dimanche, janvier 27, 2013
Subornation of perjury, complicity of the press,
google translation, the reference is the French text
Paris, Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Copy to:President of the RepublicMadam Attorney
Your Ref. 12/00 282 (quoted in all correspondence)
N. No. : On the Regional Council of Ile de France1 - Wednesday, August 14, 2012. Article Chained Duck.2 - Friday, August 17, 2012. Letter to Mr. Prosecutor
3 - Wednesday, August 22, 2012. Article Chained Duck.4 - Tuesday, August 28, 2012. Letter to Mr. Prosecutor
5 - Wednesday, August 29, 2012. Article Chained Duck.6 - Thursday, August 30, 2012. Letter to Mr. Prosecutor
7 - Wednesday, 5 September 2012 Article of the Chained Duck8 - Friday, 7 September 2012. Letter to Mr. Prosecutor9 - Monday, November 12, 2012. Letter to Mr. Prosecutor
The Prosecutor of the Republic
Subject: Addition to the request for a preliminary investigation for Bribery of a witness and obstruction of justice, of 12.11.12
1) - IntroductionI request the addition to the request to open a preliminary investigation Bribery of witnesses, the newspaper article of Le Monde 12,12,12. entitled: Ile de France: "huchen system."
This article is full intervention in the legal debate opened on the Bribery of witness and delinquency Regional Council. There is no professional journalistic concerns. It is the product of a political alliance of the direction of the Regional Council and the Department of Le Monde to deceive the public, complete the action of witness tampering, forcing the hand of justice.
It is in alliance operation Bribery of witnesses, complicity in operaton of obstructing justice by organizing a public deception, concealment.
Chapter 1 - Article
This is the type of article that makes control Le Monde at the request of an institution for smooth disposal of an item, create public evidence of his disappearance.
2) - The previous
Thus, after the Cold War, we had noted that some issues never publicly discussed the pretext of the Cold War would not more thereafter.
For example:a-The teaching of torture in the training center for Latin American officers in the United States for the purpose of overthrowing democratic regimes.The World has an article explaining that this information is a legend due to the circulation by an officer in the school, a collection of principles interrogation. Once management has learned she has banned this book and moved the officer. QED.b-The question of resistance supplied by the prison staff and police burned alive by them, after the passage of U.S. troops.Le Monde has created a world without administrative mysterious witnesses without archives without names, etc..c-The question of the last convoy of deportees who crossed France unhindered while the Americans dominated south and east.The newspaper created the fable of a ghost train. Nobody ever knew where he came from or who was driving. Except that section tells us that it is the leaders of stations that required prisoners to go back in after the trains stops due to bombing.This journal is certainly not alone in practicing this kind of writing control. He is the only one to have this authority.
3) - NewsUnder the guise of information on the Regional Council of Ile de France, this article is primarily concerned to come to support the wrongdoing of the direction of the Regional Council and close the debate on the delinquent acts of the Regional Council .
It is a pure and simple control policy, a business, a service rendered. Ms. Jérôme exerts yet another profession than journalism.
Ms. Jérôme only track information of Chained Duck without adding anything. Everything is already in the articles of Chained Duck. No investigation, no job, no contribution, especially not occurred. The names are already in the articles. There is no other. The Committee, ibid.
It merely redact information from Chained Duck and add one or two sentences imposed on him the sponsors of the article.
The only thing missing is curiously the case of misuse of a company car by the President of the Regional Council.
3) - The mission of Ms. Jerome is:From a-smooth offenses to drown in a sea of good intentions, statements, promises, false concerns that people undertake. The goal is to disqualify, erase, neutralize such information.
From b-drag in the banalities of the radical critique of "mismanagement" of the management of the Regional Council, the pebbles of the denial of the witness specifically named in the articles of Chained Duck.
I maintain that the information contained in the articles of Chained Duck were solicited by the Directors of the Regional Council. They are actors.
Exercise transforms this article, instead of bitter negotiation privileges, boundaries of territories, quarrels about precedence, different networks executives of the General Council.
