samedi, mars 02, 2013

Sarkozy and Strauss-Kahn, the mirror a couple justice: justice sponsorship / sacrificial justice.

Reference text in French.D.50 @

Sarkozy and Strauss-Kahn, the mirror a couple justice: justice sponsorship /  sacrificial justice. 
.Paris, Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Copy to:President of the RepublicMadam AttorneyYour Ref. 12/00 282 (quoted in all correspondence)N. No. : -1 - Wednesday, July 4, 2012. Article Chained Duck.2 - Thursday, July 19, 2012, article in the Nouvel Observateur.3 - Thursday, July 19, 2012. Letter to Mr. Prosecutor.4 - Thursday, July 19, 2012. Letter to the President of the Republic.5 - Friday, July 27, 2012, Addendum.6 - Friday, July 27. Letter to the President of the Republic7 - Monday, November 12, 2012. Letter to Mr. Prosecutor8 - Monday, November 12, 2012. Letter to the President of the Republic9 - Thursday, November 29, 2012. Letter to Mr. ProsecutorCopies to the President of the Republic and the Minister of Justice Ms.10 - Monday, December 3, 2012. Letter to Mr. ProsecutorCopies to the President of the Republic and the Minister of Justice Ms.11 - Friday, January 11, 2013. Letter to Mr. ProsecutorCopies to the President of the Republic and the Minister of Justice Ms.12 - Thursday, February 21, 2013. Letter to Mr. ProsecutorCopies to the President of the Republic and the Minister of Justice Ms.
Re: Sarkozy and Strauss-Kahn, the mirror duality judicial justice and justice sacrificial sponsorshipMr. Prosecutor,Title 1: The mirror effect1) - The emergence of evidenceGradually, the judicial treatment, Franco-American, personal acts of Mr. Strauss-Kahn modifies the independent judgment of judges in the judicial treatment of personal acts of Mr. Sarkozy.It is increasingly difficult to conceive as impartial, calm, ordinary judges that protect one another and sacrifice.In fact, the two cases appear homogeneous. They form, conditioning, one by the other. Treating one reflects the other.2) - The homogeneity of filesMr. Strauss-Kahn and Sarkozy have used the same practice, fellatio, with the same type of person, a woman in a position dominated the same behavior, the absolute necessity of the act. They made at the time of the same status as head of state for one and equivalent head of state to another. This equivalence is marked by the same judicial immunity. One is Head of State when he commits the act. The other aspires to the same place when committing similar acts.
The judicial system will accommodate the facts are brought to the attention of judges creates an antagonistic duality. One is destroyed by justice. All sexual activities become criminal. The other is under legal protection which saves any mention of judicial actions. In addition, this protection extends to the whole field of public communication and spares him any public mention of the fact.3) - The mirror effect1 - Immunity rechargable.Protectors Mr Sarkozy may mention two arguements to justify the protection they surround.a-The function of Head of State at the time of the facts, but the immunity argument no longer holds. We saw in our previous papers.Moreover, in this case, it would also apply to Mr. Strauss-Kahn for offenses of pimping. It was at the time of the facts in immunity as head of state General Secretary of the IMF.b-His possible candidacy in 2017. It is so important that he could not be bothered with a history of buttock.2 - The identity conflictThis cascade of apology in conflict with the treatment that Mr. Strauss-Kahn. For him the contrary, each of its functions, or its potential future functions, is an opportunity for qualifying criminal acts of privacy. IMF chief, he still falls for the Sofitel. He may want to reappear, it then falls to the Carlton. He lectures, spontaneous demonstrations are organized.Feminists howl at each of his appearances. The same feminists are silent on the same facts concerning Mr. Sarkozy.In one case, the high office, present and future, protect. In the other, they are a moral reason for criminalization.3 - Politics and parainageBy mirror effect, it is increasingly clear that this protection is similar to a parainage.It is clear that decisions to sacrifice one and protect the other were taken. They are applied. These decisions and this application conflict with the proper exercise of the judicial authority.Title 2: The parallelismHow is this parallelism antagonistic?We will examine two sets of facts that motivated prosecutions against Mr. Strauss-Kahn and he seems well established that they are also due to Mr Sarkozy.a-Fellatiob-pimping.4) - Alternative factsa-Strauss-Kahn went to court for a blowjob imposed.b-The French court questioned fellatio imposed by Mr Sarkozy to a Member.5) - ImmunityAt the time of these events, Mr. Strauss-Kahn is Secretary General of the IMF, it is the same rank as the Heads of State. It enjoys the same immunity.Strauss-Kahn waives its immunity for trial in the criminal trial and prove his innocence. In civil cases, this abandonment of immunity is considered proved.Independently discussions on the value of the immunity it dons Sarkozy, the former Mr. Strauss-Kahn tells us that nothing prevents Mr. Sarkozy to decide himself to answer the questions of justice, s it feels innocent.6) - Justice and elective careerContrary to what we want to believe, court appearances do not affect the career politicians. Most prisoners are re-elected when their civil prohibitions are closed. The facts are there.Therefore:a-Si Mr Sarkozy met its own issues of justice and got a discharge thereof, its image would be improved.b-If Mr. Sarkozy was deemed at fault, it does not necessarily hurt his career elective.This is in response to insults of Judge Salas-researcher.Impediments suffered by Mr. Strauss-kahn on his return to public life seem to be related to forces leaders who want to eliminate. Demonstrated unmanned events during his performance at the Oxford students. Coincidentally, this type of event does not exist on Mr Sarkozy.In any case, its elimination does not match the general case of elected officials convicted in France. Sarkozy, meanwhile, has solidarity with the silence of all network settings, including those who call themselves opponents.It is false to say, as a supported Judge Salas-researcher in the case of Neuilly apartment of Mr Sarkozy, the request to open a criminal investigation into the allegations against Mr Sarkozy can be likened to an aggression against a helpless person, a cabal of marginal against a public figure disarmed.Mr. Salas only take over the ideology of "martyr." According to this ideology, certain categories of people, variously defined, are intended to set causes constant unfounded. These warnings can cause prolonged by criminal actions.
