Egypt, Prime Minister, Ambassador, Army, Muslim Brotherhood, democracy, civil war, Louis Aragon
d.50 @
Google translation
The reference text is the French text
1 - Letter from Mr. Salomone
Paris, Thursday, August 15, 2013
Nasser Kamel
Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt in France
56, avenue d'Iena
75116 Paris
Tel. : (+33) 15 36 78 30
Fax: (+33) 14 72 30 64 30
web: @ Paris.emb
I request your high benevolence transmission of these lines of ordinary French citizens to the Prime Minister of the Egyptian government.
Mr. Prime Minister,
In the event that through your country, you can be certain that the French population is all heart with those who stand in the way of obscurantism, fanaticism, intolerance.
Who other than Egyptian democrats can invent the democratic path of Egypt?
You are the country's Tahrir Square. You experience méditéranéens Muslim countries, starting with Tunisia, whose people dazzled us. You want to know where come those calling for democracy and dictatorship themselves for others.
In 1946, the poet Louis Aragon wrote these verses:
"His life, it looks like these unarmed soldiers
We had dressed for another destiny "
Do not feel too lonely.
Business Manning, Assange, Snowden, show that Westerners are also reverted to being unarmed soldiers who will have again become a democratic constuire thought they already knew.
Only your government is qualified to develop democracy in Egypt and reject the civil war in which some people aspire.
I wish you good luck.
Please accept, Mr. Prime Minister, the assurance of my most respectful greetings
Marc Salomone
2 - Letter from Ambassador
Paris, August 21, 2013
Dear Sir,
I have just read your letter and I wish to express my sincere and heartfelt thanks for the solidarity that you bring to the Egyptian people as he crosses very serious and painful trials, but it grew apparent, we believe .
Also thank you for the feelings of compassion, tolerance and friendship you express, which I am particularly sensitive. Indeed, Egypt needs your understanding and your support to continue its irreversible march toward freedom and justice, and nothing and no one can stop.
I beg you to believe, Sir, the assurances of my very respectful consideration.
Mohamed Mustafa Kamal
samedi, août 24, 2013
Egypte, Premier Ministre, Ambassadeur, Armée, Frères musulmans, démocratie, guerre civile, Louis Aragon
Egypte, Premier Ministre, Ambassadeur, Armée, Frères musulmans, démocratie, guerre civile, Louis Aragon
1- Lettre de M. Salomone
le jeudi 15 août 2013
Ambassadeur de la
République Arabe d’Egypte en France
56, avenue d'Iena
75116 Paris
Tel. : (+33) 15
36 78 30
Fax : (+33) 14
72 30 64 30
web :
Coussiel :
sollicite de votre haute bienveillance la transmission de ces
quelques lignes d'un citoyen français ordinaire à Monsieur le
Premier Ministre du gouvernement égyptien.
le Premier Ministre,
l'épreuve que traverse votre pays, vous pouvez être certain que la
population française est de tout cœur avec ceux qui barrent la
route à l'obscurantisme, au fanatisme, à l'intolérance.
d'autres que les démocrates égyptiens peuvent inventer le chemin
démocratique de l'Egypte ?
êtes le pays de la Place Tahrir. Vous avez l'expérience des pays
musulmans méditéranéens, à commencer par la Tunisie dont le
peuple nous a ébloui. Vous savez où veulent en venir ceux qui
réclament la démocratie pour eux mêmes et la dictature pour les
1946, le poête Louis Aragon a écrit ces vers :
« Sa
vie, elle ressemble à ces soldats sans armes
avait habillés pour un autre destin »
vous sentez pas trop seuls.
affaires Manning, Assange, Snowden, montrent que les occidentaux sont
aussi redevenus des soldats sans armes qui vont devoir à nouveau
constuire un devenir démocratique qu'ils pensaient déjà connaître.
votre gouvernement est qualifié pour développer la démocratie en
Egypte et rejeter la guerre civile à laquelle d'aucuns aspirent.
vous souhaite bonne chance.
vous prie d'agréer, Monsieur le Premier Ministre, l'assurance des
mes très respectueuses salutations,
2- Lettre de M. l'Ambassadeur
Paris, le 21 août 2013
Cher Monsieur,
Je viens de prendre connaissance
de votre lettre et je tiens à vous adresser mes vifs et sincères
remerciements pour la solidarité que vous apportez au peuple
égyptien au moment où il traverse des épreuves très graves et
douloureuses, mais dont il ressortira grandi, nous en sommes
Merci également pour les
sentiments de compassion, de tolérance et d'amitié que vous
exprimez, auxquels je suis particulièrement sensible. En effet,
l'Egypte a besoin de votre compréhension et de votre soutien afin de
poursuivre sa marche irréversible vers la liberté et la justice, et
que rien ni personne ne pourra arrêter.
Je vous prie de croire, Cher
Monsieur, en l'assurance de toute ma respectueuse considération.
Mohamed Moustafa KAMAL
Valls, family reunification, immigration, courage, cowardice, political discredit
Valls, family reunification, immigration, courage, cowardice, political discredit
d.50 @
Google translation, the reference text is the French text
Paris, Thursday, August 22, 2013
Mr. Minister of the Interior
Copy to:
President of the Republic
Prime Minister
Madam Attorney
Mr. Fillon Honorary Deputy Prime Minister
One day you say you need to think about the issue of family reunification. The next day you say you did not say what you said and everyone heard you say.
You find yourself in the same situation as Mr. Cope for the "chocolate bread". He also said he did not believe a word about him and he could tell the next day the opposite of what he said yesterday.
The issue of anti-white racism can be considered. The issue of family reunification can be addressed. Provided that the French know that the statesman that puts this topic or any other, in the public square is honest with them and himself.
How the French they would not consider it moral contract is broken when they hear these statesmen discredit their own speech by declaring it irresponsible.
M the Minister of the Interior attack without problem Madam Attorney and he folds like an English poodle in front of some associative networks represented by two government ministers side.
The French were able to see almost finger, as lobbies, and not a citizen political will publicly and honestly expressed, the same as Mr. Cope, have silenced the Minister of the Interior. The Minister is committed to better organize that defeat. These lobbies have not failed to take the measure of their success and therefore their power.
The French will soon circulate these words: if he can not speak, what can I say?
Certainly, it is here that the impression given by the statesmen. In fighting, ideas that troops of their leaders are often what decides the offensive or the stampede.
Marc Salomone
d.50 @
Google translation, the reference text is the French text
Paris, Thursday, August 22, 2013
Mr. Minister of the Interior
Copy to:
President of the Republic
Prime Minister
Madam Attorney
Mr. Fillon Honorary Deputy Prime Minister
One day you say you need to think about the issue of family reunification. The next day you say you did not say what you said and everyone heard you say.
You find yourself in the same situation as Mr. Cope for the "chocolate bread". He also said he did not believe a word about him and he could tell the next day the opposite of what he said yesterday.
The issue of anti-white racism can be considered. The issue of family reunification can be addressed. Provided that the French know that the statesman that puts this topic or any other, in the public square is honest with them and himself.
How the French they would not consider it moral contract is broken when they hear these statesmen discredit their own speech by declaring it irresponsible.
M the Minister of the Interior attack without problem Madam Attorney and he folds like an English poodle in front of some associative networks represented by two government ministers side.
The French were able to see almost finger, as lobbies, and not a citizen political will publicly and honestly expressed, the same as Mr. Cope, have silenced the Minister of the Interior. The Minister is committed to better organize that defeat. These lobbies have not failed to take the measure of their success and therefore their power.
The French will soon circulate these words: if he can not speak, what can I say?
Certainly, it is here that the impression given by the statesmen. In fighting, ideas that troops of their leaders are often what decides the offensive or the stampede.
Marc Salomone
Valls, regroupement familial, immigration, courage, lâcheté, politiques discrédit
Valls, regroupement familial, immigration, courage, lâcheté, politiques discrédit
Paris, le jeudi 22
août 2013
le Ministre de l'intérieur
à :
le Président de la République
le Premier Ministre
la Garde des Sceaux
Premier Ministre honoraire
Monsieur le
Un jour, vous
déclarez qu'il faut réfléchir à la question du regroupement
familial. Le lendemain, vous dites que vous n'avez pas dit ce que
vous avez dit et que tout le monde vous a entendu dire.
Vous vous retrouvez
dans la même situation que M. Copé pour le « pain au chocolat ».
Lui aussi a fait savoir qu'il ne croyait pas un mot de son propos et
qu'il pouvait dire le lendemain le contraire de ce qu'il avait dit la
La question du
racisme anti-blanc peut être considérée. La question du
regroupement familial peut être abordée. A condition que les
français sachent que l'homme d'Etat qui met ce thème, ou tout
autre, sur la place publique est honnête avec eux et avec lui-même.
Comment les
français ne considéreraient ils pas que ce contrat moral est rompu
lorsqu'ils entendent ces hommes d'Etat jeter le discrédit sur leur
propre parole en déclarant celle-ci irresponsable.
M le Ministre de
l'intérieur s'attaque sans problème à Mme la Garde des Sceaux et
il se couche comme un caniche anglais devant quelques réseaux
associatifs représentés au gouvernement par deux ministres
Les français ont
pu voir, presque toucher du doigt, que des lobbys, et non une volonté
politique citoyenne publiquement et honnêtement exprimée, les mêmes
que pour M. Copé, ont fait taire le Ministre de l'intérieur. Le
Ministre ne s'est engagé que pour mieux organiser sa défaite. Ces
lobbys n'auront pas manqué de prendre la mesure de leur victoire et
dès lors de leur puissance.
Les français
feront bientôt circuler ces mots : si lui ne peut pas parler,
que puis-je dire ?
Certes, il ne
s'agit ici que de l'impression que donnent les hommes d'Etat. Dans
les combats, les idées que les troupes ont de leurs chefs sont
souvent ce qui décide de l'offensive ou de la débandade.
