police, Sarkozy, Marseille, right, judges, failure, corruption
The reference text is French. Google translation.
Paris, Monday, June 17, 2013
Mr. prosecutorin Paris
Copy to:President of the RepublicMadam Attorney
1) - Questions and Answers
A-Question to ParisIn
2000, in the presence of all his colleagues, including the new head of
the police, a black police captain has explicitly called me a slave in
the following terms: "You are you, Mr. Salomone, below. ". I was kneeling figure held against the ground.
when the call for evidence in the case Sarkozy, at the request of the
prosecutor of the Republic, the home police, organized by order of Mr.
Commissioner of Police, did not surprise me off measurement.
I used to be treated like a dog by State personnel.
2000, I was summoned at the request of the prosecutor of the Republic,
to be heard on my complaints Conspiracy and rape against the judicial
police officers who organized the enslavement of mentally ill thugs to purpose of installing them socially. All under the guise of the judiciary.
Instead, I was abducted, kidnapped, tortured, until I withdraw my complaint. The Prosecutor of the Republic is a party.
Is this a show of force official crime responded to the question, that the independence of state agents against mafia?
B-Response to MarseilleThe answer came from Marseille in 2011.
-A policeman has denounced his superiors compromise of the LAC with dealers. It is removed from the National Policeb-The following year, one of their members, the guys complain to the prefect the racket they are being called by the BAC. All members of the latter's arrest. The bullies are recognized as "valid interlocutors" as a historical expression.
Except under the Occupation, never French police administration has been so assujetie the scum of law.
2) - Mr. Sarkozy
Again I ask a question that bothers.
inability to find Mr. prosecutor to get the police to agree to take
honnnêtement, without sabotaging the work, the testimony of Mr. Salomone
not only just plain disregard for officials to against the poor.
Justice is facing a double set of problems in which it fails to resolve.
A-Both rightsAs
it seems to me have shown, or at least indicated, rape highlighted by
Mrs. William highlights the clash of two rights which the best known
markers are the Civil and Sharia.
networks are far from unambiguous about their position in relation to
one and the other of these two types of law.
problem with rape lent to Mr. Sarkozy by Mrs. William is to be the
cornerstone of this conflict within the same system of legal references.
Thus facing the Legislature, Sarkozy sent a message to the government to mobilize the Executive. This mobilization can be done on the reference to Sharia law type I call the parallel law. This is the same law that organizes the rape at the Elysee and corruption in Marseilles.
Marseille example shows, after all the experience of the Italian Mafia,
and the entire experience constitutes the legal knowledge, the parallel
law that is administratively and politically Chaos aventurismes of the
factious. Mr. Interior Minister had emphasized the word "rebels" unusual since the war in Algeria.
B-Notaries and PsychiatryThe
difference between financial affairs seem to involve the relatives of
Mr. Sarkozy, even himself, and this rape case, probably organized based
on two distinct types of state involvement.
1 - Remove the StateIn
one case, it is whether the state will maintain its importance
vis-à-vis the economic world and the people who aspire to do without
him.Financial escapades, the case Tapie for example, whatever their legal developments are business between themselves. Few French identify with Mrs Bettencourt, Mr. Tapie, the Pakistani authorities or Mr. Gaddafi.The case Tapie calls the French on the ability of statesmen to manage public finances and not manage the daily everyone.Publicly, these cases fall elections.
2 - Subvert StateIn either case, it is whether the state will guarantee the principles of freedom and equality for all people. In
other words, it will maintain its mastery vis-à-vis population,
fractions, who aspire to replace them, to invest, to subvert it.
The rape case concerns all French on the ability of statesmen to control both the official and civilian crime. Each French, and not just women, is recognized in this abuse of power.
follows that the effects are not so much about the electoral choice by
the French team of good governance on the organization of daily reports,
even strategic, between the French and administrative networks.
Violate an MP not change the Civil Code, is develop the dictatorship in democratic procedures. It does not ruin the state, it is disintegrating.
C-The difficultyApparently publicly about this type of case is not clear.
Clearly, it is easier to audit than checking procedures. We agree to reasonably gut the management of family assets but not to put on the table the sexual desires of family members.
Notaries reassures psychiatry scared.
3) - Conclusion
I can imagine that the government would initiate the debate, as in the Tapie case which a civil party.
Only the distinction firmly established by the practices of state personnel between dogs and men inaceptable.
two are mentally ill Encounters in the street and booked a hotel room
for love in the Dass complaint for rape while acknowledging the
existence of an amorous encounter.
The sub-humans would have no right to love, the higher men have the right to violate.
what items, what code, Mr. prosecutor will justify it this legal
practice based on the recovery of inequalities and privileges?
Please accept, Mr. prosecutor, the assurance of my distinguished salutions,
Marc Salomone
mardi, juin 18, 2013
police, Sarkozy, Marseille, droit, magistrats, échec, corruption
police, Sarkozy, Marseille, droit, magistrats, échec, corruption
police, Sarkozy, Marseille, droit, magistrats, échec, corruption
le lundi 17 juin 2013
le procureur de la République
à :
le Président de la République
la Garde des Sceaux
Questions et réponses
A- Question
à Paris
En 2000, en
présence de tous ses collègues et notamment de la nouvelle Cheffe
du commissariat, un capitaine de police noir m'a explicitement
qualifié d'esclave en les termes suivants : « Vous êtes
à votre place, Monsieur Salomone, en bas. ». J'étais à
genoux, la figure maintenue contre le sol.
Donc, lors
de la convocation pour une déposition dans l'affaire Sarkozy, à la
demande de M. le procureur de la République, l'accueil policier,
organisé sur ordre de M. le Commissaire de Police, ne m'a pas étonné
outre mesure.
l'habitude d'être traité comme un chien par les personnels de
En 2000,
j'étais convoqué, à la demande de M. le procureur de la
République, pour être entendu sur mes plaintes pour Association de
malfaiteurs et viol contre des officiers de police judiciaires qui
organisaient l'asservissement de malades mentaux à des voyous aux
fins d'installer ceux-ci socialement. Le tout sous le couvert de la
Au lieu de
ça, j'ai été enlevé, séquestré, torturé, jusqu'à ce que je
retire mes plaintes. M. le Procureur de la République étant partie
Est-ce que
cette démonstration de force d'une criminalité officielle a répondu
à la question posée, celle de l'indépendance des agents de l'Etat
envers les maffieux ?
B- Réponse
à Marseille
La réponse
est venue de Marseille en 2011.
a- Un
policier dénonce à sa hiérarchie la compromission de la BAC avec
les dealers. Il est radié de la Police nationale
b- L'année
suivante, par un de leurs membres, les caïds dénoncent auprès du
préfet le racket dont ils sont l'objet par la dite BAC. Tous les
membres de celle-ci son arrêtés. Les caïds sont reconnus comme des
« interlocuteurs valables » selon une expression
Hormis sous
l'Occupation, jamais l'administration policière française n'a été
à ce point assujetie à la racaille de droit commun.
