mercredi, avril 17, 2013

Sarkozy, judges, mistakes and faults, omerta, social segregation

Sarkozy, disturbance errors, mistakes operation, omerta and social segregationd.50 @

Paris, Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Copy to:President of the RepublicMadam AttorneyYour Ref. 12/00282 (to be quoted in all correspondence)
Subject: errors disturbance faults of operation; Omerta and social segregation.
Mr. prosecutor
The omerta procedure serves to meet the demand investigation into the allegations against Mr Sarkozy by Mrs. William.At the same time:a-Under the auspices of the government elected and gota associations met in Paris to demand the criminalization of clients of prostitutes.b-The media tell us that Mr Fillon, former Prime Minister, is the subject of a preliminary investigation to a request for survey without competitive call for its exercise. That the person insane.c-Mr Sarkozy is indicted for being an abuse of weakness. That the person insane.

In this enumeration to Prévert are:1 - From the criminalization of clients of prostitutes. But not a word of the same on the testimony of Dr. William about a client that turns an honest woman prostitute.2 - Opening of preliminary investigations simple denunciations press Cahuzac, Sarkozy, Fillon, etc..But not a word about the testimony of Mrs. William.3 - The Indictment of Mr Sarkozy from denunciations of the press; BETENCOURT.But not a word about the testimony of Mrs. William.There is still a glaring inequality in considering two facts with equal qualifications on the same defendant, the same justice.Mr. Sarkozy is Indicted under Abuse of weakness. In this case, this qualification is indirect. Abuse of weakness was, if successful, to get money. The qualification raising campaign funds is the main direct charge is prescribed. Lawyers for Mr. Sarkozy are sure to ask the judge if the abuse of weakness is not an artificial way around a limitation period. The facts are disputed by the applicant.By cons, in the rape of the member, the abuse of weakness is the direct description of the offense. For sexually abusing a person must take advantage of his weakness. We can ask for money without abusing the weakness of a person, even elderly. You can not violate a prostitute MP, embezzle public funds, without abusing a position of weakness. The facts have not been disputed by the applicant.Therefore if the qualification Abuse weakness is chosen for the application of electoral funds, it must be retained for rape.However, in this case, justice, the same country for the same person, the same qualification, refused to open an investigation, or the simple examination of the facts. It discards its responsibilities by giving the establishment of evidence in the hands of a peacekeeper who makes it impossible, probably on the order.Honesty and professionalism are the cornerstones of the moralization of public action. From the moment one deviates, it inevitably goes to corruption.It is clear that justice is using the press to choose his actions. It's not the press that informs the public of the actions of justice. It is justice that chooses to study the faults from those presented by the press.For this purpose the court makes its reasoning for that of the press.The Director of Médiapart said on television that the procedure Indictment of Mr. Sarkozy, or judicial hearing Mr. Cahuzac, were copied and pasted from the exposure device surveys Médiapart.In writing his book, Dr. William develops intelligent omerta, echoed by the media after the publication of his book. This is to state the facts and code their public choking to disqualify both any desire to debate and debaters.The famous civil society is silent: feminist associations, the tax union, parliamentarians, lawyers, unions magistrates Anticor Association.Refusals, nothing.Lawyers are too busy.Journalists have already announced their choice.Publishers are specialized in all but not that.The newspaper Le Monde, 12.12, 12, entitled "Ile de France:" Huchon system, "which Mr. prosecutor was informed by me on 18.12.12, is an act of company committed witness tampering by the Department of Regional Council of Ile de France. The main French newspaper is professionally involved in a maneuver of corruption.The magistrates held their subordination to the omerta:They covered the relationship with Mr. Bartolone wheeler; financial escapades regional elected Ile de France.They are silent on the witness tampering organized by the Directorate of the Regional Council of Ile de France.Why they would study at one what they hide in the other?Of course, in the case of Mr. Sarkozy, there is rape of a woman, a member of the constitution, hotel and agrave procurement, embezzlement, tax evasion, etc.. It is more difficult to close the case by saying that it is neither criminal nor important.Faced with this reality, the judiciary implements two formulas President Queuille:1 - "There is no problem that an absence of solution eventually overcome. "2 - "Politics is not the art of solving problems, but to silence those who ask. "The use of silence and torture are indeed two common practices of magistrates to remove intruders and organize the impunity of State officials. These are the eyes of the judges only guarantors of the peace. Incursions of justice in their practices can only be of the order of settling of accounts or internal adjustment.This is not a technocratic state. This is a Teutonic state.This subordination of justice to a clique of civil society in the way of the Fourth Republic, organizes out of colonial deviation between State officials and the people. Agree among themselves on the faults of disturbance that judge the faults of operation that covers one begins.The distinction between the two weaknesses Abuse has no other purpose.If I had to sum up in a word that judicial policy, it would be this: The judges are wrong and they bring justice wrong.Please accept, Mr. prosecutor, the assurance of my highest consideration,
Marc Salomone

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