Prime Minister, prisons, Valls Taubira, drugs, mental illness, prison overcrowding
Prime Minister, prisons, Valls Taubira, drugs, mental illness, prison overcrowding
d.50 @
Google translation
The reference text is the French text.
Paris, Thursday, August 22, 2013
Prime Minister
Madam Attorney
Copy to:
- The President of the Republic
- Minister of the Interior
Mr. Fillon Honorary Deputy Prime Minister
Monisieur Prime Minister
Madam Attorney General,
To the public that crime is organized again, nobody should be able to say I did not know or I am not concerned.
In prisons, under the Ministry of Justice, I bring my contribution here. In the manner of a Note, the shortest way possible, without any hierarchy of subjects.
1) - Overcrowding
It seems that there is overcrowding in Buchenwald concentration camp? Not. There are people who are not in their place. They simply must be out of the camp.
It's the same in the current French prisons. There is no overcrowding. More than half of the detainees do not have to be legally and must leave forthwith.
1 - The remand
Repeatedly press informed us that half of the remand was not necessary for the investigation, and therefore illegal. 17,000 people divided by two = 8500 people.
The concept of disturbance of public order has been monopolized by the magistrates, privatized, to organize a field of abuse of power. It is also illegal.
2 - The mentally ill
This is a crime specifically tray 5, university. This is a crimnialité that emerged from the jurisprudence of the Nuremberg Tribunal.
The pseudo evolution of doctrine concerning the accessibility of criminal sanction is pure humbug Nazi.
The detention of mentally ill persons to their entry into prison is a crime that emerged from the jurisprudence of Nuremberg. 30% of the prison population = 19,500 people.
A portion will be found in psychiatry.
3 - Invalid
Disabled people in long sentences, etc.. The law requires the court to release them.
It is true that it is a law which judges demanded the vote to get Mr. Pappon.
Everyone does not have the chance to be official and war criminal.
This law is almost never enforced.
4 - held for amazing
All detainees for violations of the law on drugs has not committed other crimes and crime to produce, trade and consume drugs should be released at once.
Except for cover and allow the organization of all kinds of maneuvers collateral, the government can tell us what consumers are single or individual producers, in prison? For him to suicide? Allow them to catch AIDS? (I know of a case)
These people are the products of so-called prohibition policies. These policies are seen later in their entirety.
5 - The minimum sentences.
They are part of the brutalization of society organized by Mr Sarkozy. Of course, there are behind each of these measures crimnalisantes hand USA.
Pretext to repress crime and get a close by the doctrine as fool barbaric brutality healing (or the recovery of the doctrine of descent Hitler called "eradication"), distilled movement terror and uncertainty throughout French society.
The example of Mr. Nicolas Buss is typical. He is right. Next time it will be a left-wing activist. Only militants cretins can doubt. It is action and political discourse of the French people it is to criminalize even the people itself.
This man has only to run away from the police during a political demonstration of all that is most common. He was there with friends to say this that such transit authority.
The criminalization of this event on the grounds of lack of official authorization seeks to prohibit any French public expression unauthorized by the administration.
The criminalization of persons on the grounds of contempt and rebellion involved the same legal movement carceralization of public life and colonial subjugation of the French person.
To put two months in prison judges argued that he was a repeat offender.
It has only been two months in prison to test the waters.
In other words, all unionists contestatrices suceptibles events are to be in such a situation following a simple Custody with immediate appearance.
The first sentence: 3 weeks suspended.
The second: 7 years office 3 weeks of suspension revoked.
It is shameful for thieves chicken is downright seditious citizens against protesters. It's criminalize politics which is constitutional.
In his letter to rectify About the Interior Minister, Madam Attorney stated that the figures cited recurrences, always the same, are dishonest, faked, and concern for the people of the essential travel and psychiatric cases.
These illegal drift accompanied by development of other means of terror creep insidiously into the regular administrative action. Thus, the legal ideology of non-assistance to a person in danger, for the use of citizens and not only of the public servants, seems to develop this. To see.
6 - The minimum sentence
Everyone knows that this is just copied and pasted the same law signed by Adolf Hitler, Chancellor of Germany.
It is even more abject maintain the law that politicians can not ignore the circumstances in which it was produced.
It is never explained how we had the summer of 2007 the prison system released a calibrated by offering Viagra. The explanations are dishonest.
I do not know the secrets of the Ministry of Justice but I'm willing to bet that there were a dozen freaks like this that have been released that summer under the same conditions. It could also probably prove they were recontacted and "cropped" when the first of them kidnapped a child.
Everything suggests that he is a provocative state to pass a law that violates all principles of law now in jail indefinitely men guilty of anything.
Again, the Anglo-Saxon countries give political line.
It is to recall that the United States is the only Western country to have been slaves on the ground and not being able to solve this case by the law. The Supreme Court of the United States has refused to outlaw slavery in 1863. This is what led to the war in 1864.
We have no lessons to learn from these people.
Why maintain a law signed Adolf Hitler? To ensure the safety of French? That children can be?
7 - The aggravation of punishment
The hysteria longer sentences allows women to participate in queseitonnement adolescents in the communal showers. Which the longest?
When the Constitutional Council overturned the law on harassment, women's associations have not only called for a new law. They asked for a longer sentence. A year, it is not really serious. Two years is already more rewarding for the associations.
It would require all association leaders to eight days in jail.
The practice of law not the population is a little different:
a-I had a 50 year old man who has foolishly denounced instead of his son to avoid prison to him. Anyway, a few months in prison. Very few, two or three months, sufficient to provide a criminal record.
He lost his job as an official port, retirement at age 55.
Unemployment and 10 additional years of work, this is not enough?
b-6 months in prison for a sexual harasser framework. He loses his job, his home, his household, get a criminal record, it drags the ball on his resume.
It is not enough?
c-15 day farm is the inscription at Criminal Records. A multitude of trades become prohibited.
How can you be perverse enough to dare to say that sentences five years in prison are light or improperly lenient sentences?
How the state can it be daunted by the shouts of pressure groups, clearly manipulated by the United States to lead right to the establishment of several human species, some enslaved forever?
2) - The judicial and prison policies
1 - Prohibitions
The prohibition is defined as follows:
Ell is the policy of building alliances between state administrations and civilian criminals to dominate civilian networks, destabilizing the government, replacing the sovereignty of the people and special administrative dictatorships.
The prohibition does not fight crime, it creates, organizes, develops it, gives it up to power.
Prohibition brings a serious deterioration of the performance of public order and justice in France. It is now apparent that the relationship between state officials and citizens are degraded to a point that has never been the case for two centuries.
At what level of gangrene and corruption of the state government up there a reflection?
By prohibitions against fulfill their only rational objective is the institutionalization of the dictatorship of the U.S. administration.
2 - Assistance in prison and monitoring.
Mr. Prime Minister said that 80% of those released from prison without monitoring. They also stay without monitoring.
Is it not rather the place to put taxpayer money, the legislative imagination, the judicial work?
3 - Inequality before the law
A-Justice is now paying (the Legal aid, exit pee-poo divorce is a joke).
B-Double standards
Two cases summarize the policy of inequality which runs the French State.
a-Mr Sarkozy is susceptible of raping a member. Nothing.
A request to open a preliminary investigation has been made, however.
b-Strauss-Kahn is susceptible to have fornicated with prostitutes. Trial.
They were both Head of State at the time.
c-Where is the equality in law?
4 - The criminalization of mental illness
This is a crime. To the extent that this policy consistently applied by psychiatrists has been taken by States, the only precedent is Nazism
It is the power of person to conduct on behalf of the French people under a political crime against humanity, such as the incarceration of the mentally ill. This is contrary to the Declaration of 1789.
5 - The right of pardon:
What did you do? Who would be so irresponsible to give the interests of state corporations and lessen, disqualify, remove it?
There is no denial of the right policy with the benefit of respect for the independence of justice.
There is a law of spoliation by the sovereign people in favor of a de facto dictatorship government and privileged.
What is surprising though, is the intimate sadism state actors. Just blood, tears, shit, their victims 20th centuries they have dried they are starting the same as if nothing happened.
None of this has anything to do with public policy. It's just feudal.
Thanking you for your attention, please accept, Mr. Prime Minister, the assurances of my highest consideration,
Marc Salomone
d.50 @
Google translation
The reference text is the French text.
Paris, Thursday, August 22, 2013
Prime Minister
Madam Attorney
Copy to:
- The President of the Republic
- Minister of the Interior
Mr. Fillon Honorary Deputy Prime Minister
Monisieur Prime Minister
Madam Attorney General,
To the public that crime is organized again, nobody should be able to say I did not know or I am not concerned.
In prisons, under the Ministry of Justice, I bring my contribution here. In the manner of a Note, the shortest way possible, without any hierarchy of subjects.
1) - Overcrowding
It seems that there is overcrowding in Buchenwald concentration camp? Not. There are people who are not in their place. They simply must be out of the camp.
It's the same in the current French prisons. There is no overcrowding. More than half of the detainees do not have to be legally and must leave forthwith.
1 - The remand
Repeatedly press informed us that half of the remand was not necessary for the investigation, and therefore illegal. 17,000 people divided by two = 8500 people.
The concept of disturbance of public order has been monopolized by the magistrates, privatized, to organize a field of abuse of power. It is also illegal.
2 - The mentally ill
This is a crime specifically tray 5, university. This is a crimnialité that emerged from the jurisprudence of the Nuremberg Tribunal.
The pseudo evolution of doctrine concerning the accessibility of criminal sanction is pure humbug Nazi.
The detention of mentally ill persons to their entry into prison is a crime that emerged from the jurisprudence of Nuremberg. 30% of the prison population = 19,500 people.
A portion will be found in psychiatry.
3 - Invalid
Disabled people in long sentences, etc.. The law requires the court to release them.
It is true that it is a law which judges demanded the vote to get Mr. Pappon.
Everyone does not have the chance to be official and war criminal.
This law is almost never enforced.
4 - held for amazing
All detainees for violations of the law on drugs has not committed other crimes and crime to produce, trade and consume drugs should be released at once.
