1 - Agapes Olympics: possible corruption in travel
2 - Press article reference
3 - Letter of introduction to the President of the Republic
4 - Corruption possible in the appointment of staff
5 - Press article reference
6 - Retaliation
7 - Article reference
8 - The President Huchon, the use of cars.
9 - Press reference
1 - Agapes Olympics: possible corruption in travel
This is an automatic translation of google translation. The reference text is French.
Paris, Friday, August 17, 2012
Mr. Prosecutor
Subject: Request to open a preliminary investigation
On the Regional Council of Paris.
N. Ref. : The Chained Duck, Tuesday, August 14, 2012 See Below.
Mr. Prosecutor
The Chained Duck dated Tuesday, August 14, 2012, tells us that during the London Olympics, 12 elected Regional Council of Ile de France went to London for a stay of four days. This stay in 4.900euros cost per person. This is the local authority which has paid.
They also, on August 8, shared a restaurant with 120 people, including 40 journalists, for 140euros per capita. The Regional Tourist Board has set for the restaurant.
The reason given:
a- For lounge is a "" promotional campaign "designed to" sell the destination Ile de France "to tourists in London. "
b-For the restaurant: "the main ingredients of dishes cooked by feline Darroze campaigns came from Ile"
I draw your attention, the prosecutor of the republic, the fact that we are in recession, the French have shortened their half holiday, the public coffers are empty, an important part of the French no longer treat with disabilities to pay a mutual or drugs delisted. Etc..
The public knows the trick of regional dish to justify public support of restoration costs. Public figures in themselves are already served for personal use.
Here, the joke is on 120 seats. The Regional Council has prepared this reception long. It could very well invite the same people honorably for half price.
It remains to verify that "the main ingredients of dishes cooked by feline Darroze campaigns came from the Paris region." If it is not the case, you must repay the meal.
On the stay, the significant delegation consists of an official delegation of the Regional Council and a delegation derived, sent by the Regional Tourism Committee. The first is the payroll of the Regional Council. The seconds ticked off the "regional committee of tourism."
It is legitimate to see the distinction as accounting trick to dilute the costs that may appear unjustifiable in the eyes of potential readers critical annual reviews.
This detour has allowed only five official advisers in addition to the starting seven others, as well as officials and tourism professionals in the Paris region. Which bore the significant delegation to "thirty one".
The total cost is 150 000th, the delivery person is 5000th. Or 1.250e per day. More than a month of Smig day.
At that price, it is justified to work, either you pay her living self.
The excuse of the promotion, such as local produce, present themselves as clever arguments.
The instruments work formed by the legislature, to allow elected officials to receive for professional purposes, seem to diverted from their purpose to ensure the lifestyle of elected office and private officials. Those who did not participate in this trip to others certainly have at their disposal.
Indeed, people of the Regional Council shall refrain from offering any good or objective evidence whatsoever to support their claims professional.
The survey will tell if there are scheduled meetings, documents produced, what are the contacts made, etc.. Without regular elements that indicate the existence of a work, the presence of Councillors is as effective for promoting tourism in the Ile de France, which is effective for finding clients, the presence of Heads of companies that finance their businesses stay on stage and in pubs. And Roland Garros is to study: the potential market for some, the social demand for others.
This is even more unacceptable that these people have significant personal income. Only greed leads them to compromise themselves in this way.
The argument of lower costs in Ile de France compared to other local authorities is a challenge to public opinion.
He announced with a certain naivete that managers of territorial authorities say do not take account of the analyzes made public last year under which the financially reckless management and patronage of Local authorities say is a major cause of problems of public finances.
Under this reasoning, every abuse of a local authority is legalized by the comparative abuse of other Local Authorities. Others do and are worse, so it's legal. Judging one is to put all others in danger. This device is supposed to stop by ideological advance any hint of investigation by the state. This reasoning is the Book of Sorcerers and not of the Administrative Code.
This networking of financial activities organized by the subjective reasoning of the agents of the Regional Council creates a legally by imprecations. These people are a challenge to the government. One to question each unit of the star network to a single government. If governments shy away from the scandal, fear, legality dummy moved.
This is evident from a passage possible abuse of power in the organization of a network of corruption. This is necessarily a transition to corruption since administrative practice to say the least is organized to prevent being discussed by the State. It becomes a law specific to the organism.
This is to stop this kind of thinking that the Italian government dissolved the municipal councils and appoints prefects to represent them. These arguments bring France within which to seek out emerging countries and a number of developing countries. It goes much impress our European partners and increase the authority of France.