As regards corruption, Ms. Jérôme has nothing to refute. Executive Council has been notified of nolle prosequi by the prosecution requests for openings preliminary investigations for corruption. It just has to get rid of these offenses under the eyes of the public. Hence the phrase transcriptoin Huchon laconic: "The" promotional event was "according M.Huchon.You can practice more servile journalism?
Article act that is Huchon is to maneuver.
The public will never know that a request for a preliminary investigation has been made and that this article is against the fire.It responds not to the request to investigate malfeasance, since the prosecutor and the prosecutor general have classified this request.It responds to the request for investigation of witness tampering with the Regional Council was notified.
5) - Two types of questionsa-Question asked by Ms. Jérôme ArticleJerome described the "chaos". It fills in the accounts by the statement promises. She walks in the style known as the "critical uncompromising", "breaking of taboos" that meet the soothing promises of good behavior and child to come. Mom, this year I will work hard at school!
Question by b-realityThe question items Chained Duck months of July-August 2012:Not a-one of mismanagement, in the words of Ms. Pécresse, former Minister, President of the UMP group in the Regional Council,
b-It is the illegality of certain practices, collective or personal, and illegal means used by management to close the denunciation of these facts to the court, and not to close debate "internal".
5) - ConcealmentThe direction of the Regional Council knows that a complaint for Bribery of witness was filed. It may be difficult to ignore.
The composition of the article says he was asked the newspaper to his public authority in the service of solidarity between castes coaching. This is to make clear the "Move along, there's nothing to do" Coluche.
In this division of roles, the paper depicts the futility of any public action. Judges on their side will see that there is consensus to invalidate any judicial process. The nolle prosequi is a public act of common sense, "calm". Voila.
Except that the newspaper involved in legal debate and not a mere ideological quarrel. It is not without consequence.
The return of Mr. Blat on his information was named "confessions" by Chained Duck, which the newspaper article refers as the origin of its concerns. It is because this "return" or these "confessions" have been the subject of a special meeting.
As passing from either retractions M. Blat, by featuring opinions as free newspaper professional commits an act of disinformation. It becomes the accomplice of the maneuver witness tampering. The expression of these opinions constraints to make them look obvious and influence the decision of the judges is a concealment.
Chapter 2: The transmission of Bribery
7) - Questioning Mr. BlatThe article organizes the precedence of the indictment of Mr. Blat, and Directors. The warning is visible: If take evil one has enough attack.
- "Among the most problematic practices include the Regional Tourism Committee (CRT), the situation revealed by Canard chained this summer. First, the remuneration of the director. Jean Pierre Blat does not hide it: he perceives 12000 euros net per month. '
"A fee that justifies saying he alone performs the work of three people after the merger of several agencies within the CRT. A salary not a local but allowed in associated organizations. '
Mrs. Jerome begins with a warning to Mr. Blat and all department heads.
In this context, the scandal is not there first practices offenders. This is their first wages. On the one hand, they are too high. On the other hand, they are legal but not too much. They are legal in the legal structure where they are produced. They may be illegal in another structure. Therefore, they are morally suspect.Viel argument witchcraft trials. The 20th century is full.
8) - Mr. Blat
1 - IntroductionThe internal report in June sponsored by the Council wanted to bring the management responsibilities of the Directors disorders. To save the caste politicians.
Information about the escapades of London come directly from the clashes between executive networks. As revelations about the use of faulty cars Huchon be a response to the Bribery.
It should be noted that the items Chained Duck resume both parties considered by the internal report of June regarding "A relative weakness of procedures" to:a-Expense. Here, the journey from London.b-The recruitment of personnel. Here, the ARC staff.
2 - The statements of Mr. Blat in Chained Duck.- "Nevertheless, on around 200 employees, the proportion of" son of archbishops "is amazing." The term "son of archbishops" and the word "incredible" are probably M. Blat. "Do not look I did the math," the coward "duck" CEO Jean-Pierre Blat, disarming candor. "I can tell you that in 47% of cases, the presence of employees is in line with regional politicians or their political past. ".