Except for cover and allow the organization of all kinds of maneuvers collateral, the government can tell us what consumers are single or individual producers, in prison? For him to suicide? Allow them to catch AIDS? (I know of a case)
These people are the products of so-called prohibition policies. These policies are seen later in their entirety.
5 - The minimum sentences.
They are part of the brutalization of society organized by Mr Sarkozy. Of course, there are behind each of these measures crimnalisantes hand USA.
Pretext to repress crime and get a close by the doctrine as fool barbaric brutality healing (or the recovery of the doctrine of descent Hitler called "eradication"), distilled movement terror and uncertainty throughout French society.
The example of Mr. Nicolas Buss is typical. He is right. Next time it will be a left-wing activist. Only militants cretins can doubt. It is action and political discourse of the French people it is to criminalize even the people itself.
This man has only to run away from the police during a political demonstration of all that is most common. He was there with friends to say this that such transit authority.
The criminalization of this event on the grounds of lack of official authorization seeks to prohibit any French public expression unauthorized by the administration.
The criminalization of persons on the grounds of contempt and rebellion involved the same legal movement carceralization of public life and colonial subjugation of the French person.
To put two months in prison judges argued that he was a repeat offender.
It has only been two months in prison to test the waters.
In other words, all unionists contestatrices suceptibles events are to be in such a situation following a simple Custody with immediate appearance.
The first sentence: 3 weeks suspended.
The second: 7 years office 3 weeks of suspension revoked.
It is shameful for thieves chicken is downright seditious citizens against protesters. It's criminalize politics which is constitutional.
In his letter to rectify About the Interior Minister, Madam Attorney stated that the figures cited recurrences, always the same, are dishonest, faked, and concern for the people of the essential travel and psychiatric cases.
These illegal drift accompanied by development of other means of terror creep insidiously into the regular administrative action. Thus, the legal ideology of non-assistance to a person in danger, for the use of citizens and not only of the public servants, seems to develop this. To see.
6 - The minimum sentence
Everyone knows that this is just copied and pasted the same law signed by Adolf Hitler, Chancellor of Germany.
It is even more abject maintain the law that politicians can not ignore the circumstances in which it was produced.
It is never explained how we had the summer of 2007 the prison system released a calibrated by offering Viagra. The explanations are dishonest.
I do not know the secrets of the Ministry of Justice but I'm willing to bet that there were a dozen freaks like this that have been released that summer under the same conditions. It could also probably prove they were recontacted and "cropped" when the first of them kidnapped a child.
Everything suggests that he is a provocative state to pass a law that violates all principles of law now in jail indefinitely men guilty of anything.
Again, the Anglo-Saxon countries give political line.
It is to recall that the United States is the only Western country to have been slaves on the ground and not being able to solve this case by the law. The Supreme Court of the United States has refused to outlaw slavery in 1863. This is what led to the war in 1864.
We have no lessons to learn from these people.
Why maintain a law signed Adolf Hitler? To ensure the safety of French? That children can be?
7 - The aggravation of punishment
The hysteria longer sentences allows women to participate in queseitonnement adolescents in the communal showers. Which the longest?
When the Constitutional Council overturned the law on harassment, women's associations have not only called for a new law. They asked for a longer sentence. A year, it is not really serious. Two years is already more rewarding for the associations.
It would require all association leaders to eight days in jail.
The practice of law not the population is a little different:
a-I had a 50 year old man who has foolishly denounced instead of his son to avoid prison to him. Anyway, a few months in prison. Very few, two or three months, sufficient to provide a criminal record.
He lost his job as an official port, retirement at age 55.
Unemployment and 10 additional years of work, this is not enough?
b-6 months in prison for a sexual harasser framework. He loses his job, his home, his household, get a criminal record, it drags the ball on his resume.
It is not enough?
c-15 day farm is the inscription at Criminal Records. A multitude of trades become prohibited.
How can you be perverse enough to dare to say that sentences five years in prison are light or improperly lenient sentences?
How the state can it be daunted by the shouts of pressure groups, clearly manipulated by the United States to lead right to the establishment of several human species, some enslaved forever?
2) - The judicial and prison policies
1 - Prohibitions
The prohibition is defined as follows:
Ell is the policy of building alliances between state administrations and civilian criminals to dominate civilian networks, destabilizing the government, replacing the sovereignty of the people and special administrative dictatorships.
The prohibition does not fight crime, it creates, organizes, develops it, gives it up to power.
Prohibition brings a serious deterioration of the performance of public order and justice in France. It is now apparent that the relationship between state officials and citizens are degraded to a point that has never been the case for two centuries.
At what level of gangrene and corruption of the state government up there a reflection?
By prohibitions against fulfill their only rational objective is the institutionalization of the dictatorship of the U.S. administration.
2 - Assistance in prison and monitoring.
Mr. Prime Minister said that 80% of those released from prison without monitoring. They also stay without monitoring.
Is it not rather the place to put taxpayer money, the legislative imagination, the judicial work?
3 - Inequality before the law
A-Justice is now paying (the Legal aid, exit pee-poo divorce is a joke).
B-Double standards
Two cases summarize the policy of inequality which runs the French State.
a-Mr Sarkozy is susceptible of raping a member. Nothing.
A request to open a preliminary investigation has been made, however.
b-Strauss-Kahn is susceptible to have fornicated with prostitutes. Trial.
They were both Head of State at the time.
c-Where is the equality in law?
4 - The criminalization of mental illness
This is a crime. To the extent that this policy consistently applied by psychiatrists has been taken by States, the only precedent is Nazism
It is the power of person to conduct on behalf of the French people under a political crime against humanity, such as the incarceration of the mentally ill. This is contrary to the Declaration of 1789.
5 - The right of pardon:
What did you do? Who would be so irresponsible to give the interests of state corporations and lessen, disqualify, remove it?
There is no denial of the right policy with the benefit of respect for the independence of justice.
There is a law of spoliation by the sovereign people in favor of a de facto dictatorship government and privileged.
What is surprising though, is the intimate sadism state actors. Just blood, tears, shit, their victims 20th centuries they have dried they are starting the same as if nothing happened.
None of this has anything to do with public policy. It's just feudal.
Thanking you for your attention, please accept, Mr. Prime Minister, the assurances of my highest consideration,
Marc Salomone
Premier Ministre, prisons, Valls, Taubira, drogues, maladie mentale, surpopulation carcérale
Premier Ministre, prisons, Valls, Taubira, drogues, maladie mentale, surpopulation carcérale
le jeudi 22 août 2013
le Premier Ministre
la Garde des Sceaux
à :
M. le Président de la République
Monsieur le Ministre de l'intérieur
Premier Ministre honoraire
le Premier Ministre,
la Garde des Sceaux,
la criminalité publique qui à nouveau s'organise, personne ne doit
pouvoir dire je ne savais pas ou je ne suis pas concerné.
les prisons, sous tutelle du Ministère de la justice, je vous
apporte ici ma contribution. A la manière d'une Note, de façon la
plus courte possible, sans aucune hiérarchie des sujets.
La surpopulation carcérale
on qu'il y a une surpopulation concentrationnaire à Buchenwald ?
Non. Il y a des gens qui ne sont pas à leur place. Ils doivent
simplement être sortis du camp.
en va de même dans les prisons françaises actuelles. Il n'y a pas
de surpopulation. Plus de la moitié des personnes détenues n'ont
pas juridiquement à l'être et doivent sortir séance tenante.
Les détentions provisoires
maintes reprises la presse nous a informé que la moitié des
détentions provisoires n'étaient pas indispensables pour l'enquête,
donc illégales. 17 000 personnes divisées par deux = 8500
notion de trouble à l'ordre public a été accaparé par les
magistrats, privatisée, pour organiser un champ d'abus de pouvoirs.
Ce qui est illégal aussi.
Les malades mentaux
est une criminalité spécifiquement bac+5, universitaire. C'est une
crimnialité qui ressortie de la jurisprudence du Tribunal de
pseudo évolution de la doctrine concernant l'accessibilité à la
sanction pénale est une pure fumisterie nazie.
détention de personnes malades mentales à leur entrée en prison
est un crime qui ressorti de la jurisprudence de Nuremberg. 30% de la
population carcérale = 19500 personnes.
partie se retrouvera en psychiatrie.
Les invalides
personnes en longues peines invalides, etc. La loi fait obligation à
la justice de les libérer.
est vrai que c'est une loi dont les magistrats ont exigé le vote
pour faire sortir M. Pappon.
le monde n'a pas la chance d'être fonctionnaire et criminel de
loi n'est pratiquement jamais appliquée.
Les détenus pour stupéfiant
les détenus pour violation de la loi sur les stupéfiants n'ayant
pas commis d'autres délits et crime que de produire, commercer et
consommer des drogues doivent être libérés sur le champ.
part pour couvrir et permettre l'organisation de toutes sortes de
manœuvres collatérales, le gouvernement peut il nous dire ce que
font des consommateurs, simples ou producteurs individuels, en
prison ? Pour les pousser au suicide ? Leur permettre
d'attraper le Sida ? (Je connais un cas)
gens sont les produits des politiques dites de prohibition. Ces
politiques sont vues plus loin dans leur ensemble.
Les peines planchers.
font parties de la brutalisation de la vie sociale organisée par M.