If it turns out that these "Agapes Olympics" have no basis for serious professional, other than peremptory assertions of crooks, I ask the following:
a-elected officials who participated in this trip fully reimburse the accommodation costs incurred.
b-The qualification of corruption and embezzlement is discussed.
Please accept, Mr. Prosecutor, the assurances of my highest consideration,
Marc Salomone
2 - Press article reference
The Chained Duck, Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Agape Olympic
At least a dozen elected Regional Council of Ile-de-France made the trip to London Olympics A small force led by President PS Region, Jean-Paul Huchon, but which also included elected Greens Front left, PRG or UMP. Cost of this trip Ecumenical four days: 4,900 per head pipe splint for travel by train, hotel and tickets to the Olympic venues ..
Representation of the regional council was officially limited to five elected, but a second delegation sent by the Regional Tourism Committee - a branch of the region - has redirected across the channel seven additional advisers. Other local representatives (UMP and a PC), and some officials and tourism professionals in the Paris region were also invited.
In total, about thirty people, at a cost of 150,000 euros.
History of London celebrate their holiday of four days, elected officials and their supporters gathered on August 8, the London restaurant of the prestigious Connaught Hotel, run by the starred chef Hélène Darroze. The dinner for 120 seats - where other personalities, including some forty journalists were invited - was billed 17,000 euros or 140 euros per person. An addition set by the Regional Tourist Board.
To justify all these expenses, the representatives of the Region explained that this walk Olympic réinscrivait half part of a "promotional campaign" designed to "sell the destination Ile de France" to tourists in London. And that the main ingredients of dishes cooked by feline Darroze campaigns came from the Paris region. With the same seriousness, the entourage of Jean-Paul Huchon also ensures that elected officials were less extravagant than other French local authorities present at the Olympics.
Hurry! Names ...
Agape Olympic
At least a dozen elected Regional Council of Ile-de-France made the trip to London Olympics A small force led by President PS Region, Jean-Paul Huchon, but which also included elected Greens Front left, PRG or UMP. Cost of this trip Ecumenical four days: 4,900 per head pipe splint for travel by train, hotel and tickets to the Olympic venues ..
Representation of the regional council was officially limited to five elected, but a second delegation sent by the Regional Tourism Committee - a branch of the region - has redirected across the channel seven additional advisers. Other local representatives (UMP and a PC), and some officials and tourism professionals in the Paris region were also invited.
In total, about thirty people, at a cost of 150,000 euros.
History of London celebrate their holiday of four days, elected officials and their supporters gathered on August 8, the London restaurant of the prestigious Connaught Hotel, run by the starred chef Hélène Darroze. The dinner for 120 seats - where other personalities, including some forty journalists were invited - was billed 17,000 euros or 140 euros per person. An addition set by the Regional Tourist Board.
To justify all these expenses, the representatives of the Region explained that this walk Olympic réinscrivait half part of a "promotional campaign" designed to "sell the destination Ile de France" to tourists in London. And that the main ingredients of dishes cooked by feline Darroze campaigns came from the Paris region. With the same seriousness, the entourage of Jean-Paul Huchon also ensures that elected officials were less extravagant than other French local authorities present at the Olympics.
Hurry! Names ...
3 - Letter of introduction to the President of the Republic
This is an automatic translation of google translation. The reference text is French.
Paris, Friday, August 17, 2012
President of the Republic
President of the Republic
I have the honor to inform you, for your information, the request to open a preliminary investigation I have sought from the attorney of the Republic in Paris. It concerns the Regional Council of Ile de France.
It would be interesting that the judges manage to fix public relations executive officers and French law.
Please accept, Mr. President, the assurances of my highest consideration,
Marc Salomone
4 - Corruption possible in the appointment of staff
Paris, Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Mr. Prosecutor
Subject: Request to open a preliminary investigation.
Regional Council of Paris.
No. : Our letter of 17 August 2012
Mr. Prosecutor
The newspaper "The Chained Duck", Wednesday, 22 August 2012, provides a complement to the request for a judicial inquiry that I made to you on August 17;
1) - CRT
The article is entitled "A piston engine for elected Ile and their families," P. 3. It is signed by two road surveys judicial order. And Dominique Hervé Liffran Simonnot. It follows that their claims can be held credible, subject to background checks.
This article deals with the function of the Regional Tourism Committee, CRT. This committee has fraud during the Olympics.
In the words of a senior official, the committee is a "money pump". The structuring action of this company is the recommendation partisan employees. By this procedure, the groups create jobs and patronage managerial control line of the CRT.
All political groups to participate in the Regional Council of manipulation of public funds fraudulently what became the Regional Tourism Committee.
