vendredi, octobre 18, 2013

facts , law, Sarkozy , MP, parliament, rape , Elysee

facts , law, Sarkozy , MP, parliament, rape , Elysee

d.50 @

The reference text is the French text

Paris , Friday, Oct. 18, 2013

Mr. prosecutor

Subject: the facts and the law.

Copy to:

President of the Republic

Prime Minister

Madam Attorney
Mr. Minister of the Interior

President of the Court of Appeal of Paris
Prosecutor General to Paris

Mr. District Attorney in Lille
The procurator Lady of the Republic in Bordeaux

Mrs. ZIMMERMANN , Judge ; Dean .
Mrs. Kheris , Judge
Mrs. PALLUEL , Judge

Mr. Fillon , Deputy Prime Minister Emeritus
Mr. Galut , MP

Mr. prosecutor ,

I see and I reported here facts about me as a citizen and taxpayer in the operation of the public service of justice. They just reinforce the request for a preliminary investigation filed July 19, 1202 and which is clearly expects prescription.

Chapter 1 - The tectonics of rape

1) - The corruption pact

Mr. Gentile judge issued an order of dismissal for Mr. Sarkozy , and him alone. Good for Mr. Sarkozy .

Information from the A- 18 September 2013
For the text of 30 September 2013 , I had the chance to study public links forged out of the proceedings between Mr Sarkozy and Gentile judge.

The reference text is The Chained Duck Wednesday, September 18, 2013 , P. 3 " Sarko and judge signed the armistice ." DS Article for reference to several newspapers . The article ends with : "I want you, you want me ... "

Judge Gentil took care to run in the hallways of the courthouse rumors about the arrival of a non- place for Mr. Sarkozy , and him alone.

Following these rumors counsel for Mr. Sarkozy was not present at the hearing to challenge the judge Gentil. The other parties were strong and marries did know.

At the same time , the newspaper announces that there is an organic link between the rumors started by the Gentile judge, the absence of counsel for Mr. Sarkozy to the Challenge , the " big promotion " expected shortly by M . Gentile judge.

The rumor which leads to the absence removes the "spot" " on the resume " the judge would be the objection , and only one made ​​by Mr Sarkozy , it makes spotting the arrival of Belle promotion. On arrival there was no need is there.

For fellows , this is a pact of corruption.

B- Information from the October 9, 2013
The Chained Duck Wednesday, October 9, 2013 , P. One by one unsigned article entitled " Bettencourt, a great Bordeaux vintage ." The paper takes its assertions of September .
He confirmed :
a- judges Bordeaux had no evidence for abuse of weakness .
b- Gentil judge rendered his decision as based on a calculation of career.
c- The possibility of an exchange between the big promotion and dismissal is "a good deal" .
d- The removal of Mr. Woerth , former Minister , is to save face because the facts are prescribed and do not concern the defendant .

Nobody is able to require of law that this feudal use, private , public service record.

C- The information in the October 16, 2013
cf. : The Chained Duck 16,10,13 , P. 4 , under the title : " Lagarde and the IMF undermined by a case not very nikel "
1 - The Facts
U.S. judge in Washington , Emmet Sullivan, accused the IMF of complicity in a mining scam case in Cameroon.
In doing so, he lifted the immunity enjoyed by the IMF for all its activities, as most international institutions.
It thus responds to the complaint of one of its officers, Eugene Nyambal on this. The IMF had returned after her complaint.
2 - Analysis
After almost all the courts of the world were confronted with crime managers or executive networks covered by immunity, Judge Sullivan noted that it is possible to control the evolution of our societies without restatement judicial use immunity.

2) - The Judicial Affairs Mr Sarkozy

The media tell us that remain several court cases against Mr. Sarkozy . But it will be little or indirectly involved . It may therefore be interested in the things of life and politics with confidence.

Among the cases cited , I do not see anywhere mention the request for a preliminary investigation into the alleged rape of a Member present at the Elysee are quality .

The facts have been made ​​public by the book Mrs. William, a trustworthy person , " Monarch , his son , his stronghold ." "

The book , published June 14, 2012 . It was sold 100,000 copies in a few days. All networks French executives have read , including judges .

The pages of this book were taken over by the media, including those where the value of the published information is guaranteed by decades of successful lawsuits .

These facts are rape, forced prostitution , pimping the hotel , the rape of a member in the performance of his duties , misappropriation of public funds , abuse of power, abuse of executive power against Power legislature.

Mr. Sarkzoy has never denied the facts. It has the means , the moral authority . He would support justice against what would be slander to the exercise of the presidential term.

Overload probability of accuracy of the facts contained in Mr. Salomone led to the filing of an application to open a preliminary investigation on 19 July 2012.

The prosecutor acknowledged receipt of the request by ordering a police interrogation of the applicant.