This grotesque farce ideological allows'' eliminate public debate in all its forms, gradually forming the questioners by fools and criminals questioned by people and people above the law and common understanding.Here we find the approach of the people that we are involved in their crime. This particular goal delinquent also claim a special place, feudal in law enforcement.
7) - Prostitution and Pimping1 - The equivalence of qualificationsMr. Stauss-a-kahn is indicted for pimping. He participated in the gathering of prostitutes in one place for to use in meetings.b-At the time of these events, Mr. Strauss-Kahn is Secretary General of the IMF, it is the same rank as the heads of state, it enjoys the same immunity.c-Mr Sarkozy delivered a formal prostitution of a woman who has not made elected MP for grants by blowjobs.2 - Sarkozy and prostitutiona-Prostitution has been since the subsidy payment became a sexual act became a happening.b-Pimping is characterized for the fact of the creation of prostitution, the protection afforded to the fact, the benefit of institutional policy that draws Sarkozy. Setting prostitution of a Member that does not ejaculate.c-The hotel pimping is proved by the invitation to the lady in prostitution during follow Mr. Sarkozy put in a room with this provision.The d-band organized pimping is possible. There is credible evidence that this lady was not placed there for public reception by chance.This requirement of e-fellatio is above all a political act.f-The abuse of weakness is obvious. It is known that Mr. Sarkozy member to need this grant. It is itself vulnerable, which is why it was probably chosen. Mrs. William says itself a strong woman does not accept this kind of market. The honorable member pays his weakness. It would be improper.On this point: "Prostitution particularly vulnerable, the law punishes three years in prison and 45,000 euros fine soliciting, accepting or obtaining, in exchange for remuneration or a promise to pay, sex from a person who engages in prostitution, including occasionally, when this person has a particular vulnerability, apparent or known to the perpetrator. For example: a person with an illness, infirmity, physical or mental disability or who is pregnant. Article 225-12-1 second paragraph of the Penal Code. "3 - ComparisonA-Strauss-Kahn was indicted for pimping agravé and organized gang.I do not party here on qualifications. They are legal.Judges accuse Strauss-Kahn:a-To have with women is notoriously prostitutes.b-Having established a network of people on the pretext of friendly services formed a team of professionals rabatage for evenings priced in favor of Mr. Strauss-Kahn.I do not betray their argument.B-Notwithstanding the upcoming trial, Strauss-Kahn was indicted for violation of a purely formal principle prohibited. It directly affects person.He has sex sessions with people who need to be paid. They are professionals. Adults are willing to pay and to provide sexual.C-Sarkozy's use of its power to compel them:-A woman was in a weak position to give him a blowjob. It is not free.Which leads, rape, prostitution, pimping, pandering hotel, abuse of weakness and probable gang.b-A MP to submit to his desire.Causing the aggression against the Executive Branch Legislative Branch, the rape of the constitution.D-The person is not sucking prostitutuée or consent. She is a Member. She is forced.8) - cross AffairsA-The forced blowjobs1 - Strauss-kahn gets sucked under the Sofitel hotel guest also rank Head of State. The woman said she was forced.2 - Mr. Sarkozy is sucking force at the Elysee Palace as President.3 - Mr. Strauss-Kahn is considered by U.S. courts. It recognizes that it does not place and led to pay a large sum to compensate its prosecution.4 - Mr. Sarkozy has an unwavering solidarity of the judiciary and politics. It does not stop there. It benefits from the solidarity of feminists and women executives who are related to this case.5 - Mrs. William reported this case.a-From all participants, it is the only one to do so. While this is a public affair.b-It takes the most hackneyed refrain from the subjugation of women. She says it is the fault of the woman, since she is left to do, and who wants to can.c-Two centuries of feminist struggles to get there.d-It takes up the theme of the service obligation. It does not say that everything is set by law, but to conceal the fact that the rape of a member is a constitutional issue and therefore legal and not a matter of changing habits.B-prostitution and proxénétismes1 - Strauss-Kahn sex with hookers to be aware and demanding. No material no direct evidence that he knew the work of its partners. The firm conviction of judges is respectable, but it remains a conviction.2 - Mr. Sarkozy as an MP in prostitutée. He made public in the exercise of its functions, witnessed. It seems that there is no doubt as to the accuracy of the report of the facts. He took advantage of the weakness of the member itself known. He moved to pimp, pimp hotel. It is plausible that this session has mobilized an organized gang.4 - Mr. Strauss-Kahn is accountable to justice.He was summoned to courtb He is indictedc-All judicial chain is mobilized.5 - Mr. Sarkozy has no account, of any kind, to make justice.9) - The legal effect backFor two sets of identical criminal offenses attributable to men of the same social and professional conditions, justice orientations gives two actions