blog: / Book: The two forms, ed. Amazon
Paris, Tuesday, November 19, 2019
INDEMNIFICATION AND THE CRIMINAL IN JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS. (36) (Continuation of reflection n ° 35 of Tuesday, August 6, 2019 and previous, see:
(Continued contribution Thursday, October 31, 2019 on "The positivity of terrorism", see:
1) - Collateral damage
On January 12, 2019, in Strasbourg, for Act IX demonstrations of yellow vests, Lilian, 15, is injured in the face by a flashball shot.
This young man will probably be handicapped. It is conceivable that he remains traumatized as much with regard to the police as of the street.
a- The police announce first that the teenager was demonstrating. The mother complains against this assertion.
b- The hypothesis of Lilian's participation in the event is abandoned.
c- On November 7, the family learns that the file is closed.
d- The reason is that the shooter can not be identified personally although there are only three LBD shooters.
So, justice recognizes explicitly that this man was not of the demonstration and that he was well touched by a shot from the police, ie from the State.
This teenager is typically what the media calls "collateral damage" to legal repression. It is in fact through the official action of the State, justified or not, that this man has been mutilated or has lost part of his faculties.
2) - Responsibilities of the State
There is no criminal fault on the part of the police. On the other hand, there is a responsibility of the State for the damage caused to this man by this legal action.
By identifying the legal recognition of a fault to a penal qualification, the procedure in progress can only erase Lilian from the number of beneficiaries of the reparations.
The exclusion of criminal proceedings leads to the exclusion of compensation.
The direct effect of this procedure is twofold:
1- The state is engaged in palinodies (such as the impossibility of formally recognizing the shooter, the long duration of investigations, etc.) to preserve the ability of officials to quell disorders.
2- It prohibits the state from assuming its own responsibility for "collateral damage".
The procedure places the state in a paradoxical and disqualifying situation:
1- He has legal instruments to recognize his responsibilities in the destruction of shops and street furniture by thugs.
2- He is prevented by law from recognizing his own responsibilities towards humans.
3- So:
a- Saturday, November 16, after the partial destruction of the stele of Marshal June, the President of the Republic orders that this monument be "repaired and rebuilt as soon as possible."
b- At the same time, Lilian is shelved from any "reparation" coming from the State.
The procedure renders the state incapable of noticing the casualties and by doing so it renders it unfair.
3) - The effects
This injustice accompanies the delegitimation of the public authorities; the questioning of their evidence.
Public authority seems to be partially changing sides or at least sharing.
This shift is summarized by the Deputy Jean-Luc Mélanchon, November 16, 2019, by a sliding game of words:
1- "It's no longer Republican police.
2- Just a government militia.
3- It is this militia that causes disorder. "
This is the legitimization of the factious slogan: No justice, no peace!
If justice does not repress the detractors of police or gendarmerie disorders, the factious civilians who call themselves the people are entitled to defend themselves by responding as it should to this war policy.
The procedure installs this discussion in the courts. It has become the debate of jurisprudence.
a- The only serious political outlet of the so-called yellow jackets is the judicial challenge of hundreds of police officers.
b- The only public debate is about the number of people who will be brought to justice and the number of convicts.
The majority of commentators are righteous to maintain the balance of justice between the factious and the police.
4) - The legalization of the factious
However, we are not in the case of an exit of dictatorship and purifications that accompany it. The condemnation of the police is in this case the honor found of the resistance fighters.
There, we are in the criminalization of police and gendarmes who opposed factieux.
The latter can now use the legitimate or accidental consequences of the repression of their criminal actions to claim to modify the definition and exercise of the public authorities.
The factious are the people and the police are the illegitimate weapon of the oppressors. Power must change hands or at least share.
Thus, by this procedure of obligation of the passage by the penal qualification, the State offers a boulevard to the factieux to penetrate the procedure and to impose their policies to justice.
The judicial path becomes the place of physical or moral gathering of the factious to mobilize in the name of the martyr of the demonstrators, the horror of the public repressive action, the inhumanity of the legal Power.
At the same time, it leads to the criminalization of the action of the police. Legal repression gradually becomes a specific legal tolerance and the legality of its exercise is defined first of all by the consent of repressed civilians.
This is a breach of equality in French law since this case law obviously can not apply to all civilians involved in the famous "police violence".
The procedure becomes unknowingly a vehicle of chaos. The state can not remedy this because the action of the factious is included in the functioning of the law.
Thus, during the massacre of the prefecture, October 2, 2019, has it been said by commentators that the state can not afford to protect against low-level Islamist penetration because it falls under in the professional circuits of law.
5) - The separation of the indemnity and the penal
A reflection on the "reparation" of damage caused by the agents of the State in the regular exercise of their functions would allow to see things differently.
It has become a necessity except to entrust the control of the procedure to the factieux.
The separation of compensation and penal qualification would allow the state to take the initiative in this battlefield of a court.
This separation already exists in factual logics:
a- In the Erika case, polluted coastal populations were legally wrong and factually wrong.
There was therefore an agreement on the compensation of the plaintiffs and an acquittal of the criminal firms.
b- In the Servier case, known as the "Médiator" case, the government charged the company with the implementation of massive compensation and seems dignified.
But these devices are circumstantial derogations from the procedure in force.
It is necessary to define a legal and procedural separation of the two legal entities.
This evolution of the procedure would offer the public another perspective than solidarity with the factious whose suffering is photogenic and the disorganization of the police.
This reform would allow a presentable compensation. While today, frequently, it does not cover the initial damage caused.
The condition is that it is not spoliator of the Treasury or Business Treasury. It's possible.
6) - Conclusion
The government could use its capacities to organize an experimentation of this type of compensation. Still, he must want it.
In fact, the reflection can only be conducted when the benefits of chaos appear less than those of the order for the management teams.
Everyone understood that everything is there!
mardi, novembre 19, 2019
19.11.19, contribution 37, indemnisation 36, pénal, indemnisation, factieux, pénétration factieuse
blog : / Livre : Les deux formes, éd. Amazon
le mardi 19 novembre 2019
de la réflexion n°35 du mardi 6 août 2019 et précédentes. cf. :
de la contribution jeudi 31 octobre 2019 relative à « La
positivité du terrorisme ». cf. :
1)- Dommages
Le 12 janvier 2019,
à Strasbourg, pour l'Acte IX des manifestations de Gilets jaunes,
Lilian, 15 ans, est blessé au visage par un tir de flashball.
Ce jeune homme
restera probablement handicapé. Il est envisageable qu'il reste
traumatisé autant à l'égard des forces de l'ordre que de la rue.
a- La police annonce
d'abord que l'adolescent manifestait. La mère porte plainte contre
cette assertion.
b- L'hypothèse de
la participation de Lilian à la manifestation est abandonnée.
c- Le 7 novembre, la
famille apprend que le dossier est classé sans suite.
d- Le motif en est
que le tireur ne peut être identifié personnellement bien qu'il n'y
ait que trois tireurs de LBD.
Donc, la justice
reconnaît explicitement que cet homme n'était pas de la
manifestation et qu'il a bien été touché par un tir provenant de
la police, autrement dit de l’État.