At the police station , a traffic officer was instructed to place Mr. Salomone under pressure contempt for him to prepare and sign a document that is not him. The hearing was therefore canceled. With a big smile contractual sure to have served his head .

Since a police captain said, in France, with its hierarchy and union : " You are you, Mr. Salomone , down! " The defendant kneeling , head held face against the ground, I know that for the French officials , including judges , I'm a shit .

Except that it does not answer the question.

3) - The game of the martyr

Commenting the Bettencourt affair , Mr Sarkozy said : "For politicians who during these months have used this" case " and participated in the growing suspicion, I want to remember how the presumption of innocence is a fundamental principle . "

In the case of the rape of the Elysee , Sarkozy is not improperly reported to justice.
He is the Head of State at the time of the reported facts .
He plans to return to the state leadership .

He told a newspaper, the small -Bornand : "The little political news , I do not want to deal with it. France, it is something else. "
Who can imagine that we can deal with France and not meet the alleged rape of a chosen nation by yourself in the place of public certification of its own power?

Nobody can say that in responding to a judge in these matters , Mr Sarkozy would appear in court at a disadvantage . It is notable and popular.

He is Head of State at the time of the facts and the scene is full of medals ceremony . It can easily prove that he has not made ​​the statements reported or committed public money or requested fellatio or blackmailed , or caused a person away , etc. .

Mrs. William does not want to attack Mr. Sarkozy . It is not morally disqualifies these practices. She believes they are tests to overcome, hazing . Therefore, it is the person raped to laugh to prove himself worthy of the confidence of the group . As an enemy , rapists institutions have seen worse .

4) - The facts and the law

a- The facts say
Mr Sarkozy would have placed a deputy came apply for a grant in the case of fellate him because of his irrepressible desire and willingness that would be hers for the award of the grant .

b- The law says:
It is the judiciary , and to them alone , to tell us where appropriate to laugh or if there is rape , rape of a member in the exercise of its functions, constraint prostitution , pimping , hotel procurement, embezzlement of public funds , abuse of power, abuse of executive branch against the legislative branch .

The decision of the obligation to laugh should also be argued. It is precisely the argument excellence and rapists.

5) - The disqualification of Parliament
The alleged rape is in a process of public disqualification of parliamentarians.

A- Judges and capitalist framework
The judges have been willing to put in examination Mr Sarkozy for allegedly drawn pennies a millionaire to conduct his campaign . If they felt there was a presumption of fraud is understandable.

However, no one will check if activists gather for election campaigns benefit or not a moment of weakness donor .
It is the personality of Mrs. Bettencourt is in question . It's because she's a millionaire Mr Sarkozy came to see .

This is due to its quality of capitalist that judges give him so much. Elderly people robbed by their guardians are not entitled to the same respect. Justice awaits prescription to recognize the fault of the Guardian .

The Bettencourt is a clash of the girl with the mother for the asset management of the latter. The initial complaint refers only to one person . He is an artist unrelated to the state.

But this time, justice makes a genuine judicial raid. Mr. Sarkozy , Head of State at the beginning of the case, and Mr. Woerth , Minister at the beginning of the case are that the collateral damage of this family dispute .

This will lead to referral to the Tribunal a former Minister , a magistrate initially hearing the case , destabilize a court, a move prosecutor and lead to disorientation of the case.

The Bettencourt family, because capitalism is in fact a place of power.

B- judges and MPs

We can compare with the concern of judges for the physical and moral integrity of a member .

This woman who has an appointment with Mr. Sarkozy in his office and asking for between a subsidy is a member . It is for this reason that it is there and that Mr Sarkozy , Head of State, receives in his desk and spoke to her .

For his sexual needs , he has two wives Sarkzoy available which he can talk about his privacy. One because she's a friend forever. The other becaufe will become his wife.

They are women and intimate at the time for Mr. Sarkozy .

" Isabelle Balkany received the rosette from the hands of his friend President , May 27, 2008. Before the ban and arriere -ban of Sarkozi , Charles Pasqua Pal Sarkozy , the father, the head of state has declaimed a " declaration of love to Isabelle ." "
cf. :
A countdown of the two women who share in various ways the privacy of Mr Sarkozy , the honorable member is present as such in the areas of exercise of executive power. It is in the exercise of its function. She works.

When one gets sucked by a person who is forced then it is a " declaration of love " to a third person present , it really takes that person an idiot chore .

For judges , so it was only natural that the Head of the Executive Power up a representative legislature in a state of subordination and dependency by requiring her to be down up to his fly so he stuffs his screw in the throat.

The pipe that Sarkozy wins the mouth of the member for both a leash is connected by means of which it enslaves the legislature to the executive. And judges would not find anything wrong ?

On the occasion of Madam Deputy, there is no question of questioning the former Head of State. For so little.

Let us remember that for a domestic dispute two capitalists, both courts failed to explode, a minister and a judge are referred to the Tribunal .

