dimanche, novembre 11, 2018

parity, 11.11.18, parity of right, competitive parity, glass ceiling, feminism, national assembly, merkel, administrative form, economic form

Blog: madic50.blogspot.com / Book: The two forms, ed. Amazon.

Paris, Sunday, November 11, 2018


Part1: The glass ceiling

1. Preamble
We can not do everything with ignorance and good will.

The "glass ceiling" which illustrates the current inability to realize the equal presence of both sexes in the direction and the social functioning is also built of the misunderstanding of the place of the two sexes in the functioning of the society.

This "ceiling" therefore also proceeds from ignorance that makes one blind. Knowledge is the bedrock of victorious efficiency.

This is why this text is devoted to the understanding of the social and political function of the two sexes and their relationship to the Power.

2) - The National Assembly
On September 12, 2018, on the occasion of the election of the President of the National Assembly, known as the "perch", the macho party inflicted a spectacular derangement on women and the parity of democracy.

During his inauguration speech President Ferrand will take note of the archaism of this election with these words: "I am perfectly aware that my election is more the result of political realities than the outcome of a talent competition. ".

This regression towards the conservatism of which the French cadres are accustomed does not contradict President Ferrant's remarks on the legality of his election. Each gender held its place and remained there.

1- Men
Certainly the victory of Mr. Ferrand is a victory of machismo. But, the men have won because they are known, by culture, to define the political character of this battle.

In this election, the monopoly of the candidacy by a politically homogeneous party eliminates the primacy of the stakes of political lines.
The fight between the candidates was to reserve the place of investiture to men instead of registering the position of power in the parity evolution of society.

To do this, the macho network of this party did not hesitate to use the old world methods by using powers of the internal administration of the party to eliminate a candidate and morally impress his sisters and their potential voters.

The machists fought a battle for the exercise of power. They called on the constituents of the parliamentary group to renew the dominant networks of power formation.

2- Women
The women candidates lost first because they did not behave in politics, as fighters, on the ground imposed by the circumstances, namely a competition between the two sexes for the exercise of power.

They have remained in the field of accommodation between colleagues and have, as usual, subordinated to the good will of men when it comes to power.

They locked themselves into the corporatist circle which was imposed upon them while they wanted to break with the macho evidences of its functioning.

They wanted a discontinuity by staying within the same corporatist unit that rejects this break.

They thus condemned themselves to mask the confrontation of the sexes which was the only real stake of this debate of nomination of the single de facto candidate to the Perchoir.

To say the same thing that everyone men are much better settled in the evidence of the vote.

Instead, they had to appeal to the people, that is to say to the National Assembly and the citizens who would have followed the debates.

President Ferrand recognized the political legitimacy of this approach by opposing the "majority political realities" and the "talent competition".

It is the privilege of the dominant to recognize that they are wrong and that they are just the winners of one of these fights whose victory is the only issue.

3- The mastery
Women's access to Perchoir would not have changed its line with men since they claim to be similar to that of the President.

However, a President has shown that women have gained access to this title by mastering political battles. It would have been a lever for mass parity.

The precedent of such mastery of the power issue is Angela Merkel. Her education by the German Democratic Republic has allowed her to understand that she can compete in the Chancellery.

On the other hand, the women of the Federal Republic of Germany assigned to the three Ks (kitchen, children, church) are still not able to meet this challenge.

4- Batho MP
MP Batho draws the conclusions of this defeat by stating: "Women must take power and no longer accept their exclusion. "

This is an indication that this is not the case today and it could be good news.

However, his conquest of power is based on the call to women to be "in solidarity with one another", and therefore to get out of the stakes of power. It is still not out of feminine unionism and its corporatist limits to enter politics and the universal.

Part 2: The function of both sexes
For women to "take power" and cease to be excluded, the place of both sexes in the functioning of power must be understood.

4) - Both forms
There are two forms of organization of society.

1- The economic form
The class struggle forms the social and economic system and ultimately determines all political issues.
a- The economic form produces class conflicts and their political expression. In 1789, between feudalism and the bourgeoisie.
b- That is why the exercise of the Power, of the Powers, can do without the presence of the women, even even to forbid them the access. The Duck continues to run.
It is the world of great human masses.

2- The administrative form
The distribution of the two sexes is the concrete, human matter of the administrative form of the exercise of these social and economic functions.
It is therefore the frame, the physiology, the administrative modalities of exercise of the policy.

It is the world of the individual of society, of individuality and totality; that of the 1 and 0 of computer science or 1 and 2 of social security; that of the redistribution to infinity of the "individuals" of the "totality" of the two sexes.