Cet adolescent est
typiquement ce que les média appellent « un dommage
collatéral » d'une répression légale. C'est en effet par
l'action officielle de l’État, justifiée ou non, que cet homme a
été mutilé ou a perdu une partie de ses facultés.
2)- Les
responsabilités de l'Etat
Il n'y a pas de
faute pénale de la part des policiers. Par contre, il y a une
responsabilité de l’État pour le dommage causé à cet homme par
cette action légale.
En identifiant la
reconnaissance légale d'une faute à une qualification pénale, la
procédure en cours ne peut qu'effacer Lilian du nombre des
ayants-droit des réparations.
L'exclusion de la
procédure pénale entraîne l'exclusion de l'indemnisation.
L'effet direct de
cette procédure est double :
1- L'Etat se livre à
des palinodies (telles l'impossibilité de reconnaître formellement
le tireur, la longue durée des enquêtes, etc.) pour préserver la
capacité des fonctionnaires de réprimer des troubles.
2- Elle interdit à
l’État d'assumer ses propres responsabilités à l'égard des
« dommages collatéraux ».
La procédure place
l’État dans une situation paradoxale et disqualifiante :
1- Il dispose des
instruments légaux pour reconnaître ses responsabilités dans la
destruction de magasins et de mobiliers urbains par des voyous.
2- Il est empêché
par le droit de reconnaître ses responsabilités propres vis-à-vis
des humains.
3- Ainsi :
a- Le samedi 16
novembre, après la destruction partielle de la stèle du Maréchal
Juin, le Président de la République ordonne que ce monument soit
« réparé et reconstruit dans les plus brefs délais ».
b- En même temps,
Lilian est mis à l'écart de toute « réparation »
venant de l’État.
La procédure rend
l’État incapable de remarquer les blessés de hasard et par le
fait elle le rend injuste.
3)- Les effets
Cette injustice
accompagne la délégitimation des Pouvoirs publics ; la mise en
cause de leur évidence.
L'autorité publique
semble changer partiellement de camp ou du moins se partager.
Ce basculement est
résumé par le Député Jean-Luc Mélanchon, le 16 novembre 2019,
par un jeu de glissement de mots :
1- « Ce
n'est plus de la police républicaine.
2- Juste une milice
3- C'est cette
milice qui provoque le désordre. »
C'est la
légitimation du mot d'ordre factieux : Pas de justice, pas de paix !
Si la justice ne
réprime pas les fauteurs de troubles policiers ou gendarmiers, les
civils factieux qui s'appellent eux-mêmes le peuple sont en droit de
se défendre en répondant comme il se doit à cette politique de
La procédure
installe cette discussion dans les tribunaux. Elle est devenue le
débat de la jurisprudence.
Désormais :
a- Le seul débouché
politique sérieux des manifestations dites des Gilets jaunes est la
mis en cause judiciaires de centaines de policiers.
b- Le seul débat
public porte sur la quantité d'entre-eux qui seront traduits en
justice et sur le nombre des condamnés.
La majorité des
commentateurs somment la justice de tenir la balance judiciaire égale
entre les factieux et les forces de l'ordre.
4)- La légalisation des factieux
Or, nous ne sommes
pas dans le cas de figure d'une sortie de dictature et des épurations
qui l'accompagnent. La condamnation des policiers est dans ce cas
l'honneur retrouvé des résistants.
Là, nous sommes
dans la criminalisation de policiers et de gendarmes qui se sont
opposés à des factieux.
Ces derniers peuvent
désormais se servir des conséquences légitimes ou accidentelles de
la répression de leurs actions criminelles pour revendiquer de
modifier la définition et l'exercice des Pouvoirs publics.
Les factieux sont le
peuple et les policiers sont l'arme illégitime des oppresseurs. Le
Pouvoir doit changer de main ou du moins se partager.
Ainsi, par cette
procédure d'obligation du passage par la qualification pénale,
l’État offre un boulevard aux factieux pour pénétrer dans la
procédure et imposer leurs politiques à la justice.
Le parcours
judiciaire devient le lieu de rassemblement physique ou moral des
factieux pour mobiliser au nom du martyr des manifestants, de
l'horreur de l'action répressive publique, de l'inhumanité du
Pouvoir légal.
En même temps, elle
conduit à la criminalisation de l'action des forces de l'ordre. La
répression légale devient progressivement une tolérance juridique
ponctuelle et la légalité de son exercice se définie d'abord par
le consentement des civils réprimés.
Il y a là une
rupture d'égalité en droit des français vu que cette jurisprudence
ne peut évidemment pas s'appliquer à tous les civils concernés par
les fameuses « violences policières ».
La procédure
devient à son insu un véhicule du chaos. L'Etat ne peut y remédier
car l'action des factieux est incluse dans le fonctionnement du
Ainsi, lors du
massacre de la préfecture, le 2 octobre 2019, a t'il été dit par les commentateurs
que l’État n'a pas les moyens de se protéger contre la
pénétration islamiste à bas bruit car celle-ci s'inscrit dans les
circuits professionnels du droit.
5)- La séparation
de l'indemnitaire et du pénal
Une réflexion sur
la « réparation » d'un dommage causé par les agents de
l’État dans l'exercice régulier de leurs fonctions permettrait de
voir les choses autrement.
Elle est devenue une
nécessité sauf à confier la maîtrise de la procédure aux
La séparation de
l'indemnisation et de la qualification pénale permettrait à l’État
de reprendre l'initiative dans ce champ de bataille qu'est un
Cette séparation
existe déjà dans des logiques de fait :
a- Dans l'affaire
Erika, les populations du littoral pollué avaient tord juridiquement
et raison factuellement.
Il y a donc eu un
accord sur l'indemnisation des plaignants et un acquittement des
firmes au pénal.
b- Dans l'affaire
Servier, dite du Médiator, le gouvernement a chargé l'entreprise de
la mise en place d'une indemnisation massive et semble-t'il digne.
Mais ces dispositifs
sont des dérogations circonstancielles à la procédure en vigueur.
Il convient de
définir une séparation légale et procédurale des deux entités
Cette évolution de
la procédure offrirait au public une autre perspective que la
solidarité avec les factieux dont la souffrance est photogénique et
la désorganisation de la police.
Cette réforme
permettrait une indemnisation présentable. Alors qu'aujourd'hui,
fréquemment, celle-ci ne couvre pas le dommage initial causé.
La condition en est
qu'elle ne soit pas spoliatrice du Trésor public ou des Trésorerie
d'entreprises. C'est possible.
6)- Conclusion
Le gouvernement
pourrait user de ses capacités pour organiser une expérimentation
de ce type d'indemnisation. Encore faut-il qu'il le veuille.
En fait, la
réflexion ne pourra être conduite que lorsque les bénéfices du
chaos apparaîtrons moindre que ceux de l'ordre pour les équipes
Tout le monde à
compris que tout est là !
jeudi, octobre 31, 2019
31.10.19, contribution 36, terrorism legality Corsican islam law rupture continuity freedom censorship
blog: / Book: The Two forms, ed. Amazon
Paris, Thursday, October 31, 2019
(Continuation of the contribution October 23, 2019 relating to the opposition of vigilance and freedom, see:
1. Preamble
The massacre of October 2, 2019, at the police headquarters of Paris, gives the impression of a mechanics without effects that would reproduce to infinity the madness of the killers and the police stalking.
