lundi, décembre 25, 2017

26.12.17, spain, catalonia, elections, independantists, referendum, police, raroy, spanish government

Text in French, Spanish, English. Google Translate.

Blog: / Book: The two forms, Amazon.

Paris, Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Mr. President of the Government,

The elections of Catalonia have various consequences in Spain. On the other hand, for Europeans, they have a special meaning.

It is thanks to the action of your Government, yours, that the Catalan debate is again part of the democratic and constitutional rules of Spain.

It is not necessary at all to be on your political side to see it.

In the same way, if the waiting of the elections and their unfolding could be so peaceful, it is also because, in its management of the illegal referendum, the Spanish police showed a professionalism that one wishes to meet with all the people who go through these trials.

I do not know what the future of the Spanish majorities will be, but I know that we owe you this maintenance of civil peace in Spain.

This should be a common knowledge of Europeans.

Thanking you for your attention,

Please accept, Mr President of the Government, the assurances of my highest regards,


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