mardi, décembre 19, 2017

19.12.17 sexual body3, instruction, teaching, scientist, sexual body, sexes, races, administrations, party, union, women, men,

 corps sexuel 1: 02.11.16
corps sexuel 2: 15.12.17

/ Book: "The two forms", Amazon

Paris, Tuesday, December 19th, 2017

Copy to: 

Prime Minister / Minister of National Education
 Presidents of Parliament / President of Parliamentary Groups

Subject: Instruction of the Sexual Body 

The President of the Republic,

I have the honor to communicate to you the letter addressed to the Minister of National Education concerning the creation of a new subject called "Instruction of the Sexual Body". This material can only be developed from computer science.

Can you command the gathering of a suitable team to get to work and succeed?

To face obscurantism, Europe has created tools, including the teaching of scientific knowledge.

It is rational knowledge accessible to all who is the surest popular guarantee of freedom and concord.

The ability of men and women to master the "sexual body" intellectually has become a major challenge for Democracy.

The scholarly ignorance of the sexual body and therefore of sexuality is the basis of the exploitation of the sexes for irrational causes.

It is the ignorance of the Sexual Body that has put the public authorities at fault in the Burkini affair and produces the political division of the French.  

The legal and political jokes of the moment will not last long.

 It is through work on the sexes that the fight against the constitutional principle of Article 1 paragraph 1 of the Constitution is now taking place: "France is an indivisible, secular, democratic and social Republic.  

It ensures equality before the law of all citizens without distinction of origin, race or religion.This break in equality between citizens is claimed from the distinction and separation of the sexes in publicly funded trade union and militant internships.

It is vain to hope to preserve the rational and legal control of the debates engaging the sexes (almost all the so-called debates of society) while continuing to hide the Knowledge of the Sexual Body by the whole population and basing it on cognitive practices worthy of those propagated in Pakistan.For thirty years, it has been forbidden to show on television the sex of men. It is well worth the prohibitions that weigh on the hair of women.

If you do not act, there will be nothing more than braying on the TV sets for imprecations against "the progression of sharia in the suburbs", the "setbacks of women's rights", the "risky" and "unconscious" behaviors of young people, and calls for increased censorship and salutary ignorance.

On this subject, the constitution of a corpus of transmission of scientific knowledge of free access of the level of the Encyclopedia is expected all over the world; especially by young girls.

This corpus would put France in a prime role.a- The last official decision of the French State concerning the activity of the sexes is the legalization of rape by mutual consent of an 11-year-old by another 28-year-old.It is time for the world to learn that France produces something else.

Thanking you and waiting to read to you, Please accept, Sir, the assurance of my best regards,


Book: "The two forms", Amazon
Paris, Friday, December 15, 2017
Copy to: President of the Republic / Prime Minister
Presidents of Parliament / President of Parliamentary Groups

Subject: Instruction of the Sexual Body

The Minister of National Education,

On December 14, on Arte, the show "you die less stupid" gives a course on the reasons for the externality of the testicles.

We are learning that scientists do not know anything about it. But this is not the object of this reflection.

This program is organized from the animated cartoon of the subject. So you have to represent testicles.

Almost immediately, the presenter says: "In order not to shock the children, we will change the representation of the testicles. "

This leads to the change of body representation that becomes the set of component parts of a computer and the testicles are the mouse. Without anyone telling us what happens to the penis.

For 30 years, the erasure of the male genitals is a mandatory rule, presented falsely as a legal requirement, all public information work.

By this replica of "hide this breast that I can not see", the media place the scientific representation of the Sexual Body in the circle of what Molière immortalized under the title of "Tartuffe".

Molière wrote four centuries ago. Nothing has changed regarding the domination of the obscurantist party.

I beg you, Minister, to consider the need to build a teaching of the "sexual body", as there is a heart body, neuroscience, etc.

Since you are told of "right" and this topic would be "left", I recall a few facts about your level of function.
a- It is the deputy Lucien Neuwirth, supported by the president De Gaulle which imposes the vote of the law on the Pill.
b- It is the Minister of National Education Fontanet, under the presidency of Mr. Pompidou, who creates the first information course on sexuality at the beginning of 1968.
c- It is Mrs. Veil who imposes the freedom of women to abort.

Neither are known as militant zadists.

You have restored the continuity of education by restoring the teaching of Latin and Greek and reopening priority language classes such as German.

Therefore, you have the national legitimacy to put in place the novelties in political debate since 1968; fifty years ago.