The journal allows us to shed light on how this company from corruption through an example.
"Many of these pistonnés owe their job to Jean-Vincent Place, which combines the functions of President of the Green Group in the Senate, regional councilor, member of the Board of Directors of the CRT. The person does not even bother to deny: "I have already recommended people," he admits you. Before you discard "As long as there are people to judge the quality of applications. "And affiliations? '
Distribution of positions is not necessarily criminal in itself. In fact, this is one of the functions of elected officials to recommend people.
This action becomes criminal when it is manifest that accompanies grabbing public funds for specific purposes, they were collective, and a diversion of official objectives of the entity.
In the case of Senator Placed:
1 - He is also a member of the Regional Council and member of the board of directors of the CRT. It is both judge and party in the situation where his desires are orders.
2 - The condition for a chosen people is recommended that the company's management or administration, is free to consider the need of hiring, to identify the needs of the entity. Moreover, Senator defined in this way the test of legality of the action of "recommendations": "As long as there are people to judge the quality of applications. ".
3 - Now, this is not the criterion for employment in the legal form of business administration. Positions are not defined by the requirements, but the requirements and recommendations of their own purposes unrelated to those of CRT.
4 - The Senator can not say that the direction of the CRT is free to refuse all "recommendations."
4 - The inability to argue for freedom of the Directorate of CRT to determine the validity of a hiring extends to other political groups of the Regional Council.
5 - The newspaper said that the elected leaders of the various groups hunt in packs from the direction of the CRT. It may not refuse any recommendation for each of them calls and calls each other so that the corrupt political balance is respected, widespread corruption, the omerta warranty.
6 - Effects:
a-The number of employees has tripled in 7 years. "Limited to 68 people before they were multiplied by three to seven years."
b-The budget was tripled "the subsidies paid by the Region, they also tripled. '
ie 47% of the employed are policy recommendations, out of all professional criteria. "" Do not look I did the math, "said CEO Jean-Pierre Blat. "I can tell you that in 47% of cases, the presence of employees is in line with regional politicians or their political past. ".
d-It is characteristic that at no time meet journalists from the leaders and employees of the speech training.
Nobody says: In the beginning, I knew nothing. I trained. Region provides training. Etc..
We are in the typical case of the hideout, cheese.
E-curve development contradicted curve hiring. "This is far from the pace of growth of tourism in Ile-de-France."
7 - The surplus staff is recruited on criteria other than professional criteria.
Nothing is a result of specific training of such personnel. This means that it is not primarily to be involved in the business but to withdraw income and social position. We will call the dilettante.
b-In fact, these employees depend on other networks directions hierarchical networks that company officials. We call this device industry anarchist.
8 - logical, mechanical, structural and dilettantism that this dual hierarchy of anarchism is the loss of authority of the official leadership. Only she can concentrate all effort on the object of the company. This surplus employees dilettantes and anarchists he withdraws means.
9 - Not only the activity of CRT does not justify hiring staff this amount, but this amount and quality withdraws any way forward in its development.
10 - The solution to all that continue to operate as if nothing had happened seems to be that management is also subject to partisan hiring and objectives of management are subject to the satisfaction of particular purposes and cheese.
- "The Greens have made an entry in force since the arrival in 2010 of the elected green Gérard Feldzer to the Presidency of the Regional Tourism. This former airline pilot was already shown in the direction of the Museum of Air and 1'Espace Bourget (under military supervision). A report by the General control of the armed forces had thrashed its management. '
11 - Gerard Feldzer, President of the CRT, ensure the paper, therefore the public, that "any new hiring is in principle jelly. ".
It is impossible to build on this information. It can be seen as clever. It is probably due to the previous article Chained Duck, on the London-equipped. August 14, 2012. Accomplices are round the back and let the storm pass.
2) - Conclusion:
1 - CRT participation in the adventure of the Delegation of the OJ is not a coincidence. The CRT had a function can be honest initially became a means to include corruption in the ordinary operation of the Regional Council of Ile de France.
2 - Italy shows that the evolution of corruption in state power is not a chimera.
3 - It can not be said that the court ignored the corruption due to fear of the French report them.
Please accept, Mr. Prosecutor, the assurance of my highest consideration,
Marc Salomone
5 - Press article reference
The Chained Duck,
Wednesday, August 22, 2012,
1 - P.3: A piston engine for elected Ile and their families.
A kid unemployment? A wife without a job? A friend in need?
The Regional Committee for Tourism in four starts for hire. And there for everyone.
