mardi, août 21, 2018

compensation18 21.08.18 bayer monsento justice ong ecology damages,

Google translation: the reference text is the French text.

Paris, Tuesday, August 21, 2018


1)- The fracture
On August 10, 2018, a US court sentenced Monsanto to a $ 289 million fine including 250 million punitive damages. The complainant claimed $ 400 million.

Even if the US court rings the charge against Monsento in the name of public health and personal rights; the complexity of the case comes from what it associates:
a- Capitalist upheavals, such as the merger competition of Dow-Dupont on June 16, 2017 and Bayer-Monsento on June 7, 2018,
b- Environmental issues,
c- Public health issues,
d- The overt nationalism of the American state for several years.

Whether it's the Executive-Live affair, Volkswagen, or Monsanto; the US state still has "5000" complainants on hand.

This time, the combination of capitalistic clashes, the environment, public health, leads to a kind of globalization of the case and the fate of purely professional disputes.

According to Le Monde 14.08,18: "In fact, if the stock market sanctions are added to the concert of environmental criticism, the vise will tighten around the German group. "

2)- Cooperation
The suffering American masses and the European protest masses give a political dimension to this affair under the influence of the ecologists.

This is why Bayer AG's commitments to consider the NGOs concerned as partners in a strategic
evolution and not as mere adversaries do not take.

July 2018, Le Monde: The group seeks to build contacts with its opponents from civil society. "They want dialogue. This is an unprecedented step on their part, "confirmed at the beginning of July in Le Monde a head of the French branch of a large environmental NGO.
But everything goes as if these NGOs recognize the good faith of Bayer AG and refrain from following up on its proposals.

Bayer AG is no longer just a legal party, like Volkswagen. She is a political camp. A French minister announced a "war".

However, it is impossible to imagine the future of agriculture without chemical and agricultural engineering.

The naturalistic thinking of ecologists can lead to a critical look at what is being done and to local innovations. It can qualify them to be partners in the dialogue with states and specialized companies. It can not empower them to replace it.

Bayer AG is therefore right to say that it is part of the solution.

Franck Garnier, CEO of Bayer France
a- "The word 'war' is a strong word, and I consider it inappropriate, I would speak much more of the work that we have to do in cooperation, and I would also say that we are part of the solution",

b- "We are working in partnership with the agricultural sectors to develop new products and meet their expectations, so we are already in the collaboration, and our commitment over the last few years has been to go further and further towards development of alternative solutions, including natural substances, which will be able to replace conventional phytosanitary products, and which will also be used in organic farming.These alternative solutions, we are working intensively ".

3)- The condition
It can not really be so if Bayer AG is able to come out of these head-to-head meetings between "the victims and their executioner", the "ecologists and chemists".

This duality imposes:
a- The payment of "damages", ruinous for the company and especially disqualifying from peers,
b- The defeat of the victims, ruinous for the image of a German company whose good souls have of course recalled the historical antecedents.

According to Michael Leacock, SeniorFirst analyst:
a- Bayer, who has continued Monsanto's assiduities to the point of raising three times its offer, focuses on the need to produce more on limited surfaces, therefore on an ever more intensive agriculture.
b- But this long-term bet will be imposed in the minds of operators only "when all disputes are settled".

4)- The dispute
I have nothing to say about the complexity of the situation (mergers, environment, public health).

On the other hand, I propose a reflection on a crucial sequence today of this case which is that of the payment of the damages-in other words, for the fellows, of the regulation of "all the litigations".

Bayer AG fell by 10% on the stock market only in the context of the subordination of the company to the vagaries of court decisions concerning damages.

According to Michael Leacock, it is "very likely" that investors keep a "very dark" vision of the marriage Bayer-Monsento and inflict on the German group "a substantial discount to its peers."
This company is a prisoner of the peculiar logic of payment.

1- the numbers:
a- "If every lost trial costs a quarter of a billion dollars, it does not take much to make it expensive," said Michael Leacock, an analyst at MainFirst. According to him, the bill could reach $ 10 billion.
b- Based on similar cases such as Merck's Vioxx anti-inflammatory drug, Berenberg bank reaches $ 5 billion. If the August 10 judgment were upheld on appeal, Bayer would likely seek to deal with the plaintiffs.
c- In the past, Bayer has already dealt with American justice. In 2003, the German group was convicted by the Texas courts for its anti-cholesterol Baycol, which had killed many patients. The laboratory had withdrawn the drug in 2001 he had to pay $ 4.2 billion following multiple lawsuits.

2- Banks forecasts
a- The German bank DZ Bank, which has reduced its price target from 112 to 86 euros, like other analysts of competing institutions. "It is not certain that this judgment is confirmed and that the other complaints succeed. But we see at least the risk that Bayer will have to pay several billion euros in damages. To our knowledge, there is no similar case in the agricultural sector, "warns Peter Spengler, at DZ Bank.
b- "Even though we do not know the outcome of the judgment, the legal risks for Bayer as a parent company have basically increased," said Bernhard Weiniger, a note from Independent Research.

5)- The obstacle
By remaining subordinated to the ideology of the debt and the payment of it, the company loses all capacity for initiative with regard to the human actors of the case.

Like a ship that currents constantly bring back to the rocks; she is permanently dragged to the suffering of the plaintiffs and must answer for her inhumanity towards the dying before being able to be heard on the bottom of the file.

This is a case similar to that of States confronted with the inhumanity of the death of an innocent by their services and who do not know how to repair the personal harm or even to understand its importance and thus refrain from taking again the direction policy of this event.

The company is hindered when a French government minister declares "the war" and its critics accuse him instead of being the cause.

6) - The solution
Damages are the sole responsibility of the courts.
a- True, the US courts did not invent the Damages-and-Interests nor the fine. But they have gained control of global manipulation in the service of their businesses and their national economy.
b) The European enterprise thus appears in the situation of the rabbit prisoner of the hypnotic look of the snake and who has only to wait to be struck.

This is the only point on which my thinking is concerned.
a- It is necessary that the courts define the victims and their fraud by a dedicated procedure. This is already the case in the United States.
b- The company can have these courts endorse a compensation modality that is not predatory for the company and that results victims, their suffering, their revenge, legal proceedings and professional debates.

This is possible because the company then finds a place of partner in the judicial debate.

7) – Conclusion
In doing so:
1- The company departs from the public debate:
a- The questioning of its financial solidity induced by its subordination to a payment of damages which is spoliating for it.
b- The manipulation of the victims in the debates of professionals.
2- The manipulation of compensation for purposes of ruin and domination becomes obsolete.

This is a question about billions of euros.

It can then focus on the strategic aspects of the implications of its activities. It will be heard again in its proposal to NGOs for the establishment of a partnership.


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