I'm not asking you to change national education programs. A minister would not do it.

On the other hand, you can take language with willing and competent people really convinced of the need to install the French in the scientific knowledge.

IT and its developments allow it.
I enclose various correspondence in which I expose the subject.

It is pathetic to see the French leaders hope to guarantee the French to remain among the free peoples and therefore leaders by imposing a public ideology of the level of that of Pakistan.

Thanking you and waiting to read you,

Please accept, Sir, the assurance of my best regards,


PS: Documents
1- Marina Karmochkine, April 1, 2016, p.3
2- Dorcel, April 1, 2016, p. 6
3- Instruction of the Sexual Body, July 5, 2016, p.7
4- Minister Rossignol, November 2, 2016, P.14
5- Reflection on the study of the Sexual Body, bis, p.16
6- Family Planning, April 6, 2017, P.22

1- Marina Karmochkine, 1st of April 2016

Paris, Friday, April 1st, 2016

Marina Karmochkine
Georges Pompidou European Hospital
20 rue Leblanc
75015 Paris
I am retired, a bit detached from the issues I discuss below.
1) - The question
A person who is listening to you on the television tonight, on the 28-minute program, comments on what you said by saying that it seems obvious that a society:
1- who declares himself brave, avant-garde, to teach not the Sexual Body but an "education to sexuality" to its "violence" and its dangers;
2- who claims to teach "sexuality" by classifying "pornography" among the dangers of sexuality;
3- who still uses as a priority:
a- The paper course
b- The bookish drawing
c- The annual video under the patronage of the teacher,
4. It goes without saying that such a society can not form individuals capable of moving in a world that is based precisely on scientific knowledge. AIDS is both a sexual disease and a scientific practice of social intercourse.
5- After the pressure of terror, the savages will imperceptibly fall back into their archaic behavior.

A young journalist said it: the condom annoys everyone. And behind this revolt hides the bondage and fidelity of the couple.

2) - The solution, partial of course.

You show the plate of drugs that a 22-year-old man will take for life after being infected with the AIDS virus.

To make it short: do not you think that if this young man, and others, had had during his adolescence:

1- A device of infinitely searchable scientific races concerning the Sexual Body;
2- A workshop, or a laboratory, allowing the manipulation of this sexual body;
3- He and others would have had another attitude, rational, professional, vis-à-vis this activity?

Beyond, in short, the scientific knowledge of the Sexual Body will provide a connection to all modern social media of public health and another look at this activity.
However, the materials of this scientific course and the laboratory or workshop exist:
1- The video
2- Computer and Internet

It is simply the meeting of scientists, videographers of sexual penetration including computer science, computer scientists, sexologists, teachers, etc. More or less.

You will find attached the letter I sent this morning to Dorcel. This company meets the criteria of the control of the video joined to that of the data processing and Internet.

This reflection came to me when I saw the reports on the "complements" of knowing that must bring:
a- The porn movies
b- The so-and-so teacher who teaches sexual body instruction to teen-filled lecture theaters to which he talks about masturbation, sex length, etc.
c- the family planning which gives appointment to the pupils at the exit of the school in a van to put condom on a dildo,

I beg you to think about it.

Unless the only ambition of the medical profession is to ensure the succession of Line Renaud.

Do not rely on public authorities now.

Thanking you for your attention,

Please accept, Doctor, the assurance of my best regards,


2- Dorcel, 1st of April 2016

MARC DORCEL / 25 PLUMET STREET / 75015 PARIS / 08 91 78 07 41

Mister President,
I read on the web that your company has taken the turn of the mastery of the internet and the computer that goes with it.

In addition to a notoriously inadequate school system;

Would you agree to reflect on the use of public education on the "sexual body" of your knowledge?
a- I mean education, science and schooling, not education and morality.
b- The interest of academic knowledge is to be timeless. There is no need for age precision in sighting.

This would imply:
a- to work with doctors, teachers, family planning, etc.
b- to put pornographic scenes of "18 years".
Indeed, for the 15 years old one is "old" to "19 years old".

Today, the learning of life passes, like the rest, by the knowledge of "school" type before "experience".

Public health and public order no longer go by farm animals, brothels, cousins, photojournals, even porn videos, and so on.

"AIDS", control of contraceptives, abortion, shared pleasure of the sexes, etc. go through the initiation to scientific knowledge about the "sexual body" as well as its technological practice.