And Dominique Hervé Liffran Simonnot
To resettle their children, spouses or friends, the Paris regional councilors do not have to break your head They just go scratching at the door of a welcoming branch: Regional Tourism Committee (CRT), which is , without hesitation, the use of mended.
This association 1901a law already had the honors of duck (14/8) for a trip to the London Olympic Games offered a dozen elected. Described as "pump money" by a senior Ile, it has 26 million annual grants. Funds for, in principle, the development of regional tourism - like all other CRT
Tourism Ecumenical
Question piston, Ile-de-France proves in any case very ecumenical As evidenced by the staff directory of the Regional Committee of Tourism, all parties to the Regional Council, chaired by the Socialist Jean Paul Huchon, are served. And well served.
On the right, there is Beaudouin Brigitte, wife of UMP mayor (and former MP) Saint-Mandé, Patrick Beaudoin. But David | Xavier Weiss, national secretary of the party, in charge of Industries of the press and media.
In PS, the ranks are provided. For example: Laurine Sabbath daughter Michèle Sabban, Vice President PS Region (responsible Exactly management staff), or Yahiel Marie, daughter of Michel Yahiel, employment adviser at the Elysée and former Chief Executive of the Association of Regions of France.
Not to mention a Deputy Mayor PS fourteenth arrondissement, an elected Arcueil (Val de Marne) l, not less than two deputy mayors of La Ferte-sous-Jouarre (Seine-et-Marne), a former leader of the Socialist Youth Movement and some friends of Jean-Paul Huchon, etc.. All leading experts in the tourist thing, and recruited as such.
The Radical Left Party, Modem, Pc and even the MRC Chevènement have, not been forgotten in the distribution. With the hiring of several elected officials, a former regional councilor, a former journalist of 1'Huma or deserving militants.
The Greens have made an entry in force since the arrival in 2010 of the elected green Gérard Feldzer to the Presidency of the Regional Tourism. This former airline pilot was already shown in the direction of the Museum of Air and 1'Espace Bourget (under military supervision). A report by the General control of the armed forces had thrashed its management.
Green and greedy.
Feldzer inaugurated its mandate by bringing two of its former employees Bourget. Since then, the pace has accelerated. With fattening Sébastien Lion, son of Robert Leo (Regional Councillor Green, former head of the Caisse des Dépôts and former head of Greenpeace France.), Or of Veronica Chevaillier, wife of Eric Chevaillier, regional councilor and school President 1'observatoire regional waste Ile de France.
A just reward. Before turning green, Eric Chevaillier had campaigned in PS with Director General of CRT, Jean-Pierre Blat. It did not pray for his green team. Hiring, eg eco recalibrated universal suffrage, but certainly passionate tourism. Among them: a former Green candidate who tried his luck in the Var in 2007, or the former deputy candidate in the Val d'Oise.
Many of these pistonnés owe their job to Jean-Vincent Place, which combines the functions of President of the Green Group in the Senate advise regional board member of the CRT. The person does not even bother to deny: "I have already recommended people," he admits you. Before you discard "As long as there are people to judge the quality of applications. "And affiliations?
Debauchery hiring
All these happy swear they are hired Wrapped skills in the field of tourism and no one gave them a leg up. It's his word. Nevertheless, around 200 employees, the proportion of "son of archbishops is amazing. '
"Do not look I did the math," the coward "duck" CEO Jean-Pierre Blat, disarming candor. "I can tell you that in 47% of cases, the presence of employees is in line with regional politicians or their political past. ".
Thus, the number of the Regional Committee dizzying inflation experienced since his arrival in 2005. Limited to 68 people before they were multiplied by three to seven years. This is far from the pace of growth of tourism in Ile-de-France and wages worth - according to Jean-Pierre Blat from 1 600 to 11 800 net per month (one). ''
Today, Gerard Feldzer provides the "Duck" that "any new hiring is in principle jelly. "It is time, as subsidies from the Region have also tripled.
And no way of knowing if it was actually money well spent Regional Chamber of Auditors has never stuck his nose in the budget of CRT The only missions inspections were the work of the internal services of the regional council, which did - what a surprise! - Nothing abnormal detected But once elected as effectively combat unemployment ...
The ugly suspicion Pecresse
Intrigued by the actual inflation president of the UMP group, Valérie Pecresse, a written request last spring, Jean-Paul Huchon and the number of employees paid car functions in this appendix Region.
It can always wait. Huchon got rid of the problem and was told politely that transmitted the request to the Chairman of the Committee on Finance, which is none other than ... UMP Roger Karoutchi, eternal enemy of Valerie Pecresse ...
Hat the artist.