"The revelations of the" Duck "on the Regional Tourism Committee (CRT) in the Ile-de-France, became the piston machine politicians in the region have earned a serious avoinée the Director General of the agency, Jean- Pierre Blat But this is not to be hired by the dozen children, spouses, relatives or friends of the heart of its elected leaders rallied her bracesHis mistake: he confessed to waterfowl that "in 47% of cases, the presence of employees (tourism committee) is in connection with regional politicians or their political past." Since Blat was asked to retract his confession ... "
3 - carWhen Huchon wanted crack, the Directors have added in their communications with the press, the illegal use of the car by the Regional Council President.
"This premium car was purchased by the Region in May 2011, 44 150 euros. At one end, said a letter signed by the Director General of services to be "used by the regional representation, including the President at official ceremonies. ". It is therefore impossible to borrow as does Huchon. Of other local elected officials who had practiced this sport have also been persecuted by evil judges moons. But to discourage Huchon Saab to ride the beautiful roads of France ... "This crime and its dissemination by the Directors, have disappeared from the article by Mrs. Jerome.
4 - Submission of DirectorsThe method used by the Regional Council to ensure the cessation of temptations to take the debate in the public sphere is the confrontation of an administrative nature.
The framework developed at odds with the direction to prove publicly that direction because he has always thought and said he never made the statements that the enemies of this that lend it. At the same time, the framework in question the opportunity to negotiate keeping up and define its scope of control. On the way: Yes, I capitulated to the mob placement, but I define how those who put work in my department.
A-Self-criticismTo highlight the abandonment of information by Mr. Blat et al, Ms. Jérôme parallels the criticisms made by elected officials and the systematic defense of the Regional Council by Mr. Blat.
Elected: - "The CRT, a place where you recase buddies and girlfriends" summarizes an elected EELV claiming anonymity.Blat: - "There was never a free ride in any area" has defended the CEO of CRT, a hearing by the Finance Committee of the Region, Sept. 18, as part of the mission the associated organisems. "That sometimes Salares are some well-known names is not my problem. Ever the choice of the person recruited is inadequate with the position occupied "..
We know that "never" is impossible because recruitment is not professional for half of the employees.
Elected: - "Inflation means the CRT did not take off the tourist of the Ile de France remains almost stable" Ms. Précresse response on behalf of the UMP.Blat: - "While the region concentrates 40% to 50% of the French tourism, our numbers represent only 13% of all regional tourism committees" says Jean Pierrre Blat CEO of CRT Island France.
And French managers do not risk their life, not even their place!
5 - The negotiation of DirectorsWe are between moderate people, do not exaggerate in the other direction. The administration also knows administrative act with a long spoon. The revelations about the use of offender a company car by Huchon, and the details about this case on the crime indicated.
Therefore, the article suggests that remind Mr. Blat command in the service. This is the implicit contract of this type of approach.
"Faced with criticism, Mr. Feldzer, Chairman of the CRT, elected EELV, declared a hiring freeze and plans to establish a search committee and remuneration. "I remain ultimately the decision-maker with regard to people that I think justified having to work," warns Mr. Blat however. '
Chapter 3: The diversion of public criticism.
9) - PresentationWe'll see four cases favored by Article means used to obscure the issue of delinquency and focus the reader's attention on management issues such as the evoking want to see leaders of the Regional Council.
Like all leaders, those of the Regional Council believe that their otherwise perfect record is at least positive.
The control section operates on administrative purity and perfection of administrative practice. As always, it is the law of genre, the administration concerned is nevertheless aware that whatever imperfections have been reported. This is called here: "Some things do work" or "relative weakness in the procedures."
Where is the function of exemplary public managers? What do other thugs civilians?
10) - Plana-The plan of the paper is that any administrative discourse:1 - The statement of possible critical2 - The choice of goats émiissaires3 - The establishment of patches that prove that there is nothing to change.
b-The article will highlight:1-critics and their solutions.
2 - The white chevalliers take the future in hand.
1 - The "little things that make spots."