2)- M.
Cette fois
encore je pose une question qui gêne.
dans laquelle se trouve M. le procureur de la République d'obtenir
de la police qu'elle accepte de prendre honnnêtement, sans saboter
le travail, la déposition de M. Salomone ne vient pas seulement du
mépris ordinaire des fonctionnaires à l'égard des pauvres.
La justice
se trouve confrontée à une double série de difficultés au sein
desquelles elle ne parvient pas à trancher.
A- Les deux
Comme il me
semble l'avoir démontré, ou du moins indiqué, le viol mis en
évidence par Mme Guillaume met en lumière l'affrontement de deux
droits dont les marqueurs les plus connus sont le Code civil et la
Les réseaux
administratifs sont loin d'être univoques quant à leur position par
rapport à l'un et l'autre des ces deux types de droit.
Le problème
que pose le viol prété à M. Sarkozy par Mme Guillaume est d'être
la clé de voûte de cet affrontement au sein d'un même système de
références légales.
affrontant ainsi le Pouvoir législatif, M. Sarkozy a lancé un
message de mobilisation aux administrations du Pouvoir exécutif.
Cette mobilisation ne peut se faire que sur la référence à un
droit de type Charia que j'appelle le droit parallèle. C'est le même
droit qui organise le viol à l'Elysée et la corruption à
l'exemple de Marseille le démontre, après toute l'expérience de la
maffia italienne, et toute l'expérience constitutive du savoir
judiciaire, ce droit parallèle est administrativement celui du Chaos
et politiquement celui des aventurismes factieux. M. le Ministre de
l'Intérieur a dû ressortir le terme « factieux »
inusité depuis la Guerre d'Algérie.
B- Notariat
et psychiatrie
différence entre les affaires financières qui semblent impliquer
les proches de M. Sarkozy, voire lui-même, et cette affaire de viol,
probablement organisé, repose sur deux types distincts d'engagement
de l'Etat.
1- Ecarter
Dans un cas,
il s'agit de savoir si l'Etat maintiendra son importance vis-à-vis
du monde économique et des populations qui aspirent à se passer de
Les frasques
financières, l'affaire Tapie par exemple, quelques soient leurs
évolutions judiciaires, restent des affaires entre soi. Peu de
français s'identifient à Mme Bettencourt, M. Tapie, les autorités
pakistanaises ou M. Khadafi.
Tapie interpelle les français sur la capacité des hommes d'Etat à
gérer les finances publiques et non gérer le quotidien de tout un
ces affaires relèvent des élections.
2- Subvertir
Dans l'autre
cas, il s'agit de savoir si l'Etat garantira les principes de Liberté
et d'Egalité pour l'ensemble de la population. Autrement dit, s'il
maintiendra sa maitrise vis-à-vis de populations, de fractions, qui
aspirent à s'y substituer, à l'investir, le subvertir.
L'affaire du
viol interpelle tous les français sur la capacité des hommes d'Etat
à maîtriser autant la criminalité officielle que civile. Chaque
français, et pas seulement les femmes, se reconnaît dans cet abus
de pouvoir.
Il s'en suit
que les effets ne portent pas tant sur le choix électoral par les
français d'une bonne équipe de gouvernance que sur l'organisation
des rapports quotidiens, même stratégiques, entre les français et
les réseaux administratifs.
Violer une
députée ce n'est pas changer le Code civil, c'est aménager la
dictature dans les procédures démocratiques. On ne ruine pas
l'Etat, on le délite.
C- La
évoquer publiquement ce type d'affaire n'est pas évident.
il est plus facile de vérifier les comptes que de vérifier les
procédures. On est d'accord pour s'étriper raisonnablement sur la
gestion des biens familiaux mais pas pour mettre sur la tables les
désirs sexuels des membres d'une famille.
Le notariat
rassure, la psychiatrie fait peur.
Je peux
concevoir que le gouvernement veuille prendre l'initiative du débat,
comme dans l'affaire Tapie où il se porte partie civile.
Seule la
distinction solidement établie par les pratiques des personnels
d'Etat entre les chiens et les hommes est inaceptable.
Lorsque deux
malades mentaux se sont recontrés dans la rue et ont réservé une
chambre d'hôtel pour s'aimer, la Dass à porté plainte pour viol
tout en reconnaissant le fait de la rencontre amoureuse.
sous-hommes n'auraient pas le droit de s'aimer, les hommes supérieurs
auraient le droit de violer.
Par quels
articles, de quel Code, M. le procureur de la République
justifie-t'il cette pratique juridique fondée sur le rétablissement
des inégalités et des privilèges ?
Je vous prie
d'agréer, Monsieur le procureur de la République, l'assurance de
mes salutions distinguées,
lundi, juin 10, 2013
Meric, Esteban, Far right, Antifascisme
madic50.blogspot.comMeric Esteban Far right AntifascismeGoogle translation / The reference text is the French text.10/06/13
Sacrificial martyr and propitiation
1) - The order of prioritiesIn Meric case, it appears that there was no assault, calculation, will to fight, endangerment of others, hatred, from the Skinheads.
1 - First, they refused to engage in a fight that was imposed on them for two reasons:a-They did not come to fight but to buy clothes like antifa.b-They did not see how their interlocutors claimed the permanent opponents function after hours of political aggression sessions.c-They measured their physical superiority and they have informed their provocative.
2_ Instead, they were attacked, provoked, forced, to fight.They were killed by those who claim a "antifa" group led repeatedly skinheads.The fact that a provocative or death does not change the order of priorities.
3 - The behavior of skinheads before the altercation in the shop, says that these people do not work according to the criteria of hate.
The hate that justice must examine the presence and consequences is not the rage that is mobilized in the circumstances of the fight.In law, it is a proof, at least a serious and consistent index.
2) - The priorities of the "antifa"The so-called "antifa" students:
a-Assaulted verbally violent skinheads.-
They would have kept comments such as:"We have recognized you. You do not have interest to buy a lot of bags. We are waiting outside. ".
Mr. Meric quoted as saying: "These are people who should not even be alive. "
b-Prepared aggression.
The leader had boxing gloves in his bag and pushed his comrades to organize a fight.
c Built-stress combatVerbal abuse took place in the apartment of sale.
The "antifa" skinheads then waited at the exit.
On several occasions, they refused and circumvented the requirements of dispersion of security guards escorting a step further creating an obligation to fight.
d-They denied the authority of the security guard who ordered them to leave the premises and from the site.
They created the field of battle and set a moral liability to fight for skinheads.That's a lot for supporters of law and democratic order outraged
3) - Mr. Meric is visibly frail.
His image attests. He is recovering from leukemia. His body is unable to absorb the blows of a raging battle.
This visibility of its fragility was served by his interlocutors also refused to be as enemies.It's his own responsibility that is part of an action whose main purpose is physical violence on others and with others, so as to oneself.It is not forbidden. He attacked.