Sarkozy. Bien sûr, on retrouve derrière chacune de ces mesures
crimnalisantes la main des USA.
pretexte de réprimer le crime et d'obtenir sa fin par la doctrine
aussi imbécile que barbare de la guérison par la brutalité (ou par
la reprise de la doctrine d'ascendance hitlérienne dite de
« l'éradication »), on distille un mouvement de terreur
et d'incertitude dans toute la société française.
de M. Nicolas Buss est typique. Il est de droite. La prochaine fois,
ce sera un militant de gauche. Seuls les crétins militants peuvent
en douter. C'est l'action et la parole politique du peuple français
qu'il s'agit de criminaliser, voire le Peuple lui-même.
homme n'a fait que courir pour échapper à la police lors d'une
manifestation politique tout ce qu'il y a de plus ordinaire. Il était
là avec des amis pour dire ceci cela à telle autorité de passage.
criminalisation de cette manifestation au motif de son absence
d'autorisation préfectorale vise à interdire aux français toute
expression publique non autorisée par l'administration.
criminalisation des personnes au motif de l'outrage et de la
rébellion participent du même mouvement juridique de
carcéralisation de la vie publique et d'asservissement colonial de
la personne des français.
le mettre deux mois en prison les magistrats ont argué qu'il était
en état de récidive.
n'a eu que deux mois ferme pour tâter le terrain.
dit, tous les syndicalistes des manifestations contestatrices sont
suceptibles d'être dans une telle situation à la suite d'une simple
Garde à vue avec comparution immédiate.
première peine : 3 semaines avec sursis.
seconde : 7 ans d'office plus 3 semaines de sursis révoqué.
ignoble pour les voleurs de poule, c'est carrément factieux contre
les citoyens protestataires. Il s'agit de criminaliser la vie
politique laquelle est constitutionnel.
son courrier de rectification des propos de le Ministre de
l'intérieur, Mme la Garde des Sceaux a précisé que les chiffres de
récidives cités, toujours les mêmes, sont malhonnêtes, truqués,
et ne concernent pour l'essentiels que les gens du voyages et des cas
dérives illégales s'accompagnent d'autres développement des moyens
de terreur qui se glissent insidieusement dans l'ordinaire de
l'action administrative. Ainsi, l'idéologie juridique de la
non-assistance à personne en danger, à l'usage des seuls citoyens
et jamais des fonctionaires, semble se développer à cet effet. A
La peine de sureté
sait que cette peine est le copié-collé de la loi identique signée
Adolphe Hitler, Chancellier d'allemagne.
est d'autant plus abjecte de maintenir cette loi que les responsables
politiques ne peuvent ignorer dans quelles circonstances elle a été
ne nous a jamais expliqué comment l'été 2007 le système
pénitentiaire à relâché un taré en lui offrant du viagra. Les
explications données sont malhonnêtes.
ne connais pas les secrets du Ministère de la justice mais je suis
prêt à parier qu'il y a eu une bonne dizaine de tarés de ce genre
qui ont été relâchés cet été là dans les mêmes conditions. On
pourrait aussi sans doute prouver qu'ils ont été recontactés et
« recadrés » dès que le premier d'entre eux a enlevé
un enfant.
laisse penser qu'il s'est agit d'une provocation d'Etat pour faire
passer une loi qui viole tous les principes du droit en maintenant en
prison indéfiniment des hommes coupables de rien.
encore, les pays anglo-saxons donnent la ligne politique.
est a rappeler que les Etats-Unis sont le seul pays occidental a
avoir eu des esclaves sur son sol et à n'avoir pas été capable de
résoudre cette affaire par le droit. La Cour suprême des Etats-Unis
a refusé d'interdire l'esclavage en 1863. C'est ce qui a entraîné
la guerre en 1864.
n'avons pas de leçon à recevoir de ces gens.
maintenir une loi signée Adolphe Hitler ? Pour garantir la
sécurité des français ? Celle des enfants peut être ?
L'agravation des peines
hystérie de l'allongement des peines permet aux femmes de participer
au queseitonnement des adolescents dans les douches collectives.
Lequel à la plus longue ?
le Conseil constitutionnel a invalidé la loi sur le harcèlement,
les associations féministes n'ont pas seulement demandé une
nouvelle loi. Elles ont demandé un allongement des peines. Un an, ça
n'est vraiment pas sérieux. Deux ans, c'est déjà plus valorisant
pour le mouvement associatif.
faudrait obliger tous les cadres associatifs à faire 8 jours de
pratique du droit pas la population est un peu différente :
J'ai connu un homme de 50 ans qui s'est stupidement dénoncé à la
place de son fils pour éviter la prison à ce dernier. Bref,
quelques mois de prison ferme. Très peu, deux ou trois mois,
suffisant pour conférer un casier judiciaire.
a perdu son travail de fonctionnaire au port, la retraite à 55 ans.
chômage et 10 ans de travail supplémentaires, ce n'est pas assez ?
6 mois ferme pour un cadre harceleur sexuel. Il perd son travail, son
logement, son ménage, obtient un casier judiciaire, traine ce boulet
sur son CV.
n'est pas assez ?
15 jour ferme, c'est l'incription au Casier judiciaire. Une
foultitude de métiers deviennent interdits.
peut on être assez pervers pour oser dire que des peines de 5 ans de
prisons sont des peines légères ou abusivement laxistes ?
l'Etat peut il se laisser impressionner par les vociférations de
groupes de pressions, manifestement manipulés par les Etats-Unis,
visant à entraîner le droit vers la constitution de plusieurs
espèces humaines, dont certaines à jamais asservies ?
Les politiques judiciaires et la prison
Les prohibitions
prohibition se définit comme suit :
est la politique de formation d'alliances entre les administrations
d'Etat et les réseaux criminels civils pour dominer la population
civile, déstabiliser l'administration publique, substituer à la
Souveraineté du Peuple les dictatures administratives et
prohibition ne combat le crime, elle le crée, l'organise, le
développe, lui donne sa place au Pouvoir.
prohibition apporte une profonde détérioration de l'exercice de
l'ordre public et de la justice en France. Il est désormais visible
que les rapports entre les agents de l'Etat et des citoyens sont
dégradés à un point qui n'a jamais été le cas depuis deux
quel niveau de gangrène et de dévoiement de l'Etat le gouvernement
place t'il une réflexion ?
contre les prohibitions satisfont à leur seul objectif rationnel qui
est l'institutionalisation de la dictature de l'administration
L'aide en prison et le suivi.
le Premier Ministre dit que 80% des personnes sortent de prison sans
suivi. Ils y séjournent aussi sans suivi.
pas plutôt là qu'il faut mettre l'argent du contribuable,
l'imagination législative, le travail judiciaire ?
L'inégalité devant la loi
La justice est désormais payante ( l'Aide juridictionnelle, sortie
du pipi-caca des divorces, est une plaisanterie).
Deux poids deux mesures
affaires résument la politique d'inégalité par laquelle fonctionne
l'Etat français.
M. Sarkozy est suceptible d'avoir violé une députée. Rien.
demande d'ouverture d'enquête préliminaire a cependant été
M. Strauss-Kahn est suceptible d'avoir forniqué avec des
prostituées. Procès.
étaient tous deux Chef d'Etat au moment des faits.
Où est l'égalité en droit ?
La criminalisation de la maladie mentale
un crime. Pour autant que cette politique constamment demandée par
les psychiatres ait été reprise par les Etats, le seul précédent
est le nazisme
n'est au pouvoir de personne de mener au nom du Peuple français une
politique relevant du crime contre l'humanité, telle l'incarcération
des malades mentaux. C'est contraire à la Déclaration de 1789.
Le droit de grâce :
avez vous fait ? Qui serait assez irresponsables pour céder aux
intérêts des corporations d'Etat et l'amoindrir, le disqualifier,
le supprimer ?
n'y a pas de suppression du droit de grâce politique au profit du
respect de l'indépendance de la justice.
y a une spoliation du droit de grâce du Peuple souverain au profit
d'une dictature de fait des administrations et des privilégiés.
qui surprend quand même, c'est le sadisme intime des acteurs de
l'Etat. A peine le sang, les larmes, la merde, de leurs victimes du
20ème siècles ont ils séché qu'ils recommencent à l'identique,
comme si de rien n'était.
de tout cela n'a quoi que ce soit à voir avec l'ordre public. C'est
juste féodal.
vous remerciant de votre attention, je vous prie d'agréer, Monsieur
le Premier- Ministre, l'assurance de ma considération distinguée,
Strauss-Kahn, Sarkozy, identity and conflict, rape, and social justice issue
Strauss-Kahn, Sarkozy, identity and conflict, rape, and social justice issue
d.50 @
Paris, Thursday, August 22, 2013
Mr. prosecutor in Paris
Subject: Identities and otherwise, Mr. Strauss-Kahn and Sarkozy
Justice and social issues
Copy to:
President of the Republic
Prime Minister
Madam Attorney
Mr. Minister of the Interior
Mr. Attorney General to Paris
Mr. prosecutor in Lille
Mr. Fillon Honorary Deputy Prime Minister
Mr. prosecutor,
1) - Introduction
1 - Presumption and corruption
According to information never contradicted Mrs. William M. Sarkozy has used his ability to hold the government to crééer criminal activity of procuring, embezzlement, disqualification of Parliament, development of a parallel right to that of the Civil Code.
Jean Garrigues, Associate Professor of History, Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee and political history (CHPP), said during a broadcast C in air:
- "Do not forget that Mr Sarkozy is the man of action and it is one that continues to embody the principle of effectiveness."
In other words, Mr. Sarkozy could again contribute to the management of the public authorities. He would exercise the same function as that allowed him to set up this crime.
How can they justify the magistrates that Mr Sarkozy is not unaccountable justice on his own crime alleged and never wavered?
Who has the ability to confuse the presumption of innocence and the mafia protection that appears to executives as a useful adventurer?
2 - Comparison of two similar cases
In both cases of sexual crime can be made public by the Justice Strauss-Kahn and the Book of Mrs. William to Mr. Sarkozy, the comparison between Mr. Strauss-Kahn and Sarkozy is possible and instructive since both people are heads of state at the time of the facts and that they are being suceptibles criminal sexual practices similar. In both cases the base facts are paid sex.
The only difference between the two is that one is within the scope of judicial proceedings by studying a debate the facts, the other has a omerta which puts it out of the simplest judicial speech.
The following text is in line with the request for a preliminary investigation of the facts alleged by Ms. Guillaume to Mr. Sarkozy.
