lundi, septembre 18, 2017

korea 7- 09/18/17; Korea, UN, Haley, Lavrov, Kim, armistice, conference

Paris, Monday, September 18, 2017

Part 1: French text / Part 2: English text, Google translation

1- President of the French Republic

2- European Commission
3- UN
4- Embassies: North Korea (Berne), South Korea, China, European, Japan, Russia, USA.
5- Presidents of Parliament and French Parliamentary Groups

Reflection on a statement by Mrs. Haley, Permanent Ambassador of the United States to the United Nations, Mr. Kim, President of North Korea, Mr. Lavrov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

On September 17, 2017, in an interview with CNN, Ms. Nikki Haley, US Permanent Ambassador to the United Nations, said: "We all know that if North Korea keeps this behavior aggressive, Must defend or defend their allies, North Korea will be destroyed. "

Ms. Haley justifies her point of view by the failure of "diplomatic means": "We wanted to be accountable and use every diplomatic means to pay attention to us," Haley said. "If that does not work, General Mattis will take care of it."

Previously, the United States rejected the joint proposal of China and Russia.

What they call a "reasonable plan" is a double "freeze"
a- Kim Jong-one freezes all nuclear tests and launches of ballistic missiles,
b- The United States and South Korea freeze large-scale military exercises, regularly used as a pretext in North Korea to carry out tests.

No one has given North Korea advice on this proposal and it is unclear whether it was addressed to him.

This effacement of the principal interested in the diplomatic conversation refers to the characteristic of the proposals of the Powers concerned in this debate.

They are all:
1- Excluding the participation of North Korea, or even the two Koreas, in the solution.
2 - Be secret.
This is what Mrs. Haley calls, as her alter egos, "all diplomatic means."
b- When Mr. Lavrov, Russian Minister for Foreign Affairs, stated that "there is no alternative to political and diplomatic means of solving the problem", he refers to the proposal of the "freeze" and therefore to the verticality of its diplomacy.

Yet the whole strategy of the successive North Korean governments is precisely to prohibit any discussion of Korea and a fortiori any evolution of the Korean situation without the knowledge or against North Korea.

President Kim Jong-un summarized the doctrinal view of the North Korean government before the members of the Department of Defense Industry of the Central Committee of the Korean Labor Party, according to the Central Press Agency North (KCNA):
"Our ultimate goal is to ensure a real balance of nuclear forces with the United States and to force US leaders to stop their speculation about the possibility of a military solution for our country."
He called on the country's engineers and scientists to continue the modernization of national missiles:
"We have to demonstrate that we are capable of setting up the nuclear forces of our state despite the unprecedented sanctions," Kim quoted Yohnap as saying.

In doing so, it is in the function assigned to it by the armistice of July 27, 1953.

The armistice separates not two distinct, sovereign "states", but distinguishes within a single country two military-political teams to which it assigns territory to be directed.

As a result, Reunification becomes the political agenda of these two teams.

This subordination to the Reunification is symbolically marked by the refusal of the so-called South Korean team to ratify the armistice.

For both sides, this armistice is only part-delivered. Their vocation is Reunification.

So the North Korean government plays the score assigned to it by giving itself the means to never be subverted by the forces associated with South Korea.

The former precarious balances guaranteed by the great powers everywhere lead to the multiplication of the nuclear demand of the subordinate countries as a supreme guarantee of sovereignty.

By its nuclear armament, North Korea means that the two Koreas can no longer be considered indefinitely as puppets of the Allied Powers.

It is therefore particularly counterproductive to base "diplomatic and political means" on the intimation of the two Koreas to accept being subjected to American maneuvers and Chinese hegemony.

Kim Jong-un's military-political team is in the role of giving the color of the absolute to its territorial and unifying assignment established under the aegis of the UN.

It gives itself "the means" to compensate the differential of civil power with the military-political team of South Korea.

The calculation is not absurd for two reasons:
1- Everyone knows that even if North Korea was "destroyed", its territory could only become a no-man’s-land.
a- Indeed, China and Russia will never agree to share a border with the team of South Korea, in other words the United States.
b- This scenario would reproduce the previous figure anyway since China and Russia should take over the function of the government of North Korea.

2- Nuclear warfare cannot be local.
On July 8, 2017, General Vincent Desportes, former director of the War School, noted that "We have forgotten the theory of nuclear winter, which means that beyond four or five nuclear bombs the Earth stops living due to clouds of dust and radiation. "

Western journalists believe that the evidence of military destruction is likely to push back the North Korean government.
This is not the case and it will be less and less the thought, even public, of the countries of the South.
b- Atomic weapons of several countries of the South go hand in hand with the growth of their political presence.

What to do?

The question is not to run after a "peace" which would reintroduce into the conversation both the reasons for the war and the demand for reunification.

We must get out of the armistice. How?

1- Recognize both parts of Korea as full-fledged interlocutors and not unruly performers who can be consulted in secret.

2- Bring all the parties together in a conference which can be chaired by the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

3- The two Korean parties:
a- Recognize that they have become two distinct sovereign nations.
b. Formally renounce reunification and any measures designed to achieve it.
c. Abandon any warlike enterprise from one to the other.
d- Can change name.
4- The Allied Parties
Abandon any enterprise aimed at imposing their hegemony, civil or military, on the sovereign Korean country connected to the other network of alliances.

5- The atom
The two countries thus created comply with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty of which they are or have been signatories.

Such compliance with international law is possible because neither party could legally consider subjecting the other; to do so in the name of the law.

6- The announcement
The UN Secretary General addresses the two populations directly to announce and explain the contents of the agreement.

The demonstrations of force, no doubt legitimate and useful, would serve to build two countries and to consolidate peace, instead of aiming to "destroy" the "United States" and "North Korea".

The formula of Mr. Lavrov indicates on this occasion that a place is to be taken: "The first step must be made by the strongest and the most intelligent".

In his speech of 8 July, General Desportes also said:
1- "The French are not sufficiently aware that an exchange of thermonuclear shots would be extremely serious for our country ... This crisis concerns very directly the French. »
2- "But to be able to make one's voice heard one must be able to act. It is clear that neither Europe nor France have the means to act. Soft power only works if you have hard power.
3- "The only country that can do anything seriously outside the United States is China. »

Is it too much to ask Europeans to notice that precisely:

1- Chinese President Mr. Xi telephoned Ms. Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, and Mr. Macron, French President, to ask them to intervene.

2- China has indicated to France a place of overlap between soft power and hard power, namely the Security Council: "China hopes that France, as a permanent member of the Security Council of the United Nations, will play a constructive role in calming the situation and restarting dialogue (in the North Korean case)."

It would be welcome if the Europeans answered the question.


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