vendredi, décembre 01, 2017

korea 13- 01.12.17, Korea, missile, war, panmunjeom, un

book:  “Les deux formes”, Amazon

Paris, Friday, December 1, 2017

Part 1: French text / Part 2: English text, Google translation

Copy :
1- President of the French Republic
2- European Commission
3- UN
4- Embassies: Australia, North Korea (Bern), South Korea, China, European, Japan, Russia, USA.
5- Speakers of Parliament and French parliamentary groups

Reflection on the international political debates after the sending of a nuclear missile by North Korea, 29.11.17.

See previous posts on

2- 29.08. 17
3- 03.09.17
5- 10.09.17
6- 15.09.17
9- 23.09.17


Korea is again the subject of international tension after a nuclear missile strike by North Korea on November 29, 2017.

Immediately, the same ideological rituals take action and everyone finds his place.

It is clear that nothing changes and that the protagonists do nothing.

Fools are considering a new war without collateral damage as a solution to the problem. This ritornello is exactly the place of what the doctors of old called Saignée (a "bleeding")

The protagonists fail to coordinate their efforts because they base their reasoning and their proposals on chimeras.
a- When only one side imposes its law, these sides are swept away by the crushing of the recalcitrant.
b- It turns out that today the situation has fortunately become complex and that no one can crush the other.

The media speak of North Korea as if it were self-evident.

North Korea and South Korea have only a relative existence.

a- If it is a matter of situating geographically state realities, these two "Koreas" exist.
b. If it is a question of naming States and acting with them in this respect; the two "Koreas" do not exist.

The historical reality named Korea was divided into two military-political camps on July 27, 1953, in Panmunjeom.

When we speak since 1953 of these two Koreas have actually talked about these two camps.

These two camps have three functions:
a- Manage their own camp
b- Prepare reunification under his authority
c- Prevent the other side from dominating the reunification

These three founding functions are inseparable.

For convenience, these camps have named the state military, political, economic, implemented to achieve these goals.

We can not therefore be in favor of Panmunjeom's policy of sharing and reunification and at the same time blame the two sides for developing the consequences.

To discuss with the states of North Korea and South Korea, they must first be built.

To build them, it is necessary to renounce to consider them like the masks of military-political camps whose aim is Reunification for their benefit.

This implies for foreign powers to renounce their ambitions of conquest by the action of a third party.

It is therefore necessary to bring the parties together to:
1- To consecrate the States in place and place of the Camps.
2- Renounce all forms of reunification
3- Resume the discussions on the 1968 NPT, signed at the time by the two "Koreas".

This is not the first time Korea has split into sovereign states. She will return to the path of unity later and without the help of others.

To pretend that we are going to replace reflection, politics, diplomacy, with the gris-gris of "sanction", "pressure", "destruction", is an aberration that has already lost precious time to the international community.


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