A-The question
1 - Wages"First the remuneration of its director. Jean Pierre Blat does not hide it: he perceives 12000 euros net parmois. '
2 - Recruitment"The crintiques on the CRT also focus on the recruitment of employees linked farmilialement or politically elected to the regional council. '
3 - expense- "Last episode, in August, the CRT has led a delegation of elected officials at a cost of 4000 euros per person for the London Olympics. '- "I found the TGV elected which I did not expect," admits Mr. Feldzer however. '
4 - Furthermore agencies- "The Ile-de-France holds the palm of satellite organizations. '- "The parastatals that revolve around the community. In a fortnight, they are past thirty. '- "In 2012, it is thus 12 million"
- "Their numbers rose 58%, the endowment has doubled since 2004"- "Almost as much as the 2000 regional agents"
- "Another report within the region, established in June indicates that évo1ution" in human and financial resources "associated bodies" very high "in proportion to the increase in revenues allocated to services in the region. '
- "He observes some agencies' procedures relative weakness" in the competition between providers "in the établi1isement the" expense (trips and travel) "or" recrutenent staff. "
CRT- "" Among the most problematic practices, include the Regional Tourism Committee (CRT), the situation revealed by Canard chained this summer. '- "In 2013, the grant of the community tourism committee. Regional (CRT) ... She nevertheless felt 187% since 2004, the number of 142%. The CRT has more than 100 employees. Plus the 80 officers to welcome tourists at the airports "- "" Inflation means the CRT did not take off the tourist of the Ile de France remains almost stable "Ms. Précresse response on behalf of the UMP. '- "Lots of these Agency pararegional coexist with other public structures. Paris dipose as a Tourist and Convention Paris.Like the seven other departments of the Ile de France have their own tourism committee.
ARD- "Outside of Chambers of Commerce," there are no less than 16 development agencies and economic development committee in Ile de France ", which creates a" competition inoportune "indicated, in 2008, the regional accounts Ile de France, in a report on the Regional Agency dévoloppement (ARD) was created in 2000 by the region. '- "The purpose of the ARD is" to promote the economic attractiveness of the territory to companies born here or elsewhere, "says Sabine Enjalbert, Executive Director.- "With a budget of € 10.5 million, the agency would have to maintain 13,000 jobs and create 2,500 in 2011. "It's expensive paid employment notices the UMP president of the Finance COMMISSIO the Ile de France, Roger Karoutchi. '- "From the point of view of the use of public funds ARD is not the most efficient of our institutions," admits Jean-Paul Huchon. - "She suffers from a multiplicity of actors in this field."
5 - Note 9 pages- "Roger Karoutchi just submitted, at the request of Jean-Paul Huchon, expertise on parastatals. '- "In a rating of 9 pages that Le Monde is provided, Senator of Hauts-de-Seine criticizes the" multiplication "of these structures creates a" sense of dispersion and dilution of regional action. "- "Conscious of the weight of property charges generated by these multiple agencies,"
B-solutionsAs any administrative delivered himself, the Regional Council knows that reproduce its defects.
The reader will note that only the salaries of the Directors are subject to decisions. The rest is strictly bullshit.
The scapegoats are:a-Directors, The "patriotism organizations," the "dispersion", the shortcomings of decentralization, fault no luck, the captain's age, etc..When piracy 4 smig monthly by 30 people for reasons of pleasure is no problem, the budget is anyway large enough to achieve the grandiose plans of the elites too superior to be understood by the common people.
1 - Salaries of directors- "Beyond the case of CRT, the region has begun to reduce its costs. Including the remuneration of directors of these structures. '- "For the first time, hiring has resulted in the establishment of a search committee. '- "To put an end to this" patriotic organizations "not conducive to budgetary savings, Mr. Karoutchi M.Huchon proposed to delete the posts of President. Functions that are not paid to the extent that they are already receiving their benefits elected. '
2 - Recruitment- "Given the critical one, the CRT President, elected EELV, declared a hiring freeze and plans to establish a search committee and remuneration. '- "For the first time, hiring has resulted in the establishment of a search committee. '
"There has never been a free ride in any area" has defended the CEO of CRT, a hearing by the Finance Committee of the Region, Sept. 18, as part of the mission of the organizations associated . "What are some employees sometimes known names is not my problem. Ever the choice of the person recruited is inadequate with the position occupied "..- "" I shall ultimately the decision-maker with regard to people that I think justified having to work, "warns Mr. Blat however. '
3 - expense- "The" promotional event was "selon.M.Huchon. 'It's beautiful! It is silent and admire.