C- The officers and members

Disqualification of elected induced by this formal meeting of formal prostitution a Member present are quality was heard by the state administrations which Mr Sarkozy was then the head .

In 2013, twice , members clashed with police to exercise their prerogatives as legislators.
a- January 28 , 2013, four members Socialists are temporarily prevented from traveling with protesters opposed to marriage for all who camped outside the National Assembly. Including presenting their card.
b- April 16 , 2013, four UMP are temporarily prevented from entering the National Assembly. Including presenting their card.

The police did not completely opposed to their movement but its brand supprématie , that the executive power of the Legislature .

Mr. Sarkozy has not done anything on May 27, 2008. The police are in the verbal and Sarkozy in the manual. The Head of State set the status , officials apply.
While this session Elysian is an episode of a process, but it is built with a spectacular burst of the authority of the Head of State .

D- The Power
This goes hand in hand with a European parliaments disqualification :
1 - The law now under the European Commission , ie the administration or the Executive.
2 - Mr Sarkozy himself has organized the divestiture of the Parliament of its historical prerogative of final budget control of the nation.
3 - It is ultimately the government that controls the budget it develops .

The ease with which the judiciary considers crimes against persons elected to the nation by the subordinate officers or members of the Executive Branch considers a kind of transfer of legislative power outside the walls of Parliament and parliamentarians person .

A major capitalist is more important to a member state . It is also more completely considered part of the state.

Chapter 2 - The physiology of rape

1) - Conditions for reflection

I speak positively of the rape , subject to confirmation , due to the reliability of evidence and the reputation of those who report or colpotent , also because of the inability of Mr Sarkozy to be made any denied .

This chapter is devoted to the analysis of the inner workings of the alleged rape .

2) - Premeditation
Mr Sarkozy has no uncontrollable sexual urge . He is not mentally ill or he may have committed other uncontrollable acts. He raped a member with full knowledge of the facts; because he has so decided . He found it useful politically . This policy is not his only desire .
It is not the desire that subverts the political space for a moment . It is the policy that invests in desire.

The member enters the office when Mr. Sarkozy ended a fight imaginary boxing with himself.

This fight is not a preparation for the medal presentation , a formal fitness to deal alone with the crowd of recipients . A time to let off steam to compensate for the stress of public life .

Receiving honorable member is not an interlude , a moment stolen from the hectic schedule of a sequence devoted to the presentation of medals. The MPP is not received between two doors. It was convened for specific purposes .

3) - The interview technique
Mr. Sarkozy uses the current process frameworks of manipulating the time to monitor the person of the speaker . The logic of the process is to create a state of emergency.

a- At the reception, it is reported that Mr. Doe , the this - this, has only a short time but he is keen to receive you. It is unsuitable to take time to reflect , to contradict . John Doe sighs , looks at his watch , is annoyed . Then a phone call from a secretary , and Tourbilon of appointment ends the discussion when Mr. so and so gave his order and where the caller could not develop his views . Enough said.

b- The interview took place. The caller leaves . For example, in 1906 , as soon as the speaker out, the Interior Minister Clemenceau phone to the press that the peasant union leader has accepted 10 Francs . This is now a sell . The protest movement is morally broken. Otherwise, the police are involved.

It is this practice that Sarkozy uses .

4) - The heat of Mr Sarkozy
This January 30, 2008 , Mr. Sarkozy does not need to warm up . If it is hot, it has two wives available to commit the sexual concerns . One he will marry in three days.

It is difficult to imagine that a man who could not help but get a mouth before each meeting or on the scene marries a woman without speaking to him this personal obsession and obligation of intimate solidarity. If there is one activity that spouses should share it is the sexual condition of each activity .

We are actually not there in the night visits or outside representation executive officer concerned. We are unable to settle the aforesaid himself alone or by his private company , his sexual impulses in the ordinary activity.

If something is repetitive and medical order , to the point that a wife can not satisfy her, then , after nine months of operation, the provisions necessarily have been taken . Either he has an attendant to fellatio or sexual these crises are not so overwhelming that the person says .

It would be somewhat surprising that this seasoned politician can not cope with a medal presentation session without asking a friend then pass it by mouth 22h interrogations and legal confrontations in the Bettencourt affair without that it is reported only one sexual escapade .

5) - The pleasure medals
The medal presentation is far from being a chore to Mr. Sarkozy . As seems to be the case quite often for these benefits. Mr Sarkozy thanked his friends , they foreign or French , are political and serve its policies. Of 56 guests at Fouquet's 16 medalists will be in two years that follow. 28% .

For this session , he will face a lifelong friend that will decorate and which he will publicly make a " declaration of love to Isabelle ," without note.

For Mr Sarkozy , the medal ceremonies are holidays.

This man is quite self-possessed to be always left to others to compromise himself in his place. In the case Bettencourt , compromise Mr. Woerth in place attests.

