jeudi, mai 02, 2019

02.04.19, contribution 18, driving license 3, ASE, DASS, training, employment

blog: / Book: The Two forms, ed. Amazon

Paris, Thursday, May 2, 2019

(Continuation of reflection n ° 16 of April 8, 2019 and the letter of September 11, 2018, see: madic50)

The Chained Duck of Wednesday, April 30, 2019 publishes on the front page an article entitled "Brigitte en Live".

Written in the ordinary joke of the newspaper, this article reports "the creation of two schools for young adults without training and employment". The whole is called the Vocations Institute for Employment (Live).

Students "will be selected to take the free nine-month training, during which they will be remunerated at the SMIC".

The newspaper is interested in this charitable action for two reasons:
1- Brigitte Macron is sponsoring this venture.
2- LVMH, so Bernard Arnault, finance.

He draws a question:
"But what are you doing, François Pinault?
Will he be unhooked by his rival Arnault? No, he is eagerly waiting for Brigitte's students to hire them as stonecutters in Notre-Dame. "

The Canard extends the brilliance of the initiatives taken on the occasion of the financial support for the reconstruction of Notre-Dame de Pais.

By caricaturing Francois Pinault dropout, he takes advantage and normalizes the media interpretation of this series of facts presented as a clash.

The echo of this norm is spreading as evidence. François Pinault is the loser when he leaves first. He is disqualified when he leaves the second. It's a loser.

In the vocabulary of the French cadres, the public assignment of a man to defeat is translated by the fall of the spiritual, the school, the material, the size of the stones.
a- In the face of schooling, François Pinault has nothing to offer but the baseness of material tools.
The inferiority of his generosity naturally succeeds the emptiness of his public imagination.
The public has no problem with this idea of ​​competition between these two businessmen. However, from now on, this competition, real or supposed, is a public and political fact. What these people can do in the field in which they are engaged is of interest to the public.

This field of action is the one that Minister Macron had in his time called the varieties of "illiteracy". It has become eminently political and it will become one of the places of social clashes to come.

The formula "young adults without training and without employment" that takes up the Live is a partial recovery of the social definition of the wards of the Nation, the "children of the Dass" recently become "the children of the ASE".

They are removed from their families in the cradle and rejected at age 18, while they can be followed up to 22 years. This, for the sole purpose that they do not ask for accounts.

The state is committed to them to behave as a good father. One of the most powerful, qualified and organized corporations in the world is failing in the exercise of its responsibilities.

This observation is well known to social workers.

On this ground, François Pinault can make himself useful to the public. It would be possible for him to intervene on a restricted social place respecting the principle of universality and opening on an evolution for all.

It is enough for him to develop in its entirety the formula that the Live uses: the "young adults without training and without employment" and "without driving license".

The driver's license is one of the essential training courses that a good father must take into consideration with regard to the children he is in charge of and who has the capacity to cope with them.

This is where a person of initiative and money can make himself useful and enjoyable. By allowing "young adults without training and without employment", so without money, to obtain the driving license.

The targeting of "children of ESA" meets the rule of universality of French law.

The donor does not select the beneficiaries, he accepts indiscriminately all the persons who were the subject of a seizure, said placement, itself indistinct, by the State. The only criteria being those of the public good.

At the initiative of several entrepreneurs, the status of the passage of the Driving License is now undergoing a radical transformation.

Even if it is only partial, the passage of the Permit leaves social segregations and sexist presented as evidence that had conditioned for several decades his career. Like a concrete slab resting on the hopes of the most vulnerable.

Financing the passing of the State and Nation children' Driving License will inexorably lead to a reconsideration of its conception, its pedagogy, its goals, for all.

To put it simply, young road drivers are also an expression of the elitist driving license culture.

Certainly, it would be very useful to finance the schools of "stonecutters". It would be a particular initiative of the most beneficial.

However, financing the driving license of a group legally recognized and rescued for its vulnerability would give its members a decisive part of the civilian equipment to "catch the fish".

It would also give them hope and pride. This novelty would not be too much.

It would not be unimportant for outstanding businessmen to be part of the public debate on the stalling of part of the population and the means of remedying it.


blog: / Book: The Two forms, ed. Amazon

Paris, Monday, April 8, 2019

CONTRIBUTION (16) TO THE NATIONAL DEBATE WISHED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC IN 2019. PAYMENT OF THE DRIVING PERMIT BY THE STATE TO CHILDREN OF THE ESA; He is their father of intention (Continuation of the reflection n ° 15 of April 5, 2019, cf: madic50)
By abducting children from their parents, especially those who are seized at birth, the state is committed to behaving as a good father.

The French State is one of those which concentrates the most important social, educational, educational and financial capacities.

He therefore has no argument to suggest to justify his failures against them.

However, these children, of the Public Assistance, of the Dass, today of the ASE, are massively put artificially in right and on this motive driven from the administration the day of their 18 years, practically on time near.

They can not take advantage of the opportunity for them to benefit from the help that the state, their father of intent, is committed to give them until 25 years.

They are thrown out without a diploma, without training, without a driving license; without housing of course.

As in the 19th century, under the title of the Public Assistance, they are trained to be prison meat, psychiatric, taillable and corveables at thank you for the entrepreneurial gamblers.

On the occasion of the Great Debate, the State can partially repair the damage done to these young people by those who had to train them to face with dignity adult life.

The father of intention of these young people, the State, must pay them the driving license, until its obtaining. This permit is essential today for work and family life.

The state can at least do that. This will be the mark of the consideration he pays to his children.


blog: / Book: The Two forms, ed. Amazon

Paris, Tuesday, September 11, 2018

In copy: Presidents of Parliament / Chairmen of Parliamentary Groups

Mr. President of the Republic,

You are concerned about poverty.

Would it not be possible for the state to involve its own children in measures to prevent poverty from recurring indefinitely?
State children are those with whom the state has engaged in the responsibilities of parents.

They are called "Pupils of the Nation" or "Children of the ESA"; formerly Children of Public Assistance and then Dass.

Often, they were abducted from their parents in the cradle, at the state nursery.

They come out weakened or even annihilated.

Social discrimination and hatred of the poor are the norm. State officials do not even look for the least interim solution. Children are seized simply because one of the parents is at Cotorep and the other parent is generally poorly educated.

The poverty trap is working at full capacity. The parents leave the Dass, the children return from birth, the grandchildren are sure to be seized by the ASE. Great-grandparents were already there.

The result is almost constant. They are expelled at 18, without training, without a diploma, without a driving license, without a job, without a home, or the ability to have one.

What can the state, with the support of Parliament, do for the children of Harkis, do it for its own children, whose birth he took responsibility?

To this end, I ask to be received by the competent person whom you will designate to speak of concrete cases likely to provide a jurisprudence.

Thanking you for your attention and waiting to read you,

Please accept, Mr President of the Republic, the assurances of my highest regards,


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