The goal would be to give the men and women in training the disposition of materials, (videos, 3D, virtual montages, etc.) which allows them:
a- to come back indefinitely on the techniques to work, the questions to know by hearts,
b- to make different routes according to the success of their operations, as in computer games

You will not lose the benefit of watching your strictly pornographic videos, in groups of friends and girlfriends, "to laugh".

But you would set up a section of diffusion of a new and expected scientific and technical knowledge.

In 1971, Germany had produced Helga.

It would be interesting for France in 2016 to be able to produce the knowledge of the "sexual body" of the era of the virtual world and the individualisation of knowledge, that of "uberisation".

Thanking you,



3- Instruction of the Sexual Body, July 5, 2016

Paris, Tuesday, July 5, 2016
Subject: Instruction of the Sexual Body

All this text is written here in a cookie cutter. It's just a matter of suggesting the need for reflection.

1) - For the past three years, television has shown a number of programs and reports on school or civil learning of sexuality,

1- reports
a- A professor of medicine regularly gives lessons to teenagers. He tells them if their sex lengthens or softens with masturbations,
If he were not a Professor, he would already be removed from the College of Physicians and in prison.
Which means that this course is probably unique in France.
b- The Family Planning runs buses at the exit of schools. In the rotunda at the bottom of the bus, teens learn to put a condom on a dildo and women answer all their questions.
c- A documentary shows the quarrel between a 14-year-old who is fucking porn with his friends and a mad mother because porn movies are preparing tomorrow's rapists and family sadists.
Both of them were excellent actors, they overplayed their role wonderfully.

2- questions
If in 2012, and thus in 2016, these people need to put themselves thus forward, and teens to poke information in adult porn to learn the baba of their job as a man and woman is that there is a problem in their schooling.

2) - I went back to the official program

1- The program
a- Before the fourth, it's nice chat with drawing boards;
b- In the fourth, all the genitals and their functioning are exposed.
After the fourth, we move on to biology.

2- The operation
a- Everything is done on the basis of the voluntarism of the "educational team". No "volunteering" no teaching. Would we say that of mathematics?
c- The basis of teaching is:
- Paper and pen, (books, etc.). The notes can be taken by computer, they are always school notes.
This is the school concession from 1970 to May-68;
- The educational video seen at the will of the teacher and his free time.
The video is the 80s.
- The use of the Internet. We can not think that it is a matter of doing research.
This is the school Internet use of the 90s early 2000.

We are in 2016, Young people have taken over the virtual world, we have arrived at the hologram, etc.

3) – Blockages

1- Ignorance of the object
National education, and therefore France, the nation, the public space, fail to define the object of education because they do not know this object. They can not name it.

This is why there is a confusion between science education, the only one eligible for school and sexual morals. It is here that religions become entrenched.

2- Pornography
The state has a purely religious view of pornography.

The reason is that it allows the establishment of a policy of material ideological domination, as the Catholic Church did under the Ancien Régime.

This burying and cursing that weighs on pornography are perfectly crystallized by the myth of the two paths, that of Abraham who chooses the arid lands that lead to submission to God and that of Lot who chose the fertile lands of Sodom and Gomorrah.

It is this logic that is at work today. It is she who organizes the movement of laws.

In fact, pornography plays a major role in men's ability to speak and socialize.

3- Prohibition
At the instigation of the United States, religious, religious and secular devotees, there is a policy of progressive prohibition of sexuality, de facto and law before the age of 18, of its subsequent criminalization.

The most imbecile measure is that of the ban on pornographic films made by children under 18, while sexuality is adult at 15.

We will see that this has important consequences.

4) - The object
The scientific object that the school must convey is the study of the Sexual Body.

This includes the genitals, visible and non-visible, their functioning, which includes the mechanisms of control, and the mechanisms of pregnancy and its control.

This includes the brain implications. The Chinese would tell us that it also involves studying the soles of the feet.

This teaching can cover all ages of life. The sexual body is not the same in the infant as in the menopausal woman and the operated man of the prostate.

However, the general shape of the sexual body is that of the adult female and male.

Their teaching aims first of all, like any rational teaching, to prepare men for the mastery of this body, its functions, its functioning.

The men and women who are preparing for their work as men and women are young people and especially adolescents, schoolchildren.

5) - The type
The teaching of the Sexual Body can not be the result of a bookish teaching, like literature, or simple observation, as for plants.
It is a technological education.

It is of the same nature as the teaching of automobile mechanics which is inseparable from the commissioning of one of them, or from the teaching of the piloting of airplanes which is inseparable from the taking off of one of them. .

