lundi, juillet 15, 2024

15.072024, orban, hungary, prime minister, ukraine, peace, russia,



blog: / Book: The two forms

Paris, Monday July 15, 2024

For Victor ORBAN

Prime Minister of Hungary

Email: /

Mr Prime Minister,

I have the honor to transmit to you this text of proposals coming from the Peace Party, aimed at imposing the primacy of peace over the war in Ukraine.

This text published on my blog ( is added to those of September 2023.

For this I refer to President Kennedy's speech of June 11, 1963 at the American University. He establishes that in the context of a local conflict between two nuclear powers, two parties are formed, the party of peace and the party of war.

The first must impose its policy on the second.

I am passing it on to you because the initiatives that you have taken as President of the Council of the European Union suggest that there is a slight possibility that peace will become the principle of action of the European Union (EU) in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict before it became a Russian-NATO conflict and degenerated into nuclear war.

The policy defined by your Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Janos Boka, can be of use to all European supporters of peace:

“I think that as part of a sustainable European security architecture, Europe needs to have some form of relationship with Russia. If we want to build a sustainable European security architecture in the decades to come, we must consider the relationship between Europe and Russia in one way or another.»

Such support must also come from civil society. Indeed, political society is largely blocked, in France at least. Practically all political groups have pledged allegiance to the war party, except perhaps Madame Le Pen who is in great difficulty on this point.

Ideas and possible political commitments have no importance here (political parties are nothing more than electoral markers). All that matters is commitment to peace or war.

It is also the principle of the EU to bring together people from different, even opposing, backgrounds and beliefs but determined to work together.

On this subject, your visits to the two camps are a breath of fresh air, a hope.

Your Presidency only lasts six months after which it will be another supporter of the war who will take over and currently, the party of war is doing its utmost to make it irreversible.

There is clearly a race between the two parties, that of war which currently leads and that of peace to which you are paving the way.

Please accept, Mr Prime Minister, the assurance of my respectful greetings,



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