He is preparing for a visit with friends to celebrate the coming to power of one of them . His father is in the room . He is getting married in three days.

It is customary to assume a sexual arousal before getting on stage . Please consider it done not come to the 5-7 for a moment one of its supplementary knowledge ? This has necessarily if adicte enjoyment - minute other than masturbation.

Why in this case it receives a woman 's perspective of the service you'd expect from it is necessarily a bad party?

A provincial political activist member of 58 years . Probably good for her husband who has known since childhood. But to send the air déboté in a place that the woman must surely follow , but rather the choice of a man who expects to be disappointed.

The fast - done well-done at the request of anyone, it's a job . It is not that of Ms. MPP . That is , the recall to work .
So it is invraissemblabe Mr. Sarkozy was sexually aroused and he asked a provincial gourd calm their passions .

6) - The guarantee of Mr. Balkany

A- Mr. Balkany

This is also the point made Patrick Balkany , UMP , intimate M.Sarkosy , husband of Isabelle Balkany , mayor of Levallois -Perret in the Hauts -de- Seine. In the book of Mrs. William spouses Balkany are presented under the pseudonym " Thenardier ."

Upon issuance of Canal + Le grand journal , the 25,06,12 , he said:
"When we put the president in unlikely situations , I agree that this is a fable, but when told it receives an MP and it is a treat to go back before the Legion honor Isabelle Balkany (silence) . You know that he received the Legion before returning to Isabelle ? The Austrian Prime Minister . "

Mr. Balkany not qualified this book filthy rag , lies and others. It assigns the quality of being a " fable ."
Mrs. William would just a little forced on the bottle or the seal when the staging of the characters in the fable itself .

And he said that Mr. Sarkozy is in the office between receiving the Austrian Prime Minister and Isabelle Balkany .

Mr. Balkany therefore ensures that it is impossible that Mr. Sarkozy was so little that it is energized since the interview took place between the discount decoration Austrian Prime Minister Mr. and Mrs. Balkany .

Indeed , nothing indicates the interest of Mr. Sarkozy for Austrian or other Prime Ministers. Unlike ordinary administrative that are heavily versed in anal intercourse and found the alleged rape of a quasi-constitutional Elysee validate their claim association.

Ms. B- Balkany

Mrs. Balkany would it cause its implementation in such states ?

No testimony corroborates this hypothesis. Mr. and Mrs. Balkany form what Le Monde called a "couple solid ." The husband cheat his wife diligently , but the reverse is attested nowhere.
Mrs. Balkany was a very good friend of Mrs. Cecilia Sarkozy . The latter has publicly declared a heightened jealousy. Nor Mrs. Balkany , she would share her man. With Carla Bruni- Sarkozy , the distance was cultural and not psychological .

In addition, Mrs. Balkany knows fellatio , as well as practice words. Thus, during an intimate affair in which her ​​husband is involved, she rushes to the police to say: " My husband has never needed a gun to get a blowjob " , according to Liberation.

If sexual need incompressible , Sarkozy could therefore speak bluntly to this matron. She knows what to say about .

Mr. Sarkozy did not call his office to talk about his hot , because he has not . His number Boxer is political, not sexual.

C- Mr. Balkany reason. Mr. Sarkozy was no heat . It was in operation .

7) - The exclusive tour
Mr. Sarkozy is not excited by the Prime Ministers . It is not stressed by the medal to a friend forever.

How did he have on its agenda a visit and one in his office , while the medal ceremonies are connected and that the visit is of no sense of urgency ?

This visit also had no reason to be because its purpose could very well be settled by mail.

Indeed, the purpose of the visit is totally eclipsed during this interview. Ms. MPP is subject to the entry of sexual harassment and is returned immediately after the reason for the urgency of the medal . Mr Sarkozy is then "pressed" . The grant is the ticket placed on the table .

This is the implementation of the logic of the triptych : Reception framed unique handling ( the receptioninste imposes its theme , the receipt is fully covered ) , eviction on the ground of emergency schedule.

This is a show with ordinary frames that gives Mr. Sarkozy . There is no stress or emergency. It has a mission between two medal ceremonies .

8) - The manipulation techniques

1 - Packaging
The person knows that he receives "Mr. President " exceptionally receives between two appointments a ceremony particularly important character . She was educated . In short , she knows she discomfort. So she knows will interfere as little as possible, otherwise his rudeness deserve exemplary punishment. This refusal will forever this grant she probably needs for his reelection or simply because she's honest and she has promised to constituents concerned.

As in all these interviews, received depends . She is about to say lip two sentences from its right to tranpirer , say thank you , get out , whatever the answer.

2 - Inequality actors
This member does not enter into an office, but the President for an interview last chance . She thinks see the status of Commander , hear the Oracle.