4 - Agenciesa-Chained Duck (= CE)- "For the moment, other committees" Theodule "should get by without too much damage. "Other than the RDA.- "-" In reality, few politicians hoped that this scrub agencies, committees, associations or observatories maintained at great expense by the legion is really clean. For these multiple agencies - such as the CRT - helped distribute to each other and to the high-sounding titles, offices and sinecures. A small game that the Greens have been as talented as their socialist allies and who also took a few UMP. '
b-CRT- "While the region concentrates 40% to 50% of the French tourism, our numbers represent only 13% of all regional tourism committees." Says Jean Pierrre Blat CEO of CRT Ile de France . '- "Gérad Felzer, Regional Advisor, EELV, and Chairman of the CRT, since 2010 Ravaille an approximation. "But the strength of each organization in the implementation of the synergies are stronger than I ever imagined." sorry this close to Nicolas Hulot. '
c-ARDCE: - "Huchon Karoutchi hoped that the commission would simply make some vague recommendations for better management but now to remain credible, it seems determined to make an example. The latest is the Regional Development Agency who will pay for the operation. '- "President of the UMP group in the region, Ms. Pécresse request the deletion of the ARD in favor of a" single window "that would include the ensembre economic organizations of the region.- "Jean-Paul Huchon ..... but hopes that" the decentralization law in preparation give us full economic competence that will allow us to clean up the landscape "
5 - Note 9 pages- "He advocated the" disappearance ". (Melt or solution) "a dozen" of them. He suggested lowering the overall allocation of 15 miilion euros in 2015. '- "Regional Executive intends to consolidate on some great sites. '- "For his part, M.Karoutchi believes that" the movement is too slow "He proposes to retain" some twenty bodies "located in" four or five agencies. " .
2 - chevalliers promises
A-Huchona white-Coté chevallier- "Roger Karoutchi just handed to la.demande Jean-Paul Huchon, expertise on parastatals. 'CE: - "To extinguish the fire, the head of the regional council, the Socialist Jean-Paul Huchon, must rely on the help of the right UMP president of the Finance Committee of the Region, very placid Roger Karoutchi, heads up last spring a study mission on quarantine organisms associated with the local community - including the CRT. The opportunity to do a good cleaning this mess which is sometimes useful to demonstrate. 'b-Coté corruption- It uses a public car specifically reserved for ceremonies.What is criminal according to the law:CE: - "The other local elected who practiced this sport have also been persecuted by evil judges moons. '
IS: - "And no way of knowing if it was actually money well spent Regional Chamber of Auditors has never stuck his nose in the budget of CRT The only missions inspections were the work of internal services Regional Council, who have - what a surprise! - Nothing abnormal detected But once elected as effectively combat unemployment ... "CE: - "Intrigued by the actual inflation president of the UMP group, Valérie Pecresse, a written request last spring, Jean-Paul Huchon and the number of employees paid car functions in this appendix Region .It can always wait. Huchon got rid of the problem and was told politely that transmitted the request to the Chairman of the Committee on Finance, which is none other than ... UMP Roger Karoutchi, Valerie Pecresse eternal enemy ... the artist hat. '
Mr. B-Feldzera white-Coté Chevaillier:Case CRT-London:- "I found the TGV elected which I was not expecting"- "Faced with criticism, Mr. Feldzer, Chairman of the CRT, elected EELV, declared a hiring freeze and plans to establish a search committee and remuneration. ".- "Gérad Felzer, Regional Advisor, EELV, and Chairman of the CRT, since 2010 Ravaille an approximation. "But the strength of each organization in the implementation of the synergies are stronger than I imagined" regrets this close to Nicolas Hulot. '
b-Coté corruptionCE: - "The Greens have made an entry in force since the arrival in 2010 of the elected green Gérard Feldzer as Chairman of the Regional Committee of tourism. This former airline pilot was already shown in the direction of the Museum of Air and 1'Espace Bourget (under military supervision). A report by the General control of the armed forces had thrashed its management. 'CE: - "Feldzer inaugurated its mandate by bringing two of its former employees Bourget. Since then, the pace has accelerated. With the hiring of Sébastien Lion, son of Robert Leo (Regional Councillor Green, former head of the Caisse des Dépôts and former head of Greenpeace France.), Or of Veronica Chevaillier, wife of Eric Chevaillier, regional councilor and school President 1'observatoire regional waste Ile de France.
