mardi, octobre 01, 2019

01.10.19, China, 1949, Mao, Teng, Xi, Revolution, People's Republic of China,

blog: / Book: The two forms, ed. Amazon

Paris, Tuesday, October 1st, 2019

Embassy: 11, avenue George V / 75008 Paris
Political Service, 20 rue Monsieur, 75007 Paris
Such. : 01 49 52 19 50

For :
Xi Jinping
Secretary General of the Chinese Communist Party
President of the People's Republic of China
President of the Central Military Commission of China

LU Shaye
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
of the People's Republic of China.


I thank you for having stood in the events and continue to give you the means to win.

The leadership of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union has yielded to its enemies. The only consequence was the destruction of all the countries that made it up and the enslavement of their populations.

Mrs. Carrère d'Encausse, Permanent Secretary of the French Accademia, summed up the action of the anti-communists in the USSR: "They destroyed everything. But everything had to be destroyed.

The staring eyes of the children of the countries of the Soviet Union are unsustainable.

The capitulation of the European Communist Parties, including the French Communist Party in 1994, is a direct cause of the collapse of Europe in the debates of the Directorate of the World for the 21st century.

Who can doubt that it would be the same in China?

It is therefore with humility that we watch the Chinese Communist Party drive China, since October 1, 1949 and without stopping, on the paths of democracy and make the unity of the peoples who compose it and the executives who lead it. pledge of success.

The eyes of Chinese children are illuminated with strength and pride.

China has experienced revolutions. She will know others.

Thank you for not letting the irresponsible, the charlatans, the crooks, the slavers camouflaged as Liberators, lead these inevitable upheavals to come.

Only the Communist Party was able to ask the questions and provide the answers. Let those who claim the opposite give us one example.

That is why, whatever the complexity of the circumstances, the Democrats are reassured to learn that you will not leave the effective management of this decisive country to any other political force.

Thanking you for your attention,

Please accept, Comrades, the assurance of my fraternal greetings,


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