Paris, Friday, December 1, 2017
Jean-Michel BLANQUER
Minister of National Education
I have the honor to come to you to inform you of
the anxiety that does not fail to provoke in a retiree the requirement
presented, during a tribune of the Journal le Monde, by Mr. Benoît Drouot,
professor of
history-geography in high school, to grasp the redesign of the programs you
plan "to rethink the teaching of the history of antisemitism".
He seizes the opportunity of the propagation of a
Moslem anti-Semitism since "2000" to "plead for a renewed
approach which summons the long time in the service of a critical
deconstruction of the deep and distant roots of the anti-Semitism".
The teaching of the historical fact of the
genocide of the Jews by Nazi Germany is no longer sufficient for the
denominational circles to which Mr. Drouot is related.
He wants to subvert the secular school and obtain
the subjection of the school to religion, a new guilt of France and the French,
the suppression of the constitutional principle of indivisibility of the
Republic, of the State. This
is already claimed by Mr. Plenel, Director of Médiapart.
Please do not allow the victory of the clerical
party. It
would be a setback and a ferment of troubles; who can still doubt it?
Thanking you for your attention,
Please accept, Sir, the assurance of my best
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