a failure.
It is therefore both plausible to pay attention to a reflection parallel to these and useful to experiment with devices that could create a success.
Thanking you for your attention and looking forward to reading you,
Please accept, Mr President of the Republic, the assurance of my best regards,
Subject: The vacancy of public executive positions
Copy :Prime Minister
Minister of Economy and Finance
Director General of the Treasury
Deposit and Deposit Office:
General manager
Supervisory Commission
Presidents of Parliament
Chairmen of the parliamentary groupsMr. President of the Republic,
Le Canard Enchainé of Wednesday, October 25, 2017, p.1 publishes a ticket "Nobody wants the Caisse".
It reports that President Macron wanted to precipitate the resignation of the Director General of the Caisse des Depots et Consignation, Pierre-Rene Lemas.
This one could stay until 2019.
The problem is that people approached to succeed him are stealing.
It follows that Mr. Lemas is responsible for ensuring an interim that could last a certain time.
The state is no longer able to fill one of the most prestigious positions it can offer.
One decisive reason is that the remuneration of the Director General of the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignation is no longer suitable for executives likely to compete in this post.
It is in fact the revenues of the leading administrative functions of the State that no longer correspond to those of the same-level executives in the globalized circuit that is today the professional reference.
The prestige of these functions with the public and the state staff is no longer enough to erase their financial disqualification and therefore in fine moral with their global Alter egos.
Within the state, globalization has brought private sector incomes in competition with those of the public sector in defining the rank of importance and consideration attached to a leading role.
Hence the departures in the private sector (pantouflage), the public-private round-trips (retropantouflage) and finally this evasion that can no longer be masked.
The revenues of the French executives are fixed by two decrees.1- Decree No. 2013-56 of 16 January 2013 on the remuneration of the Director General of the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations
"A legal basis is given for the determination by the Minister for the Economy and the Minister responsible for the budget of the fixed, variable and exceptional elements of the remuneration of the Director General of the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, in compliance with the ceiling by the decree n ° 53-707 of August 9, 1953 modified relative to the control of the State on the national public companies and certain organizations having an object of economic or social order.
"2- Decree No. 53-707 of August 9, 1953 amended. It fixes:
a- The list of executives concerned:"The elements of activity compensation for the chairmen of the board of directors, the managing directors, the deputy managing directors, the chief executive officers, the chairmen and members of the board of directors, the chairmen of the supervisory board, the chairmen, the managers and, in general, persons who, whatever their title, perform equivalent functions "
b- The ceiling to respect:"The decisions of the ministers taken pursuant to I concerning the sums paid to the persons mentioned in 2 ° of I under 1 ° and 2 ° of I shall not lead to the fixing or approval of remuneration exceeding a gross ceiling of 450,000 euros. .
This ceiling can be modified by decree.
"It is this "ceiling" that the executives cited cited find irrevocably unsuited to the current authority of their offices.
It would be incomprehensible that their opinions regarding the fixing of the level of their remuneration should be disregarded.
The exceptionality of income based on the exceptionality of the functions is an ordinary element of the legal discussion of these remunerations.
By commercializing the exercise of the authority of public executives, the solution of "profit-sharing" that spontaneously comes to the minds of analysts does not take into account the specificity of the public service.
On the other hand, solutions respectful of the State Service, the Public Service, wage discussions adapted to these functions, exist.
They would make it possible to combine the respect of the salary norms of the civil service and the legitimate demand of the executives to bring their remunerations to the same height as those of their global colleagues.
This caustic article of the satirical newspaper shows without a doubt that the official reflections in progress are not able to find a solution to this major question of the functioning of the State that is the acceptance of their appointment by the prospective executives.
For the devices in place and the reflections that build them, it's a failure.
It is therefore both plausible to pay attention to a reflection parallel to these and useful to experiment with devices that could create a success.
Thanking you for your attention and looking forward to reading you,
Please accept, Mr President of the Republic, the assurance of my best regards,
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