vendredi, octobre 05, 2018

Salvation Army3, 5.10.18, Judicial Act, Complaint, Dean of Investigating Judges

6th DIVISION / SECTION AC4 / Press and Protection of Freedoms

Paris, the 19/09/2018
The prosecutor
Mr. Marc SALOMONE 122 bis boulevard DAVOUT 75020 PARIS

Our / Ref: P 18261000671


I have the honor to inform you that I have read your complaint of September 10, 2018, which has received my full attention.

The facts which you denounce under a qualification other than that of insult do not appear characterized.

Furthermore, I tell you that the prosecution does not take the initiative to investigate and prosecute personal injury.

As a result your complaint is dismissed to my prosecution under the number indicated above.

You have the option of either going to the competent civil or criminal court or requesting the opening of a judicial inquiry by filing a civil suit with the senior investigating judge.

Your attention is drawn to the consequences that could result from an insufficiently motivated or unjustified civil suit (Articles g1 and 177-2 of the Code of Criminal Procedure) and the fact that the limitation period is 3 months to count the date of the facts. Beyond this time, your case can not be judged.

I invite you to contact a lawyer who can assist you in your process.

Please accept, Sir, the expression of my highest consideration.

P / The public prosecutor,
Illegible signature

TG l - Public Prosecutor's Office - Section AC4 Courts of the Paris Court 75017 PARIS
Telephone: 0144325151 Fax: O144326067


Paris, Thursday, October 4, 2018

Madam, Sir, the Dean of the Examining Magistrates

I have the honor to join you below:
1- The Dean's complaint form and the 2018 tax notice.

2- The letter from the Attorney General of the Republic enjoining me to contact you in order to bring me a civil action.
3- The complaint dated September 10, 2018.
4- The letter addressed to the Minister of Justice.

This text is angry because the obstruction of the floor is unbearable here.

a- He knows very well that I need a judicial commitment to apply for a lawyer with the BAJ or AXA Legal Insurance.

b- It proceeds by a clever maneuver to refuse me this commitment and thus support the racist fault because it targets a poor French.

c- He knows that the appointment of a judge by the prosecution is free and that the same appointment by the Dean is paid.

He knows that the Dean is systematically asking for a deposit, which is unpayable by a poor man, and that in this way the matter ranks itself.

e- I have been raped twice and tortured twice to have my complaints taken away, I know the music.

The public prosecutor contributes to the now visible civil disorder by distinguishing between racisms; those whom he supports and those whom he condemns.

This amounts to guaranteeing impunity that the racists concerned receive perfectly.

They know that by giving a finger to the court, when their victim tells them that he is going to lodge a complaint, they are demonstrating a public power that will be legalized by the courts.

Thanking you for your attention,

Please accept, Mr Dean of Investigating Judges, my best regards,


Model of the official website of the French administration.


"Madam / Mr. Dean of Investigating Judges,"

"I have the honor hereby to lodge a complaint with a civil party" against x. "

Complaint against x for racism, refusal of assistance to person in danger, refusal to comply with the public purpose of his business, refusal of food, association of criminals, calculation and premeditation.

"Here are the facts incriminated:
1- See attached the complete preliminary complaint.
2- Summary of the leading facts: The simplicity of the facts:
Two men, aged 20 and 68, both leave the hospital for a broken ankle. They both have a brooch and screws as an ankle.
They arrive the same day, at the same time, simultaneously, at the Salvation Army Soup, in the lobby of the former Chamber of Commerce.
They both claim, simultaneously, not to be forced to go into the queues that are reserved for them, because of the danger they run obviously for their ankles in the jostling inherent in these files.
The three customary guards recognize these dangers.
They accept the request for one and refuse it for the other.
They tell one to stand aside to avoid jostling.
They enjoin the other to join his line.
The first is Arabic, the second is French.
The guards are Arab and black.

When French tells the guardian that racism is constituted, he tells him to the magistrates:
You tell them that! And He waves up and down a finger of honor.
Then he mobilizes Arabs who come to the soup.

a- There is no doubt about the racism of the approach and the consequences of endangering others.
b- The Director of the Center and the National Directorate of the Salvation Army declare that the guards are their exclusive representatives.

"You will establish the materiality of the facts leading to this aggression, their existence, by questioning the Director of local and national who are stakeholders in this case.

"In accordance with Article 88 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, given my low resources, 959 euros per month, and given the importance of the case, I ask you to be exempted from paying a deposit to pay at the registry. "

"Looking forward to your reply, please accept, my best regards. "


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