vendredi, janvier 11, 2019

11.01.19, housing, minister debate dass

blog: / book: The two forms, ed. Amazon

Paris, Friday, January 11, 2019 / Subject: Debate and defiance

For Mr. Julien DENORMANDIE / Minister to the Minister of Territorial Cohesion and Relations with Local Authorities, in charge of the City and Housing


Please accept my wishes for success and health. I wish indeed the success of your initiative of National Debate and I will participate if the Town hall of the 20th organizes it.

At the same time that you appear for an interview; the polls show that 70% of the French are defiant towards the leading and political executives of the country.

It will not have escaped you that for years I have been insistent with the government authorities to solve a case of school of national solidarity; return to the country of a vulnerable family including two disabled.

I do not do it for the sake of importance but because I have previously exhausted all the so-called solutions of "intermediate bodies". I reported in my letters the voluntary and free obstacles put to this enterprise by people who are appointed to help this family.
a- Just to obtain the transfer of the file from Paris to Pas-de-Calais, I had to borrow to pay a debt created from scratch by the services concerned.
b- In Paris or the Pas-de-Calais the logic is repetitive. We begin by using indifference and, as it does not work, we insult them on the phone because of the intervention of "your Minister".
c- They win because the obstinacy of the Services is indestructible while the mood of the Minister is changing, the Minister too, and the weaker citizens are exhausted and disappear. In 2018, this family experienced four trips to the Emergency Department for the sole reason of stress.

Then you just have to use the old Radical-Socialist trick: Paris is the culprit. Paris, it's you.

It is not by chance that the representatives of the intermediate corps that the Prime Minister receives assign to the Debate the goal of being the place of expression of "anger" and "frustration" instead of concrete proposals. These could possibly challenge them.

We will see.

Anyway, if the government could prove that the French State is able to organize the return to the country of a Cotorep, an autist, four children of the Dass, that is to say of his own children, it would be a small step towards confidence in the institutions and national unity.

Thanking you for your attention and waiting to read you,

Please accept, Sir, the assurance of my best regards,


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