vendredi, septembre 10, 2021

covid4, 10.09.21, compulsory vaccination, vaccination pass, anti pass, raoult professor of medicine, media,


Marc Salomone / blog: / Book: The Two Forms, ed. Amazon

Paris, Friday September 10, 2021

N. Ref. : Letters of June 16, July 12, July 22, August 10, September 4

"When the cat is away, the mice dance" Lao Tsou Lao Tsou


Mr. President of the Republic,

You have put yourself aside from the debate on compulsory vaccination.

This mechanically follows the maintenance of regression devices that allow all corporations of public chatter to keep control of public disturbances while claiming to want to guarantee order.

Professor Raoult takes the penetrated air of the old sage of the Mountain to declare that those who died should be vaccinated.

In other words, only people at risk, including the elderly, should be vaccinated.

Admittedly, it justifies vaccination but it delivers exactly the thesis of all the opponents to the vaccination obligation associated with the opponents of the sanitary pass.

This cunning formulation allows the media to take it to heart.

And, it is set out again for a round of vaticinations on the ineptitude of the vaccination of the under 65 years and the not fragile.

The absence of a government decision on the legal vaccination obligation puts the competent public authorities, in their diversity, in competition with charlatans, strong minds, sectarians, unrepentant talkers, morons.

In doing so, the Government and the Parliament withdraw from them any practical authority which is that of the last word. How then can we claim to see them act?

The strong minds of the PAF no longer hesitate to question the scientific quality of the statements of the medical authorities.

The wave of the start of the 2020 school year was a direct result, by the rejection, during the summer, of barrier gestures in the name of the obsessive nature of the recommendations of the doctors.

The two million old unvaccinated do not wait to have the courage to be vaccinated.

They are waiting for the Government to have the courage to exercise its prerogatives.

How many minors are waiting to be able to authorize themselves by law to be vaccinated?

Compulsory vaccination is not a matter of medical confidentiality but of compliance with a legal obligation.

From the moment when vaccination is compulsory, its verification is done by:

a- social security

b- the vaccination pass,

c- companies

It is done mainly because everyone feels free to communicate orally.

Thanking you for your attention,

Please accept, Mr. President of the Republic, the assurance of my best regards,


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