It examines the twist against Mr. Strauss-Kahn only from the point of view of the facts attributed to Mr. Sarkozy, in comparison with them. The procedure for Mr. Strauss-Kahn is not about my request, it just serves to enlighten.
1) - The Press
The newspaper Le Figaro published a study of the removal order corrections of Mr. Strauss-Kahn in the case known as the Carlton. See below
It is alleged that Mr Strauss-Kahn have:
Summer-a client of prostitutes,
b-Mis an apartment available for this purpose,
c-Sought to conceal the repeated relationships.
The Court will decide.
Title 1: Strauss-Kahn
1 - Strauss-Kahn never leaves the exclusive client activity.
He was not involved in any transaction that puts a prostitute in the service of a third party outside of its own thin parts.
b-If you rent an apartment, it is solely for his own parties and never to third parties.
2 - Strauss-Kahn does not prostitutes.
-What was the business to be presented without having to know their status, or that he himself participated in their recruitment Its relationship to the formation of these women prostitutes is the same. There was not involved.
b-He use, conscious or not, professionals who practice their profession freely and without any coercion from Strauss-Kahn.
c-When he or his colleagues, or both, come into relationships with these people for them to participate in a party, they are already shopping.
d-These women do not become prostitutes at the request or under any constraint Strauss-Kahn or his representatives.
e-Strauss-Kahn is the commercial standard of any transaction the relationship between the client and the prostitute.
f-Strauss-Kahn manages nothing the lives of these women, professional or private, out of the contractual relationship to their presence in the evenings and during the evenings. And, under client.
g-Strauss-Kahn does not derive financial benefit from the payment of passes. He did not shoot no more moral benefit other than the satisfaction of the customer. These prostitutes do not fit any definition of its government.
3 - Strauss-Kahn does not produce reports with pimping these ladies.
Strauss-Kahn denies having known the status of these women. We must take into account to trial.
Assuming he knew their status:
a-Being customer is not an act of procuring.
Said Marthe Richard law is specifically designed to liberate prostitutes pimps pemettre for their simple and direct commercial relationship with the customer.
It is to this end that the houses were closent and prostitutes have been on the street.
b-Having rented an apartment for the purpose of receiving it-yourself "candidates to consume" is not constitute a "material procurement act."
c-Rent or receive at home is not legally separate.
The holiday tenant is not least among them the tenant of the main housing.
d-If the tenant holding or indeed, an apartment is engaged in procuring receiving home, the prostitute's pimp receiving in his camionnete.
e-Criminalization of the place of practice of prostitution is to preclude it.
f-This prohibition is contrary to the law that allows prostitution.
g-This type of law that contradicts one hand it allows the other is the substitution of a statutory right to a statutory law.
h It is a violation of the sovereignty of the people.
4 - EACP lawyer, civil party headed by a senior magistrate, an advance order of the Supreme Court as evidence that renting an apartment for the purpose of fine particles in the presence of prostitutées is "a physical act of pimping. "
a-The judgment of the Supreme Court said that "a prostitute who lends his truck to a colleague could be seen as a pimp."
b-This would form a precedent.
5 - This case is exactly the opposite of the case Strauss-Kahn.
A-The prostitute of the Court of Cassation
a-The prostitute who lends his truck does not practice itself the commercial act.
b-In this case, it was probably considered organizing the occupation of prostitute beneficiary of the loan.
Strauss-Kahn does not rent an apartment to a third party. He rents for itself. For purposes of receiving under libertine libertines, alter ego, or, if justice established, under direct client receiving for himself a prostitute free to accept or reject the contract.
a-The law on prostitution is specifically designed to eliminate any organization association for a person who is a prostitute.
b-pimps are all those who contribute to the prostitution of another person.
c-The assimilation of the prostitute to pimp his own dishonesty is aimed at the prohibition of prostitution through the courts.
This is illegal and seditious because it is based on the substitution of administrative authority to the legislative authority.
c-This qualification pimping can not by definition involve commercial transaction between the client and prostitute. There is a free trade act that is defined between the professional and the client.
The d-commercial act does not set the installation of a person as a prostitute.
This e-defined use of the prostitute's professional status.
f-If there is confusion between the training of prostiution and commercial act of it, then:
- Customers of a company can be defined as associated with capital and management of the company.
- The direction of a garage can be complicit in the bank robbery with the purchased car to the garage.
This debate could become publicly tricky.
In any case, if the court holds the charge of procuring about renting an apartment, it can not do so by calling the cases cited by counsel for the EACP.
5 - The question is whether the contract between a prostitute and her client's criminal or contractual.
a-The relationship between the client and the prostitute is an ordinary commercial relationship:
In this case, the relationship is defined by the contract. Both parties are they free one vis-à-vis the other? The terms of the contract are met?
A free b-contractual relationship, usually assumes that the client has no right to the formation of the other Contracting Party.
c-This implies a legal distinction between the client and the pimp between the trainer of the prostitute and the beneficiary of the action of professional prostitution.
d-A confusion between the client and the pimp between the consumer and the capital could not not extend to all contractual business.
e-There must be a law of exception to limit this type of report only prostitution.
f-The only way to limit this type of report is to criminalize the client and to disqualify the civil prostitutes, to make minor incapable.
g-Make adults incapable minors is the enslavement of slavery.
h-I doubt that it's legal.
6 - Any lies Strauss-Kahn
Potential lies Strauss-Kahn, if established, contrary to its assertions, would be:
-A parade was an obvious media activity concerning a public figure of this magnitude.
b-The-coup against the use of ambiguous laws on prostitution and pimping by the state. They are not produced by Mr. Strauss-Kahn. They are induced by the failure of legal officiants.
c-Being only the tenant is not a crime.
d-The only question is whether this apartment has been rented by Mr Strauss-Kahn for its own or third parties.
Title 2: Mr. Sarkozy
The previous discussion of the legal situation of Mr. Strauss-Kahn, as the press gives us to know, we can present the comparison of Mr. Sarkozy.
1 - Mr. Sarkozy as prostitution.
Ms. MPP did not come for prostitution.
She came:
a-Search for a grant to a public authority.
b-function exercise their member of Parliament.
It was Mr. Sarkozy who uses prostitution.
He is under the terms of all mackerel, all rapists.
These are the famous "I have sexual needs, it is not much, you can not let go. Etc.. "
The disappointment he felt at this act is a mark of the feelings of rapists. They are always disappointed by the rape. This is the fault of the sexual object, man or woman.
It does not only use his authority to rape the woman by forcing a sexual relationship that she does not want.
He uses them to establish a merchant contract: it sucks, it pays.
Mr. Sarkzoy sets in motion all the springs of putting a person into prostitution. This constitutes pimping.
He currently serves notice
b-It provides local
c-It provides the pretext
d-It organizes the life of the prostitute out of his commercial act.
Honorable member came for a grant. This is his life there.
Mr. Sarkozy is organizing the money transfer.
He made a pass as a prize which replaces the same amount, the grant.
Through this grant, the honorable member may exercise its function.
She is under prostitute. That's it pays prostitute.
He created an arm's length.
The contract is not free because one of the two Contracting bar on the other, forced the other to sign.
2 - Mr. Sarkozy lends an equivalent apartment in the:
-From a realization of prostitution
b De-financial benefits, moral and political, for itself.
Mr. Sarkozy provides the equivalent of the truck pass review by the Court of Cassation. And oddly, the perfect match to the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court does not interest the association in the case of Strauss-Kahn's misuses.
However, this place is not only the place of a password.
It is the place of formation of the prostitute and its dependence
This is a place that depends exclusively on Mr. Sarkozy, a shrine to his interlocutor dependence.
This is the place, as an instrument, he formed his interlocutor as a prostitute.
How could it be a physical act of procuring a case for Mr. Strauss-Kahn, and not the other, for Mr. Sarkozy?
3 - Mr. Sarkozy takes advantage of rape
As I have already discussed in previous writings argue that this request to open a criminal investigation into the matter,
For the rape, Sarkozy:
a-Rape and therefore enjoyed.
b-Use the Treasury to pay for a pass.
c-Lowers Parliament, the executive power.
d-Consolidate and empowers the right parallel to that established from the Civil Code, which exists in all state jurisdictions. It does not legitimize it gives the guarantee of the Head of State.
Mr. Sarkozy rape sex and Administrative without sex is only due to their distinct place in the course of formation of the parallel right.
4 - The right parallel
The existence of the parallel right
Baudis, The Advocate, said: "In France there are two competing rights: Freedom of expression and secularism"
Baudis creates a legal duality from wearing headscarves.
Mr. Sarkozy creates a legal duality from the rape of a member.
In both cases, it is to break the Civil Code and the Declaration of Rights of 1789 as the sole source of law.
I know from experience that the ambush of the police and refused to answer my questions specifically related to my status. The judges notice this status by the fact that I do not have the means to pay a lawyer. I remember that all lawyers contacted were discarded.
It is not well-founded or not my application is first examined, and it is my class.
Whatever the supported cause, theft, rape, torture, theft, citizens of certain social classes or populations considered by lawyers are treated as inferior judges as unworthy of civil or equivalent parts. They can not be qu'accusés. If necessary, flooring manufacture or endorse false for them to be. In the case of abuse of vulnerable people, lawyers recent take up the cause of the other party if it is supported by the police. This is massive.
I was raped, tortured, to cover the handling of the mentally ill in the formation of alliances between state agents and thugs.
I saw police officers:
a-Move to explain how thugs rob the mentally ill in their apartment by the Edf counter register their name,
b-Releasing thugs night along with their victims that they lynch,
c-Support rapists being violated because the fag is not a man,
d-Invite a thug in their office to beat their victim,
e-Constant production of falsifying public documents.
The police hearing on this application was sabotaged for granted when a defendant is the popular classes.
Workers, the poor, the disabled, meet the judges. The converse does not exist. I dealt with three times prosecutors legal action once in Grasse, twice in Paris. Three felonies, forgery of public documents, conspiracy. The Office of Criminal Affairs and Pardons being kept.