There is therefore no teaching of the sexual body without scientific and technological education of the penetration, as well given as received, and various manipulations of the bodies.

6) - The possibilities

1- The school
Governments, whatever they are, are aiming at the destruction of public schools. Example: the suppression of Latin and Greek, but also German, history, etc.
The teachers are doing in their frocks. They ask not to be smashed or fired; like the cops today.
It is surely not private schools, based on the archaic mastery of the discipline (the way of Abraham) that will highlight the importance of the scientific mastery of the sex horn (way Lot).

2- The associations
The Family Planning collapses, the Professor is so alone, the City Hall of Paris organizes in his premises the breaking of the fast.
It no longer stands in the suburbs of leftist association meetings outside the control of local Muslim associations.
Pécresse was elected after allegiance to the Mosques.
The Pope condemned the "Absolute Laïcité" of France.
From now on, the governments follow the religious dictates communicated by terrorist way.

Unlocking is not within the reach of any civil initiative.

3- The virtual world.
On the other hand, it is possible to set up a public education of the Sexual Body by computer science and the world it has opened.

The computer science, which summarizes this word, allows at the same time the academic presentation and its interactive staging, and the possibility of an adapted individual repetition.

I refrain from developing these possibilities by speaking to a man who says he attended an engineering school.

7) - Computer pornography
What I'm drawing your attention to is the age of "workshop models".

Thanks to parliamentarians, it is forbidden to stage minors.

To shorten it :
For the 15-16, we are "old" at 19 years old.
1- What can we get from viewing adult porn by 13-17 year olds?
a- the same instruction as their ancestors who looked at the animals, the cousins, who were being deflowered by the baker or the day of their marriage, after the recommendations of a relative.
b- it can not be anything other than of jouissive identification with the actors. If it's alone, it accompanies masturbation. In meeting, it's a dirty joke.
c- I suppose a movement of "young people" knows this question.

2 What can not be obtained from such viewing?
Exactly not scientific knowledge.
It goes through the presence of the "scientist", the "teacher".

Putting a white coat, holding a test tube or a painting stick, as part of an "old" video, brings teenagers back to see the "old" status of the actors.

Aggressive participation in the action of adult porn is part of the game, the technological action of sexuality. But also the need to forget the age of the actors.

If a white blouse comes to force them to look, to be at a distance, and no longer to participate, to be in, then the ax falls: he could be my father, he could be my mother.

I wish the teacher great pleasure in trying to hold the attention of students that he would force him to say that it is mom and dad who fuck in front of him.

On the other hand, if they are 17-18 years old, 15-17 year olds can be identified and participate in a scientific study of what they do or what they are going to do. They learn as a man

12-14 year olds do not need to identify with actors of their age because they are not in any hurry to impose an imitation.

The difference between 22-35 year old adult porn and 17-18 year olds is the difference between "big" and "old"; the big brothers and the parents.

Therefore, the virtual world of scientific, rational, medical education, of the Sexual Body to the minors, the schoolchildren precisely, the men and the women in technological apprenticeship of their sexual profession of adults, must be done with actors of 18- 19 years maximum, in association with computer characters.

8) – Conclusion
The latest scientific information film on the sexual body is German, it dates from 1970, for France.

This company is within the reach of engineers, interns of medicine, lawyers, sexologists, etc.

The associative form of fact allows volunteering, freedom, meeting.

Sexuality is part of the pride of men and women. Ignorance and criminalization of it is part of the policy of enslavement of the French.


4- Minister Rossignol, November 2, 2016 

Paris, Wednesday, November 2, 2016 

Copy to:President of the RepublicPrime Minister 

Subject: Instruction of the Sexual Body 

Laurence Rossignol
 Minister of Families, Childhood and Women's Rights 

Madam Minister, 
1) - PreliminaryBy zapping, I see you in an information show during a sequence on anti-abortion. 
The show puts forward a discrediting booklet IVG, apparently very brutally, distributed in Catholic high schools. 

What interests me here to you, the democracy, no way to answer, to precede, to neutralize, this enterprise of ignorance by a company of knowledge. 

You are also unable to oppose it by force. On the contrary, you are likely to be summoned to share their action. 

This school being under contract, it follows the programs. It is therefore obvious that the national school courses are incapable of invalidating, by the evidence of knowledge, those companies which take over the form of it. 

I have sixteen these few occasions, where this particular body is called to the body, to be able to eventually come out of the archaic framework or resolutely stand the teaching and backwardness school techniques, to build a real public knowledge of the sexual body of science and technology. 

