lundi, avril 22, 2024

19.04.24, minors and adults, delinquency, crime, ordinance of 1945


Marc Salomone / 1 Email:

blog: / Book: The Two Forms (Amazon)

Paris, Friday April 19, 2024

Mr Prime Minister,

You declare “Today, it is the Republic which counterattacks”. Either but against whom?

If you choose to disqualify, dismantle, deconstruct, the 1945 Ordinance on the points of minority excuse and priority re-education, you will publicly give in to the sirens of the scoundrel and you will no longer be able to stop the anarchy of the little masters , castes, communities, lobbies, etc.

I support the President of the Republic through En Marche and Renaissance because he has partially restored the State.

I will not condone a betrayal of the commitments deemed necessary for the restoration of the dignity of France and the functioning of a democratic State by those who, at the Liberation, restored its continuity.

On the other hand, you have serious avenues to begin to counter the stranglehold of crime on part of the youth and public order.

Here's one: Why don't you say anything about adults who supervise juvenile delinquents?

You don't mention them anywhere even though they appear everywhere in news reports.

1- The silent penal code

Why does the penal code not stipulate that:

a- adults who accompany, directly influence, supervise juvenile delinquents in their delinquency are jointly responsible for the acts attributable to these minors in the course of this delinquency, including unforeseen events (pedestrians run over, police officers injured),

b- magistrates and investigators must seek out the major influencers of such juvenile delinquency.

c- Adults are judged as adults for the fault committed by the minor under their recognized responsibility.

d- Minors are judged according to the 1945 ordinance.

2- The omnipresent absentees

a- I'm not talking about parents who are overwhelmed or have educational problems. I am talking about adults who can, on occasion, also be parents.

For example, in the case of the attack on a school principal in Marseille.

The mother is both “parent” and “adult.”

She trains her daughters as a mother but in action, she is the adult who manipulates her children, one of whom is an adult.

It is due to a mother's educational failure that the little one does not have the school trip signatures.

It is through adult manipulation towards people over whom she has authority that she finds herself insulting the teaching staff and that her adult daughter commits an outburst for which the mother must therefore be declared co-responsible not as a mother but as an adult. of authority.

b- young Nahel, 17 years old, drove a Mercedes car, a high-end car, from Poland, through a high-end rental network. It was not stolen. He didn't get it alone.

If the “accompanies” who provided him with this car were co-responsible for the misconduct resulting from this loan, but also co-responsible for the death of this minor due to these misconduct caused by the supply of this vehicle, the prior reports of these “accompanied” minors to their “accompanying” adults would no longer be the same.

c- Minors who drive dangerously in stolen or loaned cars are always accompanied by adults who declare that they are there because they have trusted the driver.

Rapists always state that they were unaware that their victim did not consent.

If this accompanying adult were jointly responsible for the refusals to comply and the injuries caused by the faults of this minor driving (including on the same minor), the relationship between them would no longer be the same.

c- We are told that the settling of scores at the Kalashnikov is increasingly carried out by minors.

If the "accompaniers" who supply weapons, sponsor the murders, benefit from the action, were co-responsible for the homicides caused, they being judged as adults and the minor benefiting from the excuse of minority, for the same homicide, the relationships between they would inevitably evolve.

d- if an adult takes joint criminal responsibility for all rapes or assaults committed by minors in his gang, even if he himself remained a spectator, or even absent from the places where the crimes were committed, the reports of each would change.

Such a system would completely overhaul the relationships between those involved in crime (parents, children, minors, adults, victims, offenders, authorities, etc.)

It would give the authorities the means to approach juvenile delinquents, their parents, those around them, with weapons other than those of helplessness.

It would change the function of the cork that floats with the water of miners.

I note that this principle is simple enough to be able to be taught in schools. Which goes in the direction of strengthening the usefulness of morale courses.

The State would get out of the parent-child-police cul-de-sac and get back on track that it knows well; namely the individual repression of crime.

In the case of the Director of Marseille, it is not the mother who would be repressed in her always obscure family functions, it is the adult who at a given moment commits an offense of manipulating people under her authority who would be repressed. .

In a short time, you could have an instrument for managing attacks supported by adults at school and for repressing manipulation of minors by the police.

Other effective provisions could consolidate secularism and the training of students through knowledge and the pleasure of its exercise, but the current obscurantism undoubtedly makes them premature although they are already late. This is how a country falls.

Thanking you for your attention and looking forward to hearing from you,

Please accept, Mr Prime Minister, the assurance of my respectful greetings,

Marc Salomone

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