perfectly dissimilar and contradictory.These guidelines are not due to different assessments of similar facts. Indeed, for a justice occurs. For the other it refuses to rule on requests for review before it.Publicity of a lawsuit for one. For another, the silence of the judges, their refusal to declare informed.However, for this procedure to Mr. Strauss-Kahn, judges can no longer say:a-stories buttocks leaders do not concern them,b-executives can not be appointed criminals, rapists and a fortiori.c-prostitution and pimping only concern thugs Eastern Dodo or Brine.d-persons of rank of Head of State are not criminal in their concerns.They shall not remain silent for Sarkozy. They have no legitimacy to the judicial or law, or jurisprudence.More the case Strauss-Kahn will change and it will show that the gap between it and requests for investigation into Mr Sarkozy is not the court but the protection of a suspected criminal.Judges do not make two different judgments, nor open two different procedures. For the same category of offense under homogeneous conditions, they seem to pick on a man and protect another.10) - The Constitution1 - breach of the principle of equalityThis difference in treatment is a breach of equality before the law. In this case art. 6 of the Declaration is violated.- "(The law) must be the same for all, whether it protects or punishes. 'Article VILaw is the expression of the general will. All citizens have the right to participate personally, or through their representatives, in its formation. It must be the same for all, whether it protects or punishes. All citizens, being equal in its eyes, are equally admissible to all public dignities, places, and employments, according to their capacity and without other distinction than that of their virtues and talents.2 - The comment:Article by Professor Jacques ROBERT "The principle of equality in the French constitutional law" (The specifications of the Constitutional Council No. 3, 1997)"Article 6 of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen of 1789 (which, from the famous decision of 16 July 1971, is part of the" constitutionality block "which confronts the French Constitutional Council laws that has to be examined).But this Article 6 states that "the law must be the same for all" principle that the Council nevertheless admitting modulations relaxed when they are based on objective criteria and ration sionals in light of the objective pursued by the legislator and that this is itself neither unconstitutional nor vitiated by a manifest error of assessment; "3 - modulations:A-The Constitutional Council has admitted modulations.a-When they are based on objective and rational in light of the objective pursued by the legislator;b-What is the objective itself:- Neither unconstitutional,- Neither vitiated by a manifest error of assessment;
B-In this case the "modulations" proposed by the judges in the practice of inequality before the law of the two aforementioned executives are not based on "objective criteria"11) - The internal conflict in the judiciary1 - The judges of the United States and France, set up legal proceedings against Mr. Strauss-Kahn to the facts of sexuality.It is clear that the French do not undertake procedures after the U.S. judiciary.Or the examination of the complaint of Ms. Banon or the examination of the case known as the Carlton, would not have existed without the U.S. action.2 - The judiciary is made up continuator of the American attack against Mr. Strauss-Kahn. Nobody can tell if it attacks Mr. Strauss-kahn parcequ'elle has enough objective evidence, or if it proclaims to extend these accusations in France American condemnation against him.3 - French judges did not institute proceedings in respect of Mr Sarkozy to the facts of the same characters and a character of the same professional features, social immunity.We note that Mr. Sarkozy is not at all in conflict institutional relations with the U.S. administration.4 - For one, this is persecution. The other is the parainage.5 - This is an inequality before the law, breach of Art. 6 of the Declaration.6 - By his silence on the facts attributed to Mr. Sarkozy, the judiciary shows that it has the guilt frames as it sees fit.In doing so, it extends the action against Mr Sarkozy this member and the Legislature.Mr. Sarkozy wanted to serve on administrative frameworks they are governed by French legal code legal code parallel public.Judges mean that managers will be subject to French law and not by the side of the settling of accounts between frames in which they find themselves. The Mighty and the poor, winners or losers, strong or weak, etc..7 - The judicial policy is therefore out of the public debate, including judiciary. It is a matter of private networks of caste, pressure groups, occult powers, etc..8 - This claim to install the archaic feudal, call it what you will, as a standard of judicial policy, and beyond public life is indeed a subject of debate.12) - ConclusionThe development of procedures for Strauss-Kahn and the absence of proceedings concerning Mr. Sarkozy leads me to recall the merits of the request to open a criminal investigation that I made about the facts alleged by Mrs. William on the alleged rape of a woman, a member of the Constitution, by Mr. Sarkozy.Please accept, Mr. Prosecutor, the assurance of my best regards,Marc Salomone

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