samedi, janvier 05, 2019

05.01.19 compensation 23 ghosn, CEO, multinational, salary, capital, income, employees

blog: / Book: The two forms, ed. Amazon

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Paris, Saturday, January 5th, 2019


A website publishes the list of the 20 richest French stars (movie stars, models, sportsmen, singers, etc.).
a- 5 have a capital of 8 to 15 million euros.
b- 3 have a capital of 20 million euros.
c- 4- have a capital between 40 and 50 million euros
d- 2- have a capital of 60 million euros
e- 2- have a capital of 68 million euros
f- 2- have a capital of 70 and 75 million euros
c- 2 have a capital of 150 million euros and 200 million euros.
Therefore, there is a capital of more than 15 million.

Another site does the same accounting for the 50 richest Anglo-Saxon stars.
a- At less than 20 to 60 million euros a year, they do not get up in the morning.
b- Many of these stars are billionaires in dollars. Most of the revenue surplus comes from the sale of products derived from their personal services or the addition of commercial store successes.

The same is not true of the salaried CEOs of French multinationals. In the company of their peers in the global world, they are making it known.

The Ghosn case tells us first of all that he is one of the top three paid bosses of the CAC40. The others earn less than him. This makes it a good place to hang out.

Ghosn is the CEO of the Franco-Japanese Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi alliance.
a- Under his leadership the alliance sold 10.6 million cars and light trucks in 2017.
b- It then reached for the first time the first world place in the sector.
c- In 2016, shareholders' dividends increased by 31% in one year.
d- Worldwide, the Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi alliance employs more than 450,000 people at 122 industrial sites on five continents:
e- The capital of the alliance is about 45 billion euros.

On November 19, 2018, Carlos Ghosn, and Greg Kelly, respectively President and Chief Executive Officer and Development Director of the Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi Alliance, are arrested and held in police custody in Japan for alleged tax evasion and abuse of property. 'business,

This Florentine coup was prepared by an internal investigation in the company of which Mr. Ghosn was the CEO and without being informed. What defines a plot.
a- As usual, the conspiracy victim did not see anything coming.
b- The French state has secret services that did not inform him of anything while one of the obvious goals of the operation is to establish Japanese domination in the Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi group to the detriment of Renault; that is to say from France.

c- French capital and its public or private representatives are the losers, even the vanquished, of the affair.

Mr. Ghosn is not being criticized for his business management.
a- It is about destroying one's person without debate and without defense, except to be an accomplice of a criminal, then to impose a new entrepreneurial line.
b- Everyone must align with virtue.
This is the definition of so-called "witchcraft" trials.

As usual, the beneficiary of the plot is the one who organizes it and immediately launches the media operation of disqualification of the idolized leader until then.

The media is responsible for informing us at length about Mr. Ghosn's exaggerated and probably illegal wage and heritage appropriations.

For example :
1- The consulting firm Proxinvest declares that Mr. Ghosn has accumulated 15.4 million euros of salary.
(Of the 20 richest stars, only 5 have 15 million and less)
a- He concludes that this is an amount that is "totally excessive both in terms of the size of the group and its European or French peers. "
b- In other words, the CEOs of the "cac40" earn less than 15 million a year.
c- Mr Ghosn is reproached for having organized his income so as to reach 100M euros of capital.
(Of the 20 best-equipped French stars, four have between 70 and 75 million).
2- The unions of employees settle their accounts with this "Cost-killer".

This bulimia of money and property would be in contrast with the humility with which its alter ego would prove its principle; both in Europe and Japan.

To contradict the industrial and state machine in motion, it is necessary to contradict the Japanese State and the Nissan company which realizes more than half of the capitalization of the alliance.

As always, no one is risking it. Mr. Ghosn is abandoned to his fate and the future is now built without him.

In the rituals of these operations the cries of innocence of the victim, his claims to be able to explain himself in broad daylight, fall into silence and indifference. The judgment is only the mise en spectacle of the formality which will certify that it is nothing.

What interests me here is not this strategic industrial confrontation.