It is not a victim, he is a workaholic.It is not self-defense. It is a vigilante.
Mr. Meric is not in this fight because he is caught in a wind of madness that sometimes blows in a public place made up of young people. As the output of a nightclub after a drunken night out.Mr. Meric is this because he is enrolled in an organized research activity of violent action.This search for the violence inherent in the project form the membership of this group.
It is united by the research and eradication of demonstrations of what they call "fascism."
We will see that door is another name, that of Evil.
It is this research that made him refuse the public authority vested in the vigil.
4) - The Evil
The "antifa" which belonged to Mr. Meric are not only students who face physically opposite political camp, with what it leaves opportunities for confrontation and degassing of hormones.
All students generations have this kind of mobilization. They are university substitute gangs neighborhoods.The activity of these groups is a new ideological orientation in France. Their fascism has only distant relations with the political opposition to fascism and democracy.They are not fighting for democracy.
They fight against an ideological reality in itself a social object, fascism.
Their sole purpose is to eradicate physically fighting its members and events.
This Fascism opposes nothing. There is an evil in itself.
This is because it is actually fascism political and secular face of evil, the manifestation of Satan, the "filthy beast" to be driven from the land.They develop a religious vision of society.
They are kind of Satanists who will hunt down the evil, the evil events for the scare.
This fight is everywhere and in every moment. Interviewing activists inevitably find references to hunt vampires of Hollywood series.
Violence against people thought to embody the evil is necessary and inevitable because these people are possessed by the devil and that it is their body eradicate this evil presence to the whole society.The skinheads are human beings, certainly, but they are possessed by evil, the devil.
They are slightly different from men in that they are demonic beings.
They must be defeated to restore full power of good and thereby the security of society. Hence the need to stay put instead of starting.This movement, in lay out, is actually steeped in religiosity.
The issue historically for all these movements is as follows: After, who's next? If the far right is defeated and returns to hell, who else will be designated as the embodiment of evil?
5) - Standardization
Formula M. Meric, "These are people who should not even be alive," all fags heard it.
This is the formula by which the combatants invest right to eradicate the enemy is an enemy of mankind.
Must not only eliminate an enemy force.
We must purge society of evil that can grangrener society. These people are abnormal. Eliminate cost to restore the standard of living. Purify is secure life.We can not say that Mr. Meric "died for his ideas" and ignore those he expresses. The least we can say is that we are not blinded by the evidence of their anti-fascism.
6) - The martyrdom and sacrifice
A-MartyrIt is apparent that Mr. Meric was after the announcement of his death as a martyr ringfenced.
This death, this one or another, was expected by some as divine sign guiding errant messengers. It was also expected by others as a signal for action. Technical old state policy. Historical examples abound.Any prose about this death is a climb to the altar, the cross, the holy place. Even since we know that it is the small team who assaulted Mr. Meric skinheads, they are necessarily the "aggressors". This is wrong.Social tomb Mr. Meric must be the source from which come to drink all the anti-fascist forces to leave and go back to fight against the vile beast, evil. The miraculous fountain of French left yet officially secular.
B-SacrificeThe martyr Mr. Meric must respond just as religiously, the sacrifice of his pseudo-aggressor.
The question is not whether there is guilt or not. Guilt is a "social acquis".
The question is whether it will be possible to give the judicial route all its repercussions in the eradication of evil, aka the extreme right, aka fascism, aka making will follow.
The sacrificial procedure should be the epicenter of a redeemer fascist tsunami.
He must destroy the extreme right, break the right rein in the left. The sun will shine again.
7) - Social vengeance
1 - A man is dead.
Mr. Meric. Son of two academics, law professors, student at Sciences Po.
Already noticed as a future executive officer.Its presence in a violent movement, masked, at least heedless of the law is not a moral handicap. This is his commando course. It's good for the CV if you have the paqrcours.
2 - A man is responsible for his death. Esteban.
He was dressed for the four seasons by the scholars of the far right:- "This is a young idle.
The lumpen proletariat radicalized. With peers, they do not form a public intellectual (capable of intelligence).
There are no seminars. They engage in all kinds of actions that neither you nor I have the habit of doing. These people can not be party cadres. "Close ban.b-We later learn that Esteban is probably only his name and not his name.
He has no right to the name, as he held the title has no right to show his face. Before being convicted, he was already unfit to be a man.It's feudalism.
3 - Mechanical ideological argument develops a social conflict between a radical left, but at Sciences Po, and a radical right, but the proletariat.
In short, citizens are left and Democrats.
The proletarians are right and fascist.
When Mrs Thatcher said that "General Pinochet saved democracy" she said, with just a step ahead, that French academics and journalists can finally say today.
Thiers also said documents supporting the workers of the Paris Commune were prolific offenders.The time must have seemed long to academics.
This long detour respect proletarians before finally returning to the fundamentals of hatred and contempt.
8) - Justice
1 - The social racisma-Justice sets the named Esteban charge.
a- The press, social racism, do not give us the name. Remember that this is just unconstitutional. Justice is public.
b-He is accused of manslaughter.
To make sure he goes to jail, we first put it there automatically.
Everyone knows that judges cover illegal sentence custody by an equivalent penalty.It is an abuse of power.
2 - Inequality before the law
The girlfriend of the man is under investigation for "complicity" of violence causing death.
This poses a problem of law.
It is said that Esteban is the only guilty of manslaughter, either.
The trial rule.
By cons, from the time when we speak of "complicity" everything changes.
It has been established that it is the "antifa" which caused even more controlled and organized, the stress of the fight.
They did so:a-Offensiveb-Convening groups outsideb-Rejecting the authority of public vigil.How can it determine justice "complicity" without considering that opponents of Mr. Esteban?
This would not hold that the only "complicity" of the girlfriend of Mr. Esteban retain the thesis aggression nice fascist skinheads attacked by evil fascists.
Person can no longer hold this view.
Either Justice sticks to the qualification of complicity in the one person of one camp.
In this case, there is a clear violation of the equality of all before the law.
Either justice examines the legal responsibilities of all those present.
In this case, the legal position of Mr Esteban may find changed.
9) - The civil consequences
Now, the blood flowed and the blood trail was erected in front line between legality and barbarism. The wake is a wake weapon.
Mr. Prime Minister does not make a mistake.
He orders "cut to pieces" the far-right groups.
This is exactly the language when they tell historians relate that after the battle, one of the two camps let go and disbands.
General of the other side asks his cavalry to hunt down fugitives and the "cut to pieces."
So we would be in the presence of a war that has so far not speak its name.
The death of Mr. Meric is the revelation of a covert battle in the city.
The warriors are among us.
This war, after embodied in the crushed body of young Meric, will register on the tortured body of the young Esteban.
The blood of Mr. Meric is the original blood, the miraculous spring, the fountain of youth, which continually come to drink the beneficiaries of this "divine surprise", or the "strange defeat".