This is not correct.
This terror has effects on the definition, organization and exercise of the public authorities. In this sense it is a real policy and the Islamist movement a real political party.
1- By the fear that it imposes on the population and the administrative executives, the disqualification that it brings from the State; This terror is first and foremost a place for negotiations between the Islamist party and the masses it influences, and also certain leading networks of French executives.
2- Islamist terror is not the only one that modifies the public authorities. The so-called independence terror in Corsica obtains the same results by similar means.
It is with the evocation of the transactional quality of these terrors, that this reflection is devoted.
2) - the goal
On October 2, 2019, during the massacre of the Prefecture, the Muslim criminal dies voluntarily in combat.
It had no other purpose than to assert the legal presence, violent or not, militants of Islam in the organs of the Executive power and thus to inscribe the terrorist activity Islamist, of which his , in the meshes of the legality.
3) - The waiting time
During the previous attacks, in 1995, it was not until this inscription of terrorism and lawful factionary action was publicly supported on the one hand by academics and the media, and on the other hand produced its positive effects for communitarianism and its correspondents among French leaders on the other hand.
1- In 2015, Friday, November 13, 130 people are massacred at Bataclan, Paris. The positive consequences of the massacres for the Muslim party were then discrete.
For example :
The rulers of terror were vilified.
b- The academics who supported the Charlie-Hebdo massacre on the basis of the proclaimed racism of the French, colonialism and imperialism were opposed.
c- In the field, discreetly, it was otherwise.
Thus, on Thursday, November 20, 2015, eight days after the carnage, at the Saint-Joseph hospital in Paris, a specialist doctor was seen in consultation with a student in a burqa. What he did not do before. Management and justice let it go.
2- In 2019, however, the massacre of the prefecture is immediately theorized by the academic Eric Fassin.
Commenting on this carnage, on the 28mn show, on Arte, he says: "Segregation provokes communitarianism. Terrorism is a crazy response to the real question of the martyrdom of Muslims. "
a- The use of the term "martyr" is an implication of religious concepts in the public debate. In this case, this term refers to Jewish and Muslim religious ideologies.
b- These religious concepts are both political and administrative.
c) This scholar is an invitation to the political alliance of these two religious parties.
d- Moreover, the categories of Islam, Muslims, migrants, Islamism, gangsterism, local terror, cities, Muslim militancy, etc., are implicitly placed in a uniform ideological space by this statement.
4) - The two pillars of the religious hold
This massacre led to a discussion of the Islamic veil during field trips.
This is so because, with circumcision, the religious veil is one of the two pillars of continuity and expansion of the religious hold.
5) - Circumcision
It organizes the separatism of men with the rest of humanity.
a- It is not allowed to discuss it since this administrative practice concerns men and therefore the dominant ones.
b- Conversely, excision is exactly the same work of gutting the vagina of children as Circumcision that cuts the penis of children.
It is discussed and criminalized because it concerns women.
d- These being considered inferior, the modalities of this inferiority can be discussed.
e- These are two pedophile practices.
On May 7, 2012, a Cologne Court in Germany equated "the removal of the foreskin from a prosecutionable injury" and affirmed that "the child's right to physical integrity took precedence over the right to circumcise for religious reasons ".
This decision immediately provoked a clash between two camps:
1- The religions concerned and those who support the form of the German state.
a- The Muslims declare: "Beyond the religious step, it is an act which seals the membership to the community"
b- The Jews say: "I do not see how Jews could continue to live in a country considered as illegal an act constituting their spiritual life. This conflict is impossible to resolve, except to leave Germany, "says conservative Michel Friedman, lawyer and editorialist, former president of the European Jewish Congress.
c- On July 19, national elected representatives asked that (as of this fall of 2012) the government submit to them a text giving a legal framework to non-medical circumcision.
d- "Jews and Muslims must be told that their freedom of belief is guaranteed in Germany". summed up the "responsible religion" of the Greens, Josef Philip Winkler, worried, like many others, of the ineluctable associations with the German past.
Throughout Europe, particularly in France, the decision of the German court was described as a worse attack than Auschwitz.
This indicates that religious leaders do not attach any seriousness to the evocation of historical facts.
2- Civil society
In support of the court decision to criminalize this pedophile practice, the press mentions "many associations for the defense of children's rights, supported by the pediatric federation and the police union".
a- It is clear that there can be no democratic evolution of this community logic as long as its members are penned at birth.
b) There can be no general respect for the child as long as it is possible to cut off the sex of some of them to make them slaves of any doctrine.
c- Men are thus parked in an area of domination, especially on Women. Without being aware of it, by capillarity, this practice supports the entire system of male domination over women.
6) - The religious veil
A- Note
1- The buckler organizes the subordination of the principle of the woman for the man.
a- That it is worn on the head, chest, buttocks, hands, eyes, etc. The only function of the religious veil is to state publicly that women are congenitally slutty, slutty.
a- They are by themselves places of sin and temptation.
b- In the same movement, men appear as carriers of an uncontrollable virility.
c- They are responsible for the excitement of men and guilty of rape to which they lead these men.
d- This guilt of women, by way of natural temptation, by definition, is translated into law in all countries of Muslim dictatorship.
e- It causes civil physical violence throughout the Muslim cultural space. f- For example, during the war in Yugoslavia in 1990, raped Muslim women were repudiated or killed by their husbands who were finally free from communist atheism and the obligation to respect women it imposed.
2- The religious administration
a- Modesty
The religious terms used to describe the veil are "modesty" and "decency".
They appear to be not strictly religious.
This is so because the veiling of women is an administrative function of religion and not a spiritual function.
This confusion with their secular homonyms allows religious to impose on secular terms the evidence of a religious meaning.
But this civil administrative function is well defined by religion and is subject to it.
b- The call to order
This veil is therefore essential for all women. The so-called muslims are simply women who are lucky enough to know.
They wear this veil to affirm the condition of the woman, to warn the public, and to oblige the public and its legal representatives to comply with it.
B- The answer of French executives
1- parties
Apart from the elected representatives of the Republican Party who will never go beyond a timely quarrel and advertising; all the actors of the state apparatus, beginning with the general rapporteur of the Observatory of secularism, took the opportunity to continue the work undertaken for several decades by governments and magistrates marginalization of secularism .
2- The framework of the debate
From now on, the wearing of the religious veil in school activities is defended by the blackmail to the change of the law 1905.
The religious freedom which is not established by the 1905 law and which it merely remembers becomes a priority in the examination of this law in the face of the separation of religions and the state which is its own object, its invention .
It is considered that this law only concerned Catholicism while it concerned all religions; including Islam and Judaism.
a- In 1910, for reasons of slavery enslavement of the colonized masses, the colonial party obtained a waiver of application for Islam.
b- It is appropriate to recall that the continuity of the subjugation of the old colonized masses to Islam is the fact of colonialism. The evidence of faith is colonial.
7) - Conflicts in power
1- The two administrative policies
This double work of separating men and subjugating women is politically a continuous struggle to impose a corresponding administrative order that is contrary to the principles of freedom and equality created by Europe.
