jeudi, août 26, 2021

covid1, 13.08.21, parliament, vaccine obligation


Marc Salomone / blog: / Book: The Two Forms, ed. Amazon

Paris, Friday August 13, 2021

Gentlemen of the Parliament

Ladies and Gentlemen


Vaccination is the only instrument to safeguard the health security of the French, both now and in the future, in the face of new variants.

The booster vaccine is also alone to compensate for the weakening of the effects of the vaccine in the people concerned.

With this virus, the notion of collective immunity which would dispense part of the population from the vaccine is already a lost paradise, an aborted hope, an ideal stillborn.

Apart from people covered by a medical certificate, the entire population is called for vaccination; as at the appointed hour, each one places himself at the service of the country.

In the midst of their contradictions and their clashes, the French have understood it very well and are saying it.

Opponents of the Pass-Sanitaire, such as firefighters and nurses, keep repeating that their anger is that of unequal treatment.

The only argument of the ideologists of the refusal of the vaccine requisition is to balance the arguments of the bars and those of the doctors.

To disqualify the vaccination obligation, even vaccination, they drape themselves in the right to express an opinion, the freedom to challenge vaccines, discrepancies on social networks between the official opinions of doctors and those of other people who have also the right to have an opinion. They evoke human guinea pigs who would have been injected with AIDS, the accumulation of vaccine deaths, etc.

It appears through the reports that obscurantism is the driving force behind refusals of vaccination and endangering people and the population.

Contrary to these obscurantisms, the President of the Republic has clearly committed the State to a process of total vaccination of the population, in other words compulsory vaccination for everyone.

To say so and allow the French, officials, institutions, doctors, and goodwill, to have the means and rights conferred by the public and legal commitment of the State, the Government needs national unity. clearly stated.

There is not a single parliamentary group which has not expressed, at least through one of its members, its desire to see the Government resort to compulsory vaccination.

a- The Socialist Group has, I believe, gone the furthest in its thinking by declaring itself in favor of universal vaccination.

b- Other parliamentarians express themselves in the media.

c- But it is only a question of opinions to prepare the electoral future.

Current events impose other demands.

a- On this question of vaccination, the Government can no longer be alone and accompanied by an opposition which seeks to make profitable its failures.

b- Healthy political competition, especially with a view to the upcoming elections, must be based on successful confrontations.

c- This is what seems to scare all parties.

The parliamentary groups and failing that a majority diversity of parliamentarians must take a frank collective position, without appeal, in favor of the vaccination obligation and thus allow the Government to install it.

During a crisis, the French do not primarily form their opinion with the next-door neighbor, the Hippolyte or Théodule association, the advice of social networks, their own thoughts.

They first await the opinion of the public authorities, in other words of the Government.

The revolts come less from a personal idea of ​​vaccination than from the uncertainties caused by the hesitations of the authorities, including that of Parliamentarians.

It is not social networks that are the problem today but the subordination of representatives of public authorities to their maneuvers.

a- The medical argumentation takes place in the field of medicine and nowhere else. Where it is necessary to have done ten years of medical studies.

b- No, the vaccination control is not the knowledge of personal medical data but the punctual control justified by a legal and sanitary, epidemiological obligation.

c- All the vaccination control instruments have been put in place by the Health Pass.

Behind the said and unsaid of the representatives of the Powers, we feel the influence of President Queuille: there is no problem that does not find a solution if nothing is done to resolve it.

It is a fatal mistake.

Everything is ready, including the editors who have known for two centuries how to adapt their writing, so that the French finally know where the law, efficiency and hope are.

Since the start of the Covid crisis, the French have responded.

Today, they are entitled to ask their representatives to take their place.

Thanking you for your attention,

Please accept, Honorable Speakers of Parliament, Ladies and Gentlemen, the assurance of my best regards,


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