If this knowledge was constructed, public, and used, it would be possible to make sure that we had heard of it. 

If the students had a school knowledge, even parallel to school at first, of the sexual body, the irrational stories would have gone into the fantastic and horrible stories teens love. 

I have the honor to attach the standard text, questionable of course, which I address in vain to my occasional interlocutors. 

Apparently it does not interest anyone. It is undoubtedly more enjoyable to live the thrills of the big return back. 

You are saying that there is an offensive of ignorance. Why would not you accept to imagine a knowledge offensive? 

This obscurantist fascicle affair certifies that there is nothing democratic which is opposable to it. We can not find each other. 

Young people, but also voters, from all walks of life, would certainly appreciate that Minister, once again, usefully accompany their imagination. 

By remaining at your disposal and waiting for you, 

Please accept, Madam Minister, the assurances of my highest regards, 


5- Reflection on the study of the Sexual Body, bis

All this text is written here in a cookie cutter. It's just a matter of suggesting the need for reflection.

1) - Preliminary facts

or the past three years, television has shown a number of programs and reports on school or civil learning of sexuality.

1- reports
a- A professor of medicine regularly gives lessons to teenagers. He tells them if their sex lengthens or softens with masturbations,
If he were not a Professor, he would already be removed from the College of Physicians and in prison.
Which means that this course is probably unique in France.
b- The Family Planning runs buses at the exit of schools. In the rotunda at the bottom of the bus, teens learn to put a condom on a dildo and women answer all their questions.
c- A documentary shows the quarrel between a 14-year-old who is fucking porn with his friends and a mad mother because porn movies are preparing tomorrow's rapists and family sadists.
Both were excellent actors. They overplayed their role wonderfully.

2- questions
If in 2012, and thus in 2016, these people need to put themselves thus forward, and teens to poke information in adult porn to learn the baba of their job as a man and woman is that there is a problem in their schooling.

2) - The official program
I went back to the official program

1- The program
a- Before the fourth, it's nice chat with drawing boards;
b- In the fourth, all the genitals and their functioning are exposed.
After the fourth, we move on to biology.

2- The operation
a- Everything is done on the basis of the voluntarism of the "educational team". No "volunteering" no teaching. Would we say that of mathematics?
c- The basis of teaching is:
- Paper and pen, (books, etc.). The notes can be taken by computer, they are always school notes.
This is the school concession from 1970 to May-68;
- The educational video seen at the will of the teacher and his free time.
The video is the 80s.
- The use of the Internet. We can not think that it is a matter of doing research.
This is the school Internet use of the 90s early 2000.

We are in 2016, The young people have taken over the virtual world, we arrive at the hologram, etc.

3) - Ignorance of the object
National education fails to define the object of education because it can not name it.

Therefore, there is a confusion between science education, the only one eligible for school, and sexual morals. It is here that religions become entrenched.

4) - The object
The scientific object that the school must convey is the study of the Sexual Body.

This includes the genitals, visible and non-visible, their functioning, which includes the mechanisms of control, and the mechanisms of pregnancy and its control.

This includes the brain implications. The Chinese would tell us that it also involves studying the soles of the feet.

This teaching can cover all ages of life. The sexual body is not the same in the infant as in the menopausal woman and the operated man of the prostate.
However, the general shape of the Sexual Body is that of the healthy female and male adults.

This teaching aims first of all, like any rational teaching, to prepare Humans for the cognitive, professional mastery of this body, its functions, its functioning.

The men and women who are preparing for their work as men and women are young people and especially adolescents, schoolchildren.

5) - The type
The teaching of the Sexual Body can not be the only fact of a bookish teaching, like literature, or of simple observation, as for plants.

It is a technological education.

It is of the same nature as the teaching of automobile mechanics which is inseparable from the commissioning of one of them, or from the teaching of the piloting of airplanes which is inseparable from the taking off of one of them. .

There is therefore no teaching of the sexual body without scientific and technological education of the penetration, as well given as received, and various manipulations of the bodies.

There can therefore be no scientific education of the sexual body without the use of pornography.

6) – Pornography
But the state has a purely religious view of pornography.

The reason is that it allows the establishment of a policy of material ideological domination, as the Catholic Church did under the Ancien Régime.

This burial and curse that weigh on pornography is perfectly crystallized by the myth of the two paths:
a- that of Abraham who chooses the arid lands, and sexually enslaved, which lead to submission to God, to bliss,
b- that of Lot who chose the fertile and sexually free lands of Sodom, which lead to decay and death.