The administrative form produces the perimeter of social inclusion of the Power: Who is part of democracy or dictatorship, nationality and foreign?

The determination of the enlargement of the masses included in the exercise of the Power depends on the balance of forces in the economic form and thus on the organization of the Politics.

3- The links between the two reference systems can be compared to the double helix of the DNA.

5) - The visibility of these two forms
Switching from one mode of production to another transforms the administrative reports
a- Before 89, the officials, subordinated to the feudal economic form, therefore to the person of the King and the Lords and their civilian counterparts, had to devote all their energy to the financing of the feudal and royal lifestyle.
The road network was just as bad in the 18th century as it was in the 15th century.b- After 89, the same people were distributed in the public administration generated by the public administrative form subordinate to capitalism.
The same officials as under the old regime, at first, could devote their energy to the Nation.
The 19th century, particularly brutal in its clashes of classes, organized the entire road network, railway, postal, school, administrative, sewer, lighting, etc.

6) - Both votes
The passage from the feudal administration to the public administration provoked a duality in the administrative functioning.

It is the duality of census suffrage and universal suffrage.
Only the passage of the suffrage by universal suffrage allowed the universal access to the whole with the sewer and after 1945 with the electricity.

7) - The constitution of the suffrage

1- The census suffrage
The census suffrage seems to be the direct expression of the dictatorship of a ruling class.
a- The suffrage censitaire is based on the payment of the tax which is an economic data par excellence.
With universal suffrage is born the universal tax. Even today university networks claim that the poorest pay a tax to justify their right to vote.
b- The census suffrage eliminates:
An important part of the dominant classes, the middle classes, are indispensable to the proper functioning of domination.
bb- The dominated classes, workers, peasants, artisans, administrative labor.
c- The census suffrage always eliminates women.

2- Universal suffrage
Universal suffrage begins with the exclusion of women.

In 1848, universal suffrage is proclaimed. It only concerns males and more importantly metropolitan or colonial males.

The history of national suffrage is at once the construction of political citizenship and the recognition of the involvement of both administrative genders in its composition. Universality implies the inclusion of women.

3- Suffrage and the economy
Class relations determine the passage from one suffrage to another; with sometimes subtle possibilities of round trip.

However, the mode of suffrage only very imperfectly matches the balance of power between classes, social groupings, social categories.

The addition of social classes forms only an appearance of universality.

This is true as well:
a- In Europe with census or universal suffrage when reserved for men.
b- In the southern countries where universal suffrage is the hiding place of the feudal dictatorship in different forms. cf. the following.

4- The element of suffrage
Universal suffrage reveals that it is not class relations that first determine universality.

A common element in the functioning of both votes indicates that there is another reality included in the functioning of the voting modes.

Suffrage is immediately subordinated to the expression of the relations between the two sexes.

It is through the exercise of this administrative function that the suffrage allows the political intervention otherwise economic.

Voters are administrators, civil servants. Voters are citizens, politicians.

The function of suffrage is first of all the politicization of the administrative form. As such, he defines the social basin of power. To what perimeter of population will the public administration extend its inclusive action? With what populations do they work and which populations are they subject to?

To the extent that they want to use elections to change the economic and social system, social revolutionaries have always looked at the elections with caution.

These do not directly answer the questions posed by the conflicts produced by the economy. They do it only by the detour of the circuits of the administrative form.

5- Elections and politics
To the extent that social policies understand this functioning of the suffrage, they can obtain not the revolutionary change of ruling classes but the consolidation of the classes that they represent in the social basin of the Power.

This is the case of the Popular Front and the Liberation.

This is what enables them to intervene in the economic order and to participate, in fact or in law, in the exercise of power.

It is singular that in France, the suffrage of all the major inhabitants, the one that associates in law and equality the two sexes, goes hand in hand with the accession to the right to vote of the old natives but also with the Social Security. It took the political upheaval of the Second World War and the victory of Democracy over fascism.

The reality of suffrage (now always proclaimed universal) and administrative boundaries (now always total) are subject to fluctuations.

8) - The brutal intrusion of the economy
According to the verse of Aragon: From time to time the earth trembles.

Revolutions, coups de force, wars, treaties, etc., tear the administrative veil in place to rewire another.

Revolutions far from rejecting legality are on the contrary a work on the legality to bring about a new economic mode.

But in these cases, it is always possible to notice that this new administration corresponds to modifications of the relations of the two sexes and to note which ones.

