vendredi, avril 30, 2021

04.30.21, reflection 58, deputy, cnews, machismo, sexism, rape, harassment, street, television, broadcasts, thévenot, parliament

Marc Salomone // blog: madic50 / Book: The two forms

Friday April 30, 2021

Gentlemen of the Parliament

Ladies and Gentlemen, Presidents of two chambers

By zapping as it should, I gradually notice something invisible at first glance and astounding in its very probable repetition.

1- On Saturday April 10, I wrote to cantonade:

“On Saturday April 10, 2021, as if nothing had happened, on the Cnews Channel, around 6:45 pm, Punchline, Mrs. Prisca Thévenot, spokesperson for LREM, must stop and comment on the nth sneer of a participant in each of her interventions and the smirk when she protests. "

2- Since then, I have seen the Member of Parliament Thévenot on different programs.

But, I notice little by little that it seems that she is never again on the set where she suffered a sexist ratoon in due form.

On the other hand, the aggressor journalist and his accomplices in omerta, or in submission, are them always at their posts.

They are surely there because of their excellence.

The fact remains that the Member of Parliament is no longer there while she is still the delegate of LREM on this channel. But not in this show, from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.

The only explanation is that she is standing aside due to the inconvenience caused.

As always, she understood, or we made her understand, that it would be elegant of her not to come, at least for a while. Otherwise, she would take the ridicule of making everyone uncomfortable, starting with the culprit.

Like the good old times.

As a lawyer told me in 1992: “A problem that you don't talk about is a problem that doesn't exist. We will no longer talk about this rape and it will never have existed. ". With the support of the President of the Bar, the prosecution, the headquarters, the Prefect.

Have things really changed?

Is it too much to ask parliamentarians not to accept the moral enjoyment of one of them in public?

Are parliamentarians so blind, cowardly, irresponsible that they think that such an aggression can go unpunished without leading to public consequences?

The difference with street harassment? The television show is now placed in the jurisprudence of the street. She is the surety, the stallion, legal of the sidewalk gouapes.

I ask that the parliament organize the public hearing of this incident, that the channel explains on the air on this chauvinist ratonnade, apologizes to the Member of Parliament and the public, publicly say if someone should leave the show and who.

 If you think that there is no death of a man and that the omerta is the solution, it must be said too.

Thanking you and looking forward to reading you in the press,

Please accept, Honorable Presidents of Parliament, Ladies and Gentlemen, Presidents of two Chambers, the expression of my distinguished sentiments,


PS / The letter of April 10.

Saturday April 10, 2021

The precedent and the succession. Ursula von der Leyen and Prisca Thévenot,

The fact is all the more remarkable as everyone was mobilized on their logic on Tuesday April 6, 2021 by the protocol snub inflicted by Mr. Erdogan on Ms. Von der Layen, President of the European Commission.

On Saturday April 10, 2021, as if nothing had happened, on the Cnews Channel, around 6:45 p.m., Punchline, Ms. Prisca Thévenot, spokesperson for LREM, must stop and comment on the nth sneer of a participant in each of its interventions and the smirk when she protests.

She doesn't hesitate to call these mocking interruptions "contempt."

This is indeed how viewers see it, who are also entitled to respect from the speakers.

It is fairly common for women to have their elbows in televised debates to be able to express themselves. It happens that they are completely corroded by the connivance of these gentlemen.

But here, as in Ankara, we are witnessing what the press calls a “protocol error”.

It's not a scramble, it's a downgrade. It is not ruled out. It is put in its place, below.

We are witnessing the same putrid connivance on the part of the participants.

A woman takes a slap, moral or material, it remains a private matter between her and her attacker. It remains "formal", family, between us.

As Coluche laughed so well:

ome say it's smudges. You would have seen the mouth of the burr!

Is it too much to ask the leaders of France to put a boost to evacuate these pestilences?




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