The issue of the continual practice of police "ambushes" by thugs is to obtain, in the exercise of public order in the so-called "neighborhoods". the recognition of a diplomatic distinction between representatives of French law and the masses subject to Islam with special representatives.
The police are at fault because they do not respect this diplomatic distance.
A rupture in the French law is built between the populations which fall under the ordinary right and those which come under a diplomatic practice of the same right.
2- Both languages
This political subversion is organized on the basis of religious questions, that is to say administrative, such as the "martyr" used by the academic Fassin, whereas the French, and beyond the Europeans, perceive the public debate only in political and legal terms that refer to the clash of civil society.
This explains the laborious work of religious translation towards the laity that the authorities are engaged in to make believe that there is a homogeneous dialogue.
3) - The place of confrontation
The meeting point of these two policies of organization of society is precisely Power.
Hence the permanent confrontations, multiform, inextricable.
8) - Accommodation
For reasons that are not part of this reflection, it seems that the authorities of the European states have chosen the solution of the division of power; accommodation.
It is this principle of accommodation and thus rupture of the continuity of the state that the magistrates implement, on October 25, 2019, during the ambush, at the Cité du Val-Fourré, in Mantes-la- Pretty one.
From now on, rioters of Muslim faith have legal prerogatives equal to those of the police.
Following the ambush of Val Fourré in Mantes-la-Jolie, the floor announces concomitantly, in the same legal quality:
1- That the IGPN is seized and that the investigations of this one will relate to the conditions of use of the police weapons of defense.
2- That he open an investigation of the leaders of violence in meetings with ambush and weapon as well as participation in a group formed for the commission of violence and outrages on person custodian of public authority.
3- The media announce first the seizure of the IGPN for the rioters and then the investigation for violence against the police.
a- When a rioter is injured, he claims the same medico-legal protection as the police and his case is also prioritized by the media.
b- Soon after the end of the clashes, two individuals presented themselves at the François Quesnay hospital center, claiming to have been wounded by LBD shots. One was touched at one eye, a second at the testicles.
c- A BST officer (Specialized Field Brigade) was injured by a mortar fire.
4- It is the convocation of the IGPN and thus the examination of a possible fault of the representatives of the Public authorities which is the priority of these two initiatives and which gives them their public sense.
9) - The standard
This emergence of a territorial and universal rupture of the continuity of the state becomes a legal norm.
1- At first, it is the legal power that holds the definition of legality. It is also he who voluntarily organizes the rupture of the continuity of the State in favor of two distinct functions of the law. He thinks he can handle them.
2- In a second time, it becomes possible that the unity of the two practices is managed by those same ones to which the first ones will have recognized an access to the legality.
The public now knows that it is not possible for the police to fight the thugs in all circumstances because they are already acting in the cracks of legality.
10- The avant-garde Corsica
The mafia is the action of private thugs in the field of public administration.
In Corsica, we are already at the second stage, where it is the mafia who organize the cohabitation of the two legal practices.
This ability of the mafia to take the direction of the administrative policy of Corsica has just been denounced by a group of honest citizens in the appeal of September 26, 2019.
They take "the initiative to invite the population to an awareness of the threats that seriously jeopardize the collective interests of our society and particularly those of our youth".
10) - The uncertainties of law
This discontinuity results in uncertainty of the law.
Whether in Corsica or in cities, magistrates and the media explain to the public that it is impossible to defeat the mafia because the law is with them.
1- It is no longer one-off cases but case law.
2- The only argument presented publicly to justify the inclusion in the law of a legal break is the fear of the capacities of the populations recognizing themselves in the factious ones to sow extraordinary disturbances with the public order.
National Muslim cadres have already publicly threatened the Civil War.
To act according to the fear inspired by particular masses is to negotiate.
In this case, the discussion aims to accommodate secularism with Sharia, Democracy with Fascism, Liberty with slave subversion.
11) - The trend
The power of the subversion enterprise of the Republic is marked on the one hand by the institutionalization of censorship and the judicial repression of opinions and on the other hand by the resurgence of the Vichyist doctrine of corporatism as a university political theory and as a practice of masses of social bodies.
Admittedly, nothing is acquired, everything is in negotiation, but the main thing for the factious is precisely that the legal authorities recognize them as "valid interlocutors" according to the historical formula to which all the parties think.
What makes the choice difficult for the authorities in their undeniable fight against terrorism is that the Islamists are the vanguard of the Muslim party and as such the vanguard of the Petainist party.
As for the leftists of May-68 and the 70s; there is a world and a beautiful world behind them.
As an indication, note that Denis Olivennes, ENA, Sciences Po, associate of letters, CEO of multinationals, member of the French-American Foundation-France, former leftist, Jewish executive, said during a recent broadcast of Zemmour and Naulleau, on the occasion of the release of his book "The delicious French misfortune" that "in 1945, France has committed a fault".
The action, the program, the government of the Liberation are at fault.
12) - Freedom
Proponents of this political doctrine are therefore led to fight freedom of opinion and expression.
The primary concern of their questioning is the erasure of the word freedom and its reality. They are constantly working to forget him.
But our society was founded by Freedom.
There can be no solution to anything that does not go through freedom and its variations; including freedom of opinion and expression.
Again, between De Gaulle and Pétain, the French must choose; and quick.
Paris, Thursday, October 31, 2019
(Continuation of the contribution October 23, 2019 relating to the opposition of vigilance and freedom, see:
1. Preamble
The massacre of October 2, 2019, at the police headquarters of Paris, gives the impression of a mechanics without effects that would reproduce to infinity the madness of the killers and the police stalking.
This is not correct.
This terror has effects on the definition, organization and exercise of the public authorities. In this sense it is a real policy and the Islamist movement a real political party.
1- By the fear that it imposes on the population and the administrative executives, the disqualification that it brings from the State; This terror is first and foremost a place for negotiations between the Islamist party and the masses it influences, and also certain leading networks of French executives.
2- Islamist terror is not the only one that modifies the public authorities. The so-called independence terror in Corsica obtains the same results by similar means.
It is with the evocation of the transactional quality of these terrors, that this reflection is devoted.
2) - the goal
On October 2, 2019, during the massacre of the Prefecture, the Muslim criminal dies voluntarily in combat.
It had no other purpose than to assert the legal presence, violent or not, militants of Islam in the organs of the Executive power and thus to inscribe the terrorist activity Islamist, of which his , in the meshes of the legality.
3) - The waiting time
During the previous attacks, in 1995, it was not until this inscription of terrorism and lawful factionary action was publicly supported on the one hand by academics and the media, and on the other hand produced its positive effects for communitarianism and its correspondents among French leaders on the other hand.
1- In 2015, Friday, November 13, 130 people are massacred at Bataclan, Paris. The positive consequences of the massacres for the Muslim party were then discrete.
For example :
The rulers of terror were vilified.
b- The academics who supported the Charlie-Hebdo massacre on the basis of the proclaimed racism of the French, colonialism and imperialism were opposed.
c- In the field, discreetly, it was otherwise.
