lundi, décembre 25, 2017

26.12.17, spain, catalonia, elections, independantists, referendum, police, raroy, spanish government

Text in French, Spanish, English. Google Translate.

Blog: / Book: The two forms, Amazon.

Paris, Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Mr. President of the Government,

The elections of Catalonia have various consequences in Spain. On the other hand, for Europeans, they have a special meaning.

It is thanks to the action of your Government, yours, that the Catalan debate is again part of the democratic and constitutional rules of Spain.

It is not necessary at all to be on your political side to see it.

In the same way, if the waiting of the elections and their unfolding could be so peaceful, it is also because, in its management of the illegal referendum, the Spanish police showed a professionalism that one wishes to meet with all the people who go through these trials.

I do not know what the future of the Spanish majorities will be, but I know that we owe you this maintenance of civil peace in Spain.

This should be a common knowledge of Europeans.

Thanking you for your attention,

Please accept, Mr President of the Government, the assurances of my highest regards,


26.12.17, españa, cataluña, elecciones, independientes, referéndum, policía, extrañoy, gobierno español

Texto en francés, español, inglés. Traducción de Google.

Blog: / Libro: Las dos formas, Amazon.

París, martes, 26 de diciembre de 2017

Sr. Presidente del Gobierno,

Las elecciones de Cataluña tienen varias consecuencias en España. Por otro lado, para los europeos, tienen un significado especial.

Es gracias a la acción de su Gobierno, suyo, que el debate catalán es nuevamente parte de las reglas democráticas y constitucionales de España.

No es necesario estar en su lado político para verlo.

De la misma manera, si la espera de las elecciones y su despliegue podría ser tan pacífica, es también porque, en su gestión del referéndum ilegal, la policía española mostró una profesionalidad que uno desea conocer todas las personas que pasan por estos ensayos.

No sé cuál será el futuro de las mayorías españolas, pero sé que le debemos este mantenimiento de la paz civil en España.

Esto debería ser un conocimiento común de los europeos.

Agradeciendo tu atención,

Le ruego acepte, señor Presidente del Gobierno, las seguridades de mi más cordial saludo,


26.12.17, espagne, catalogne, élections, independantistes, référendum, police, raroy, gouvernement espagnol

Blog : / Livre : Les deux formes, Amazon.

Paris, le mardi 26 décembre 2017

Texte en français, espagnol, anglais. Google traduction.

Monsieur le Président du Gouvernement,

Les élections de Catalogne ont diverses conséquences en Espagne. Par contre, pour les Européens, elles ont une signification particulière.

C’est grâce à l’action de votre Gouvernement, la vôtre, que le débat catalan s’inscrit à nouveau dans les règles démocratiques et constitutionnelles espagnoles.

Il n’est pas du tout nécessaire d’être de votre bord politique pour le constater.

De la même façon, si l’attente des élections et leur déroulement ont pu être si paisible, c’est aussi parceque, dans sa gestion du référendum illégale, la police espagnole a fait montre d’un professionnalisme qu’on souhaite de rencontrer à toutes les populations qui traversent ces épreuves.

J’ignore ce que sera le devenir des majorités espagnoles mais je sais que nous vous devons ce maintien de la paix civile en Espagne.

Cela devrait être une connaissance commune aux européens.

En vous remerciant pour votre attention,

Je vous prie d’agréer, Monsieur le Président du Gouvernement, l’assurance de mes salutations distinguées,


jeudi, décembre 21, 2017

21.12.17,power (1), police, companies, battle, / Book: "The Two Forms", Amazon

Paris, Thursday, December 21, 2017

For the Minister of the Interior

For information:
President of the Republic
Prime Minister

MM the Presidents of Parliament
Ms M. The Presidents of Parliamentary Groups


Minister of the Interior,

I have the honor to inform you below of the reflection to which certain evolutions of the reports of the Police to the Power as the current events indicate.

Thanking you for your attention and waiting to read you,

Please accept, Minister of the Interior, the assurances of my highest consideration,



On December 12, 2017, speaking to the Heads of State and Government gathered for the One Planet Summit, President Emmanuel Macron has alerted his interlocutors "We are losing the battle", that of climate.

The Head of State tells us that France, today, can lose "battles".

The information joins the experience and leads to think that it is the same as to the "battle" of the Power for the Police.

The Power is an essential element of the Power. A state that lacks it is weakened. It subordinates itself to the criminal administrations which can go so far as to replace it. Everyone knows that this issue is present in France.

As long as the State wants to allow the Police, which is here the generic name of all the police and the Gendarmerie, to maintain the control of the public order, it is necessary for it to examine the real state of the reports of the Police to the power.

So far, for the French state everything was simple.

Just as the King was at first the richest feudal, the modern state was the richest and most strategically powerful owner.

With the Globalization, a new course of the Power is formed. The elements that make it up (Law, Administration, Money) are in full evolution.

This new course is a trend but a long and heavy trend.

Senior Officials' reluctance to accept appointments to key positions in government and national enterprises is the end of centuries-old evidences and signals the installation of this new course.

According to very different devices, this new course is also imposed on the armed civil arm of the public authorities that is the Police.

By its immobilization in administrative reports to companies dating from the 19th century, the Police is in the process of excluding itself from the recomposition of the reports of the economic powers and the State.

This is so because the Power is organized, formalized, measured, now both in the private sector and in the public sector.

The maintenance of certainties of the past as norms of public thought organizes a stall now visible of the police vis-à-vis the Power and criminal facilities already partially official in the rules of the latter.

Two existential aspects of the police mark a tipping of the legal references:
1- The civil
a- The impressive opposition of the professional impoverishment of the public order forces and the functional wealth of the criminal networks and their de facto administrations.
2- The judiciary
b- Magistrates have already repeatedly pointed out that the evidence of the legal exclusivity of the Police no longer exists.
c- They condemned or charged several police officers and gendarmes involved in clashes with thugs in the performance of the duties of the latter or others who imagined to be still masters in the organization of their relationship with drug entrepreneurs .

Criminal networks, open or clandestine, have adapted much better to these changes and shifts in Globalization. The mafia public affluence is astounding.

The police can no longer act as if the relations of the legal world, his own, to the private entrepreneurial world have not changed with globalization.

It can no longer be satisfied with the logic of external relations with companies classified as honest and of judicial penetration with the companies classed dishonest.

Today, crime sets in motion clashes between law-abiding business networks advocated by the police and others who propose to install legality on other references.

Since the public power now passes through private companies, the police must be present on this ground and not only "infiltrate".

It will be able to fight the mafia, worldly, popular, terrorist form of crime only if it finds the ground of the Power and particularly of the Economic Power that it leaves little by little and that the criminal networks invest quickly.

The case of the police executives indicted for their relations with the entrepreneurs of the Drug shows how the hypertrophy of old logic becomes obsolete and counterproductive.

This issue can be partially addressed by renewing the police-to-business report.

The police state must take new marks in its relations with the business world.

This is the condition for everyone to stay in their place and act according to their own logic.

This evolution will be gradual. I propose to open an experiment accompanying this reflection.