2) - P3: hacked Paris, Paris outraged
One of the websites of the City of Paris has suffered, August 16, a raid from Algeria by two hackers. The hackers used a loophole computer "plan.paris.fr", a service that allows you to view the activities proposed by the City and, where appropriate register. They may have access to accounts by 58,599 Parisians, with their full name email address, their password and phone number.
Besides the ridiculous disaster that could be worth some trouble to the City with the National Commission for Informatics and Liberties for its lack of vigilance. This is probably why, in the first instance, the City has made touching efforts to conceal the incident.
Instead of alert "without delay" - as required by law - the users of this intrusion that threatens the confidentiality of their personal data, the City first tried to drown first fish. On August 17, the server computer has soothing broadcast this message: "The site" plan.paris.fr "is unfortunately unavailable. It is getting a makeover, hidden in technical laboratories for a few weeks. '
But on 20 August, it was not the same song. Some questions "T Duck" were enough for the Hall of gear changes and take more seriously the intrusion of hackers.
Postpone all other cases, a message was written to warn each user personally risks. And to the municipality comply with the legislation. Better: August 21, an article was placed in line on the generic site "Paris.fr" to inform all Parisians.
Almost spontaneously ...
J. C.
1 - P.3: A piston engine for elected Ile and their families.
A kid unemployment? A wife without a job? A friend in need?
The Regional Committee for Tourism in four starts for hire. And there for everyone.
And Dominique Hervé Liffran Simonnot
To resettle their children, spouses or friends, the Paris regional councilors do not have to break your head They just go scratching at the door of a welcoming branch: Regional Tourism Committee (CRT), which is , without hesitation, the use of mended.
This association 1901a law already had the honors of duck (14/8) for a trip to the London Olympic Games offered a dozen elected. Described as "pump money" by a senior Ile, it has 26 million annual grants. Funds for, in principle, the development of regional tourism - like all other CRT
Tourism Ecumenical
Question piston, Ile-de-France proves in any case very ecumenical As evidenced by the staff directory of the Regional Committee of Tourism, all parties to the Regional Council, chaired by the Socialist Jean Paul Huchon, are served. And well served.
On the right, there is Beaudouin Brigitte, wife of UMP mayor (and former MP) Saint-Mandé, Patrick Beaudoin. But David | Xavier Weiss, national secretary of the party, in charge of Industries of the press and media.
In PS, the ranks are provided. For example: Laurine Sabbath daughter Michèle Sabban, Vice President PS Region (responsible Exactly management staff), or Yahiel Marie, daughter of Michel Yahiel, employment adviser at the Elysée and former Chief Executive of the Association of Regions of France.
Not to mention a Deputy Mayor PS fourteenth arrondissement, an elected Arcueil (Val de Marne) l, not less than two deputy mayors of La Ferte-sous-Jouarre (Seine-et-Marne), a former leader of the Socialist Youth Movement and some friends of Jean-Paul Huchon, etc.. All leading experts in the tourist thing, and recruited as such.
The Radical Left Party, Modem, Pc and even the MRC Chevènement have, not been forgotten in the distribution. With the hiring of several elected officials, a former regional councilor, a former journalist of 1'Huma or deserving militants.
The Greens have made an entry in force since the arrival in 2010 of the elected green Gérard Feldzer to the Presidency of the Regional Tourism. This former airline pilot was already shown in the direction of the Museum of Air and 1'Espace Bourget (under military supervision). A report by the General control of the armed forces had thrashed its management.
Green and greedy.
Feldzer inaugurated its mandate by bringing two of its former employees Bourget. Since then, the pace has accelerated. With fattening Sébastien Lion, son of Robert Leo (Regional Councillor Green, former head of the Caisse des Dépôts and former head of Greenpeace France.), Or of Veronica Chevaillier, wife of Eric Chevaillier, regional councilor and school President 1'observatoire regional waste Ile de France.
A just reward. Before turning green, Eric Chevaillier had campaigned in PS with Director General of CRT, Jean-Pierre Blat. It did not pray for his green team. Hiring, eg eco recalibrated universal suffrage, but certainly passionate tourism. Among them: a former Green candidate who tried his luck in the Var in 2007, or the former deputy candidate in the Val d'Oise.
Many of these pistonnés owe their job to Jean-Vincent Place, which combines the functions of President of the Green Group in the Senate advise regional board member of the CRT. The person does not even bother to deny: "I have already recommended people," he admits you. Before you discard "As long as there are people to judge the quality of applications. "And affiliations?