Thus, on Thursday, November 20, 2015, eight days after the carnage, at the Saint-Joseph hospital in Paris, a specialist doctor was seen in consultation with a student in a burqa. What he did not do before. Management and justice let it go.
2- In 2019, however, the massacre of the prefecture is immediately theorized by the academic Eric Fassin.
Commenting on this carnage, on the 28mn show, on Arte, he says: "Segregation provokes communitarianism. Terrorism is a crazy response to the real question of the martyrdom of Muslims. "
a- The use of the term "martyr" is an implication of religious concepts in the public debate. In this case, this term refers to Jewish and Muslim religious ideologies.
b- These religious concepts are both political and administrative.
c) This scholar is an invitation to the political alliance of these two religious parties.
d- Moreover, the categories of Islam, Muslims, migrants, Islamism, gangsterism, local terror, cities, Muslim militancy, etc., are implicitly placed in a uniform ideological space by this statement.
4) - The two pillars of the religious hold
This massacre led to a discussion of the Islamic veil during field trips.
This is so because, with circumcision, the religious veil is one of the two pillars of continuity and expansion of the religious hold.
5) - Circumcision
It organizes the separatism of men with the rest of humanity.
a- It is not allowed to discuss it since this administrative practice concerns men and therefore the dominant ones.
b- Conversely, excision is exactly the same work of gutting the vagina of children as Circumcision that cuts the penis of children.
It is discussed and criminalized because it concerns women.
d- These being considered inferior, the modalities of this inferiority can be discussed.
e- These are two pedophile practices.
On May 7, 2012, a Cologne Court in Germany equated "the removal of the foreskin from a prosecutionable injury" and affirmed that "the child's right to physical integrity took precedence over the right to circumcise for religious reasons ".
This decision immediately provoked a clash between two camps:
1- The religions concerned and those who support the form of the German state.
a- The Muslims declare: "Beyond the religious step, it is an act which seals the membership to the community"
b- The Jews say: "I do not see how Jews could continue to live in a country considered as illegal an act constituting their spiritual life. This conflict is impossible to resolve, except to leave Germany, "says conservative Michel Friedman, lawyer and editorialist, former president of the European Jewish Congress.
c- On July 19, national elected representatives asked that (as of this fall of 2012) the government submit to them a text giving a legal framework to non-medical circumcision.
d- "Jews and Muslims must be told that their freedom of belief is guaranteed in Germany". summed up the "responsible religion" of the Greens, Josef Philip Winkler, worried, like many others, of the ineluctable associations with the German past.
Throughout Europe, particularly in France, the decision of the German court was described as a worse attack than Auschwitz.
This indicates that religious leaders do not attach any seriousness to the evocation of historical facts.
2- Civil society
In support of the court decision to criminalize this pedophile practice, the press mentions "many associations for the defense of children's rights, supported by the pediatric federation and the police union".
a- It is clear that there can be no democratic evolution of this community logic as long as its members are penned at birth.
b) There can be no general respect for the child as long as it is possible to cut off the sex of some of them to make them slaves of any doctrine.
c- Men are thus parked in an area of domination, especially on Women. Without being aware of it, by capillarity, this practice supports the entire system of male domination over women.
6) - The religious veil
A- Note
1- The buckler organizes the subordination of the principle of the woman for the man.
a- That it is worn on the head, chest, buttocks, hands, eyes, etc. The only function of the religious veil is to state publicly that women are congenitally slutty, slutty.
a- They are by themselves places of sin and temptation.
b- In the same movement, men appear as carriers of an uncontrollable virility.
c- They are responsible for the excitement of men and guilty of rape to which they lead these men.
d- This guilt of women, by way of natural temptation, by definition, is translated into law in all countries of Muslim dictatorship.
e- It causes civil physical violence throughout the Muslim cultural space. f- For example, during the war in Yugoslavia in 1990, raped Muslim women were repudiated or killed by their husbands who were finally free from communist atheism and the obligation to respect women it imposed.
2- The religious administration
a- Modesty
The religious terms used to describe the veil are "modesty" and "decency".
They appear to be not strictly religious.
This is so because the veiling of women is an administrative function of religion and not a spiritual function.
This confusion with their secular homonyms allows religious to impose on secular terms the evidence of a religious meaning.
But this civil administrative function is well defined by religion and is subject to it.
b- The call to order
This veil is therefore essential for all women. The so-called muslims are simply women who are lucky enough to know.
They wear this veil to affirm the condition of the woman, to warn the public, and to oblige the public and its legal representatives to comply with it.
B- The answer of French executives
1- parties
Apart from the elected representatives of the Republican Party who will never go beyond a timely quarrel and advertising; all the actors of the state apparatus, beginning with the general rapporteur of the Observatory of secularism, took the opportunity to continue the work undertaken for several decades by governments and magistrates marginalization of secularism .
2- The framework of the debate
From now on, the wearing of the religious veil in school activities is defended by the blackmail to the change of the law 1905.
The religious freedom which is not established by the 1905 law and which it merely remembers becomes a priority in the examination of this law in the face of the separation of religions and the state which is its own object, its invention .
It is considered that this law only concerned Catholicism while it concerned all religions; including Islam and Judaism.
a- In 1910, for reasons of slavery enslavement of the colonized masses, the colonial party obtained a waiver of application for Islam.
b- It is appropriate to recall that the continuity of the subjugation of the old colonized masses to Islam is the fact of colonialism. The evidence of faith is colonial.
7) - Conflicts in power
1- The two administrative policies
This double work of separating men and subjugating women is politically a continuous struggle to impose a corresponding administrative order that is contrary to the principles of freedom and equality created by Europe.
The issue of the continual practice of police "ambushes" by thugs is to obtain, in the exercise of public order in the so-called "neighborhoods". the recognition of a diplomatic distinction between representatives of French law and the masses subject to Islam with special representatives.
The police are at fault because they do not respect this diplomatic distance.
A rupture in the French law is built between the populations which fall under the ordinary right and those which come under a diplomatic practice of the same right.
2- Both languages
This political subversion is organized on the basis of religious questions, that is to say administrative, such as the "martyr" used by the academic Fassin, whereas the French, and beyond the Europeans, perceive the public debate only in political and legal terms that refer to the clash of civil society.
This explains the laborious work of religious translation towards the laity that the authorities are engaged in to make believe that there is a homogeneous dialogue.
3) - The place of confrontation
The meeting point of these two policies of organization of society is precisely Power.
Hence the permanent confrontations, multiform, inextricable.
8) - Accommodation
For reasons that are not part of this reflection, it seems that the authorities of the European states have chosen the solution of the division of power; accommodation.
It is this principle of accommodation and thus rupture of the continuity of the state that the magistrates implement, on October 25, 2019, during the ambush, at the Cité du Val-Fourré, in Mantes-la- Pretty one.
From now on, rioters of Muslim faith have legal prerogatives equal to those of the police.
Following the ambush of Val Fourré in Mantes-la-Jolie, the floor announces concomitantly, in the same legal quality:
1- That the IGPN is seized and that the investigations of this one will relate to the conditions of use of the police weapons of defense.
2- That he open an investigation of the leaders of violence in meetings with ambush and weapon as well as participation in a group formed for the commission of violence and outrages on person custodian of public authority.