Mr Sarkozy has prepared for him a different staging. The scene that Mr. Sarkozy has built is precisely the theatrical stage, the physical location , space for the rape of Ms. MPP .

It will take against the foot , destabilize , to violate the throw . The classic of all rapists.

3 - The technique of agresssion
It features a male multiplying manly postures. This comedy of boxing in front of a mirror to put flesh and blood Sarkozy's scene imposing presence in a room reserved for three-piece suits ties . By this sudden oppressive dictatorship of the body, Mr. Sarkozy may require that sex and soon open its Pentaton , drop his pants , show his sex.
Showing off her musles under his jacket and his shirt , he can open his fly and released his cavernous muscle.

4 - The technique of emergency
This man will say " hurry" has plenty of time to convince a stranger, a respectable woman, probably a mother and wife ( members , men and women , all are) . He wants her to yield to his advances. It takes time . During this time , he speaks of his stiff cock , his balls full of his lustful desires.

This language , it requires a lady who came to get a grant. She has the choice between public defeat and personal shame . What to say to his constituents ? She did not want to suck the President ?

Kneel is a way to go unnoticed , to close the incident to hide his humiliation .

Swallowing sperm, she swallows a pill that gives him a grant and public dignity. She is the one who enters the President's office and emerged with a grant. It has lost its dignity and Parliament equality with the executive branch , so little.

5 - tchnique early withdrawal
As in all rape, or almost as soon as the cock, or finger , the rapist entered the port in question, the operation is complete . It can continue until ejaculation , fingers can be a hectic time in the anus or vagina , but it is incidental. The goal is reached . Enter , subject , break .

6 - The technique of confusion
Like all rapists, private or public, Mr Sarkozy said "pressed" . This means that the rapist is to have control of the moment of penetration and withdrawal.

It's the idiot , but violated expect the full cycle of the sexual act is consumed. This is the "proof" , a certainty in a world that rocks .

Sabotage the cycle is still tell the person raped :
- she has not decided anything, not even in thought . It is nothing .
b- it does nothing happened because the person raped itself can testify that it was short, shorter than in the act "for real" .
c- The rape did not take place. The raped person can not even say she was raped . It must recognize itself as it does not correspond to the sexual act as one can imagine.

Rapists are aware that their slaves can not claim to have satisfied . It would be another way to consider it as a partner and not an object. People raped had agreed to submit to it, they are removed to the rationale for inclusion . They are broken and destabilized .

The ultimate ideology of rape , its fulfillment is achieved when the rapist can say that it 's nothing personal . He was the devoted servant of the public good . He gave his body to control the bestiality of the bitch.

9 - Rape selected

Mr Sarkozy has it you wanted to be a woman?

A-This is almost never the case in these selected rape.
1 - These people, men or women, have what it takes "home " to satisfy their sexual instincts.
2 - These rapes all main character of never really finished or not claimed as rape.
3 - specifically sexual phase is even rejettée insofar as it puts the person raped in the posture of one , or one sexual partner.
4 - This is the main reason for the invocation of the urgency to do something else or systematic reporting of disappointment .

B- These rapes have declared reason: the game, the joke of hazing , the urgency to disgorge the leek , the search for the research object small b , the need not to lose face , etc. .

C- They have a reality publicly take possession of a person and beyond the group. They are marking procedures , training of livestock, the subjugation of the individual to the extent that it belongs to a population.

D- Women know these excavations thorough body by male bored but believe they must show these " bitches" that control beyond public conveniences. We need their bodies to say that they like it. This is their place, there 's late .

10) - The choice of the beast
Mr. Sarkozy has not taken a copy of a sample of a homogeneous population would have around him or he would have legal responsibility .

To do so , he would have tracked the deserving when he would have put a medal, or that , on this day , he would dangle it could have . Or more simply , a secretary acting intern. It was his interest.

There, he had no need, want , interest , running the trifle. It was a political work to do. He brought a completely foreign person express his Elysian and administrative world.

He engages in this grotesque dance boxer to bewitch its prey and lead to his fly . He would not need such a show of force against a subordinate , a groupie, a lower .

It shows his strength, he deploys the wheel peacock, he hypnotizes his prey, because she is his equal . He can do nothing against it . It owes much respect she has for him .

It is a power, the executive. It is another , the legislature. It should belittle these powers in a personal relationship of both sexes. By number of tap , it is to see that the chicken is a rooster. From there , he can go .

It sets its report to Parliament .

11) - The final blow

1 - The technique amazes
He did it come to this. She saw the world, their world at his feet . She saw the demonstration of the power of law enforcement . It has access to gilding and collectively. It dipose of hers personally. Then he crushes his muscles and his rage Student brawler .

2 - The technique of heating
There, he asks the man who offers his flesh in words and shirt. It is a criminal version of the insolence of these young people who show their butt to the bourgeois , passersby , or touching the fly on stage. The emotion of the audience is guaranteed.

