blog: / Book: The Two
Forms, ed. Amazon
Paris, Tuesday, December 15, 2020
Over the course of the attacks, assaults, slaughtering teachers, stalking minors, anti-racist demonstrations, anti-discrimination mobilizations, etc. a system is forged which adapts perfectly to the rules of the presidential election.
This device is what communitarian currents call for and call the election of the First Black President of France (PPNF).
This President is claimed by all those who call themselves “minorities”.
Of course, each of these ethno-religious parties preaches first for its parish.
Each “minority” chapel claims the national election of its candidate.
However, they all have in common that they agonize with insults the "French", the "franchouillards", the non-minorities, who according to them would refuse to vote for a candidate declared "from the minorities".
The term "franchouillard" has already taken the public meaning of the old racist and contemptuous colonial terms such as "bougnoule", "bamboula", "youpin".
Thus, the French, the whites, the goys, the babtous, would they refuse to vote for a Jew, a black, an Arab, any discriminated against.
The election of such a person for this quality is presented as the Promised Land of the Liberation of minorities, the beginning of the end of discrimination; the start of repairs.
This already constitutes a unitary electoral program:
1- Elect a “minority” and therefore “break the glass ceiling”.
2- Dismember the system of oppression of the "majority".
3- Bring the public debate back to the minority debate
a- Their liberation and the compensations which are due to them for causes of oppression.
b- The subjugation of the “French” to the “avant-garde of society”.
Class oppositions have already become ethnic oppositions and national principles are now those of ethnico-religious diversity.
The ethnico-religious groups are already presenting themselves as the "vanguards of society":
a- Jacques Attali : Jews are the vanguard of society.
b- Kylian Mbappé: only blacks know how to play football at a level of excellence.
The public administration will be conditioned by the management of inequalities, injustices,
disputes, ethnico-religious.
It will be a French region, stripped of its criminalized history, in line with globalization, free and undistorted competition, liberalism, so-called regional languages, including Arabic, independence, Corsica for example, etc.
A simplified and concordatory democracy. A digital pétainism.
When the Poles accepted religion as a state reference, the working week immediately went from 40 hours to 60 hours and women lost the right to free abortion; among other things.
It may still sound burlesque.
Yet this is what Mr. Darmanin has included as the political program of the Minister of the Interior.
Chance dictates that he is also the Minister of Elections.
From the outset, he started with these words: my grandfather is a militant Arab, as such (like all Arabs and Africans) he saved France, and a practicing Muslim, he said his five daily prayers, as such he is a source of wisdom; for example: constitutional.
In short: our ancestors the Muslims (idem: our ancestors the non-Gauls, the non-goys, the non-babtou, the non-franchouillards).
His entire policy aims at the constitution of a political alliance between the Muslim bourgeoisie (to which the Jewish (Jacques Attali) and Muslim (Hakim el karoui) academics grant the political direction of the Muslim population), the executives of the French State linked to Sciences Po, the main capitalists.
Discreetly but vigorously, Mr. Darmanin positioned himself to become the “PPNF”.
a- It does not have to have a program since it is now defined by the European Commission.
b- He inscribes his career in the university triptych: modern France is made up of immigrants, capitalists, academics; the others don't count.
Of course, the chroniclers want to see something else in him. They focus on the Sarkozy tendencies of M. Darmanin. They make fun of the "monkey" which imitates the past.
This is to hide the fact that the ethnico-religious orientation of public debate is being recognized as the norm of public debate.
This is the case in sport, school, the emergence of a concordance policy, the ideological refrain, public order.
Thus, for a year, the French state has not been able to educate and guarantee the life of a young girl whose head has been put at a price by the ethnico-religious masses, with the support of their public organizations. , and who is freely pursued by their killers.
The only legal concern of justice towards this young minor girl was her immediate public indictment by the public prosecutor for having replied sharply to the Muslim who wanted to rape her in the name of his religion.
A multitude of facts indicate that the confluence of religions and the masses who recognize them is becoming before our eyes a national political and institutional force; a driving force behind public order.
Will Mr. Darmanin be up to the challenge he has launched? Is he building the place for another? Will it be for 2022 or 2027? The future will tell.
The fact remains that the PPNF machine is launched.
The French will just have to repeat in a loop that they saw nothing coming. It keeps you warm.