mardi, juin 18, 2013

police, Sarkozy, Marseille, right, judges, failure, corruption
police, Sarkozy, Marseille, right, judges, failure, corruption
The reference text is French. Google translation.
Paris, Monday, June 17, 2013

Mr. prosecutorin Paris

Copy to:President of the RepublicMadam Attorney


1) - Questions and Answers
A-Question to ParisIn 2000, in the presence of all his colleagues, including the new head of the police, a black police captain has explicitly called me a slave in the following terms: "You are you, Mr. Salomone, below. ". I was kneeling figure held against the ground.
So when the call for evidence in the case Sarkozy, at the request of the prosecutor of the Republic, the home police, organized by order of Mr. Commissioner of Police, did not surprise me off measurement.
I used to be treated like a dog by State personnel.

In 2000, I was summoned at the request of the prosecutor of the Republic, to be heard on my complaints Conspiracy and rape against the judicial police officers who organized the enslavement of mentally ill thugs to purpose of installing them socially. All under the guise of the judiciary.
Instead, I was abducted, kidnapped, tortured, until I withdraw my complaint. The Prosecutor of the Republic is a party.
Is this a show of force official crime responded to the question, that the independence of state agents against mafia?
B-Response to MarseilleThe answer came from Marseille in 2011.
-A policeman has denounced his superiors compromise of the LAC with dealers. It is removed from the National Policeb-The following year, one of their members, the guys complain to the prefect the racket they are being called by the BAC. All members of the latter's arrest. The bullies are recognized as "valid interlocutors" as a historical expression.
Except under the Occupation, never French police administration has been so assujetie the scum of law.
2) - Mr. Sarkozy
Again I ask a question that bothers.
The inability to find Mr. prosecutor to get the police to agree to take honnnêtement, without sabotaging the work, the testimony of Mr. Salomone not only just plain disregard for officials to against the poor.
Justice is facing a double set of problems in which it fails to resolve.
A-Both rightsAs it seems to me have shown, or at least indicated, rape highlighted by Mrs. William highlights the clash of two rights which the best known markers are the Civil and Sharia.

Administrative networks are far from unambiguous about their position in relation to one and the other of these two types of law.
The problem with rape lent to Mr. Sarkozy by Mrs. William is to be the cornerstone of this conflict within the same system of legal references.
Thus facing the Legislature, Sarkozy sent a message to the government to mobilize the Executive. This mobilization can be done on the reference to Sharia law type I call the parallel law. This is the same law that organizes the rape at the Elysee and corruption in Marseilles.
As Marseille example shows, after all the experience of the Italian Mafia, and the entire experience constitutes the legal knowledge, the parallel law that is administratively and politically Chaos aventurismes of the factious. Mr. Interior Minister had emphasized the word "rebels" unusual since the war in Algeria.
B-Notaries and PsychiatryThe difference between financial affairs seem to involve the relatives of Mr. Sarkozy, even himself, and this rape case, probably organized based on two distinct types of state involvement.
1 - Remove the StateIn one case, it is whether the state will maintain its importance vis-à-vis the economic world and the people who aspire to do without him.Financial escapades, the case Tapie for example, whatever their legal developments are business between themselves. Few French identify with Mrs Bettencourt, Mr. Tapie, the Pakistani authorities or Mr. Gaddafi.The case Tapie calls the French on the ability of statesmen to manage public finances and not manage the daily everyone.Publicly, these cases fall elections.
2 - Subvert StateIn either case, it is whether the state will guarantee the principles of freedom and equality for all people. In other words, it will maintain its mastery vis-à-vis population, fractions, who aspire to replace them, to invest, to subvert it.
The rape case concerns all French on the ability of statesmen to control both the official and civilian crime. Each French, and not just women, is recognized in this abuse of power.

It follows that the effects are not so much about the electoral choice by the French team of good governance on the organization of daily reports, even strategic, between the French and administrative networks.
Violate an MP not change the Civil Code, is develop the dictatorship in democratic procedures. It does not ruin the state, it is disintegrating.
C-The difficultyApparently publicly about this type of case is not clear.
Clearly, it is easier to audit than checking procedures. We agree to reasonably gut the management of family assets but not to put on the table the sexual desires of family members.

Notaries reassures psychiatry scared.
3) - Conclusion
I can imagine that the government would initiate the debate, as in the Tapie case which a civil party.
Only the distinction firmly established by the practices of state personnel between dogs and men inaceptable.
When two are mentally ill Encounters in the street and booked a hotel room for love in the Dass complaint for rape while acknowledging the existence of an amorous encounter.
The sub-humans would have no right to love, the higher men have the right to violate.
For what items, what code, Mr. prosecutor will justify it this legal practice based on the recovery of inequalities and privileges?
Please accept, Mr. prosecutor, the assurance of my distinguished salutions,

Marc Salomone

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