I am interested in the salary motive that serves as a common thread for the plot and as a motive for this industrial "coup d'état", according to the qualification of an academic.

Without this detour by the intimacy of the CEO, the offensive would have taken place anyway. It should have, however, placed itself in the field of industrial debate in the presence of a CEO in full possession of his personal and managerial means.

What allows this conspiracy offensive is the ambiguity of the status of CEO.

He is capitalist by his professional concerns and salaried by his modes of remuneration.

That's why the CEO is monitored in his income:
1- By the employees of the company.
a- They consider that all wages must be included in a salary grid. The CEO is supposed to be the Primus inter pares of wage labor.
b- For several years, as the wage and union difficulties of the employees grew, the exit of the salary grid by the CEOs became an important part of the moral mobilization of the employees.
c. Mr. Ghosn himself has had to give up some income deemed spoliators and especially immoral.

2- By the lawyers.
a- The wage income is distinguished from the capitalist income by its simplicity of source and the obligation of a total declaration.
b- A source close to the case told AFP that the boss of the alliance had knowingly reduced, from 2009, part of his remuneration after the entry into force of a law requiring him to disclose the full amount.
c- He is therefore arrested as an employee.
Mr. Ghosn wanted to live as a capitalist. His peers and Japanese judges remind him that he is an employee first.

He can therefore be put in jail under the suspicion that his lifestyle, common among shareholders of multinationals, would be incomprehensible, abnormal.

This identification with wage labor is so obvious that it organizes scholarly reasoning:
Thus, the Oxfam has peeled thousands of pages of annual reports on the remuneration of CAC 40 leaders.
a- She deduces from it that the CEOs behave very badly.
b- This behavior is paralleled by the disappointment of the employees and it must according to this association "explode in the figure of the government. ".

But times have changed.

In three decades, the dominance of private economic ownership over public economic property has become apparent in facts and opinions.

In 20 years, the richest man in the world has grown from $ 20 billion in 1987 to $ 112 billion in 2018.

It follows mechanically that personal fortune has become, in these circles, one of the dominant, sometimes unique, references to the capacity and even the right to lead.

Economic power is no longer shared between capital and wage labor. It is essentially in the hands of the capital that imposes its values.

Mr. Ghosn dramatically embodies the ongoing changes in the public representation of managerial power by the stakeholders themselves.

This development is corroborated by the fact that other big bosses have also organized the rise of their salary since the great crisis of 2008
a- The revenues of the CEO of PSA climbed by 347% between 2009 and 2016 while that of the boss of Michelin gained 344% ...
b- Between 2009 and 2016 (last known year), the wages of the CEOs of the CAC increased by 46%, more than twice as fast as the average remuneration in their respective company and four times faster than the minimum wage ( SMIC).
This would be the case for all the leaders of the CAC 40.
d- If we believe the media, all these CEOs seem to earn less than Mr. Ghosn.

Mr. Ghosn would not be an adventurer but an avant-garde.

For the moment, these employers' revolts are presented as immoral, even illegal,

In a world where personal wealth is again an argument of legitimacy; how can leaders who are responsible for hundreds of thousands of men and billions of euros of capital be able to sustainably accept not being able to frequent the same hotels as the "stars"?
How can one seriously think that the salaried CEOs of multinational joint-stock companies will continue to evaluate their incomes by comparing them to the salary scale and not to the level of capitalist incomes?

The "overpayment" business of some CEOs of the CAC40 is therefore not the mark of the vanity of a few. They are the cracks announcing this reorganization of the relationship between salary and capital as to the definition of the place of the CEOs.

The affair of the alliance shows what it costs to neglect this aspect of the contradictions of the management.

One of the most important and innovative industrial creations is likely to sink because the CEO's income issue has not been seriously considered and has become his Achilles heel.

It would be useful to consider the possibility of compensatory compensation that would not be deduction from the corporate treasury and which would ensure the capital status of senior executives without harming their social commitment to the company.

In any case, Mr. Ghosn should be in his position to deal with the strategic issues of the company he created and he is not there.

This deserves a reflection.


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