The MPP is vulnerable as anyone who dare call indecency , slapping insult denounce the outrage. In his own way , he swears a great love making him dangling it serves France. We are in a day discount Medal , he invites her to join him among the soldiers at the front . Flesh , fire , blood, turning her head , she gave in and wallows in heroism.

3 - The technique of cooling
Once it is compromised. He said stop, puts his stuff, getting dressed . He rejects the bitch unwelcome its unhealthy soil man busy for the public good . It was Mr. Sarkozy has wasted his time .

12 ) - The return of the real

How long does the honorable member has it put you back to reality? To look around it ?

Because this lady has never ceased to be a Member of Parliament and Mr Sarkzoy to be the Head of State .

He got what he wanted : to get sucked by a parliamentary and to parliament after his tail.

This change of relationship between the two powers of the Republic, by the subordination of one to another, is staged in a strictly personal relationship ; Royal .

It is a symbolic operation , certainly. It is done by procedures condensation and transfer specific pychologiques operations. As when support for the agrarian revolution took the form of the Sheepfold Queen Marie- Antoinette .

The facts are there . A parliamentarian, a qualified representative of the Legislature is to assujetie qualified representative of the Executive Branch by the oldest method of symbolic subordination , sexual subjugation .

The reverse does not exist. The parliamentarians are sucking or by the Head of State or by the police around him.

13) - The division of people
The rape , the people as a nation does not need to know or to discuss .

By cons , Sarkozy has in no way made ​​it so that it remains secret. Quite the contrary .

Mr. Sarkozy is not particularly angry against the book of Mrs. William as a whole. It is simply and accurately against the pass this book on oral sex : " Sarkozy has not digested the scene from the book goes into his office. It Framed Devedjian " attests an elected UMP.

By writing this scene , Mrs. William puts the action to reach the general public. It may make a political debate. Fortunately for him, the journalists will verrouiler all debates and transform them into Gauloiseries or privileges connoisseurs. There are those who are " scented " and others are silent the first and second pretend .

This is why journalists pretend not attach importance to this event. They reduce to a Gallic farce, the certificate of the lack of manners of Mr. Sarkozy .

 Since frame mentioned in a book , we talk to the network executives who did not have knowledge may feel able to give their opinion.
But these networks that executives must give notice in the circumstances falls first to pledge allegiance to the public due to insignificance .

And so the media debate is the guarantee of Omerta .

It is difficult to argue that gauloiserie can answer all the questions asked after that feminists have proclaimed for 40 years that this technique debate is a component of the continued rape .

Networks executives who have to know the knew , including administrative . We have seen that the police have finally adopted the idea that parliamentarians are their subordinates , as well as French , consequently .

Chapter 3: The pluralism of sources of rape

This rape is not instinctual . It does not include a member by accident. He has his reasons . But what about the Omerta which guarantees its author not to be questioned by the court ? What is it ?

14) - The Omerta

1 - The talkative organization Omerta
a- Mr. prosecutor responds to the request that was sent by M.Salomone as requested formal hearing of the applicant. The hearing was scheduled to be wasted, and that the text presented at the hearing was not the original text of the application but additional text . The police hierarchy understood the message loud and deliberately sabotaged the hearing , making it impossible.

b- This is also a common method used to ensure the dominance of executives.
There is more network managers compromise more difficult it will be to overcome the obstacles to legal action for compensation .
Rape? It adds the false public documents , kidnapping, torture, outrages , mutual blows, etc. .
Rape will be treated after fifteen appendices trial in fifteen years. It will be prescribed.

Any judicial hierarchy works on this basis.

c- class barrier is paramount. She identifies with the construction of the state population as foreign to the civilian population and the common law.

It is not a matter for judges :
a- From seem to recognize the equal rights of Salomone and Mr Sarkozy .
b- To recognize the equal rights between Mr. Salomone , anyone of his class , and a millionaire trader, or between adminisitrés and adminsitratifs .

2 - The specificity of this Omerta
It appears, however, that this judicial Omerta , extending civil Omerta , the journalists, the same does not only come from social discrimination .

It is the study of the sociological reasons other than prejudice or administrative that chapter is devoted .

15) - Why this judicial Omerta ?

The reasons are threefold :
a- Interest
b- The lowering of Parliament
The contradictions of - law

16) - The reasons of interest

First there are two reasons that seem rational , ordinary . They are defined as the reasons for the interest.

a- powerful have an interest in silencing the poor
Salomone is . So very ordinary , judges may use torture to silence such unwelcome.
b- powerful in their interest to protect their fellows.
Mr. Sarkozy is . The production of false is commonplace in these cases.

We understand all these criteria reflections judges because they are the air we breathe. Either to suffer or to benefit or to implement .

This does not answer all the questions posed by the Omerta .