A return to more domination and exclusion of one sex by another is necessarily a step backwards from Democracy.

Part 3: Parity

9) – Preamble

1- The reason
The debate on parity is born from the observation that the formalism of universal suffrage leaves the organization of the public authorities to the administrative policy based on the domination of one sex on the other.

Humanity finds itself facing global challenges with an administration whose functioning is based at best on the good will of one sex towards the other.

We do not mobilize the world population by peeping an eye.

2- The global necessity

A- The North
In the North, universal suffrage may have seemed to impose itself on social classes and their conflicts. In this case, the parity of the sexes seems to come as a finish of this emancipation and this universalist contribution.

This is so because the administrations of these countries are already universalist. They are composed of individuals and societies since Luther in the 15th century.

The religious world has been destroyed and the emancipation of the administrations towards the classes is confused with the emancipation of the people.

Nonetheless, gender equality based on the goodwill of one sex with respect to the rights of the other is beyond its limits and is manifestly attained.

Regression is the observation of all analysts.

B- The South
This is not the case in the South.

Archaic administrations have been almost entirely preserved by colonial globalization. They have just been asked to accept the necessary public administration of Capital.

They have seen the development of capitalism as an unequal mode of production among others and behave as providers of docile labor.

Universal suffrage is a façade concession. It preserves back the dictatorship of archaic administrative forms, slavery, based on the subjugation of women as administrative, social, of all social servitudes.

These are ways of feudal or colonial religious administrations.

In this context, parity is not the continuation of a movement of emancipation but the condition of its beginning.

It is the parity that will break the monolithic and especially religious administrative form and allow the realistic expression of the modernities of the economic system.

10) - Both ways
France is constitutionally parity since the 1999 reform.

It is therefore possible to examine its operation and achievements, and to make proposals so that, finally, according to the proposal of MP Batho: Women take power and no longer accept to be excluded.

We realize that parity is organized according to two ways that are identifiable to the two paths of suffrage: the censitaire and the universal.

These two parity channels are competitive parity (censitaire) and parity of law (universal).

11) - Competitive parity
Having embarked on a competitive parity with Prime Minister Jospin since the 1999 reform, we are condemned to run after all the injustices made to women, one after the other, and the negative social consequences of dominations between the sexes.

This reform founded parity on a subjective or competitive right between the sexes to form and express their formal equality.
a- Competitive parity makes special arrangements so that parity results from the meeting of individuals of both sexes with personal, social, administrative and equal capacities.
b- This parity is necessarily partial and precarious.
c- She is a shameful parity and enfeebles degrading qualifiers such as "quotas".
It drowns in an identification with all the differences, those of the varieties of the same quality: sexual, racial, cultural, etc.

Pressed to obtain results which it does not want but which it authorizes, this parity is condemned to multiply the police buttresses to force to the success a logic voted otherwise to fail at least to succeed as late as possible.

The facts show that it does not work.

It is the very principle of competitive law that subordinates the relations of the sexes to the relations of domination defined by the economy. These are now favorable to the holders of capital and unfavorable to the employees therefore to the dominant more than ever defined against the dominated.

Indeed, this logic leaves, in all the doctrines, of right as of left, a guiding place to the sexual transfiguration of the domination which is the machismo.
It can only result in this political regression that voluntarism said political and personal reality. Whether people are moral or physical.

Now, the miracle of individualist emancipation is to reproduce to infinity the dominant logics.

This logic of Sisyphus feeds the martyrdom of the combatants. As soon as their goal is achieved, it disintegrates before their eyes.

All the feminist interventions most knowledgeable of the issue report that women's rights are falling behind the outside of their accession to various positions of CEO.

Remaining to be mobilized for abortion, battered women, the image of women's place for girls, equality in municipal offices, places of government and administrative leadership, France, Europe, etc. .

It is the popular, civil expression of the fussy democracy that competitive laissez-faire requires if it is to not lead directly to the outright elimination of women who do not belong to the ruling classes.

But the Democrats will never run as fast as the reactionary and religious wave that submerges the world; including the European Union.

The most ideologically archaic circles constantly hear that the presence of women in the regular operation of the "Powers" is a permanent conquest, uncertain, difficult, always challenged, prone to retreats, made for the elite.

How can it be surprising that the most obscurantist ideological and religious regressions develop there as alternative solutions?

12) - The reasons for success
The success of competitive parity comes from its social consequences. It preserves the circuits of existing dominations by including women who share the principles.