The cruel death of this young man for whom the wars of adults continued to be child's play creates a substitute for law.
It allows the bypass in it.
This legitimate death that really needs to be woven and the legality of which destroys the principles thereof.
Hope that reason prevails, that the judges did not leave tell, Mr. Meric rest in peace.
Marc Salomone
Sacrificial martyr and propitiation
1) - The order of prioritiesIn Meric case, it appears that there was no assault, calculation, will to fight, endangerment of others, hatred, from the Skinheads.
1 - First, they refused to engage in a fight that was imposed on them for two reasons:a-They did not come to fight but to buy clothes like antifa.b-They did not see how their interlocutors claimed the permanent opponents function after hours of political aggression sessions.c-They measured their physical superiority and they have informed their provocative.
2_ Instead, they were attacked, provoked, forced, to fight.They were killed by those who claim a "antifa" group led repeatedly skinheads.The fact that a provocative or death does not change the order of priorities.
3 - The behavior of skinheads before the altercation in the shop, says that these people do not work according to the criteria of hate.
The hate that justice must examine the presence and consequences is not the rage that is mobilized in the circumstances of the fight.In law, it is a proof, at least a serious and consistent index.
2) - The priorities of the "antifa"The so-called "antifa" students:
a-Assaulted verbally violent skinheads.-
They would have kept comments such as:"We have recognized you. You do not have interest to buy a lot of bags. We are waiting outside. ".
Mr. Meric quoted as saying: "These are people who should not even be alive. "
b-Prepared aggression.
The leader had boxing gloves in his bag and pushed his comrades to organize a fight.
c Built-stress combatVerbal abuse took place in the apartment of sale.
The "antifa" skinheads then waited at the exit.
On several occasions, they refused and circumvented the requirements of dispersion of security guards escorting a step further creating an obligation to fight.
d-They denied the authority of the security guard who ordered them to leave the premises and from the site.
They created the field of battle and set a moral liability to fight for skinheads.That's a lot for supporters of law and democratic order outraged
3) - Mr. Meric is visibly frail.
His image attests. He is recovering from leukemia. His body is unable to absorb the blows of a raging battle.
This visibility of its fragility was served by his interlocutors also refused to be as enemies.It's his own responsibility that is part of an action whose main purpose is physical violence on others and with others, so as to oneself.It is not forbidden. He attacked.
It is not a victim, he is a workaholic.It is not self-defense. It is a vigilante.
Mr. Meric is not in this fight because he is caught in a wind of madness that sometimes blows in a public place made up of young people. As the output of a nightclub after a drunken night out.Mr. Meric is this because he is enrolled in an organized research activity of violent action.This search for the violence inherent in the project form the membership of this group.
It is united by the research and eradication of demonstrations of what they call "fascism."
We will see that door is another name, that of Evil.
It is this research that made him refuse the public authority vested in the vigil.
4) - The Evil
The "antifa" which belonged to Mr. Meric are not only students who face physically opposite political camp, with what it leaves opportunities for confrontation and degassing of hormones.
All students generations have this kind of mobilization. They are university substitute gangs neighborhoods.The activity of these groups is a new ideological orientation in France. Their fascism has only distant relations with the political opposition to fascism and democracy.They are not fighting for democracy.
They fight against an ideological reality in itself a social object, fascism.
Their sole purpose is to eradicate physically fighting its members and events.
This Fascism opposes nothing. There is an evil in itself.
This is because it is actually fascism political and secular face of evil, the manifestation of Satan, the "filthy beast" to be driven from the land.They develop a religious vision of society.
They are kind of Satanists who will hunt down the evil, the evil events for the scare.
This fight is everywhere and in every moment. Interviewing activists inevitably find references to hunt vampires of Hollywood series.
Violence against people thought to embody the evil is necessary and inevitable because these people are possessed by the devil and that it is their body eradicate this evil presence to the whole society.The skinheads are human beings, certainly, but they are possessed by evil, the devil.
They are slightly different from men in that they are demonic beings.
They must be defeated to restore full power of good and thereby the security of society. Hence the need to stay put instead of starting.This movement, in lay out, is actually steeped in religiosity.
The issue historically for all these movements is as follows: After, who's next? If the far right is defeated and returns to hell, who else will be designated as the embodiment of evil?
5) - Standardization
Formula M. Meric, "These are people who should not even be alive," all fags heard it.
This is the formula by which the combatants invest right to eradicate the enemy is an enemy of mankind.
Must not only eliminate an enemy force.
We must purge society of evil that can grangrener society. These people are abnormal. Eliminate cost to restore the standard of living. Purify is secure life.We can not say that Mr. Meric "died for his ideas" and ignore those he expresses. The least we can say is that we are not blinded by the evidence of their anti-fascism.
6) - The martyrdom and sacrifice
A-MartyrIt is apparent that Mr. Meric was after the announcement of his death as a martyr ringfenced.
This death, this one or another, was expected by some as divine sign guiding errant messengers. It was also expected by others as a signal for action. Technical old state policy. Historical examples abound.Any prose about this death is a climb to the altar, the cross, the holy place. Even since we know that it is the small team who assaulted Mr. Meric skinheads, they are necessarily the "aggressors". This is wrong.Social tomb Mr. Meric must be the source from which come to drink all the anti-fascist forces to leave and go back to fight against the vile beast, evil. The miraculous fountain of French left yet officially secular.
B-SacrificeThe martyr Mr. Meric must respond just as religiously, the sacrifice of his pseudo-aggressor.
The question is not whether there is guilt or not. Guilt is a "social acquis".
The question is whether it will be possible to give the judicial route all its repercussions in the eradication of evil, aka the extreme right, aka fascism, aka making will follow.
The sacrificial procedure should be the epicenter of a redeemer fascist tsunami.
He must destroy the extreme right, break the right rein in the left. The sun will shine again.
7) - Social vengeance
1 - A man is dead.
Mr. Meric. Son of two academics, law professors, student at Sciences Po.
Already noticed as a future executive officer.Its presence in a violent movement, masked, at least heedless of the law is not a moral handicap. This is his commando course. It's good for the CV if you have the paqrcours.
2 - A man is responsible for his death. Esteban.
He was dressed for the four seasons by the scholars of the far right:- "This is a young idle.
The lumpen proletariat radicalized. With peers, they do not form a public intellectual (capable of intelligence).
There are no seminars. They engage in all kinds of actions that neither you nor I have the habit of doing. These people can not be party cadres. "Close ban.b-We later learn that Esteban is probably only his name and not his name.
He has no right to the name, as he held the title has no right to show his face. Before being convicted, he was already unfit to be a man.It's feudalism.
3 - Mechanical ideological argument develops a social conflict between a radical left, but at Sciences Po, and a radical right, but the proletariat.
In short, citizens are left and Democrats.
The proletarians are right and fascist.
When Mrs Thatcher said that "General Pinochet saved democracy" she said, with just a step ahead, that French academics and journalists can finally say today.
