dimanche, octobre 21, 2018

21.10.18, castaner, collomb, populations, islam of France, macron,

blog: madic50.blogspot.com / Book: The two forms, Amazon

Paris, Sunday, October 21, 2018


The Minister of the Interior, Mr. Castaner, says in the JDD of 21, 10, 18: "When you put thirty more policemen in a neighborhood, it changes everything - police officers that I met on the ground. 'have said ".

Experience shows that this is false and the statement of Mr. Collomb, Mr. Castaner's predecessor, is precisely intended to say that the time for experiments is closed.

By contrast, on April 21, 2018, for the first time at this level of responsibility, 300 personalities signed a petition claiming "low-level ethnic cleansing".

My family, a worker, being at 93 in Saint-Denis and 92 in Malakoff, I know a little about the process of "low-level ethnic cleansing" in the suburbs.

However, this community text only concerns Jews. As such, it constitutes a break in the national unity and is therefore theoretically part of the division between the French, of which this "low-noise purification" is one of the practices.

Nevertheless, it indicates that the logic of the loss of authority of the authorities over "territories" is first of all the fact of a change of population for the benefit of certain populations and to the detriment of others. .

This petition expressly names these conquering peoples by their ideology of gathering that is Islam.

To clarify the primacy of this reference to others, the authors advocate that only Muslims are entitled to debate the validity of the Koranic text.

For the first time, certain principles of Islam are recognized as having responsibilities in the public facts considered.

This tribal and non-national conception of public debate is contrary to the principles of freedom, equality, universality and secularism of public and scientific debate.

Notwithstanding these archaic obstacles; you do not say anything else, and nobody says anything else, announcing that you will present to the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, in "a few days" the results of the consultation organized in each department on the organization of the Islam of France.

This questioning is all the more difficult as the public authorities are fully involved in this unequal intersection of newcomers and runners, since the latter is based first of all on social housing, the allocation of which is administrative.

What I am experiencing in my neighborhood of the 20th ardt is that the use of independent commissions of attribution only emphasizes the institutional penetration of ethnico-religious networks.
In my city, for the past three or four years, 90 per cent of children have gone to primary school. They are primarily Muslim as marriages give it to see.

I am also a public writer for 25 years. I see the difference in racial treatment sometimes for the benefit of migrants and sometimes to the detriment of the French by social landlords and if necessary by the prefecture services.

For example :
a- It is enough to write to a Parisian lessor to ask him for the attribution of a lodging to a retired Algerian living in Algeria; under family reunification with his clandestine daughter married to a legal migrant.
Three months later, a home is allocated to him. He does not suit him and he gets another one.
It is not, but not all, the same procedures or the same deadlines for the French.
b- At the mention of the possible "racist" character of a parking fine deposited on the windshield of a car, the official and the driver not having seen each other, the suppression of the fine is accompanied by a letter of apology from the Sub-Prefect.

The consequences in the organization of local institutional political life are now visible.

1- The ethnic division of the control of the polling stations as well by the composition of the administrative staff of the polls as by the massive entry of organized ethnic militants at the time of the counting to occupy the place and to prevent the "whites" or "French" d 'participate.
The distribution of electoral sites between Africans and Maghreb.
2- Retired, I attend public meetings at which the most diverse parties suits me by the Net.
a- I note everywhere the permanent presence of ethnico-religious delegations, from 2 to 5 members, whose sole purpose is to adorn itself with a power of control of public speech. If the warning is not understood, the ideological gray-gray of racism gives way to religious imprecations and incantatory calls.
b- This contrasts with the absence of these populations as curious. This, even though they are massively present in the neighborhood.
c- That, for example, in the municipal assemblies of the Socialist Mayor for which I vote only in the cultural assemblies of the Communist Party or the right-wing assemblies to which I am invited.

From the examination of a formula of the Minister of the Interior: this succinct purpose has the sole purpose of substituting one text for the other and to allow the comparison of the validity of the two texts.
a- The Minister says: "When you put thirty more policemen in a neighborhood, it changes everything"
b- I think it must be said: When you put thirty (French) more in a neighborhood, it changes everything


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