3- The media announce first the seizure of the IGPN for the rioters and then the investigation for violence against the police.
a- When a rioter is injured, he claims the same medico-legal protection as the police and his case is also prioritized by the media.
b- Soon after the end of the clashes, two individuals presented themselves at the François Quesnay hospital center, claiming to have been wounded by LBD shots. One was touched at one eye, a second at the testicles.
c- A BST officer (Specialized Field Brigade) was injured by a mortar fire.
4- It is the convocation of the IGPN and thus the examination of a possible fault of the representatives of the Public authorities which is the priority of these two initiatives and which gives them their public sense.
9) - The standard
This emergence of a territorial and universal rupture of the continuity of the state becomes a legal norm.
1- At first, it is the legal power that holds the definition of legality. It is also he who voluntarily organizes the rupture of the continuity of the State in favor of two distinct functions of the law. He thinks he can handle them.
2- In a second time, it becomes possible that the unity of the two practices is managed by those same ones to which the first ones will have recognized an access to the legality.
The public now knows that it is not possible for the police to fight the thugs in all circumstances because they are already acting in the cracks of legality.
10- The avant-garde Corsica
The mafia is the action of private thugs in the field of public administration.
In Corsica, we are already at the second stage, where it is the mafia who organize the cohabitation of the two legal practices.
This ability of the mafia to take the direction of the administrative policy of Corsica has just been denounced by a group of honest citizens in the appeal of September 26, 2019.
They take "the initiative to invite the population to an awareness of the threats that seriously jeopardize the collective interests of our society and particularly those of our youth".
10) - The uncertainties of law
This discontinuity results in uncertainty of the law.
Whether in Corsica or in cities, magistrates and the media explain to the public that it is impossible to defeat the mafia because the law is with them.
1- It is no longer one-off cases but case law.
2- The only argument presented publicly to justify the inclusion in the law of a legal break is the fear of the capacities of the populations recognizing themselves in the factious ones to sow extraordinary disturbances with the public order.
National Muslim cadres have already publicly threatened the Civil War.
To act according to the fear inspired by particular masses is to negotiate.
In this case, the discussion aims to accommodate secularism with Sharia, Democracy with Fascism, Liberty with slave subversion.
11) - The trend
The power of the subversion enterprise of the Republic is marked on the one hand by the institutionalization of censorship and the judicial repression of opinions and on the other hand by the resurgence of the Vichyist doctrine of corporatism as a university political theory and as a practice of masses of social bodies.
Admittedly, nothing is acquired, everything is in negotiation, but the main thing for the factious is precisely that the legal authorities recognize them as "valid interlocutors" according to the historical formula to which all the parties think.
What makes the choice difficult for the authorities in their undeniable fight against terrorism is that the Islamists are the vanguard of the Muslim party and as such the vanguard of the Petainist party.
As for the leftists of May-68 and the 70s; there is a world and a beautiful world behind them.
As an indication, note that Denis Olivennes, ENA, Sciences Po, associate of letters, CEO of multinationals, member of the French-American Foundation-France, former leftist, Jewish executive, said during a recent broadcast of Zemmour and Naulleau, on the occasion of the release of his book "The delicious French misfortune" that "in 1945, France has committed a fault".
The action, the program, the government of the Liberation are at fault.
12) - Freedom
Proponents of this political doctrine are therefore led to fight freedom of opinion and expression.
The primary concern of their questioning is the erasure of the word freedom and its reality. They are constantly working to forget him.
But our society was founded by Freedom.
There can be no solution to anything that does not go through freedom and its variations; including freedom of opinion and expression.
Again, between De Gaulle and Pétain, the French must choose; and quick.
31.10.19, contribution 36, terrorisme légalité corse islam droit rupture continuité liberté censure
blog : / Livre : Les Deux formes, éd. Amazon
Paris, le jeudi 31
octobre 2019
(Suite de la
contribution 23 octobre 2019 relative à la mise en opposition de la
vigilance et de la liberté ; cf. :
1)- Préambule
Le massacre du 2
octobre 2019, à la préfecture de police de Paris, donne
l'impression d'une mécanique sans effets qui reproduirait à
l'infini la folie des tueurs et la traque policière.
Ce n'est pas exact.
Cette terreur
produit des effets sur la définition, l'organisation, l'exercice,
des Pouvoirs publics. En ce sens elle est une véritable politique et
la mouvance islamiste un vrai parti politique.
1- Par la crainte
qu'elle impose à la population et aux cadres administratifs, la
disqualification qu'elle apporte de l’État ; cette terreur
est d'abord un lieu de négociations entre d'une part, le parti
islamiste et les masses qu'il influence, et d’autre part, certains
réseaux dirigeants de cadres français.
2- La terreur
islamiste n'est pas la seule qui modifie les Pouvoirs publics. La
terreur dite indépendantiste en Corse obtient les mêmes résultats
par des moyens similaires.
C'est à l'évocation
de la qualité transactionnelle de ces terreurs, qu'est consacrée
cette réflexion.
2)- le but
Le 2 octobre 2019,
lors du massacre de la Préfecture, le criminel musulman meurt
volontairement au combat.
Il n'avait pas d'autre but que de faire valoir la présence légale, violente ou non, des militants de l'islam dans les organes du Pouvoir exécutif et par là-même d'inscrire l'activité terroriste islamiste, dont la sienne, dans les mailles de la légalité.
3)- Le délai
Lors des précédents
attentats, en 1995, il a fallu attendre pour que cette inscription du
terrorisme et de l'action factieuse dans la légalité soit d'une
part soutenue publiquement par les universitaires et les médias et
d'autre part produise ses effets positifs pour le communautarisme et
ses correspondants parmi les dirigeants français d'autre part.
1- En 2015, le
vendredi 13 novembre, 130 personnes sont massacrées au Bataclan, à
Paris. Les conséquences positives des massacres pour le parti
musulman furent alors discrètes.
Par exemple :
a- Les laudateurs de
la terreur furent vilipendés.
b- Les
universitaires qui ont soutenu le massacre de Charlie-Hebdo en
arguant du racisme proclamé des français, du colonialisme, de
l'impérialisme, ont été contrés.
c- Sur le terrain,
discrètement, il en allait autrement.
Ainsi, le jeudi 20
novembre 2015, huit jours après le carnage, à l'hôpital
Saint-Joseph, à Paris, un médecin spécialiste recevait en
consultation en compagnie d'une étudiante en burqa. Ce qu'il ne
faisait pas auparavant. La Direction et la justice ont laissé faire.
2- En 2019, par
contre, le massacre de la préfecture est immédiatement théorisé
par l'universitaire Eric Fassin.
En commentaire de ce
carnage, lors de l'émission 28mn, sur Arte, il dit : « La
ségrégation provoque le communautarisme. Le terrorisme est une
réponse folle à la question réelle du martyr des musulmans. »
a- L'usage du terme
« martyr » est une implication des concepts religieux
dans le débat public. En l'espèce, ce terme se réfère aux
idéologies religieuses juive et musulmane.
b- Ces concepts
religieux sont à la fois politiques et administratifs.
c- C'est de la part
de ce chercheur une invitation faite à l'alliance politique de ces
deux partis religieux.
d- Par ailleurs, les
catégories de l'islam, des musulmans, des migrants, de l'islamisme,
du gangstérisme, de la terreur locale, celle des cités, du
militantisme musulmans, etc., sont implicitement placées dans un
espace idéologique uniforme par cette déclaration.