I remind you that since August 4, 1789, reiterated by the 1946 Constitution, it is unconstitutional and I renew my request to open a preliminary investigation.
Please accept, Mr. prosecutor, insurance Sincerely,
Marc Salomone
d.50 @
Paris, Thursday, August 22, 2013
Mr. prosecutor in Paris
Subject: Identities and otherwise, Mr. Strauss-Kahn and Sarkozy
Justice and social issues
Copy to:
President of the Republic
Prime Minister
Madam Attorney
Mr. Minister of the Interior
Mr. Attorney General to Paris
Mr. prosecutor in Lille
Mr. Fillon Honorary Deputy Prime Minister
Mr. prosecutor,
1) - Introduction
1 - Presumption and corruption
According to information never contradicted Mrs. William M. Sarkozy has used his ability to hold the government to crééer criminal activity of procuring, embezzlement, disqualification of Parliament, development of a parallel right to that of the Civil Code.
Jean Garrigues, Associate Professor of History, Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee and political history (CHPP), said during a broadcast C in air:
- "Do not forget that Mr Sarkozy is the man of action and it is one that continues to embody the principle of effectiveness."
In other words, Mr. Sarkozy could again contribute to the management of the public authorities. He would exercise the same function as that allowed him to set up this crime.
How can they justify the magistrates that Mr Sarkozy is not unaccountable justice on his own crime alleged and never wavered?
Who has the ability to confuse the presumption of innocence and the mafia protection that appears to executives as a useful adventurer?
2 - Comparison of two similar cases
In both cases of sexual crime can be made public by the Justice Strauss-Kahn and the Book of Mrs. William to Mr. Sarkozy, the comparison between Mr. Strauss-Kahn and Sarkozy is possible and instructive since both people are heads of state at the time of the facts and that they are being suceptibles criminal sexual practices similar. In both cases the base facts are paid sex.
The only difference between the two is that one is within the scope of judicial proceedings by studying a debate the facts, the other has a omerta which puts it out of the simplest judicial speech.
The following text is in line with the request for a preliminary investigation of the facts alleged by Ms. Guillaume to Mr. Sarkozy.
It examines the twist against Mr. Strauss-Kahn only from the point of view of the facts attributed to Mr. Sarkozy, in comparison with them. The procedure for Mr. Strauss-Kahn is not about my request, it just serves to enlighten.
1) - The Press
The newspaper Le Figaro published a study of the removal order corrections of Mr. Strauss-Kahn in the case known as the Carlton. See below
It is alleged that Mr Strauss-Kahn have:
Summer-a client of prostitutes,
b-Mis an apartment available for this purpose,
c-Sought to conceal the repeated relationships.
The Court will decide.
Title 1: Strauss-Kahn
1 - Strauss-Kahn never leaves the exclusive client activity.
He was not involved in any transaction that puts a prostitute in the service of a third party outside of its own thin parts.
b-If you rent an apartment, it is solely for his own parties and never to third parties.
2 - Strauss-Kahn does not prostitutes.
-What was the business to be presented without having to know their status, or that he himself participated in their recruitment Its relationship to the formation of these women prostitutes is the same. There was not involved.
b-He use, conscious or not, professionals who practice their profession freely and without any coercion from Strauss-Kahn.
c-When he or his colleagues, or both, come into relationships with these people for them to participate in a party, they are already shopping.
d-These women do not become prostitutes at the request or under any constraint Strauss-Kahn or his representatives.
e-Strauss-Kahn is the commercial standard of any transaction the relationship between the client and the prostitute.
f-Strauss-Kahn manages nothing the lives of these women, professional or private, out of the contractual relationship to their presence in the evenings and during the evenings. And, under client.
g-Strauss-Kahn does not derive financial benefit from the payment of passes. He did not shoot no more moral benefit other than the satisfaction of the customer. These prostitutes do not fit any definition of its government.
3 - Strauss-Kahn does not produce reports with pimping these ladies.
Strauss-Kahn denies having known the status of these women. We must take into account to trial.
Assuming he knew their status:
a-Being customer is not an act of procuring.
Said Marthe Richard law is specifically designed to liberate prostitutes pimps pemettre for their simple and direct commercial relationship with the customer.
It is to this end that the houses were closent and prostitutes have been on the street.
b-Having rented an apartment for the purpose of receiving it-yourself "candidates to consume" is not constitute a "material procurement act."
c-Rent or receive at home is not legally separate.
The holiday tenant is not least among them the tenant of the main housing.
d-If the tenant holding or indeed, an apartment is engaged in procuring receiving home, the prostitute's pimp receiving in his camionnete.
e-Criminalization of the place of practice of prostitution is to preclude it.
f-This prohibition is contrary to the law that allows prostitution.
g-This type of law that contradicts one hand it allows the other is the substitution of a statutory right to a statutory law.
h It is a violation of the sovereignty of the people.
4 - EACP lawyer, civil party headed by a senior magistrate, an advance order of the Supreme Court as evidence that renting an apartment for the purpose of fine particles in the presence of prostitutées is "a physical act of pimping. "
a-The judgment of the Supreme Court said that "a prostitute who lends his truck to a colleague could be seen as a pimp."
b-This would form a precedent.
5 - This case is exactly the opposite of the case Strauss-Kahn.
A-The prostitute of the Court of Cassation
a-The prostitute who lends his truck does not practice itself the commercial act.
b-In this case, it was probably considered organizing the occupation of prostitute beneficiary of the loan.
Strauss-Kahn does not rent an apartment to a third party. He rents for itself. For purposes of receiving under libertine libertines, alter ego, or, if justice established, under direct client receiving for himself a prostitute free to accept or reject the contract.
a-The law on prostitution is specifically designed to eliminate any organization association for a person who is a prostitute.
b-pimps are all those who contribute to the prostitution of another person.
c-The assimilation of the prostitute to pimp his own dishonesty is aimed at the prohibition of prostitution through the courts.
This is illegal and seditious because it is based on the substitution of administrative authority to the legislative authority.
c-This qualification pimping can not by definition involve commercial transaction between the client and prostitute. There is a free trade act that is defined between the professional and the client.
The d-commercial act does not set the installation of a person as a prostitute.
This e-defined use of the prostitute's professional status.
f-If there is confusion between the training of prostiution and commercial act of it, then:
- Customers of a company can be defined as associated with capital and management of the company.
- The direction of a garage can be complicit in the bank robbery with the purchased car to the garage.
This debate could become publicly tricky.
In any case, if the court holds the charge of procuring about renting an apartment, it can not do so by calling the cases cited by counsel for the EACP.
5 - The question is whether the contract between a prostitute and her client's criminal or contractual.
a-The relationship between the client and the prostitute is an ordinary commercial relationship:
In this case, the relationship is defined by the contract. Both parties are they free one vis-à-vis the other? The terms of the contract are met?
A free b-contractual relationship, usually assumes that the client has no right to the formation of the other Contracting Party.
c-This implies a legal distinction between the client and the pimp between the trainer of the prostitute and the beneficiary of the action of professional prostitution.
d-A confusion between the client and the pimp between the consumer and the capital could not not extend to all contractual business.
e-There must be a law of exception to limit this type of report only prostitution.
f-The only way to limit this type of report is to criminalize the client and to disqualify the civil prostitutes, to make minor incapable.
g-Make adults incapable minors is the enslavement of slavery.
h-I doubt that it's legal.
6 - Any lies Strauss-Kahn
Potential lies Strauss-Kahn, if established, contrary to its assertions, would be:
-A parade was an obvious media activity concerning a public figure of this magnitude.
b-The-coup against the use of ambiguous laws on prostitution and pimping by the state. They are not produced by Mr. Strauss-Kahn. They are induced by the failure of legal officiants.
c-Being only the tenant is not a crime.
d-The only question is whether this apartment has been rented by Mr Strauss-Kahn for its own or third parties.
Title 2: Mr. Sarkozy
The previous discussion of the legal situation of Mr. Strauss-Kahn, as the press gives us to know, we can present the comparison of Mr. Sarkozy.
1 - Mr. Sarkozy as prostitution.
Ms. MPP did not come for prostitution.
She came:
a-Search for a grant to a public authority.
b-function exercise their member of Parliament.
It was Mr. Sarkozy who uses prostitution.
He is under the terms of all mackerel, all rapists.
These are the famous "I have sexual needs, it is not much, you can not let go. Etc.. "
The disappointment he felt at this act is a mark of the feelings of rapists. They are always disappointed by the rape. This is the fault of the sexual object, man or woman.
It does not only use his authority to rape the woman by forcing a sexual relationship that she does not want.
He uses them to establish a merchant contract: it sucks, it pays.
Mr. Sarkzoy sets in motion all the springs of putting a person into prostitution. This constitutes pimping.
He currently serves notice
b-It provides local
c-It provides the pretext
d-It organizes the life of the prostitute out of his commercial act.
Honorable member came for a grant. This is his life there.
Mr. Sarkozy is organizing the money transfer.
He made a pass as a prize which replaces the same amount, the grant.
Through this grant, the honorable member may exercise its function.
She is under prostitute. That's it pays prostitute.
He created an arm's length.
The contract is not free because one of the two Contracting bar on the other, forced the other to sign.
2 - Mr. Sarkozy lends an equivalent apartment in the:
-From a realization of prostitution
b De-financial benefits, moral and political, for itself.
Mr. Sarkozy provides the equivalent of the truck pass review by the Court of Cassation. And oddly, the perfect match to the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court does not interest the association in the case of Strauss-Kahn's misuses.
However, this place is not only the place of a password.
It is the place of formation of the prostitute and its dependence
This is a place that depends exclusively on Mr. Sarkozy, a shrine to his interlocutor dependence.
This is the place, as an instrument, he formed his interlocutor as a prostitute.
How could it be a physical act of procuring a case for Mr. Strauss-Kahn, and not the other, for Mr. Sarkozy?
