lundi, juillet 15, 2024

15.07.2024, Ukraine, Russia, war, peace, war party, peace party, kennedy


Marc SALOMONE / / log: / Book: The two forms

Paris, Monday July 15, 2024


In his speech on June 10, 1963, President Kennedy established that in a circumstance where a local conflict could lead to a world war, two parties are formed: the party of war and the party of peace.

1- The War Party only aims to expand the conflict.

2- The Peace Party is the only one that can solve it.

For the moment, it is the party of war which dominates and imposes peace as a result of war.

The Peace Party must mobilize to impose the subordination of war to peace. Peace then immediately determines the terrain of public and political action.

On both sides of the front line, the Ukrainian war is only a stepping stone for a much larger war aimed for one side at the imaginary reconstitution of the Tsarist Empire and for the other at the destruction of Russia and the recomposition of the entire so-called Russian space.

One of the primary effects of this war is not in any way the fight of Democracy against Totalitarianism but the subordination, on both sides, of Democracy to the dictates of the forces of War that military mobilizations of this scale allow.

The current issue with the rise of NATO is not whether Europe will defend itself.

The question is whether democracy will impose its program or whether the military dictatorship will impose the progressive militarization of the entire European society under the pretext of confronting the dictatorship opposite.

Here we go again like in 14!

This is why it is urgent that the Peace Party mobilize and make its proposals for immediate peace in Ukraine.

For the moment, on both sides of the front, the War Party is having a field day because it is alone. Soon it will no longer be able to be challenged.

But this time, the carnage will be nuclear and Europe will not survive, at least as a free and democratic continent.

 It goes without saying that the sudden cessation of fighting will lead to a feeling of bitterness, disgust and deception on the part of the civilian and military populations concerned.

There is in fact nothing in the reasons for this war that is not a matter of negotiation and Treaties.

Neither the Ukrainians, nor the Russians, nor the Europeans, have to bear excessively the weight of the illusory, conquering, dominating, sterile calculations of the War Party.

Proposals of the Peace Party.

The parties agree that:

a- Peace cannot be won, negotiated, imposed, on the battlefield.

b- Peace is a primary factor in this local conflict affecting nuclear powers.

Consequently, they undertake to study peace proposals without delay and positively, without seeking to find in them the chimerical hopes of War.

Peace is established on the geo-strategic realities of the ongoing conflict.

The fighting stops and peaceful order begins as soon as the proposals or their framework are accepted.

1- The territory of Ukraine is that of its admission to the UN in 1945. It cannot be different.

The borders of this State were validated by the international conferences of Yalta and Potsdam. They are indisputable.

2- Crimea has been a Republic since 1922 and not a region.

Its attachment to Ukraine in 1954 was the work of the Prince.

3- Crimeans are called to a vote for self-determination.

a- They join forces with Ukraine and discuss the status of Crimea.

b- They join forces with Russia and discuss the status of Crimea.

c- They vote for independence

3- The city of Sevastopol and the related territory is Russian. It is used freely and civilly by Crimeans.

It is in the strategic interest of Europe and peace that the Russian Federation retains its historic port and military outlet on the Black Sea and the Mediterranean.

4- Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Georgia, Armenia cannot be members of NATO

5- A European security agreement is established between the EU and Russia.

a- this agreement includes the guarantee of the territorial integrity of Ukraine, Moldova, the Baltic countries, Finland, Belarus, Georgia, Armenia.

b- the United States and China are stakeholders

6- Ukraine and Russia respect the plurality of languages ​​that compose them.

7- Ukraine does not aim to eradicate, repress, disqualify the Russian language and Russian speakers. As do other languages ​​and their speakers.

8- The countries of the European Union (EU) refuse to eradicate, repress, disqualify the Russian language and Russian speakers.

9- The EU rejects the principle of the English language as an instrument of disqualification of other languages ​​and their cultural relations

10- Russia declares that it does not claim any territory other than its own in 1991, nor does it want to exercise any state or political supervision over Russian-speaking populations established in other countries.

11- All children born in Ukraine to Ukrainian parents, or who chose to be, and who were displaced to Russia during the war, whatever the reason, are returned to the Ukrainian authorities.

These do not discriminate against them for their stay in Russia in any form. Children do not have to be de-Russianized any more than they have to be de-Ukrainized.

12-The responsibilities for the sabotage of the two Nordstream1 and Nordstream2 pipelines are known and are officially established.

13- Sanctions against Russia are lifted upon the withdrawal of the last Russian soldier from Ukraine and the return of all displaced children.

14- The International Criminal Court (ICC) cancels its arrest warrants in the Ukrainian case.

The history of the war in Ukraine is neither that of an invader, nor that of the civilizing superiority of one side over the other.

It is that of a conflict that the Europeans, including the Russians, were unable to manage.

It is not in the magical repetition of the imaginations of yesteryear and rehashed revenge that Europeans will find solutions but in political creation.

15- A pluralist international commission evaluates the destruction and reconstruction in their various dimensions.

16- Assets seized from oligarchs are returned to the Russian State

Once returned, they participate in the reconstruction of Ukraine.

17- The assets of Ukrainian oligarchs particularly contribute to the reconstruction of their country.

18- Ukraine restores in their functions, their capacities, their property, all the political and social organizations dissolved since 2014.

The democratic renewal implied by Ukraine's EU accession journey cannot be led by the beneficiaries of Operation Maidan alone.

All forces of Ukrainian society must participate in it.

18- These proposals being accepted, the fighting stops and civil action begins again.


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