Debauchery hiring
All these happy swear they are hired Wrapped skills in the field of tourism and no one gave them a leg up. It's his word. Nevertheless, around 200 employees, the proportion of "son of archbishops is amazing. '
"Do not look I did the math," the coward "duck" CEO Jean-Pierre Blat, disarming candor. "I can tell you that in 47% of cases, the presence of employees is in line with regional politicians or their political past. ".
Thus, the number of the Regional Committee dizzying inflation experienced since his arrival in 2005. Limited to 68 people before they were multiplied by three to seven years. This is far from the pace of growth of tourism in Ile-de-France and wages worth - according to Jean-Pierre Blat from 1 600 to 11 800 net per month (one). ''
Today, Gerard Feldzer provides the "Duck" that "any new hiring is in principle jelly. "It is time, as subsidies from the Region have also tripled.
And no way of knowing if it was actually money well spent Regional Chamber of Auditors has never stuck his nose in the budget of CRT The only missions inspections were the work of the internal services of the regional council, which did - what a surprise! - Nothing abnormal detected But once elected as effectively combat unemployment ...
The ugly suspicion Pecresse
Intrigued by the actual inflation president of the UMP group, Valérie Pecresse, a written request last spring, Jean-Paul Huchon and the number of employees paid car functions in this appendix Region.
It can always wait. Huchon got rid of the problem and was told politely that transmitted the request to the Chairman of the Committee on Finance, which is none other than ... UMP Roger Karoutchi, eternal enemy of Valerie Pecresse ...
Hat the artist.
2) - P3: hacked Paris, Paris outraged
One of the websites of the City of Paris has suffered, August 16, a raid from Algeria by two hackers. The hackers used a loophole computer "plan.paris.fr", a service that allows you to view the activities proposed by the City and, where appropriate register. They may have access to accounts by 58,599 Parisians, with their full name email address, their password and phone number.
Besides the ridiculous disaster that could be worth some trouble to the City with the National Commission for Informatics and Liberties for its lack of vigilance. This is probably why, in the first instance, the City has made touching efforts to conceal the incident.
Instead of alert "without delay" - as required by law - the users of this intrusion that threatens the confidentiality of their personal data, the City first tried to drown first fish. On August 17, the server computer has soothing broadcast this message: "The site" plan.paris.fr "is unfortunately unavailable. It is getting a makeover, hidden in technical laboratories for a few weeks. '
But on 20 August, it was not the same song. Some questions "T Duck" were enough for the Hall of gear changes and take more seriously the intrusion of hackers.
Postpone all other cases, a message was written to warn each user personally risks. And to the municipality comply with the legislation. Better: August 21, an article was placed in line on the generic site "Paris.fr" to inform all Parisians.
Almost spontaneously ...
J. C.
6 - Retaliation
Paris, Thursday,
August 30, 2012
Subject: Request to open a preliminary investigation (cont'd: 3)
N. No. :
a-du17 letters and August 28, 2012
b-The Chained Duck, Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2012. P.3.
"The squeaking of the piston engine." And Dominique Hervé Liffran Simonnot
Mr. Prosecutor
The press informs us that reprisals are currently the Regional Council of Ile de France against the Director General of CRT who dared to inform the public of certain malpractices that must endure and apparently it does not support more cover.
How many times have we not seen, you call the French government for help, and only having to undergo the consequences of a silent accomplice? It is ideal for senior Republicans break the spirit mafia and install.
On the other hand, we learn that the Olivet Stop the State Council requires to renegotiate all contracts between municipalities and private companies for a period of more than twenty years. That ended the discussion on the impossibility of re by any legal means whatsoever, a legal clause manifestly unreasonable. The total immunity of the Head of State, if it existed, would fall under the law Olivet.
Please accept, Mr. Prosecutor, the assurance of my best regards,
Marc Salomone
Subject: Request to open a preliminary investigation (cont'd: 3)
N. No. :
a-du17 letters and August 28, 2012
b-The Chained Duck, Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2012. P.3.
"The squeaking of the piston engine." And Dominique Hervé Liffran Simonnot
Mr. Prosecutor
The press informs us that reprisals are currently the Regional Council of Ile de France against the Director General of CRT who dared to inform the public of certain malpractices that must endure and apparently it does not support more cover.
How many times have we not seen, you call the French government for help, and only having to undergo the consequences of a silent accomplice? It is ideal for senior Republicans break the spirit mafia and install.
On the other hand, we learn that the Olivet Stop the State Council requires to renegotiate all contracts between municipalities and private companies for a period of more than twenty years. That ended the discussion on the impossibility of re by any legal means whatsoever, a legal clause manifestly unreasonable. The total immunity of the Head of State, if it existed, would fall under the law Olivet.