Thiers also said documents supporting the workers of the Paris Commune were prolific offenders.The time must have seemed long to academics.
This long detour respect proletarians before finally returning to the fundamentals of hatred and contempt.
8) - Justice
1 - The social racisma-Justice sets the named Esteban charge.
a- The press, social racism, do not give us the name. Remember that this is just unconstitutional. Justice is public.
b-He is accused of manslaughter.
To make sure he goes to jail, we first put it there automatically.
Everyone knows that judges cover illegal sentence custody by an equivalent penalty.It is an abuse of power.
2 - Inequality before the law
The girlfriend of the man is under investigation for "complicity" of violence causing death.
This poses a problem of law.
It is said that Esteban is the only guilty of manslaughter, either.
The trial rule.
By cons, from the time when we speak of "complicity" everything changes.
It has been established that it is the "antifa" which caused even more controlled and organized, the stress of the fight.
They did so:a-Offensiveb-Convening groups outsideb-Rejecting the authority of public vigil.How can it determine justice "complicity" without considering that opponents of Mr. Esteban?
This would not hold that the only "complicity" of the girlfriend of Mr. Esteban retain the thesis aggression nice fascist skinheads attacked by evil fascists.
Person can no longer hold this view.
Either Justice sticks to the qualification of complicity in the one person of one camp.
In this case, there is a clear violation of the equality of all before the law.
Either justice examines the legal responsibilities of all those present.
In this case, the legal position of Mr Esteban may find changed.
9) - The civil consequences
Now, the blood flowed and the blood trail was erected in front line between legality and barbarism. The wake is a wake weapon.
Mr. Prime Minister does not make a mistake.
He orders "cut to pieces" the far-right groups.
This is exactly the language when they tell historians relate that after the battle, one of the two camps let go and disbands.
General of the other side asks his cavalry to hunt down fugitives and the "cut to pieces."
So we would be in the presence of a war that has so far not speak its name.
The death of Mr. Meric is the revelation of a covert battle in the city.
The warriors are among us.
This war, after embodied in the crushed body of young Meric, will register on the tortured body of the young Esteban.
The blood of Mr. Meric is the original blood, the miraculous spring, the fountain of youth, which continually come to drink the beneficiaries of this "divine surprise", or the "strange defeat".
The cruel death of this young man for whom the wars of adults continued to be child's play creates a substitute for law.
It allows the bypass in it.
This legitimate death that really needs to be woven and the legality of which destroys the principles thereof.
Hope that reason prevails, that the judges did not leave tell, Mr. Meric rest in peace.
Marc Salomone
Méric, Esteban, Extrême-droite, Antifascisme
Méric, Esteban, Extrême-droite, Antifascisme
Martyr sacrificiel et
victime expiatoire
1)- L'ordre des priorités
Dans l'affaire Méric, il
apparaît qu'il n'y a pas eu d'agression, de calcul, de volonté d'en
découdre, de mise en danger d'autrui, de haine, de la part des
1- Ils ont d'abord refusé
de s'engager dans la bagarre qui leur a été imposée pour deux
raisons :
a- Ils n'étaient pas
venus pour se battre mais pour acheter des vêtements, comme les
b- Ils ne voyaient pas en
quoi leurs interlocuteurs revendiquaient la fonction d'adversaires
permanents en dehors des heures de séances d'agressivité politique.
c- Ils mesuraient leur
supériorité physique et ils l'ont fait savoir à leurs
2_ Ils ont au contraire
été agressés, provoqués, contraints, au combat.
Ils l'ont été par ceux
qui se réclament d'un groupe « antifas » qui ont
provoqué de manière répétée les skinheads.
Le fait que l'un des
provocateurs soit mort ne change rien à l'ordre des priorités.
3- Le comportement des
skinheads avant l'altercation, en boutique, indique que ces gens
n'ont pas fonctionné selon les critères de la haine. La haine dont
la justice doit examiner la présence et les conséquences n'est pas
la rage qui se mobilise dans la circonstance du combat.
En droit, c'est une
preuve ; à tout le moins un indice grave et concordant.
2)- Les priorités des
« antifas »
Les étudiants dits
« antifas » ont :
a- Agressé verbalement
et violemment les skinheads.
- Ils auraient tenus des
propos tels que :
« On vous a
reconnu. Vous n'avez pas intérêt à acheter beaucoup de sacs. On
vous attend dehors. ».
M. Méric aurait ainsi
déclaré : « Ce sont des gens qui ne devraient même pas être
vivants. »
b- Préparé une
Le meneur avait des gants
de boxe dans son sac et poussait ses camarades à organiser un
c- Construit la
contrainte de combat
L'agression verbale a eu
lieu dans l'appartement de vente.
Les « antifas »
ont ensuite attendu les skinheads à la sortie.
A plusieurs reprises, ils
ont refusé et contourné les exigences de dispersion des vigiles en
reconduisant un peu plus loin la création d'une obligation de
d- Ils ont refusé
l'autorité du vigile qui leur enjoignait de quitter les lieux et de
partir de la place. Ils ont créé le lieu du combat et défini un
assujettissement moral à ce combat pour les skinheads.
Ça fait beaucoup pour
des défenseurs de la loi et l'ordre démocratique outragés
3)- M. Méric
M. Méric est une
personne visiblement fragile. Son image en atteste. Il se relève
d'une leucémie. Son corps est inapte à encaisser les coups rageurs
d'un combat.
Cette visibilité de sa
fragilité lui a été signifiée par ses interlocuteurs qui
refusaient aussi à ce titre d'être ses ennemis.
C'est de sa propre
responsabilité qu'il s'est inscrit dans une action dont la finalité
principale est la violence physique sur autrui et avec autrui, donc
aussi sur soi-même.
Il ne s'est pas défendu.
Il a attaqué.
Il n'est pas une victime,
il est un bourreau.
Il n'est pas en légitime
défense. Il est un justicier.
M. Méric n'est pas dans
ce combat parcequ'il se trouve pris dans un vent de folie qui souffle
parfois dans un lieu public composé de jeunes. Comme à la sortie
d'une boite de nuit après une soirée bien arrosée.
M. Méric est présent
parcequ'il est inscrit dans une activité organisée de recherche de
l'action violente.
Cette recherche de la
violence est inhérente au projet qui forme l'adhésion à ce groupe.
Ce dernier est uni par la recherche et l'éradication des
manifestations de ce qu'ils appellent le « fascisme ».
Nous verrons qu'il porte en fait un autre nom, celui du Mal.
C'est cette recherche qui
lui a fait refuser l'autorité publique dont est investi le vigile.
4)- Le Mal
Les « antifas »
auxquels appartenait M. Méric ne sont pas seulement des étudiants
qui font face physiquement au camp politique d'en face ; avec ce
que cela laisse de possibilités d'affrontements et de dégazages
d'hormones. Toutes les générations étudiantes ont ce genre de
mobilisations. Elles sont le substitut universitaire des gangs des
quartiers populaires.
