blog: / Book: The two forms, ed. Amazon
Paris, Thursday, January 10, 2019
Compensation (25) (Continuation of reflection n ° 24 of January 7, 2019, see: madic50)
The member,
Mr. Ghosn is in prison for the sole reason that an employee must declare all his income and that these are proportioned by a grid that goes from the maneuver to the managers.
However, it is a vanguard of a general movement among the CEOs of multinationals or equivalents that substitutes capital for wage-earning as a reference for fixing their income.
Tim Cook, employee boss of Apple, does not proceed differently and for comparable figures. The rest are only the ruses of a fight.
What had to be the recognition of his industrial creativity, as for the CEO of Apple, became his Achilles heel in the reorganization of the balance of power within his company.
I do not know if the reflection I have the honor to address herewith may be of any assistance to Mr. Ghosn. However, it is certain that the principles of it could have saved him from prison, to the chagrin of his Japanese alter ego.
He would be free and President to face the mutations of the society he created.
This reflection initially concerns the compensation of medical faults, discoverers of maritime treasures, subjects of police violence whose consequences have fortunately exceeded their programmed consequences, such as the Luhaka affair, the families of sailors who died in a shipwreck, etc.
However, it seemed to me to be able to extend it to the examination of pantouflages, indemnification claims of companies (Volkswagen, Total, Sanofi, Peugeot etc.).
Some rules emerge from this reflection:
1- The compensation concerned is capitalistic.
2- It must not be established on the predation of the Public Treasury or the Corporate Treasury.
3- It must be able to be a source of enrichment for the company concerned.
4- It changes the judicial reports to compensation:
instead of compensation in the procedure.
b- the local source of the right to compensation and the fixing of the indemnity.
The Ghosn affair extends this reflection to the problems posed by the salaried work of multinational CEOs.
I posted these numbered thoughts on the site
The public debate on these issues is currently based on the joy of condemning police officers and mobilizing against the state for the wrongs made by a policeman to a thug in office, the satisfaction of the possible ruin of a company or the spoliation of the Treasury, the endless judicial ballad of the collateral damage of the medicine, the procedural exhaustion of the victims, the abandonment of the beneficiaries of the drowned sailors, the imprisonment of a CEO and the strategic defeat in becoming of the French economy, the submersion of the pantouflage, etc.
Only the President of the Republic would have the capacity to give this debate a positive base. All other instances would have only the passion to frustrate any experimentation preparing a reform.
Thanking you for your attention,
Please accept, Sir, the assurance of my best regards,
Retired worker
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