4)- Les deux piliers
de l'emprise religieuse
Ce massacre a
entraîné une discussion sur le voile islamique durant les sorties
Il en est ainsi car
le voile religieux est avec la circoncision l'un des deux piliers de
la continuité et de l'expansion de l'emprise religieuse.
5)- La circoncision
Elle organise le
séparatisme des hommes avec le reste de l'humanité.
a- Il n'est pas
permis d'en discuter puisque cette pratique administrative concerne
les hommes et donc les dominants.
b- A contrario,
l'excision est exactement le même travail de charcutage du vagin des
enfants que la Circoncision qui charcute le pénis des enfants.
c- Elle est discutée
et criminalisée parcequ'elle concerne les femmes.
d- Celles-ci étant
considérées comme inférieures, les modalités de cette infériorité
peuvent être discutées.
e- Ce sont deux
pratiques également pédocriminelles.
Le 7 mai 2012, un
Tribunal de Cologne en Allemagne a assimilé « l'ablation du
prépuce à une blessure passible de poursuites » et affirmé
que « le droit de l'enfant à son intégrité physique primait
sur celui de pratiquer une circoncision effectuée pour des raisons
religieuses ».
Cette décision a
immédiatement provoqué un affrontement entre deux camps :
1- Les religions
concernées et ceux qui soutiennent la forme concordataire de l’État
a- Les musulmans
déclarent : « Au-delà de la démarche religieuse, c'est
un acte qui scelle l'appartenance à la collectivité »
b- Les juifs
déclarent : « Je ne vois pas comment des juifs pourraient
continuer à vivre dans un pays tenant pour illégal un acte
constitutif de leur vie spirituelle. Ce conflit est impossible à
résoudre, sauf à quitter l'Allemagne », dit le conservateur
Michel Friedman, avocat et éditorialiste, ancien président du
Congrès juif européen.
c- Le 19 juillet,
des élus nationaux ont demandé que (dès cet automne 2012) le
gouvernement leur soumette un texte de loi donnant un cadre légal à
la circoncision non médicale.
d- « Il faut
dire aux juifs et aux musulmans que leur liberté de croyance est
garantie en Allemagne ». résume le "responsable religion"
des Verts, Josef Philip Winkler, inquiet, comme beaucoup d'autres,
des associations inéluctables avec le passé allemand.
Dans toute l'Europe,
notamment en France, la décision du Tribunal allemand fut qualifiée
comme étant une attaque pire qu'Auschwitz.
Cela indique que les
cadres religieux n'attachent aucun sérieux scientifique à
l'évocation des faits historiques.
2- La société
En soutien à la
décision de justice de criminalisation de cette pratique
pédocriminelle, la presse évoque « de nombreuses associations
de défense des droits des enfants, soutenues par la fédération des
pédiatres et le syndicat de la police ».
a- Il est clair
qu'il ne peut y avoir d'évolution démocratique de cette logique
communautaire tant que ses membres y sont parqués à leur naissance.
b- Il ne peut non
plus y avoir de respect général de l'enfant tant qu'il est possible
de charcuter le sexe de certains d'entre eux pour en faire les
esclaves d'une doctrine quelconque.
c- Les Hommes sont
ainsi parqués dans un espace de domination, notamment sur les
Femmes. Sans qu'on s'en aperçoive, par capillarité, cette pratique
soutient tout le système de domination masculine sur les femmes.
6)- Le voile
A- Note
1- Le voilement
organise la subordination de principe de la femme pour l'homme.
a- Qu'il se porte
sur la tête, la poitrine, les fesses, les mains, les yeux, etc. :
la seule fonction du voile religieux est d'affirmer publiquement que
les femmes sont congénitalement des sexes sur pattes, des salopes.
a- Elles sont par
elles-mêmes des lieux de pêchés et de tentations.
b- Dans le même
mouvement, les hommes apparaissent comme porteurs d’une virilité
non maîtrisable.
c- Elles sont à ce
titre responsables de l’excitation des hommes et coupables des
viols auxquels elles conduisent ces hommes.
d- Cette culpabilité
des femmes, au titre de tentatrices naturelles, par définition, se
traduit en droit dans tous les pays de dictature musulmane.
e- Elle entraîne
des violences physiques civiles dans tout l'espace culturel musulman.
f- Par exemple durant la guerre de Yougoslavie en 1990 les femmes
musulmanes violées étaient répudiées ou tuées par leurs maris
enfin débarrassés de l'athéisme communiste et de l'obligation de
respect des femmes qu'il imposait.
2- L'administration
a- La pudeur
Les termes religieux
utilisés pour qualifier le voile sont la « pudeur » et
la « décence ».
Ils apparaissent
comme n'étant pas à proprement religieux.
Il en va ainsi car
le voilement des femmes est une fonction administrative de la
religion et non une fonction spirituelle.
Cette confusion avec
leurs homonymes laïques permet aux religieux d'imposer aux termes
laïques l'évidence d'un sens religieux.
Mais cette fonction
administrative civile est bien définie par la religion et elle lui
est assujettie.
b- Le rappel à
Ce voile s'impose
donc à toutes les femmes. Les dites musulmanes sont simplement des
femmes qui ont la chance de le savoir.
Elles portent ce
voile pour affirmer la condition de la femme, en avertir le public,
et obliger le public et ses représentants légaux à s'y conformer.
B- La réponse des
cadres français
1- les partis
Mis à part les élus
du Parti républicain qui n'iront jamais au delà d'une querelle
opportune et publicitaire ; tous les intervenants de l'appareil
d'Etat, à commencer par le rapporteur général de l'Observatoire
de la laïcité, ont profité de l'occasion pour continuer le travail
entrepris depuis plusieurs décennies par les gouvernements et les
magistrats de marginalisation de la laïcité.
2- Le cadre du débat
Désormais, le port
du voile religieux dans les activités scolaires est défendu par le
chantage au changement de la loi 1905.
La liberté
religieuse qui n'est pas instaurée par la loi 1905 et que celle-ci
se contente de rappeler devient prioritaire dans l'examen de cette
loi face à la séparation des religions et de l’État qui est son
objet propre, son invention.
Il est considéré
comme acté que cette loi ne concernait que le catholicisme alors
qu'elle concernait toutes les religions ; y compris l'islam et
le judaïsme.
a- En 1910, pour des
raisons d’assujettissement esclavagiste des masses colonisées, le
parti colonial a obtenu une dispense d'application pour l'islam.
b- Il est opportun
de rappeler que la continuité de l’assujettissement des anciennes
masses colonisées à l'islam est le fait du colonialisme. L'évidence
de la foi est coloniale.
7)- Les conflits
dans le pouvoir
1- Les deux
politiques administratives
Ce double travail de
séparation des hommes et d’assujettissement des femmes produit
politiquement un combat continu pour imposer un ordre administratif
correspondant et contraire aux principes de liberté et d'égalité
créés par l'Europe.
