samedi, août 24, 2013

Egypt, Prime Minister, Ambassador, Army, Muslim Brotherhood, democracy, civil war, Louis Aragon

Egypt, Prime Minister, Ambassador, Army, Muslim Brotherhood, democracy, civil war, Louis Aragon
d.50 @

Google translation
The reference text is the French text

1 - Letter from Mr. Salomone

Paris, Thursday, August 15, 2013

Nasser Kamel
Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt in France
56, avenue d'Iena
75116 Paris

Tel. : (+33) 15 36 78 30
Fax: (+33) 14 72 30 64 30

web: @ Paris.emb


I request your high benevolence transmission of these lines of ordinary French citizens to the Prime Minister of the Egyptian government.

Mr. Prime Minister,

In the event that through your country, you can be certain that the French population is all heart with those who stand in the way of obscurantism, fanaticism, intolerance.

Who other than Egyptian democrats can invent the democratic path of Egypt?
You are the country's Tahrir Square. You experience méditéranéens Muslim countries, starting with Tunisia, whose people dazzled us. You want to know where come those calling for democracy and dictatorship themselves for others.

In 1946, the poet Louis Aragon wrote these verses:
"His life, it looks like these unarmed soldiers
We had dressed for another destiny "

Do not feel too lonely.

Business Manning, Assange, Snowden, show that Westerners are also reverted to being unarmed soldiers who will have again become a democratic constuire thought they already knew.

Only your government is qualified to develop democracy in Egypt and reject the civil war in which some people aspire.

I wish you good luck.

Please accept, Mr. Prime Minister, the assurance of my most respectful greetings

Marc Salomone

2 - Letter from Ambassador


Paris, August 21, 2013


Dear Sir,

I have just read your letter and I wish to express my sincere and heartfelt thanks for the solidarity that you bring to the Egyptian people as he crosses very serious and painful trials, but it grew apparent, we believe .

Also thank you for the feelings of compassion, tolerance and friendship you express, which I am particularly sensitive. Indeed, Egypt needs your understanding and your support to continue its irreversible march toward freedom and justice, and nothing and no one can stop.

I beg you to believe, Sir, the assurances of my very respectful consideration.

Mohamed Mustafa Kamal

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