Its female curators want a parity that certainly allows women to form a communitarian totality but only for the benefit of the women of the ruling classes and the servants of authority.

Women in the dominated classes are excluded in advance from the benefits of participation in power and its consequences. They will never be competent enough.

In fact, under the outside of radicalism, many feminists develop a logic of the same model as the suffrage censitaire or, according to the current term, elitist.

13) - Parity of right
To move to the universalist logic, parliamentarians have the window of the constitutional reform wanted by President Macron.

Democrats could on this occasion impose the parity of right.

Legal parity places gender parity in the regular functioning of institutions and public authorities.

It is no longer an option, a will, a policy. It is an administrative routine for the formation of deliberative assemblies, administrative directorates, colleges of decisions such as juries, etc.

The Mayor can dismiss the assistant from the municipal office who is too keen on his taste. She will be replaced by another woman and he will eventually calm down.

We often take the example of little girls who lose their professional ambitions when they look up to the machismo of the competition juries.

When they find it obvious that the municipal councils, the offices, but also the mayors of the department or the region, are parity, when they know that the juries are parity, they will find it obvious to prepare for their career.

This can extend to the formation of all organizations delegated a public service mission or benefiting from a well-known support of the public finances.

The Norwegians have already reportedly said that "boards of directors" must be parity or aim to be.

14) - Universal parity
Parity of right is an extension of the logic of universal suffrage.

Women are not present in the functioning of institutions because they are better or the same as men, but because they are women; the other half of humanity.
We pass from the census logic of the chosen voters to the universalist logic of the required voters on the sole criterion of belonging to the human totality.

15) - the two representations
This question is similar to those posed over the centuries by representation.

Who should represent the people in their most diverse names?

It seems obvious to us today that it is humans who represent humans and direct society.

It has not always been the case and it is not even the case everywhere.

16) - The archaic representation
Gods, abstract or animal, or natural, directed the ancient states.
Kings and Lords with Gods.
Priests intercessors with the Gods,
We must wait for the foundation of secularism by Luther and the developments of it so that societies admit that only men are competent in this respect.
This passage from extra-human representation to exclusively human representation has required the affirmation in principle that humans have by nature in them all the skills required to do so.

Not so long ago, in France, universal suffrage was fought for the inability of men to govern, to teach, to cure, etc., without God.

The ideology of human inability to govern alone is still present in the European Union.

Recently, in a debate on France info, the filmmaker Jean-Claude Carrière declared that the secular school is not enough to give morality to children and that it is responsible for abuses of school and other violence.
It was not contradicted.

In the United States, although the state is perfectly secular, that is to say that churches are separated from the state, the President has the coquetry to swear an oath on the Bible as well as the parties during a trial .

How can a man who is incapable of speaking the truth, of understanding and respecting the Constitution himself, be able to do these things by the detour of a God because he does not even understand the meaning of them? ?

The same is true in Russia, which has a perfectly secular Constitution but whose government finds it clever to impose the war of religious archaisms.

These feats are nothing more than a dangerous, even criminal, quackery.

17) - The democratic representation
Parity of law, like universal suffrage, is based on the logic of the exclusiveness of human representation in all dimensions of the direction of society.
Men are not first in command positions because they are the best but because there are positions.

These positions are the men who created them. They therefore know the questions and are empowered to provide answers.

18) - Suspicions and segregation
The move to parity is accompanied by the same questioning of women's abilities.

This questioning is taken up by competitive parity.

This logic echoes this suspicion of a possible incompetence of women that priests developed towards men and that the enemies of Democracy constantly put on the agenda to disqualify Democracy and especially parliamentary representation.

This detour by suspicion makes it possible to construct and justify a distinction between the so-called elite women, those who can, and the common women who justify the suspicions weighing on women. In short, to sort. This is the census principle.

Nevertheless, this elitist logic, even segregationist, technically reinforces the finding that today the suspicion of incapacity of women for leadership positions is unfounded.

It follows that the main function of the census parity is to prevent the transition to a logic of universal suffrage, that is, parity of right. It is an archaic tenacious diversion.

19) - The age-old ritual of obstruction
The constitutional reform of Mr Jospin and the arrangements for installing parity are typical of this logic.

In 1999, Parliament reinstated the parity route it imposed on women from 1880 to 1944 to justify their accession to formal equality and the right to vote.

As women are potentially incapable but can be competent, they must be given the opportunity to gradually integrate the responsibilities that the Males already exert from the outset.

These speeches want to make us forget that men do not occupy the place first of all according to their competence but first of all because it exists and that a human is needed.

