samedi, septembre 04, 2021

covid 3, 04.09.21, compulsory vaccination, new caledonia, presidency, parliament,


Marc Salomone / blog: / Book: The Two Forms, ed. Amazon

Paris, Saturday September 4, 2021

N. Ref. : Letters of June 16, July 12, July 22, August 10, 2021

Mr. President of the Republic,

What a slap in the face for the managers of the Metropolis!

The Caledonians, who are always presented to us as being on the verge of civil confrontation, have unanimously decided on compulsory vaccination for all, unless medically indicated.

New Caledonia is Free-Covid.

Its hierarchs therefore had every reason to delay, to palaver, to postpone, to postpone, to proclaim, to phrase, to quibble, to nitpick, to sing the refrain of French executives: We almost had to act, but luckily we managed to do nothing!

In Metropolitan France, speaking is more than ever:

a- to strong minds who proclaim with compunction that the medical point of view is important but that it is not the only one to be taken into account, the vaccines have not revealed all their secrets, only the old must imperatively be vaccinated , young people are not at risk or they are ridiculous.

b- mothers who claim to decide alone on the advisability of vaccinating their children.

c- fathers who claim to decide on their own the quality of the vaccine to be injected into their children.

d- to legal experts who proclaim public health to be liberticidal and contrary to the constitution.

We are promised the paralysis of the country if the unvaccinated are not admitted into companies.

We are preparing the call to insurrection against the government which in the name of the vaccination obligation will send its janissaries to tear up the old men, children, pregnant women, the infirm, in their beds to lead them to the vaccination camp of where they will never come out.

The French have already responded with Cambronne's word to this ideological masquerade.

a- 80% of adults are vaccinated.

b- minors have a remarkable desire for vaccination.

c- As the healing perlimpine powders are disqualified by science, the French find that the vaccine is their only weapon, personal and national.

We must put an end to the demonization of the vaccine obligation.

It aims first of all to enable the public authorities, health services and volunteer citizens to take all the initiatives to achieve the set goal.

The lesson of civic-mindedness and responsibility of elected Caledonians brings us back to this question:

When is the French government going to ask parliamentarians to vote on the legislative mechanism allowing this universal, that is to say compulsory, vaccination coverage to be achieved?

Thanking you for your attention,

Please accept, Mr. President, the assurance of my best regards,


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