17) - The lowering of Parliament

Its consequences are organized in two ways.
1 - Lowering
The lowering of the Parliament is the reason for the alleged rape attributed to Mr Sarkozy , the Head of State at the time.

The European Union , the elimination of the sovereignty of the people, their consequences , cause a lowering of Parliament and even its marginalization . His work is done administratively.

Mr. Sarkozy is a co- signatory of the Treaty of 2012 by which parliaments are divested in favor of the administration of their first right , founder, is the final public tax control .

2 - Support for lowering.
Support for this reduction , changes in the functioning of the state and public administration it causes is the raison d'être of Omerta that covers the rape .

Now it seems to State officials that Parliament is a media room , a place of dialogue, romping , as envirronnemental Social and Economic Council , a forum for consultation , an organ of the state and even least one power.

Support cover , the rape of a Member of Parliament by a representative of the Executive Branch back to draw a line of demarcation invisible to the general public , which is launching the bone gauloiserie , but visible to the agents of the state.

A bit like the judges consistently leave the police violate a lawyer who made ​​a scene at a police station to trace within the legal profession a fine distinction between apples and oranges .

Similarly , accepting that one of them gauze a mentally ill prisoner , judges quietly legalized inferiority Law mentally handicapped. Do they know that they can serve meat of negotiations between state officials and thugs. Thus 30 % of prisoners are mentally ill. What constitutes a crime against humanity.

18) - The contradictions of law

The Defender of Rights Baudis , has already noticed on the ground of secularism , two competing rights .

Regarding the rape , we can say that three different legal guidance clash.
1 - The legality of the Civil Code
2 - The legality of parallel administrative law
3 - religious law, nowadays mainly that of the Sharia.

19 ) - The law of the Civil Code

French law requires that such public discussion of rape and closent continue in the office of a judge.

It requires that both the Civil Code governs the French law.

This is where the problem lies. Massively , the Civil Code is not the only source of law or legal practice.

20) - The parallel administrative law
The parallel right worn by the action of Mr Sarkozy , and those that prohibit the entry of members of Parliament , allows :
a- Avoid the use judge implicitly calling the member bitch and imposing public to laugh .
b- Draw the positive consequences of the submission of legislative power to the Executive Branch .
c- The administration of law becomes creative .

A-This is the right claimed by successful administration .

For a- top , the EU
80% of the texts voted by Parliament are only required transcripts of EU decisions which are only administrative regulations having the force of law , even constitutional.

For b- down, staff and administrative unions
More and more public order laws are the legislative transcripts union demands , corporate , administrative, subjugation administered :

- Act Outrage
- Act evasion ( imprisonment and death penalty administrative )
- Act rebellion
- Act relegation
etc. .
There are dozens of laws that do not arise from legislative concerns of the legislature, but the subordination of legislative power to an administrative fact.

B- This is the right claimed by lawyers

1 - Spanking
a- The legislature has consistently expressed its opposition to the criminalization of spanking and consistently distinguished between the abuse and the simple act of such violence .
b He has consistently held that the laws for the defense of the physical and moral integrity of children to parental violence did not allow the criminalization of spanking , it would take to do specific laws , he was opposed such laws .
c- In spite of this , a court has sentenced a father to a sentence with sursi for a spanking. This is all the more remarkable because it was not accompanied by any rift between father and son , or any disruptive sequelae in children.
d- can not be better to say that the law empowers the legislature and derives its legitimacy from other sources to create legality.

2 - Separation
It is clear that judges are administrative as separate from the rest of the population population. Judgments about killings administered by adminsitratifs as such are unequivocal .

21 ) - The most successful parallel law , sharia allows to charge the member for indecency and stoning for adultery more .

This right, like the parallel administrative law, is poised to acquire a right to equal dignity of the Civil Code.

1 - Work in the State
a- The decision of the Constitutional Council declaring the Concordat as a constitutional provision;
b- The Judgment of the Court of Cassation said that the provision of Sharia are binding on the employer. The Supreme Court has justified this decision by
ba - the primacy of religion over secularism and freedom of thought
bb- The implication of the incompatibility of secularism with religious freedom, and opposition from the bottom of the Republic in respect of religion.
c- The judgment of the Court to approve the marriage breakdown to lie on the virginity of the bride, the call having been first circumstantial political concession of judges;
d- The accession of religious legal practices to the dignity of legal legal practices .
This is the circumcision ritual slaughter by sticking , polygamy , divorce by repudiation , etc. .
Many legal facts which indicate that the Sharia is becoming an element of the claim of Terra Nova, association officials, including judges, namely the French administrative and legal pluralism .

2 - Work around the state
We are witnessing a game of back and forth between the media and justice, providing one another and creating a system start- up to go further in the institutionalization of a plurality of legalities .

Thus, following the judgment of the Court of Cassation , media is changing day to legalize the doctrine of blasphemy and religious concept of respect for religion.