L'activité de ces
groupes relève d'une orientation idéologique nouvelle en France.
Leur antifascisme n'a plus que de lointains rapports avec
l'opposition politique du fascisme et de la démocratie.
Ils ne combattent pas
pour la démocratie. Ils se battent contre une réalité idéologique
en soi, un objet social, le fascisme. Leur seul but est de
l'éradiquer en combattant physiquement ses membres et ses
manifestations. Ce fascisme ne s'oppose à rien. Il est un mal en
soi. Il en est ainsi car ce fascisme est en fait le visage politique
et laïc du Mal, la manifestation de Satan, la « bête
immonde » qu'il faut chasser de la terre.
Ils développent une
vision religieuse de la société. Ils sont des sortes de satanistes
qui vont traquer le Mal, les manifestations du Malin, pour le faire
fuir. Ce combat est partout et à chaque instant. En interrogeant les
militants ont trouvera inévitablement des références à la traque
des vampires des séries hollywoodiennes.
La violence à l'égard
des personnes supposées incarner ce Mal est nécessaire et
inévitable puisque ces gens sont possédés par le démon et qu'il
s'agit d'extirper de leur corps cette présence maléfique pour toute
la société.
Les skinheads sont des
êtres humains, certes, mais ils sont possédés par le Mal, le
démon. Ils sont légèrement différents des hommes en ce qu'ils
sont des êtres démoniaques. Ils doivent être vaincus pour
restaurer la toute puissance du Bien et par là-même la sécurité
de la société. D'où la nécessité de rester sur place au lieu de
Ce mouvement, sous des
dehors laïcs, est en fait imprégné de religiosité. La question
qui se pose historiquement pour tous ces mouvements est la suivante :
Après, à qui le tour ? Si l'extrême-droite est vaincue et
retourne en enfer, qui d'autre sera désigné comme l'incarnation du
Mal ?
5)- La normalisation
La formule de M. Méric,
« Ce sont des gens qui ne devraient même pas être vivants »,
tous les pédés l'ont entendue.
C'est la formule par
laquelle les combattants s'investissent d'un droit d'éradication de
l'adversaire qui est un ennemi du genre humain. Il ne faut pas
seulement éliminer un ennemi, une force. Il faut purger la société
d'un mal qui peut grangrener la société. Ces gens sont anormaux.
Les éliminer revient à restaurer la norme du vivant. Epurer, c'est
garantir la vie.
On ne peut pas dire que
M. Méric est « mort pour ses idées » et passer sous
silence celles qu'il exprime. Le moins qu'on puisse dire est que nous
ne sommes pas éblouis par l'évidence de leur antifascisme.
6)- Le martyr et le
A- Le martyr
Il est visible que M.
Méric a été dès l'annonce de sa mort sanctuarisé en martyr.
Cette mort, celle-ci ou une autre, était attendue par les uns comme
le signe divin guidant les messagers errants. Elle était attendue
aussi par d'autres comme le signal de l'action. Vieille techniques
politique d'Etat. Les exemples historiques abondent.
Toute la prose concernant
cette mort est une montée vers l'autel, la croix, le lieu saint.
Même depuis qu'on sait que c'est la petite équipe de M. Méric qui
a agressé les skinheads, ceux-ci sont nécessairement les
« agresseurs ». Ce qui est faux.
La tombe sociale de M.
Méric doit être la source où viennent s'abreuver toutes les forces
antifascistes pour partir et repartir au combat contre la bête
immonde, le Mal. La fontaine miraculeuse de la gauche française
encore officiellement laïque.
B- Le sacrifice
Au martyr de M. Méric
doit répondre, tout aussi religieusement, le sacrifice de son
La question qui se pose
n'est pas de savoir s'il y a culpabilité ou pas. La culpabilité est
un « acquis social ».
La question est de savoir
s'il va être possible de donner au parcours judiciaire tout son
retentissement dans l'éradication du Mal, alias l'extrême-droite,
alias le fascisme, alias ce qui en prendra la suite.
La procédure
sacrificielle doit être l'épicentre d'un tsunami antifasciste
rédempteur. Il doit détruire l'extrême-droite, briser la droite,
mettre au pas la gauche. Le soleil brillera à nouveau.
7)- La vengeance sociale
1- Un homme est mort. M.
Méric. Fils de deux universitaires, professeurs de droit, élève à
Sciences-Po. Déjà remarqué comme un futur cadre dirigeant.
Sa présence dans un
mouvement violent, cagoulé, pour le moins insouciant de la loi,
n'est pas un handicap moral. C'est son stage commando. C'est bon pour
le CV si on a ce paqrcours.
2- Un homme serait
responsable de sa mort. M. Esteban.
a- Il est habillé pour
les quatre saisons par les universitaires spécialistes de
l'extrême-droite :
- « C'est un jeune
désoeuvré. Le lumpen prolétariat radicalisé. Avec ses camarades,
ils ne forment pas un public d'intellectuel (capable d'intelligence).
Il ne font pas de colloques. Ils se livrent à toutes sortes
d'actions que ni vous ni moi n'avons l'habitude de faire. Ces gens ne
peuvent pas être des cadres de parti. »
Fermez le ban.
b- Nous apprenons
tardivement que Esteban n'est probablement que son prénom et non son
Il n'a pas le droit au
nom, tout comme au titre de détenu il n'a pas le droit à montrer
son visage. Avant même d'être reconnu coupable, il est déjà
indigne d'être un homme.
C'est du féodalisme.
3- La mécanique
idéologique développe l'argument d'une opposition sociale entre une
gauche radicale, mais de Sciences Po, et une droite radicale, mais du
En bref, les bourgeois
sont à gauche et démocrates. Les prolétaires sont à droite et
Lorsque Mme Thatcher
disait que « le général Pinochet a sauvé la démocratie »
elle disait, juste avec un temps d'avance, ce que les universitaires
et journalistes français peuvent enfin dire aujourd'hui.
Thiers aussi a expliqué
documents à l'appui que les ouvriers de la Commune de Paris étaient
des délinquants multirécidivistes.
Le temps a dû paraître
long aux universitaires. Tout ce long détour par le respect des
prolétaires avant de revenir enfin aux fondamentaux de la haine et
du mépris.
8)- La justice
1- Le racisme social
a- La justice met en
accusation le prénommé Esteban. La presse, par racisme social, ne
nous en donne pas le nom.
Rappelons que c'est juste
inconstitutionnel. La justice étant publique.
b- Il est accusé
d'homicide involontaire.
Pour être certain qu'il
aille en prison, on commence par l'y mettre d'office. Chacun sait que
les magistrats du siège couvrent la peine illégale de détention
préventive par une peine équivalente.
C'est un abus de pouvoir.
2- L'inégalité devant
la loi
La copine de cet homme
est mise en examen pour « complicité » de violence ayant
entraîné la mort.