Please accept, Mr. Prosecutor, the assurance of my best regards,
Marc Salomone
7- Article reference
The Chained
Duck, Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2012. P.3.
Grinding of the piston engine.
And Dominique Hervé Liffran Simonnot
The revelations of the "Duck" on the Regional Tourism Committee (CRT) in the Ile-de-France, became the piston machine politicians in the region, have earned a serous avoinée the Director General of the agency, Jean-Pierre Blat But this is not to be hired with a vengeance children, spouses, relatives or friends of the heart of its elected leaders rallied her braces
His mistake: he confessed to waterfowl that "in 47% of cases, the presence of employees (tourism committee) is in connection with regional politicians or their political past." Since Blat was asked to retract his confession ...
The case is even more stain any of the 21 other regional committees of the Hexagon tourism has experienced such inflation staff. While in Ile-de-France staff of CRT increased from 68 to 186 people since 2005, other regions - Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, in particular - have reduced their local tourism Without s' door worse.
Omerta regional
To extinguish the fire, the head of the regional council, the Socialist Jean-Paul Huchon, must rely on the help of the right UMP president of the Committee on Finance, Region, very placid Roger Karoutchi, heads up since last spring on a fact finding mission quarantine organisms associated with the local community - including the CRT. The opportunity to do a good cleaning this mess which is sometimes useful to demonstrate.
In reality, few politicians hoped that this scrub agencies, committees, associations or observatories maintained at great expense by the legion is really clean. For these multiple agencies - such as the CRT - helped distribute to each other and to the high-sounding titles, offices and sinecures. A small game that the Greens have been as talented as their socialist allies and who also took a few UMP.
Selective logging
Huchon Karoutchi hoped that the commission would simply make some vague recommendations for better management but now to remain credible, it seems determined to make an example. The latest is the Regional Development Agency who will pay for the operation. This association law 1901, responsible for facilitating the establishment of companies, in fact maintains a team of 66 people and occupies a prestigious building close to the Elysee. All 11 million of grants and uncertain effectiveness judged by Karoutchi, who is about to claim a reduction (moderate) and its staff move to smaller premises.
For now, other committees "Theodule" should get by without too much damage. However, their number some surprises. For example, the finance area no less than seven specialized structures | dominates in employment and innovation. And ten in the field of ecology. Among them, a regional agency of the environment and new energy, a second agency green spaces, an improbable Regional Observatory waste a Natureparif (for "nature", "Paris", "Ile de France"), a Airparif and Bruitparif | soon to be joined by a smoky Ondesparif.
Pending the establishment of a Pistonparif?
Grinding of the piston engine.
And Dominique Hervé Liffran Simonnot
The revelations of the "Duck" on the Regional Tourism Committee (CRT) in the Ile-de-France, became the piston machine politicians in the region, have earned a serous avoinée the Director General of the agency, Jean-Pierre Blat But this is not to be hired with a vengeance children, spouses, relatives or friends of the heart of its elected leaders rallied her braces
His mistake: he confessed to waterfowl that "in 47% of cases, the presence of employees (tourism committee) is in connection with regional politicians or their political past." Since Blat was asked to retract his confession ...
The case is even more stain any of the 21 other regional committees of the Hexagon tourism has experienced such inflation staff. While in Ile-de-France staff of CRT increased from 68 to 186 people since 2005, other regions - Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, in particular - have reduced their local tourism Without s' door worse.
Omerta regional
To extinguish the fire, the head of the regional council, the Socialist Jean-Paul Huchon, must rely on the help of the right UMP president of the Committee on Finance, Region, very placid Roger Karoutchi, heads up since last spring on a fact finding mission quarantine organisms associated with the local community - including the CRT. The opportunity to do a good cleaning this mess which is sometimes useful to demonstrate.
In reality, few politicians hoped that this scrub agencies, committees, associations or observatories maintained at great expense by the legion is really clean. For these multiple agencies - such as the CRT - helped distribute to each other and to the high-sounding titles, offices and sinecures. A small game that the Greens have been as talented as their socialist allies and who also took a few UMP.
Selective logging
Huchon Karoutchi hoped that the commission would simply make some vague recommendations for better management but now to remain credible, it seems determined to make an example. The latest is the Regional Development Agency who will pay for the operation. This association law 1901, responsible for facilitating the establishment of companies, in fact maintains a team of 66 people and occupies a prestigious building close to the Elysee. All 11 million of grants and uncertain effectiveness judged by Karoutchi, who is about to claim a reduction (moderate) and its staff move to smaller premises.
