1) Paris, Monday, January 7, 2013François HOLLANDPresidentThe care ofMr. BESNARDChief of StaffMr. President1
- I read the newspaper, I learned that the Head of State rape, the
President of the National Assembly mafia relations, the President of the
Regional Council of Ile de France condone the looting of public funds for personal enrichment.Judges, for reasons of their judicial policy refuse any investigation on strong demand low. I urge you to seek the opinion of the Supreme Judicial Council.If I won the lottery, there would be nothing I take a lawyer. It would take my money and do nothing. In this case, I am classified as "poor". Solidarity frameworks will be complete. Only if Mr. prosecutor gave the order that I give the Legal Aid that managers will need to work honestly.2 - I leave my house, I see that the tram has no woman among the conductors. No.Privatization laws of public justice by Mr Sarkozy were fully retained by your government. He had probably been wise to tax damages. 45M collected by the friend of the caciques of PS, Mr Tapie, could indeed contribute to the financing of justice. Ditto the other gains of justice. The 400M affected by the same Mr. Tapie, under industrial injury, can also be taxing.By
cons, charging 35th for filing a complaint codifies publicly referred
privatization of justice and judicial apartheid accompanying this social
movement. This rule is already organizing practices of lawyers, judges or lawyers.That legal aid will restore equal rights for the poor is an insult added. Staff Help Desk Jurisdictional is very conscious of his place in the disqualification of the Poor.The
immediate effect is that I can not enter the Administrative Court to
request account Stif this forfeiture that would be the lack of women
among the crews. The conditional is procedural.Regional Councillors are not being accountable for their looting of public funds. Stif leaders depend on the Regional Council. Why they would meet their management of the administration of local transport, so they feel discretionary?It is your responsibility to ask yourself to account Stif. Nobody else will be able to do for you.3 - I go to the Gare d'Austerlitz, I met the police, I come out dirty.A woman was in danger. The police did not move. It is usual to call the police. Need to inform the ministry. Deuis several years, all administrative hierarchies support the actions of their colleagues wickets to crime.4
- When to current affairs, law, administration, policing, should be
directed to the Head of State parcequ'en below his rank no more
hierarchical network does not respond, we can predict without
foreknowledge the arrival of excessive hardship. This is a classic figure of the Third worldism.Please
kindly ensure not spare the people involved have to face their
responsibilities as the wife of the metro only faced his executioner.I beg you to accept, Sir, the assurance of my highest consideration,Marc Salomone
2)- Paris, Monday, January 7, 2013François HOLLANDPresidentThe care ofMr. BESNARDChief of Staff
Mr. PresidentThursday, January 3, 2013, I went to the Gare d'Austerlitz. I get off the subway line 5. I headed for the stairs leading to the main lines to the rear of the train. It is 20:30.There,
end of the platform near the stairs Great line up against the wall, a
woman carries a child in her arms and spoke with a man of his size. Other children are present. They are travelers.I promise to go down the stairs as well as other passengers. I hear a scream and heartbreaking. The cry grows when women put their child in danger. I go back a few steps with others. I see that the couple is under discussion. Apparently the woman does not want her child to man, or follow, or otherwise. Train schedules require us to leave. Cries resume by intermitance.I decided to call the police.I went to the office main line. I refer to the security office located "out there" at the end of the outstretched arm of the agent.I finally found security guards. They tell me the police station. They lead me there.
I enter. I told the inspector:- "I came through the platform of the train coming from Basitille. A woman cries against a man who clearly wants her child or children. That the police should go and see what happens. ".Immediate response of the Inspector:"No".MS: "And why?Policeman: - Here it is not a police station. I must explain you .. 'MS: "okay, I understand."Policeman: "Wait do not go I'll explain."He leaves for a moment the door blocked.MS: "I ask you to open this door."Policeman: With a wry smile: "As you wish. It was you act when you were on the dock. ".I came out dirty and nauseous.When I got back to the dock to leave, the couple and their children were no longer there.I realized then that we were over at the Gare d'Austerlitz. Outline trains are installed in the ways redone. Whence those trains to the camps.I beg you to accept, Sir, the assurance of my highest consideration,Marc Salomone
3)- Paris, Monday, January 7, 2013François HOLLANDPresidentThe care ofMr. BESNARDChief of Staff
Mr. PresidentRecruitment may be unconstitutional.The tram Porte de Vincennes Porte La Chappelle is in service since December 15, 2013. Great success. However, it seems to confirm what everyone could observe during the test period from 15 September to 15 December.Since September 15, I saw no woman in the team drivers. No member wants to find out.A trifle.The tram can be presented as a secondary sector of activity Ratp. Gender can be established based on an equalization between the metro, bus, tram, the window, etc..The Tram is an activity in itself. This is a strategic activity for both technical and public ideology. The decision to exclude women from the conduct of the Tram, if confirmed, would have been made in all conscience.This device, if proven, would violate:1 - Article 1 of the Declaration.Both the formula of equal rights:- "Men are born and remain free and equal in rights. 'Distinctness than on social"Social distinctions may be founded only on the common utility. '2 - Article 1 of the Constitution, paragraph 2:"The
law favors the equal access of women and men to electoral mandates and
elective functions, as well as professional and social responsibilities.
'3 - Article 4, paragraph 2:"They
(the parties) contribute to the implementation of the principle in the
second paragraph of Article 1 under the conditions determined by law. 'This paragraph certifies that the disposifif art. 1-al.2 is a device that requires actors of public life.It is not enough to answer this question so that the Stif his hat the drop of a woman.We are in a joint constitutional questions. The Stif could not avoid the question of the presence of women in teams conduiteet in what proportion. It seems that he has answered their total eviction. Which would, subject to verification, a political stance.It is therefore the substance of the issue of parity which the French, not only Stif are facing.This question can not be left alone to Apreciation of professionals, including trade unions. The Stif must explain publicly.We need an answer to two questions:1 - How many women in real driving situation currently in teams Tram?2 - Anyway, how is it that they are not 50% of the workforce? The tool has been installed and the teams were on the ground since 15 September. What are the presidential commitments on women's rights?Curiously, the Stif would not have had time to comply with the Constitution. By cons, it would have had time to rape or at least the counter.We can not make the shot positions acquired. Given
the novelty of the Tram no man could state his seniority to oppose a
change, in the interest of the service and the constitutionality of the
management Tram.I beg you to accept, Sir, the assurance of my highest consideration,Marc Salomone
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