3 - The subversion of civil law
a- For the transfer of religious law in civil law and civil law transcription by obtaining civil case law , religious law gradually manages to establish itself as an ordinary civil law.
b- It develops in the ideological movement of State cunning campaigns to criminalize both :
1 - The criticism of religious ideologies and its public implications
2 - The French population on the pretext of not acknowledge that part .

22) - Legal infiltration

1 - A new ideological fact occurred :
a- The principled argument communalism is the identification of the criticism of Islam and Muslim political racism.
b- This argument is now taken by Sciences Po graduates who are most executives of the French State , as an argument of public authority.
c- It is both a declaration of alliance with Muslims and Islam, and a claim to criminalize French through some of them from some university networks.
d- This is in addition to other proclamations will teneure from other academic castes.

2 - Thus, when an issue of C in air , 5 France , Tuesday, Oct. 15, 2013 , Mr. Roland Cayrol , a media authority , produced for granted the concept of " anti -Muslim racism."
This category is the outright takeover by an agent of the state is the Islamic vocabulary.

M. Cayrol is fully aware of the political significance of his public use of the communal category of "racism , anti-Muslim ." In knowingly , he introduced a new law, the Sharia , in practice the French Civil law.

It is this legal category that Muslim parties justify their draconian trial.

3 - Preparation
Thus, in January 2007, various Muslim militant organizations do a trial Charlie Hebdo and other organs of democratic presses for publishing the Danish cartoons of Mohammed.
This attack against press freedom , thought , expression, is also in the name :
a- The identification of the criticism of Islam and public actions of Muslim racism.

b- Through identification of Islam to Judaism , Jews of yesterday to today's Jews, and the age of the captain of the Zouave pants , these critics say are both related Nazism , its resurgence , and tell all become complicit in the Holocaust itself.

The candidate of the left in the presidential election , Segolene Royal, supports the Islamists. The right-wing candidate , Nicolas Sarkozy says he prefers the excesses of freedom without freedom . He will be elected .
On the one hand , the Tribunal agrees to judge , on the other hand, it performs under the clear right to the insolence of the satirical newspaper .

Gradually , freedom of expression and thought is going to be locked into a particular law comical satire.

2 - Installation
In June 2012, Tunisia Jabeur Mejri was sentenced to seven years in prison for the same charge. For publishing cartoons of Mohammed and the publication of satirical writings about Muhammad .

a-A twists , some will see a delay of Tunisia to Europe. They twist . This judgment in Tunisia is making the complaint in France . In 2007, it was too early . In 2012 , it is finally possible.

b- In 2007, he had to say loud and clear that freedom of expression takes precedence over specific ideas. Already , this freedom was reduced to a comic function. But he prevailed .

c- In 2012, the qualification of "racism , anti-Muslim " may be necessary in the discussion of training of law.

4 - Penetration
For now:
a- This qualification stands between freedom and incarceration caricature for blasphemy. But already by M. Cayrol , it is a legal and social fact.
b- It is a quality of a minority of the population expected to be relegated to one end of society. But it creates an obligation to comply with Islamic requirements for the rest of the population. Unless falling within the scope of the qualification.
c- This qualification is made ​​public resumption of qualification principled communitarianism : France is a racist country , the French are racist .
d- The French are racist , they are criminals. A qualified criminal in ordinary people 's existence is a slave of law or in the process of being population due to his fault.
5 - With the qualification Cayrol , Sharia is integrated in civil law as if nothing happened . The rest is a matter of artful construction of jurisprudence. Until taking legal power.

23) - The death toll
In early 2008 , Mr. Sarkozy is at the top of his power. For the rape , he saber champagne and squirting foam.

Now MPs are themselves longer sure of their right to enter Parliament.

The inability of judges to consider the presumption of rape is part of a common and obvious discrimination between citizens on social grounds.

But this does not explain everything.

Judges can not act parcequ'ils fit into the consequences of the disqualification of the legislative branch .

They install both supprématie the Legislature and the emergence of administrative powers did. These administrative powers are both corporatism secular government that administrative policies nuns.

It is the combination of these three currents , social hatred, rejection of Parliament , the emergence of legal pluralism , which makes it impossible to study the alleged rape told by Mrs. William.

This is a pretext inadmissible because it is precisely to publicly certify that humans are inferior to others, that parliamentarians are subordinated to state officials , the parallel equivalent rights Civil rights thereto , that the rape took place , that is if the reported facts existed .

Therefore, it is necessary to open a preliminary investigation of the facts reported by Mrs. William.

Whether for :
Remove a- Conne , as suggested journalists and secular frameworks
b- Stoning adultery as practical networks religious dictatorship.

It should anyway know the facts before judging .

Please accept, Mr. procurreur of the Republic, the assurance of my highest consideration ,

Marc Salomone

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