For now, other committees "Theodule" should get by without too much damage. However, their number some surprises. For example, the finance area no less than seven specialized structures | dominates in employment and innovation. And ten in the field of ecology. Among them, a regional agency of the environment and new energy, a second agency green spaces, an improbable Regional Observatory waste a Natureparif (for "nature", "Paris", "Ile de France"), a Airparif and Bruitparif | soon to be joined by a smoky Ondesparif.
Pending the establishment of a Pistonparif?
8 - The President Huchon, the use of cars.
122 bis boulevard Davout
75020 Paris
(0033) /
Paris, Friday, September 7, 2012
Subject: Request to open a preliminary investigation (cont'd: 4)
N. No. :
a-du17 letters and August 28, 2012
b-The Chained Duck, Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2012. P.3.
"The squeaking of the piston engine." And Dominique Hervé Liffran Simonnot
c-Letter of August 30.
Mr. Prosecutor,
You will find attached the latest information Chained Duck, published September 5, 2012, P. 4, under the heading "it runs for Huchon." Without signature.
If this newspaper insists and, by publishing an article every week on the institutionalization of corruption in the Regional Council of Ile de France is a number of frames of the Ile-de-France have enough 'helplessly, even participate in this orgy of corruption to ensure the feudal ideology of elected officials.
I request the opening of a preliminary investigation into the issues raised in the letters that have been sent. Or facts relating to Mr. Sarkozy, Mr. Bartolone, the Regional Council of Ile de France, the call certainly policeman.
In case there would be a sequel that promises to judicial logic, I will seek legal help one total to enable the court to function regularly. I win 1100th / M x13.
Circumstances will require courage to French. A novelty since June 1940. The French judiciary must take his share.
Thanking you, please accept, Mr. Prosecutor, the assurance of my best regards,
Marc Salomone
122 bis boulevard Davout
75020 Paris
(0033) /
Paris, Friday, September 7, 2012
Subject: Request to open a preliminary investigation (cont'd: 4)
N. No. :
a-du17 letters and August 28, 2012
b-The Chained Duck, Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2012. P.3.
"The squeaking of the piston engine." And Dominique Hervé Liffran Simonnot
c-Letter of August 30.
Mr. Prosecutor,
You will find attached the latest information Chained Duck, published September 5, 2012, P. 4, under the heading "it runs for Huchon." Without signature.
If this newspaper insists and, by publishing an article every week on the institutionalization of corruption in the Regional Council of Ile de France is a number of frames of the Ile-de-France have enough 'helplessly, even participate in this orgy of corruption to ensure the feudal ideology of elected officials.
I request the opening of a preliminary investigation into the issues raised in the letters that have been sent. Or facts relating to Mr. Sarkozy, Mr. Bartolone, the Regional Council of Ile de France, the call certainly policeman.
In case there would be a sequel that promises to judicial logic, I will seek legal help one total to enable the court to function regularly. I win 1100th / M x13.
Circumstances will require courage to French. A novelty since June 1940. The French judiciary must take his share.
Thanking you, please accept, Mr. Prosecutor, the assurance of my best regards,
Marc Salomone
9 - Press reference
The Chained Duck, Wednesday, September 5, 2012, P.4
It runs for
The socialist president of the Regional Council of Ile-de-France, Jean-Paul Huchon, appropriated without a car fawn in the region. Saab 9-5, he uses daily for its private travel, as he already has a coach function. A Prius. For its president. "Everybody's doing it! "Dare one of its employees who admits that the situation is not very legal.
This luxury car was purchased by the Region in May 2011, 44 150 euros. At one end, said a letter signed by the Director General of services to be "used by the regional representation, including the President at official ceremonies. ". It is therefore impossible to borrow as does Huchon. Of other local elected officials who had practiced this sport have also been persecuted by evil judges moons.
But to discourage Huchon Saab to ride the beautiful roads of France ...
The socialist president of the Regional Council of Ile-de-France, Jean-Paul Huchon, appropriated without a car fawn in the region. Saab 9-5, he uses daily for its private travel, as he already has a coach function. A Prius. For its president. "Everybody's doing it! "Dare one of its employees who admits that the situation is not very legal.
This luxury car was purchased by the Region in May 2011, 44 150 euros. At one end, said a letter signed by the Director General of services to be "used by the regional representation, including the President at official ceremonies. ". It is therefore impossible to borrow as does Huchon. Of other local elected officials who had practiced this sport have also been persecuted by evil judges moons.
But to discourage Huchon Saab to ride the beautiful roads of France ...
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