CE: - "Today, Gerard Feldzer provides the" Duck "that" any new hiring is basically frozen. "It is time, as subsidies from the Region have also tripled. '
Robert C-Liona white-Chevallier"I would not have left the Presidency of the ARD without having merged with other organizations in the Ile de France, and I think we'll get there," says Robert Lion, EELV elected President of the Board read monitoring of ARD. .
b-Corruption- "With the hiring of Sébastien Lion, son of Robert Leo (Regional Councillor Green, former head of the Caisse des Dépôts and former head of Greenpeace France.)".Who is he going to explain that we should not practice influence peddling?
D-Vincent Place (Chained Duck)- "Many of these pistonnés owe their job to Jean-Vincent Place, which combines the functions of President of the Green Group in the Senate advise regional board member of the CRT. The person does not even bother to deny: "I have already recommended people," he admits you. Before you discard "As long as there are people to judge the quality of applications. "And affiliations? '
Chapter 4: The privatization law
11) - Reports:Mrs. Jerome mentions several reports.1 - Internal Report of JuneSecret2 - Karoutchi:a-Ordered for Spring 2012, at the request of Mr Huchonb-18 SeptemberSecret hearings3 - Karoutchi: submission of a report on 9 pagessecret.
The report in June stated that there are no irregularities in the management of the Regional Council, not only are we asked to believe, but we are also enjoined to accept what becomes a judgment of private law.
This report of June 2012. On 8 August 2012, at taxpayer expense, for 4 days, thirty elected officials and senior employees spent 4900th per person, per day and 1225th person. Smig is the 1100th.1 - It is difficult to be more infamous for compliance with government procedures.
2 - There is a continuity of the report transmitted by the facts Chained Duck, Article Mrs. Jerome.This is the contradiction between the report notes that no "mismanagement" and the journey from London to push Directors to take the language Chained Duck.
These reports are the joints of fighting between the various networks of managers of the Regional Council.
It is impossible that these struggles are resolved in favor of good governance if the authorities responsible for organizing the separation of pouvoirrs capitulate to these small masters simply because they share the same degree, the same restaurants, the same social solidarity the same hatred.
11) - The law says InternalThe political foundation of the article is to convey the message of the privatization of administrative law.Reports are secret.The hearings are secret.The "notes" are reports of secretSecret administrative Newspeak is called "internal". It hides nothing, because the public does not know. On the one hand, it does not concern him. On the other hand, he understands nothing.
It is the purpose of this article: to teach the public the idea that the secret of course, and the right is a private. Management area is a private thing.
This is due to the action of all offenders reported in these applications to open a preliminary investigation, they want to create a private right. Since the law is private, individuals become judges of their private acts.
Consequently, any demand for public lawsuit is without merit.
What is the role of the press?Extend-a settling of accounts "internal". Or the right of privatized public struggles.b-Report that the situation is under control. If a faction goes too far, then public policy will curb it.c-disqualify any political or legal concerns.This kind of elitist nonsense has never produced anything other than chaos, corruption, backwardness.12) - Conclusion
I take care of this article provided that he continues the policy of witness tampering implemented by the direction of the Regional Council.
This article accompanies the witness tampering. It aims to misinform the public to believe that there has never been any different between M. Blat, Directors of Services, and the Regional Council elected déirection or Huchon, as the title Article.
This article provides in any case a brutal light on the merits of thinking about crime and witness tampering. They think in any case that there is room to prevent the debate.
I renew the request for a preliminary investigation for acts of witness tampering and obstruction of justice. Complicity and concealment must be considered.
Please accept, Mr. Prosecutor, the assurance of my best regards,
Marc Salomone
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