No offense to our modernist pride, it is this logic that is at work in a dominant way today. It is she who organizes the public action.

In fact, pornography plays a major role in men's ability to speak and socialize.

7) - Computer pornography
Pornography is inseparable from pornographic staging, photos or videos.
Thanks to parliamentarians, it is forbidden to stage minors. So-called minors are condemned to look for videos of major. It is pathetic.

1- The function of pornographic video
What can 13-17 year olds watch from adult porn?
a- the same instruction as their ancestors who looked at the animals, the cousins, who were being deflowered by the baker or the day of their marriage, after the recommendations of a relative.
b- it can not be anything other than of pleasureful identification with the actors of the video. 

If it's alone, it accompanies masturbation. In meetings, they are salacious games.

c- I suppose a Minister of the family knows this question.

2- Two principles
a- For 15-16 year olds, we are "old" at 19 years old.
b- The teaching goes through the presence of the "scholar", the "teacher".

3- Videos of "old"
Putting a white coat, holding a test tube or a painting stick, as part of an "old" video, brings teenagers back to see the "old" status of the actors.

Aggressive participation in the action of adult porn is part of the game, the technological action of sexuality. But also the need to forget the age of the actors.

If a white blouse comes to force them to ask who is playing, to be at a distance, and no longer to participate, to be in, then the ax falls: he could be my father, she could be my mother.

I wish the teacher great pleasure in trying to hold the attention of students that he would force him to say that it is mom and dad who fuck in front of him.

c- Videos of similar
On the other hand, if they are 17-18 years old, 15-17 year olds can be identified and participate in a scientific study of what they do or what they are going to do. They learn in "men" and "women", in "pro".

12-14 year olds do not need to identify with actors of their age because they are not in any hurry to impose an imitation.

The difference between 22-35 year old adult porn and 17-18 year olds is the difference between "big" and "old"; the big brothers and the parents.

Therefore, the virtual world of scientific, rational, medical education, of the Sexual Body to the minors, the schoolchildren precisely, the men and the women in technological apprenticeship of their sexual profession of adults, must be done with actors of 18- 19 years maximum, in association with computer characters.

Waiting for parliamentarians to come back on their policy of prohibition that has given so much good results in the United States.

8) - The possibilities
It is possible to set up a public education of the Sexual Body through computers and the world it has opened.

The computer science, which summarizes this word, allows at the same time the academic presentation, its interactive staging, and the possibility of an adapted individual repetition.

The technological potentialities are immense.

9) – Conclusion
The latest scientific information film on the sexual body is German, it dates from 1970, for France.

It is possible to bring together various people to discuss this issue: interested civilians, engineers, doctors, lawyers, sexologists, teachers, etc. This business is within our reach.

The only goal is to release a course accessible to all students, on the Internet to start.

Sexuality is part of the pride of men and women. 

Ignorance and criminalization of it is part of the policy of enslavement of the French.


6- Family Planning, April 6, 2017

Paris, Thursday, April 6, 2017

Family planning / 10, rue Vivienne / 75002 PARIS
01 42 60 93 20 / /

Ladies and gentlemen,

Is not it time to move from "Information, Cornerstone Emancipation" and "Education to Sexuality as a major issue" to the scientific education, school, sexual body?

1- There is only one way for men and women minors to put the condom the first time at this difficult time in terms of public health: They must have trained dozens of times; girls and boys.
b- On the model of training scenarios for airplane pilots, science today offers the means for such a preparation.

2- In the same way as for the Sexual Body of Boys; girls will be able to know themselves scientifically only by repeated exercises integrated in theoretical courses which they can review alone or in groups, between girls or with boys.

Sexuality is not an abstract science, it is an applied science, a technology.

No progress will be possible if the Democrats do not move from the Sexual Liberation of the 60s-70s to the scientific teaching of the Sexual Body.

If the Democrats do not take this step; little by little, the liberators will become patronesses and protectors, protesters

The only "fundamental right" is that of access to knowledge, of its transmission.

It will not be done by school. You see it yourself. We can dream but from a moment we are no longer visionaries but accomplices.

Computers and the internet make it possible to build this teaching, its diffusion, its regular social use. The school will follow one day.

Would you agree to be the first meeting place of doctors (the main specialists of the body, Corps), computer scientists, users, young people, etc.? who would start a business that will take months to complete?

Would you at least discuss it?

Thanking you for your attention and waiting to read you,

Please accept, Ladies and Gentlemen, the assurance of my best regards,


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