vendredi, octobre 05, 2018

Salvation Army 2, 05.10.18 magistrate, minister, equality,

Email: / blog:

Paris, Thursday, October 4, 2018

Madam Minister of Justice,

I do not have money for the RAR. I hope nobody will take this opportunity to erase the text below.

1) - The overflow

1- On the one hand:
Magistrates use the press to say the President of the Republic "this guy is crazy. He does what he wants. For the sole reason that he recalls that the magistracy is an authority and that he alone is a power; that is, he proceeds from universal suffrage.

They also take the opportunity to say that "Nicole Belloubet is a minister without power and unable to choose the right person. "

2- On the other hand:
They consciously organize the inequality of the French before the law by social and racial segregation.

I lived their solidarity with the rapists, the torturers, the thieves, according to the social status of the aggressors and the aggressed.

Today, I learn that the same goes for racism and the immediate individual consequences of this practice; in this case the deprivation of meals.

Even in case of danger the poor French can never access justice.

I'm fed up !

3- The maneuver
The Union of Magistrates USM says about the appointment of the Prosecutor of the Republic of Paris: "There is a kind of power maneuver that is problematic."
It recognizes that the activity of the top executives of the state can be "maneuver" and "problematic".
This is exactly what the action of the prosecutor of the Republic in this complaint.

2) - the facts
The simplicity of the facts:
Two men, aged 20 and 68, both leave the hospital for a broken ankle. They both have a brooch and screws as an ankle.
They arrive the same day, at the same time, simultaneously, at the Salvation Army Soup, in the lobby of the former Chamber of Commerce.
They both claim, simultaneously, not to be forced to go into the queues that are reserved for them, because of the danger they run obviously for their ankles in the jostling inherent in these files.
The three customary guards recognize these dangers.
They accept the request for one and refuse it for the other.
They tell one to stand aside to avoid the jostling.
They enjoin the other to join his line.
The first is Arabic, the second French.
The guards are Arab and black.

When French tells the guardian that racism is constituted, he tells him to the magistrates:
You tell them that! And He waves up and down a finger of honor.
Then he mobilizes Arabs who come to the soup.

There is no doubt about the racism of the approach and the consequences of endangering others.

The Director of the Center and the National Directorate of the Salvation Army say that the guards are their exclusive representatives.

3) - The complaint
You will find the full complaint below.

I lodge a complaint for:
"Complaint against x for racism, refusal of assistance to a person in danger, refusal to comply with the public purpose of his business, refusal of food, association of criminals, calculation and premeditation. "

The prosecution receives the complaint on September 17, 2018, the RAR being taken as proof.
He answers on September 19, 2018.
In other words: he answers by return mail.

1- Attention
The public prosecutor says: "I have the honor to inform you that I have read your complaint of September 10, 2018, which has received my full attention. "
He did not take the time to pay any attention.

As for rapes, tortures, thefts:
a- He gauged the social condition of the speakers, the assailant is poor, the aggressor is a semi-public institution.
b- As a result, he covered the offense or the crime of the institution of the strongest socially.

2- All is allowed with a poor person.

A- The maneuver
a- The public prosecutor conveys this complaint in the service of the "press and protection of freedoms".
b- It finds that the "facts" are "denounced under a qualification other than that of insult"
c. He therefore creates facts which he declares to be nonexistent for this service.
B- The trick
a- He discovers that these facts that he himself invented:
b- Do not therefore concern the 6th division, section AC4
c- "Do not appear characterized" under the qualification of insult.
C- It follows:
"As a result your complaint is closed to my prosecution under the number indicated above. "
D- The signature is intentionally made illegible. Why name yourself in front of a poor person?

3- The undue transfer
By resorting to this trick, the public prosecutor himself says that the racist action without sentence and the refusal of assistance do not belong to the 6th division, AC4.
The transfer of the complaint in this service is therefore corporatist solidarity.

4) - The injury
Addressing a poor, the public prosecutor believes smart, funny no doubt, stacking vexations:
"Furthermore, I tell you that the prosecutor's office does not take the initiative to investigate and prosecute personal injury. "

I recall that the only "insult" that was made and that is "characterized" was intended for "justice".
Even a sub-man knows that "justice" is not a "particular" but an institution.
The prosecution can therefore take "the initiative of investigation and prosecution of insult".

5) - The obstruction
By referring to the Dean of Investigating Judges, the public prosecutor knows full well that he is obstructing the functioning of justice.

1- Accessibility
a- The procedure initiated by the prosecution is free.
b- The procedure initiated by the Dean is paid. Regardless of the law, the Dean requires a sum that was in 2000 2000 euros for a complaint for rape and torture filed by a smicard. It did not have to diminish.
Money, therefore, automatically eliminates the poor.

2- Legal Aid
These remarks are all the more odious because the public prosecutor knows that the condition for legal aid or private legal insurance to work is the opening of an investigation, the judicial consideration of the complaint.

The presence of a lawyer is necessary first of all to understand the legal mumbo jumbo such as: "You have the faculty either to seize the competent civil or criminal jurisdiction, or to (see) before the Dean of the investigating judges. "

This institutional requirement is mentioned in the complaint. The prosecutor has read it, he knows it, he has fun.

3- Deprivation of a lawyer
When the public prosecutor says: "I invite you to contact a lawyer who can assist you in your approach",

He knows :
a- That he addresses a poor man who eats at the charitable soup
b- It prohibits him any legal aid by refusing the engagement of pursuits,
c) It therefore prohibits the access of this litigant to a lawyer.

6) - The inequality of the French before the courts
If the roles were reversed, if the complainant was an Arab French and the aggressor a European French, the judicial information of the media show that the prosecutor would have followed this racist aggression.
The public prosecutor is there in "a sort of maneuver" which "poses a problem".

7) – Conclusion
Under cover of a ritual reminder of the settlement, the public prosecutor threatens to take sides with the attackers.

I would not say it surprises me. These threats are the ordinary course of action of magistrates towards the poor and the vulnerable.

Certainly, I do not allow myself to say who will be the prosecutor of the republic

But I am able to ask you that the one who is in place for everyone, that he works according to the rules of equality of all before the law, and that it allows access for all to a lawyer.

It took them less than a day to take up the fight for the racists. I hope it will not take much more to compel them to take sides for the right.

Thanking you for your attention and waiting to read you,

Please accept, Madam Minister, the assurances of my highest regards,


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