This progressivity backwards is the specificity of French executives for a century. The vote is distinguished from the eligibility, the degrees of election are as many ranks to be crossed to access the grail of the male vote; One day.

This intellectual approach allowed France to be one of the last democracies to recognize women's right to vote.

20) - The democratic invention
This obstruction of access to universal suffrage and constitutional equality was lifted in 1944 by the National Council of Resistance.

The conflict between the two orientations, censitaire or universalist, competitive or of right, took place on March 24, 1944 in Algiers to the provisional Consultative Assembly, opened on November 3, 1943.

During this session, Fernand Grenier, Communist, is Air Minister of the Provisional Governor appointed by General de Gaulle in Algiers, April 4, 1944.
In 1959 he published "It was so ... (memories)". ed. Social.

P. 167, he thus relates this conflict between two questions and his democratic solution:
"It was also this House which, during the discussion on the reestablishment of public authorities at liberation, decided to grant women the right to vote.
A draft of the Provisional Government admitted the vote of the French for the National Assembly but rejected it for the municipal and cantonal elections.
A Commission of the Consultative Assembly, presided over by the radical Senator Giaccobi, further aggravated this already timid project, leaving no more than the right of the woman to be elected without being herself a constituent!

My comrades charged me to defend an amendment which put an end to all these subtleties.
It read as follows:
"Women will be voters and eligible under the same conditions as men".
it was clear and clean.
After a courteous but passionate discussion, the communist amendment was voted by 51 to 16 out of 67 voters.
It is from this meeting of March 24, 1944 that date actually the vote of women of France. "

The passage from the census logic that paralyzed the French Parliament during the interwar period to a universalist logic is obvious here.

General De Gaulle, President of the Government of Liberation was able to transcribe without discussion this text into law. Could his successors be able?

21) - The militant regression
The French cadres gave ground in the heat of the democratic action of the Liberation. However, they did not abandon their census logic of selection of women and their constitutional capacities.

This logic seems consubstantial with the thought of the French cadres because it is in their formation the inscription of their role of guardian of the defeat of the French Revolution. The only "never again" that they have ever joined.

In 1999, the reform Jospin is the return to the logic of census, elitist. Down with Liberation! Long live the rooms that can not be found.

Parity in the deliberative assemblies is acquired by the filter of the electoral action of the parties. These "favor" parity and therefore delay it as long as they want.

Consequently, given the equality of the elected representatives within the Assemblies, parity can not be the distribution logic of the elect in the internal dispositions.

The novelty is that the communal level this time is designated as the place of experimentation parity and the test of women in their leadership abilities.

Women will have real parity in deliberative assemblies if these, by the EU and the market, are no longer used for nothing.

22) - The reform
Parity must be placed within Assemblies and Public Authorities.
It imposes itself then on all the modalities of organizations of these.

In this case, the political parties, constitutional bodies, are no longer the delegates of the parity of the Assemblies but they include it in their own womb. This is certainly more modest but more effective.

23) – Proposals
President Macron is organizing a reform of the Constitution. It is a fact.

It may be appropriate for women and all democrats who support parity to propose the necessary reforms to install parity of right and to remove it from the subjectivity of the framework of circumstances.

The additions to the 1999 reform for Sovereignty and political parties are:
Art. 1, paragraph 2: "The law promotes the equal access of women and men to electoral mandates and elective functions, as well as to professional and social responsibilities. "
Art. 4, paragraph 2: "They contribute to the implementation of the principle set out in the second paragraph of Article 1 under the conditions determined by law. "

I propose the deletion of these articles constituting subjective or competitive parity.

They are replaced by two modifications of Art.1, paragraph 1 and the addition of a paragraph 5 to Art. 3

Art. 1, paragraph 1:
"France is an indivisible, secular, democratic and social republic.
It ensures equality before the law of all citizens without distinction of origin, race or religion.
Members have already voted:
"It ensures the equality before the law of all citizens without distinction of origin, religion or sex. "
NB: In July 2018, adding the indistinction of the sexes, the deputies voted the suppression of "without distinction of race". This necessarily leads to the organization of parties and then to public authorities based on the constitutionality of the distinction of races.

This suppression of "the indistinction of the races" (under the pressure of communitarian lobbies and the American state) necessarily entails the suppression of the "indivisibility" of the Republic and the principle of "continuity" of the State.

The demand for the suppression of these principles is already the subject of books by ideologues of religious communitarianism.

It will only be left to the factious to make the unconstitutionality of these principles recognized by the Constitutional Council. Which should not be too difficult.