Cela pose un problème de
Qu'on dise que M. Esteban
est le seul coupable des coups mortels, soit. Le procès statuera.
Par contre, à partir du
moment où on parle de « complicité » tout change.
Il a été établit que
ce sont les « antifas » qui ont provoqué et plus encore
commandé, organisé, la contrainte de la bagarre.
Ils l'ont fait en :
a- Insultant
b- Convoquant les groupes
b- Refusant l'autorité
publique du vigile.
Comment la justice peut
elle déterminer une « complicité » sans examiner celle
des adversaires de M. Esteban ?
Il faudrait pour ne
retenir que la seule « complicité » de la copine de M.
Esteban retenir le thèse de l'agression de gentils antifascistes
agressés par des méchants skinheads fascistes. Personne ne peut
plus retenir cette thèse.
Soit, la justice s'en
tient à la qualification de complicité pour la seule personne d'un
seul camp. Dans ce cas, il y a violation manifeste de l'égalité de
tous devant la loi.
Soit, la justice examine
les responsabilités judiciaires de l'ensemble des personnes
présentes. Dans ce cas, la position juridique de M. Esteban peut
s'en trouver modifiée.
9)- Les conséquences
Désormais, le sang à
coulé et cette trace de sang est érigée en ligne de front entre la
légalité et la barbarie. La veillée funèbre est une veillée
M. le Premier Ministre ne
s'y est pas trompé. Il ordonne de « tailler en pièce »
les groupes d'extrême-droite.
C'est très exactement le
langage que rapportent les historiens lorsqu'ils racontent qu'à
l'issue de la bataille, l'un des deux camps lâche prise et se
débande. Le général de l'autre camp demande à sa cavalerie de
courir sus aux fuyards et de les « tailler en pièce ».
C'est donc que nous
serions en présence d'une guerre qui n'a jusqu'ici pas dit son nom.
La mort de M. Méric est la révélation subreptice d'un champ de
bataille dans la cité. Les guerriers sont parmi nous.
Cette guerre, après
s'être incarnée dans le corps broyé du jeune Méric, va s'inscrire
sur le corps supplicié du jeune Esteban.
Le sang de M. Méric est
le sang originel, la source miraculeuse, la fontaine de jouvence, où
viendront continuellement s'abreuver les bénéficiaires de cette
« Divine surprise », ou de cette « Étrange
défaite ».
La mort cruelle de ce
jeune homme pour lequel les guerres des adultes continuaient d'être
des jeux d'enfants crée un substitut au droit. Il permet de le
contourner en son sein. Cette mort légitime ce qui a bien besoin de
l'être et tisse la légalité de ce qui détruit les principes de
Souhaitons que la raison
l'emporte, que les magistrats ne s'en laissent pas conter, que M.
Méric repose en paix.
Roselyne Bachelot, rape, Sarkozy, MP, social segregation.
Roselyne Bachelot, rape, Sarkozy, MP, social segregation.
Google translation / The reference text is the French text
Paris, Monday, June 10, 2013
Mr. prosecutorin Paris
Copy to:President of the RepublicMadam Attorney
1) - Notice of a MinisterRoselyne-bachelot, interwievée after its integration into the business of television presenter by journalist Vanessa Caffin, Elevator Pitch, provides a valuable contribution to our request to open a preliminary investigation.
It certifies that the politicians are not forced to "sleep." This status is reserved for "collaborators." Which formally contradicts the statements of Mrs. William that trivializes its information about rape it lends to Mr Sarkozy by smoothing technique: everyone does.
The statement was made after the publication of the book of Mrs. William. Neither Ms. Bachelot nor Ms. Caffin, can not ignore it or do not think about it.
Here is the discussion:On elevator pitch, Roselyne-bachelot Minister said:"Question:Is it necessary to succeed in the bedroom TV?Answer:- XxxQuestion:And politics?Answer:- "It is a myth for politicians. Yes, the politicians are very raisononnables women.There are girls who revolve around politicians and a number of collaborators who may have been forced to go to pot. ".
Ms. Bachelot said that "politicians are very reasonable," and only "girls who gravitate politicians ... collaborators ... sometimes ... go to pot."
This explicitly invalidates the claims of Mrs. William. For the latter:- "When you're a politician, if you are not able to handle it, it is better to change jobs. ". Bachelot responds too directly about it to ignore.
The title of the article suggests that net Bachelot wanted to say something about the relationship of politics and sex: "Roselyne Bachelot loose on politics and sex! "
It is not possible to confuse an MP with a "girl revolves around politicians" or "collaborator". Bachelot was Minister and MP, it does not sully the parliamentary way.
It is therefore not unreasonable to think that it is in proper form, a statement of recognition of the use of coercion in the case reported by Dr. William.
Implicitly, it is a qualification of rape for the action assigned to Mr. Sarkozy.
The request for a preliminary investigation made by Mr. Salomone is greatly strengthened.
cf. "Roselyne Bachelot loose on politics and sex! C3% A2che-sur-110525768.html "2) - The judicial policy of segregationThe peacekeeper in charge of collecting the testimony of Mr. Salomone served him that the written text is constituted by what the officer wanted to and in no case that Mr. Salomone said.
This rage is the bubble surface that can not be explained by social segregation.
It is not possible to respond in writing to Mr. Salomone rape as an MP is neither criminal nor important. Therefore: It is returned to silence and provocation.
The basis of the legal segregation is repeated in a loop by all legal formula: "A matter that we do not talk does not exist. We will not talk about your case so it does not exist. "Authentic.
It is this formula that lawyers, for example, justify their institutional solidarity with the rapists of their own client. The forfeiture can be traced back to the Directorate of Criminal Affairs and Pardons and down until Parquet and headquarters since nobody speaks.
3) - Comparison of requestsThe dogma that seems to lead legal action is only part of the so-called "elite" population could validly sue.
See what it is.
A-Many business elitesWhen Mrs. William published his book, leading after the arrest of Mr. prosecutor Mr. Salomone, a series of court procedures, directly or indirectly, Sarkozy is underway. Or: business: Tapi, Zakiédine, Bettencourt, Karachi, campaign accounts in 2007 and 2012, etc..
These cases have nothing in common with the request of Mr. Salomone. The release says that they will end with a judicial defeat. They have all the characteristics come from the "elite".
Then they are taken into account by the court, what they superior to questioning by Mr. Salomone?
B-featuresIn none of these cases judges can not produce direct, irrefutable evidence of any guilt anyone, let alone Mr. Sarkozy.
Without taking any part in this business, I have noticed that judges provide the means to investigate on the basis of accusations that lead themselves to any evidence ordinarily accessible to investigators.
Investigators can not receive these accusations as facts and information to be verified. They must believe in the first place there are corroborating the allegations made and secondly it is possible to find evidence.
