jeudi, novembre 01, 2018

discrimination, 01.11.18, denormandie, minister, bertrand, president of the Hauts de France, Senator Rapin


Paris, Thursday, November 1, 2018

Minister to the Minister of Territorial Cohesion and Relations with Local Authorities, in charge of the City and Housing

Ref. : Your letter of December 8, 2017
Reference: BDC / CCY / D / 17011946 / M R

To the good care of Julie Lavet
Special Advisor

Copy :
Mr Bertrand, Minister, President of Hauts-de-France
Senator Rapin

Madam Special Adviser,

This first of November, I listen to you at Bourdin's.

The word of the State would have more weight if it was known that it already respects its commitments to those with whom it has taken.

For example :
On the one hand: the children of Dass-Ase, Cotorep.
On the other hand: the word of the prefect requisitioning housing for the above.

Experience has shown that the State can not be held accountable either to examine positively the requests of the former or to follow up the decisions of its representatives concerning them.

In the case that your services know well; that of that of such family: :
1- I had to borrow 300 euros at 19%, on a pension of 959 euros to bring out their file Back to the country of sabotage of the Parisian authorities: CAF, Tutelle, Paris-habitat.
Excuse the little.
2- The summary of their request sent to them by the Prefecture indicates that it has been perfectly understood.
3- It has been explained to them since the decision to allocate a house in Hesdin by the Prefect of Pas-de-Calais that the allocation commission was only waiting for their rent slip without debt.
a- Indeed, the Parisian authorities systematically organized an artificial debt.
b- This one stopped only because I paid for it and it was not possible anymore to produce it.
4- The production of the correct file, they were told that in fact the Commission would rule only on presentation of housing, in this case individual.
5- Exactly, that's good, there is not, and you have to wait for a month, then two years, and so on.
6- In the end, we will house them as for 23 years in Paris, in an emergency housing which no migrant would have wanted.
a- They will find there the same insecurity and the same cockroaches as in Paris.
b- As in Paris, it will be that or the street.

In 2018:
a- The father,has already had two trips to the Emergency for heart trouble due to Stress.
b- The mother, in September, a transport to the ER for idem.
c. The eldest son, in October, idem.

Another effort and the file can be closed with the satisfaction of the accomplished duty.

The State is committed to Parents and Children by seizing them at birth and proclaiming themselves their legal guardian. That is to say by committing to behave as a good father.
a- Parents have no training, diploma or driving license.
b- The three valid children were transferred in a calculated way to 18 years without training, diploma or driving license. Their career path for employment is a permanent humiliation.
c- The fourth, autistic, may be able to escape.

From now on, parents are afraid to say that they are Pupils of the Nation and that their children have been at the Dass. They know that it is wrong with the public administration and experience confirms it. Congratulations!

They are not part of those people who spread terror all over the suburbs like the ones you talked about with Mr. Bourdin. This probably explains part of this.

Having been raped myself twice, being an adult; I know the propensity of the authorities to allow themselves to be subjugated by demonstrations of force to the detriment of law and justice.

The President of the Hauts-de-France Region had a particularly useful presence in the follow-up of this dossier as well as Senator Rapin.

I would therefore ask you to be in touch with President Bertrand so that the file of this family is resolved within legally reasonable deadlines and that a site visit is organized before any decision is taken. I planned to borrow for the rental of a car.

1- The birth of the father in Hesdin and the mother in Lille,
2- The care of each member of the family by the State at birth and the generational renewal of each tutor's default vulnerability.
3- This renewal of exclusion is contrary to recent state decisions on poverty.
But must the state keep its commitments to its Pupils, such as the father?
4- 23 years of emergency housing (1995), six years of application for Return to the country (2012), one year of prefectural decision (1 December 2017),
5- This is indeed a priority issue.

We understand that hearings are not for us. But at least we talk to them.

Thanking you for your attention and waiting to read you,

Please accept, Sir, the Special Adviser, the assurances of my highest regards,


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