It seems that the addition of the indistinctness of the "sexes" is the screen of the tribalisation of the Assemblies and the Public Authorities.

Art. 3:
Addition of paragraph 5: "The public authorities, the deliberative assemblies, are constituted by the joint, equal, universal, de jure presence of both sexes. "

This proposed wording ensures parity of rights. Both sexes will then be equally and legally present wherever public decisions are made.

24) - The cancellation of women
1- The subjectivity of the Jospin reform subjects women to the goodwill of men to recognize their value.
a- On August 30, 2016, the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM) was to provide for the replacement of ten Attorneys General.
b- The CSM found that none of the candidates was fit to perform this function.
2- All the systems of dominations, so open they always seem to remind on the occasion that they are
based on principles of domination and not of equality.

25) - Parity and Politics
The joint presence of both sexes does not give a particular political line.

The latter is the result of political struggles that are ultimately the concerns of social classes.

Unlike competitive parity, parity of law does not assign women to any qualification whatsoever. Only the sexual characteristic is a determinant of equal and legal presence in administrative networks.

It is therefore a guarantee of the personal freedom of women. As access to elections has been a guarantee of the personal freedom of men.

On the other hand, parity imposes on the policies to govern by including the two sexes which are an administrative figure of the totality of the population in its software of positive actions.

26) - The World
Politicians would like to transpose the modes of democratic organizations of the past into supranational bodies, such as the European Union or the sketches of global governance.

1- Europe
After the illusions of societies led by the blind action of competition, the Europeans must be well aware of the paramount importance of the administrative form.

Transposed to the European scale it is multiplied.

The universalist formalism is more and more the mask of machismo regressions.

I do not develop here, but it is clear that one of the reasons for the support of certain networks of senior executives to migration is the desire to use these archaic cultures, without the knowledge of these populations, to smash the mouths of women, to girls, and beyond to secularism and political democracy.

2- the World
On a global scale, the emancipation of the colonized peoples and their increasing weight in the construction of a world governance puts the parity at the center of all the administrative debates distinct from the economic debates.

There will be no Europe and no global governance without the establishment of women in all instances of public authorities and deliberative assemblies in an equal, joint, de jure and universal way.

One can lie to oneself, deceive oneself, but one can not escape this question.

27) - A historical comparison.
In 1978, the historian Philippe Dawson published an article on the conditions of the drafting of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen.
Cf .: Historical Annals of the French Revolution Year 1978 pp. 161-179

In July 1789, the National Assembly formed the 6th Bureau, to draft a draft declaration of human rights. It is not a "great man" who wrote these articles but the National Assembly on presentation of this report.

Parliament today faces a constitutional break in principle. He is in the same situation as his ancestors of 1789.

I would like parliamentarians to compare the quality of their situations, their training, their public capacities, to those of these editors and to look at each other in the mirror:

Marquis de Fumel Monségur, Field Marshal, nobility, Agen
Vauquelin, Marquis de Vrigny, captain of cavalry, nobility Alençon
The Count of Culant, brigadier of the armies of the King, nobility, Angouleme
The Marquis de Guilhem-Clermont-Lodeve, naval officer, nobility, Arles-ville.
Repoux, lawyer, Third Estate, Autun
Bouchette, lawyer, Third-state, Bailleul
David, parish priest of Lormaison, clergy, Beauvais.
The hen, lawyer, Third Estate, Besançon
De Luze Létang, Notary, Third Estate, Bordeaux
Baron de Wimpffen, sergeant, nobility, Caen.
Count de Toulouse-Lautrec, Field Marshal, Castres
Bouvet, merchant and judge consul, Third Estate, Chartres,
Lemoine de Bellisle, nobility, Chaumont-en-Vexin
Lubois, priest of Fontenay, clergy, Coutances
Baron de Chalion, advisor to the Dauphiné Parliament
Guilloz, priest of Orchamp-en-Vennes, clergy, Dôle
Beauperray, farmer and horse dealer, Third Estate, Évreux
The Marquis de Biencourt, camp marshal, nobility, Guérêt.

28) – Conclusion
Television regularly teaches us that:
1- the leaders of the country are looking for cheap ways to reform, to bring closer the power of the citizens, to give hope to the little girls, to democratize the governing bodies, etc.
2- Governments are concerned about France's place in the world and the usefulness of its message.

Parity of right corresponds to all these criteria. All over the world, people are waiting for this message from France.

It would suffice to ask Asia Bibi, American women who want to abort, French girls who give up scientific studies.


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