lundi, décembre 03, 2018

03/12/18; violence, poor, equality, / Book: Both forms

Paris, Monday, December 3, 2018

To the attention of :
Mr Lauch / Head of Cabinet of the President of the Republic / V. Ref. : PDR / SCP / BEAR / A038015
Senator Rapin, President Bertrand
in copy: MM the Presidents of Parliament, MM the Chairmen of the Parliamentary Groups.


It has become a rule; only those who can smash the cop and degrade public goods get even the attention of the authorities; others speak in a vacuum.

1) - Justice
In September 2018, I am subjected to racist aggression by Salvation Army personnel supported by the Directorate.

I file a complaint. The date of administrative reception of the mail is Tuesday. The date of the judicial rejection and return of the notification is Wednesday.

2) - Housing
A vulnerable family is housed by the prefecture in unhygienic emergency housing and prohibiting family reunification, since 1995, 23 years.

This family is not connected to any subversive group, to any network of organized incivilities.

The Deputy Mayor in charge of housing at the Mayor of Paris, Mr. Brossat, said on television that these daily terrors empty the HLM Park of Paris, create areas called lawless and therefore private networks of housing allocations public.

He does not conclude to attribute these emptied housing to French poor.

On the contrary, the success of this policy of discriminatory violence means that the allocation of social housing in Paris is now entirely based on racial privileges and ethnic specialties by neighborhood.

As a result, this family was refused in principle to be relocated to Paris.
a- This is the only reason why his three valid children were seized by the Dass who turned them each to 18 years old, at the age when they could have asked why one of the richest dads in the world, the French state had brought them into adulthood without a diploma, without training, without a driving license.
b- In 2012, they asked to return to the country, the Pas-de-Calais.

The concerned administrations deliberately sabotaged their file. With 960 euros of pension, I had to borrow 400 euros to pay an undue delay of a rent managed by a guardianship appointed by a judge.

On December 1, 2017, the Prefect of Pas-de-Calais requested accommodation for them.
a- As long as it was possible to falsify their records they were told that as soon as it was complete it would be presented to the awarding commission.
b- When it was no longer possible to dispute that the file is complete; they were told that they had to find the right house first to present their file.
c- They lose the presumption of priority that the prefectural decision entails.
d- Now, they are told in words that they are flatly "shit", to use an expression dear to Louis Aragon, with their claim to seek the advice of elected or administrative public authorities.
e- As if the French poor had access to representatives of the Republic!
f- The family is on its fourth trip to the emergency just because of the stress.

In its history, this family gives to see the social dictatorship by which, as the President of the Republic said, the misery is renewed and the wretched ones eliminated. They understand and step by step, they lock themselves into shame and disappear into oblivion.

3) - The possible
These two families have in common that they are not linked to criminal networks that burn police, ransack schools, loot businesses, and assault firefighters.

As a result, racism against them does not exist and rehousing priorities do not exist. Law and social policy do not exist. They themselves do not exist.

On the other hand, everyone understood that the government and the majority as well as the parliamentary opposition, only pay attention to the requests of the Yellow Vests by the extent of the subversive and villainous violence that accompanies their movement.

These violence with terrorist vocations make a distinction between the populations who are recognized the use of it and those who are deprived or do not want it.

We can only note the partisan effectiveness of this use of factional and discriminating violence since the beginning of the century.

The individuals and families whose requests I mention do not have the capacity or the vocation to use such crimes.

On this occasion, it must be possible to show that one can examine the affairs of the weakest, the poorest, the most vulnerable, even if the criterion of seditious violence will never be relevant.


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