C-The application of an ordinary personWithout prejudice to the conduct and outcome of any of these legal proceedings that do not involve his approach, Mr. Salomone has nothing to be ashamed of a comparison of the merits of its lawsuit with those called "the elite. "
Mrs. William, a trustworthy person, product information on criminal acts. Mr. Salomone request verification of information that is verifiable in the ordinary conditions of work of the investigators.
5) - The variable adjustmentI know the contempt which governs reading my writings.
This disregard does not in any way the subject matter:a-It is not because he is Mr. Sarkozy, a major character, Mr. Salomone is sent to sabotage or silence.b-It is exactly the same when asked magistrates to consider attacks on mentally ill by ordinary thugs.
As follows:a-Salomone has no right to drive, if the judges decide, the indictment of Mr. Sarkozy.b He has no right either to lead to the indictment of perpetrators of mentally ill live Cotorep.I was tortured for making compensation offers these vulnerable people without it costs nothing to the Treasury. The prosecution will go up in solidarity with civilian thugs so they do not pay the compensation decided by the court.
We, weak or vulnerable people are the variables adjustment negotiations servants with the rabble. We see all the consequences.6) - ConclusionThe judicial negligence leads to that the mentally ill and a member are in the same subordination of violence thugs, the arbitrariness of the executive and judicial silence.
These people have the right to judicial review of matters affecting them. I know that if I do not insist that the criminal acts mentioned are reviewed by the courts, it will not do on its own. I insist.
Thanking you,
Please accept, Mr. prosecutor, the assurance of my highest consideration,
Marc Salomone
Roselyne Bachelot, rape, Sarkozy, MP, social segregation.
Google translation / The reference text is the French text
Paris, Monday, June 10, 2013
Mr. prosecutorin Paris
Copy to:President of the RepublicMadam Attorney
1) - Notice of a MinisterRoselyne-bachelot, interwievée after its integration into the business of television presenter by journalist Vanessa Caffin, Elevator Pitch, provides a valuable contribution to our request to open a preliminary investigation.
It certifies that the politicians are not forced to "sleep." This status is reserved for "collaborators." Which formally contradicts the statements of Mrs. William that trivializes its information about rape it lends to Mr Sarkozy by smoothing technique: everyone does.
The statement was made after the publication of the book of Mrs. William. Neither Ms. Bachelot nor Ms. Caffin, can not ignore it or do not think about it.
Here is the discussion:On elevator pitch, Roselyne-bachelot Minister said:"Question:Is it necessary to succeed in the bedroom TV?Answer:- XxxQuestion:And politics?Answer:- "It is a myth for politicians. Yes, the politicians are very raisononnables women.There are girls who revolve around politicians and a number of collaborators who may have been forced to go to pot. ".
Ms. Bachelot said that "politicians are very reasonable," and only "girls who gravitate politicians ... collaborators ... sometimes ... go to pot."
This explicitly invalidates the claims of Mrs. William. For the latter:- "When you're a politician, if you are not able to handle it, it is better to change jobs. ". Bachelot responds too directly about it to ignore.
The title of the article suggests that net Bachelot wanted to say something about the relationship of politics and sex: "Roselyne Bachelot loose on politics and sex! "
It is not possible to confuse an MP with a "girl revolves around politicians" or "collaborator". Bachelot was Minister and MP, it does not sully the parliamentary way.
It is therefore not unreasonable to think that it is in proper form, a statement of recognition of the use of coercion in the case reported by Dr. William.
Implicitly, it is a qualification of rape for the action assigned to Mr. Sarkozy.
The request for a preliminary investigation made by Mr. Salomone is greatly strengthened.
cf. "Roselyne Bachelot loose on politics and sex! C3% A2che-sur-110525768.html "2) - The judicial policy of segregationThe peacekeeper in charge of collecting the testimony of Mr. Salomone served him that the written text is constituted by what the officer wanted to and in no case that Mr. Salomone said.
This rage is the bubble surface that can not be explained by social segregation.
It is not possible to respond in writing to Mr. Salomone rape as an MP is neither criminal nor important. Therefore: It is returned to silence and provocation.
The basis of the legal segregation is repeated in a loop by all legal formula: "A matter that we do not talk does not exist. We will not talk about your case so it does not exist. "Authentic.
It is this formula that lawyers, for example, justify their institutional solidarity with the rapists of their own client. The forfeiture can be traced back to the Directorate of Criminal Affairs and Pardons and down until Parquet and headquarters since nobody speaks.
3) - Comparison of requestsThe dogma that seems to lead legal action is only part of the so-called "elite" population could validly sue.
See what it is.
A-Many business elitesWhen Mrs. William published his book, leading after the arrest of Mr. prosecutor Mr. Salomone, a series of court procedures, directly or indirectly, Sarkozy is underway. Or: business: Tapi, Zakiédine, Bettencourt, Karachi, campaign accounts in 2007 and 2012, etc..
These cases have nothing in common with the request of Mr. Salomone. The release says that they will end with a judicial defeat. They have all the characteristics come from the "elite".
Then they are taken into account by the court, what they superior to questioning by Mr. Salomone?
B-featuresIn none of these cases judges can not produce direct, irrefutable evidence of any guilt anyone, let alone Mr. Sarkozy.
Without taking any part in this business, I have noticed that judges provide the means to investigate on the basis of accusations that lead themselves to any evidence ordinarily accessible to investigators.
Investigators can not receive these accusations as facts and information to be verified. They must believe in the first place there are corroborating the allegations made and secondly it is possible to find evidence.
C-The application of an ordinary personWithout prejudice to the conduct and outcome of any of these legal proceedings that do not involve his approach, Mr. Salomone has nothing to be ashamed of a comparison of the merits of its lawsuit with those called "the elite. "
Mrs. William, a trustworthy person, product information on criminal acts. Mr. Salomone request verification of information that is verifiable in the ordinary conditions of work of the investigators.
5) - The variable adjustmentI know the contempt which governs reading my writings.
This disregard does not in any way the subject matter:a-It is not because he is Mr. Sarkozy, a major character, Mr. Salomone is sent to sabotage or silence.b-It is exactly the same when asked magistrates to consider attacks on mentally ill by ordinary thugs.
As follows:a-Salomone has no right to drive, if the judges decide, the indictment of Mr. Sarkozy.b He has no right either to lead to the indictment of perpetrators of mentally ill live Cotorep.I was tortured for making compensation offers these vulnerable people without it costs nothing to the Treasury. The prosecution will go up in solidarity with civilian thugs so they do not pay the compensation decided by the court.
We, weak or vulnerable people are the variables adjustment negotiations servants with the rabble. We see all the consequences.6) - ConclusionThe judicial negligence leads to that the mentally ill and a member are in the same subordination of violence thugs, the arbitrariness of the executive and judicial silence.
These people have the right to judicial review of matters affecting them. I know that if I do not insist that the criminal acts mentioned are reviewed by the courts, it will not do on its own. I insist.
Thanking you,
Please accept, Mr. prosecutor, the assurance of my highest consideration,
Marc Salomone
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