L'enjeu de la
pratique continuelle des « guet-apens » de policiers par
des voyous est d'obtenir, dans l'exercice de l'ordre public dans les
dits « quartiers ». la reconnaissance d'une distinction
d'ordre diplomatique entre les représentants du droit français et
les masses assujetties à l'islam dotées de représentants
Les policiers sont
en faute parcequ'ils ne respecte pas cette distance diplomatique.
Il se bâtit une
rupture dans le droit français entre les populations qui relèvent
du droit ordinaire et celles qui relèvent d'une pratique
diplomatique du même droit.
2- Les deux langages
Cette subversion
politique s'organise à partir de questionnements religieux, c'est à
dire administratifs, tels le « martyr » utilisé par
l'universitaire Fassin, alors que les français, et au-delà les
européens, ne perçoivent le débat public qu'en termes politiques
et juridiques qui renvoient aux affrontement de la société civile.
Cela explique le
laborieux travail de traduction du religieux vers le laïque auquel
se livrent les autorités pour faire croire qu'il y a un dialogue
3)- Le lieu de
Le point de
rencontre de ces deux politiques d'organisation de la société est
précisément le Pouvoir.
D'où les
confrontations permanentes, multiformes, inextricables.
8)- L’accommodement
Pour des raisons qui
ne relèvent pas de cette réflexion, il semble que les autorités
des Etats européens aient choisi la solution du partage du pouvoir ;
de l’accommodement.
C'est ce principe
d’accommodement et donc de rupture de la continuité de l’État
que les magistrats mettent en œuvre, le 25 octobre 2019, lors du
Guet-apens, à la Cité du Val-Fourré, à Mantes-la-Jolie.
Désormais, les
émeutiers de confession musulmane ont des prérogatives juridiques
égales à celles des policiers.
Suite au guet-apens
du Val Fourré à Mantes-la-Jolie, le parquet annonce concomitamment,
dans la même qualité juridique :
1- Que l’IGPN est
saisie et que les investigations de celle-ci vont porter sur les
conditions d’usage des armes de défense des policiers.
2- Qu'il ouvre une
enquête des chefs de violences en réunion avec guet-apens et arme
ainsi que participation à un groupement formé en vue de la
commission de violences et outrages sur personne dépositaire de
l’autorité publique.
3- Les médias
annoncent d'abord la saisie de l'IGPN au profit des émeutiers et
ensuite l'enquête pour violences contre les policiers.
a- Lorsqu'un
émeutier est blessé, il réclame la même protection médico-légale
que les policiers et son cas est également présenté en priorité
par les médias.
b- Peu après la fin
des heurts, deux individus se sont présentés au centre hospitalier
François Quesnay, affirmant avoir été blessés par des tirs de
LBD. L’un était touché à un œil, un second au niveau des
c- Un policier de la
BST (Brigade spécialisée de terrain) a été blessé par un tir de
4- C'est la
convocation de l'IGPN et donc l'examen d'une faute possible des
représentants des Pouvoirs publics qui est la priorité de ces deux
initiatives et qui leur donne leur sens public.
9)- La norme
Cette émergence
d'une rupture territoriale puis universelle de la continuité de
l’État devient une norme juridique.
1- Dans un premier
temps, c'est le pouvoir légal qui détient la définition de la
légalité. C'est également lui qui organise volontairement la
rupture de la continuité de l’État au profit de deux
fonctionnements distincts du droit. Il pense pouvoir les gérer.
2- Dans un second
temps, il devient possible que l'unité des deux pratiques soit gérée
par ceux-là même auxquels les premiers auront reconnu un accès à
la légalité.
Le public sait
désormais qu'il n'est pas possible pour les forces de l'ordre de
combattre les voyous en toutes circonstances du fait que ceux-ci
agissent déjà dans les mailles de la légalité.
10- L'avant-garde
La maffia est
l'action des voyous privés sur le terrain de l'administration
En Corse, on en est
déjà à la seconde étape, celle où ce sont les maffieux qui
organisent la cohabitation des deux pratiques juridiques.
Cette capacité des
maffieux à prendre la direction de la politique administrative de la
Corse vient d'être dénoncée par un groupement de citoyens honnêtes
dans l'appel du 26 septembre 2019.
Ils prennent
« l'initiative d'inviter la population à une prise de
conscience des menaces qui compromettent gravement les intérêts
collectifs de notre société et singulièrement, ceux de notre
jeunesse ».
10)- Les
incertitudes du droit
Cette discontinuité
se traduit par une incertitude du droit.
Que ce soit en Corse
ou dans les cités, les magistrats et les médias expliquent au
public qu'il est impossible de vaincre les maffieux parce que le
droit est avec eux.
1- Il ne s'agit plus
de cas ponctuels mais de la jurisprudence.
2- Le seul argument
présenté publiquement pour justifier l'inclusion dans le droit
d'une rupture juridique est la peur des capacités des populations se
reconnaissant dans les factieux à semer des troubles extraordinaires
à l'ordre public.
Des cadres musulmans
nationaux ont déjà menacé publiquement de la Guerre civile.
Agir en fonction de
la peur qu'inspire des masses particulières, c'est déjà négocier.
En l'espèce, la
discussion vise à accommoder la laïcité avec la charia, la
Démocratie avec le fascisme, la Liberté avec la subversion
11)- La
La puissance
de l'entreprise de subversion de la République se marque d'une part
par l’institutionnalisation de la censure et de la répression
judiciaire des opinions et d'autre part par la résurgence de la
doctrine vichyste du corporatisme comme théorie politique
universitaire et comme pratique de masses des corps sociaux.
Certes, rien
n'est acquis, tout est en négociation, mais le principal pour les
factieux est justement que les autorités légales les
reconnaissent comme « interlocuteurs valables » selon la
formule historique à laquelle pensent toutes les parties.
Ce qui rend
le choix difficile pour les autorités dans leur lutte indéniable
contre le terrorisme est que les islamistes sont l'avant-garde du
parti musulman et à ce titre l'avant-garde du parti pétainiste.
Comme pour
les gauchistes de Mai-68 et des années 70 ; il y a du monde et
du beau monde derrière eux.
A titre
indicatif, notons que Denis Olivennes, École normale supérieure,
ENA, Sciences PO, agrégé de lettres, PDG de multinationales, membre
de la French-American
Foundation-France, ancien gauchiste, cadre juif, a déclaré au cours
d'une récente
émission de zemmour et Naulleau, à l'occasion de la sortie de son
livre « Le délicieux malheur français » que « en
1945, la France à commis une faute ».
L'action, le
programme, le gouvernement de la Libération sont fautifs.
12)- La
partisans de cette doctrine politique sont donc conduits à combattre
la liberté d'opinion et d'expression.
préoccupation première de leurs questionnement est l'effacement du
mot liberté et de sa réalité. Ils travaillent constamment à son
Or, notre
société s'est fondée par la Liberté.
Il ne peut y
avoir de solution à quoi que ce soit qui ne passe par la liberté et
ses déclinaisons ; notamment la liberté d'opinion et
A nouveau,
entre De Gaulle et Pétain, les français doivent choisir ; et
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