3 - Mr. Sarkozy takes advantage of rape
As I have already discussed in previous writings argue that this request to open a criminal investigation into the matter,
For the rape, Sarkozy:
a-Rape and therefore enjoyed.
b-Use the Treasury to pay for a pass.
c-Lowers Parliament, the executive power.
d-Consolidate and empowers the right parallel to that established from the Civil Code, which exists in all state jurisdictions. It does not legitimize it gives the guarantee of the Head of State.
Mr. Sarkozy rape sex and Administrative without sex is only due to their distinct place in the course of formation of the parallel right.
4 - The right parallel
The existence of the parallel right
Baudis, The Advocate, said: "In France there are two competing rights: Freedom of expression and secularism"
Baudis creates a legal duality from wearing headscarves.
Mr. Sarkozy creates a legal duality from the rape of a member.
In both cases, it is to break the Civil Code and the Declaration of Rights of 1789 as the sole source of law.
I know from experience that the ambush of the police and refused to answer my questions specifically related to my status. The judges notice this status by the fact that I do not have the means to pay a lawyer. I remember that all lawyers contacted were discarded.
It is not well-founded or not my application is first examined, and it is my class.
Whatever the supported cause, theft, rape, torture, theft, citizens of certain social classes or populations considered by lawyers are treated as inferior judges as unworthy of civil or equivalent parts. They can not be qu'accusés. If necessary, flooring manufacture or endorse false for them to be. In the case of abuse of vulnerable people, lawyers recent take up the cause of the other party if it is supported by the police. This is massive.
I was raped, tortured, to cover the handling of the mentally ill in the formation of alliances between state agents and thugs.
I saw police officers:
a-Move to explain how thugs rob the mentally ill in their apartment by the Edf counter register their name,
b-Releasing thugs night along with their victims that they lynch,
c-Support rapists being violated because the fag is not a man,
d-Invite a thug in their office to beat their victim,
e-Constant production of falsifying public documents.
The police hearing on this application was sabotaged for granted when a defendant is the popular classes.
Workers, the poor, the disabled, meet the judges. The converse does not exist. I dealt with three times prosecutors legal action once in Grasse, twice in Paris. Three felonies, forgery of public documents, conspiracy. The Office of Criminal Affairs and Pardons being kept.
I remind you that since August 4, 1789, reiterated by the 1946 Constitution, it is unconstitutional and I renew my request to open a preliminary investigation.
Please accept, Mr. prosecutor, insurance Sincerely,
Marc Salomone
Strauss-kahn, Sarkozy, identités et contraires, viol, justice et question sociale
Strauss-kahn, Sarkozy, identités et contraires, viol, justice et question sociale
Paris, le jeudi 22
août 2013
le procureur de la République à Paris
Objet :
Identités et contraires, M. Strauss-Kahn et M. Sarkozy
La justice et la
question sociale
à :
le Président de la République
le Premier Ministre
la Garde des Sceaux
Monsieur le Ministre
de l'intérieur
Monsieur le procureur
général à Paris
le procureur de la République à Lille
Premier Ministre honoraire
Monsieur le procureur
de la République,
1)- Préambule
1- Présomption et
Selon les
informations jamais démenties de Mme Guillaume, M. Sarkozy s'est
servi de sa capacité à organiser les pouvoirs publics pour crééer
une activité criminelle de proxénétisme, de détournement de fonds
publics, de disqualification du Parlement, de développement d'un
droit parallèle à celui du Code civil.
M. Jean Garrigues,
professeur agrégé d'histoire,Président du Comité d'histoire
parlementaire et politique, (CHPP), a déclaré lors d'une émission
C dans l'air :
- « N'oublions
pas que M. Sarkozy, c'est l'homme du recours et c'est celui qui
continue d'incarner un principe d'efficacité ».
Autrement dit, M.
Sarkozy pourrait à nouveau concourir à la direction des Pouvoirs
publics. Il exercerait alors la même fonction que celle qui lui
permis de mettre en place cette criminalité.
Comment les
magistrats peuvent ils justifier que M. Sarkozy ne rende pas de
comptes à la justice sur sa propre criminalité, présumée et
jamais démentie ?
Qui a la capacité de
confondre la présomption d'innocence et la protection maffieuse de
celui qui apparaît aux cadres dirigeants comme un aventurier utile ?
2- Comparaison de
deux affaires similaires
Dans les deux
affaires de possible criminalité sexuelle rendues publiques par la
justice pour M. Strauss-Kahn et par le livre de Mme Guillaume pour M.
Sarkozy, la comparaison entre M. Strauss-Kahn et M. Sarkozy est
possible et instructive puisque les deux personnes sont Chefs d'Etat
au moment des faits et que ceux-ci sont suceptibles d'être des
pratiques sexuelles criminelles similaires. Dans les deux cas le
socle des faits sont des rapports sexuels tarifés.
La seule différence
entre les deux est que l'un est sous le coup d'une procédure
judiciaire qui étudie par un débat contradictoire les faits,
l'autre bénéficie d'une omerta qui le met hors de la plus simple
parole judiciaire.
Le texte ci-après
est dans la continuité de la demande d'ouverture d'une enquête
préliminaire concernant les faits allégués par Mme Guillaume
visant M. Sarkozy.
Il examine les tords
reprochés à M. Strauss-Kahn uniquement du point de vue des faits
attribués à M. Sarkozy, par comparaison avec ceux-ci. La procédure
concernant M. Strauss-Kahn ne concerne pas ma demande, elle sert
juste à l'éclairer.
1)- La presse
Le journal Le figaro
publie une étude de l'ordonnance de renvoi en correctionnel de M.
Strauss-Kahn dans l'affaire dite du Carlton. Voir ci-après
Il est reproché à
M. Strauss-Kahn d'avoir :
a- Eté le client de
b- Mis un appartement
à disposition à cet effet,
c- Cherché à
dissimuler ces relations répétées.
Le Tribunal
Titre 1 : M.
1- M. Strauss-Kahn ne
sort jamais de l'activité exclusive de client.
a- Il ne participe à
aucune transaction qui mette une prostituée au service d'un tiers en
dehors de ses propres parties fines.
b- S'il loue un
appartement, c'est aux seules fins de ses propres soirées ;
jamais pour des tiers.
2- M. Strauss-Kahn
ne produit pas de prostituées.
a- Que ces
professionnelles lui soient présentées sans qu'il connaisse leur
statut, ou qu'il ait participé lui-même à leur recrutement ;
Le rapport qu'il entretient à la formation de ces femmes en
prostituées est le même. Il n'y a pas participé.
b- Il a l'usage,
conscient ou non, de professionnelles qui exercent leur profession
librement, et sans aucune contrainte venant de M. Strauss-Kahn.
c- Lorsque lui ou ses
collègues, ou les deux, entrent en relations avec ces personnes pour
les faire participer à une soirée, elles sont déjà commerçantes.
d- Ces femmes ne sont
pas devenues prostituées à la demande ou sous la contrainte
quelconque de M. Strauss-Kahn ou de ses représentants.
e- M. Strauss-Kahn
n'a que les rapports marchands ordinaires de toute transaction entre
le client et la prostituée.
f- M. Strauss-Kahn ne
gère en rien la vie de ces femmes, professionnelle ou privée, hors
des rapports contractuels visant leurs présence à ces soirées et
au cours de ces soirées. Et ce, au titre de client.
g- M. Strauss-Kahn ne
tire pas de profit financier du paiement des passes. Il n'en tire pas
non plus de profit moral autre que la satisfaction du client. Ces
prostituées n'entrent dans aucune définition de ses pouvoirs
3- M. Strauss-Kahn ne
produit pas de rapports de proxénétisme avec ces dames.
M. Strauss-Kahn
dément avoir connu le statut de ces femmes. Nous devons le prendre
en compte jusqu'au procès.
A supposer qu'il ait
su leur statut :
a- Le fait d'être
client n'est pas un acte de proxénétisme.
La loi dite Marthe
Richard vise précisément à libérer les prostituées des
proxénètes pour leur pemettre une relation commerciale simple et
directe avec le client.
C'est à cette fin
que les Maisons ont été closent et que les prostituées ont été
mise à la rue.
b- Le fait d'avoir
loué un appartement à des fins de recevoir soi-même des
« candidates à consommer » n'est pas non plus
constitutif d'un « acte matériel de proxénétisme ».
c- Louer ou recevoir
chez soi n'est pas légalement distinct.
Le locataire
vacancier n'est pas moins chez lui que le locataire du logement
d- Si le locataire,
en titre ou de fait, d'un appartement se livre au proxénétisme en
recevant chez lui, la prostituée est proxénète en recevant dans sa
e- La criminalisation
du lieu d'exercice de la prostitution revient à interdire celle-ci.
f- Cette interdiction
est contraire à la loi qui autorise la prostitution.
g- Ce type de droit
qui contredit d'une main ce qu'il autorise de l'autre est la
substitution d'un droit réglementaire à un droit législatif.
h- C'est une
violation de la souveraineté du peuple.
4- L'avocat de Eacp,
partie civile chapeautée par un haut-magistrat, avance un arrêté
de la Cour de Cassation comme preuve que la location d'un appartement
à des fins de parties fines en présence de prostitutées est « un
acte matériel de proxénétisme ».
a- L'arrêt de la
Cour de cassation dit que « une prostituée qui prête sa
camionnette à une collègue pouvait être vue comme proxénète ».
b- Cela formerait une
5- Ce cas est
exactement le contraire du cas Strauss-Kahn.
A- La prostituée de
la Cour de Cassation
a- La prostituée qui
prête sa camionnette ne pratique pas elle-même l'acte commercial.
b- Dans ce cas, elle
a sans doute été considérée comme organisant l'activité
professionnelle de la prostituée bénéficiaire du prêt.
B- Strauss-Kahn
M. Strauss-Kahn ne
loue pas un appartement pour un tiers. Il le loue pour lui-même. A
des fins de recevoir des libertines au titre de libertin, d'alter
ego, ou, si la justice l'établissait, au titre de client direct
recevant pour lui-même une prostituée libre d'accepter ou refuser
le contrat.
C- La légalité
a- La loi sur la
prostitution vise précisément à écarter toute association
d'organisation pour une personne qui se prostitue.
b- Sont proxénètes
toutes les personnes qui concourent à la prostitution d'une tierce
c- L'assimilation de
la prostituée à son propre proxénète est une malhonnêteté qui
vise à l'interdiction de la prostitution par voie de justice.
Cest illégal et
factieux puisque ça repose sur la substitution de l'autorité
administrative à l'autorité législative.
c- Cette
qualification de proxénétisme ne peut par définition concerner
l'acte commercial entre le client et la prostituée. Il est un acte
commercial libre qui se définit entre la professionnelle et le
d- L'acte commercial
ne défini pas l'installation d'une personne comme prostituée.
e- Il défini l'usage
par la prostituée de son statut professionnel.
f- S'il y a confusion
entre l'action de formation de la prostiution et l'acte commercial de
celle-ci, alors :
- Les clients d'une
entreprise peuvent se définir comme associés au capital et à la
direction de l'entreprise.
- La direction d'un
garage peut être rendue complice du braquage de banque à l'aide de
la voiture achetée à ce garage.
Ce débat pourrait
devenir publiquement délicat.
D- La jurisprudence
En tout cas, si le
tribunal retient l'accusation de proxénétisme concernant la
location d'un appartement, il ne pourra pas le faire en se réclamant
de la jurisprudence citée par l'avocat de l'Eacp.
5- La question est
bien de savoir si le contrat entre une prostituée et son client est
criminelle ou contractuelle.
a- La relation entre
le client et la prostituée est une relation commercial ordinaire :
Dans ce cas, cette
relation est définie par le contrat. Les deux parties sont elles
libres l'une vis-à-vis de l'autre ? Les termes du contrat sont
ils respectés ?
b- Un rapport
contractuel libre, ordinaire, suppose que le client ne possède pas
de droit sur la formation de l'autre partie contractante.
c- Cela suppose une
distinction légale entre le client et le proxénète, entre le
formateur de la prostituée et le bénéficiaire de l'action
professionnelle de prostitution.
d- Une confusion
entre le client et le proxénète, entre le consommateur et le
capital ne pourrait pas ne pas s'étendre à toutes les activités
commerciales contractuelles.
e- Il faut un droit
d'exception pour limiter ce type de rapport à la seule prostitution.
f- Le seul moyen de
limiter ce type de rapport est de criminaliser les personnes clientes
et de disqualifier civilement les personnes prostituées, d'en faire
des mineurs incapables.
g- Faire de personnes
majeures des incapables mineurs c'est de l'asservissement, de
h- Je doute que ce
soit légal.
6- Les éventuels
mensonges de M. Strauss-Kahn
Les éventuels
mensonges de M. Strauss-Kahn, s'ils étaient établis, contrairement
à ses affirmations, seraient :
a- Une parade à une
activité médiatique évidente concernant un personnage public de
cette importance.
b- Le contre-coup des
équivoques de l'usage des lois concernant la prostitution et le
proxénètisme par l'Etat. Ils ne sont pas produit par M.
Strauss-Kahn. Ils sont induits par l'incapacité des officiants
c- N'être que le
locataire de fait n'est pas un délit.
d- La seule question
est de savoir si cet appartement a été loué de fait par M.
Strauss-Kahn pour ses propres activités ou pour des tiers.
Titre 2 : M.
La discussion
précédente de la situation juridique de M. Strauss-Kahn, telle que
la presse nous la donne à connaître, nous permet de présenter par
comparaison celle de M. Sarkozy.
1- M. Sarkozy forme
la prostitution.
Mme la Députée
n'est pas venue pour se prostituer.
Elle est venue :
a- Chercher une
subvention pour une collectivité publique.
b- Exercer sa
fonction de députée.
C'est M. Sarkozy qui
la met en prostitution.
Il le fait selon les
termes de tous les maquereaux, de tous les violeurs.
Ce sont les fameux :
« J'ai des besoins sexuels, ce n'est pas grand chose, tu ne
peux pas me lâcher. Etc. »
La déception que lui
inspire cet acte est aussi une marque des sentiments des violeurs.
Ils sont toujours déçus par le viol. C'est de la faute à l'objet
sexuel, homme ou femme.
Il n'use pas
seulement de son autorité pour violer cette femme en la contraignant
à une relation sexuelle dont elle ne veut pas.
Il en use pour
établir un contrat marchand : elle suce, il paie.
M. Sarkzoy met en
mouvement tous les ressorts de la mise en prostitution d'une
personne. Ceci est constitutif du proxénétisme.
a- Il met en demeure
b- Il fournit le
c- Il fournit le
d- Il organise la vie
de la prostituée hors de son acte commercial.
Mme la députée est
venue chercher une subvention. C'est là sa vie.
M. Sarkozy organise
le transfert d'argent.
Il le fait comme prix
d'une passe qui se substitue, pour le même montant, à la
Par cette subvention,
Mme la députée peut exercer sa fonction.
Elle le fait au titre
de prostituée. C'est en prostituée qu'elle paie.
Il a créé un lien
de dépendance.
Le contrat n'est pas
libre puisque l'un des deux contractants à barre sur l'autre,
contraint l'autre à signer.
2- M. Sarkozy prête
un équivalent appartement à des fins :
a- De réalisation de
la prostitution
b- De bénéfices
financiers, politiques et moraux, pour lui-même.
M. Sarkozy fournit
l'équivalent de la camionnette de la passe examinée par la Cour de
Cassation. Et bizarrement, cette correspondance parfaite à la
jurisprudence de la Cour de Cassation n'intéresse pas l'association
qui dans l'affaire strauss-kahn l'utilise à mauvais escient.
Cependant, ce lieu
n'est pas seulement le lieu d'une passe.
Il est le lieu de
formation de la prostituée et de sa dépendance
C'est un lieu qui
dépend exclusivement de M. Sarkozy, un lieu de mise en dépendance
de son interlocutrice.
C'est par ce lieu,
comme instrument, qu'il forme son interlocutrice comme prostituée.
Comment cela pourrait
il être un acte matériel de proxénétisme dans un cas, pour M.
Strauss-Kahn, et pas dans l'autre, pour M. Sarkozy ?
3- M. Sarkozy tire
profit du viol
Comme je l'ai déjà
traité dans les précédents écrits qui argumentent cette demande
d'ouverture d'une enquête judiciaire à ce sujet,
Par ce viol, M.
Sarkozy :
a- Viol et donc joui.
b- Utilise le Trésor
public pour payer une passe.
c- Abaisse le
Parlement, le Pouvoir éxécutif.
d- Consolide et
émancipe le droit parallèle à celui établi à partir du Code
civil qui existe dans toutes les administrations d'Etat. Il ne le
légitime pas, il lui donne la garantie du Chef de l'Etat.
Que M. Sarkozy viol
avec le sexe et les administratifs sans le sexe n'est dû qu'à leur
place distincte dans le parcours de constitution de ce droit
4- Le droit parallèle
Sur l'existence de ce
droit parallèle
M. Baudis, Le
défenseur des droits, a déclaré : « Il y a en France
deux droits qui se font concurrence : La liberté d'expression et la
laïcité »
M. Baudis crée une
dualité juridique à partir du port du foulard.
M. Sarkozy crée une
dualité juridique à partir du viol d'une députée.
Dans les deux cas, il
s'agit de briser le Code civil et la Déclaration des Droits de 1789
comme unique source du droit.
Je sais d'expérience
que le traquenard du commissariat de police et le refus de répondre
à mes demandes sont liées expressément à mon statut social. Les
magistrats remarquent ce statut notamment par le fait que je n'ai pas
les moyens de payer les services d'un avocat. Je rappelle que tous
les avocats contactés se sont défaussés.
Ce n'est pas le
bien-fondé ou non de ma demande qui est examiné en premier lieu ;
c'est ma classe sociale.
Quelque soit la cause
soutenue, vol, viol, torture, spoliation, les citoyens de certaines
classes sociales ou populations considérées par les juristes comme
inférieures sont traités par les magistrats comme indignes d'être
parties civiles ou équivalentes. Ils ne peuvent être qu'accusés.
Au besoin, les parquets fabriquent ou entérinent des faux pour
qu'ils le soient. Dans le cas d'agressions de personnes vulnérables,
les avocats de ces dernières prennent fait et cause pour la partie
adverse si elle est soutenue par la police. C'est massif.
J'ai été violé,
torturé, pour couvrir la manipulation de malades mentaux dans la
formation d'alliances entre les agents de l'Etat et les voyous.
J'ai vu des officiers
de police judiciaire :
a- Se déplacer pour
expliquer à des voyous comment spolier des malades mentaux de leur
appartement en faisant inscrire le compteur Edf à leur nom,
b- Relacher des
voyous de nuit en même temps que leurs victimes pour qu'ils les
c- Soutenir des
violeurs car le violé étant pédé n'est pas un homme,
d- Inviter un malfrat
dans leur bureau pour tabasser leur victime,
e- Produire
constamment des faux en écriture publique.
L'audition policière
concernant cette demande a été sabotée comme allant de soi
lorsqu'ils s'agit d'un justiciable des classes populaires.
Les ouvriers, les
pauvres, les handicapés, respectent les magistrats. La réciproque
n'existe pas. J'ai eu affaire trois fois à des procureurs en action
judiciaire, une fois à Grasse, deux fois à Paris. Trois
forfaitures, faux en écritures publiques, association de
malfaiteurs. Le bureau des affaires criminelles et des grâces étant
tenu au courant.
Je rappelle que
depuis le 4 août 1789, redit par la Constitution de 1946, c'est
inconstitutionnel et je renouvelle ma demande d'ouverture d'une
enquête préliminaire.
Je vous prie
d'agréer, Monsieur le procureur de la République, l'assurance des
mes salutations distinguées,
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