dimanche, décembre 17, 2017

korea 14, 17.12.17, guterres, un, reunification, NPT, nuclear, peninsula, north korea, south korea, china, usa

Blog: madic50.blogspot.com / Book: The two forms, Amazon.

Paris, Sunday, December 17, 2017

Part 1: French text / Part 2: English text, Google translation

Copy :
1- President of the French Republic
2- European Commission
3- UN
4- Embassies: Australia, North Korea (Bern), South Korea, China, European, Japan, Russia, USA.
5- Speakers of Parliament and French parliamentary groups

See previous posts on Madic50.blogspot.com

2- 29.08. 17
3- 03.09.17
5- 10.09.17
6- 15.09.17
9 to 23.09.17


1) – Sleepwalking
On Thursday, December 14, 2017, during a visit to Tokyo, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said, "The worst thing that could happen is that we go into sleepwalking in a war that could have dramatic circumstances. "

It is the expression of the Australian historian Christopher Clark devoted to the causes of the Great War of 1914.

This historian does not analyze the causes of war but the final mechanics that makes it fatal.

It is the entanglement of incompetence, skimpy calculations, self-esteem, and self-talk that has liberated the space in which military violence has unleashed primordial antagonisms.

These people did not want the war itself, at least not that one.

They simply made impossible the rational examination of any other solution to the insoluble problems of the moment. They asphyxiated the intelligence.

The Secretary-General warns the international community of the risk of such entanglement of the good reasons for collective blindness.

This warning leads to the following reflection.

2) - The status quo
As in 1914, the retaining bar of this disaster rush is the affirmation that institutional action is aimed at maintaining what is.

We mobilize for the status quo and nothing must change.

This time, we give ourselves the illusion of opposing the proliferation of nuclear weapons.

In fact, the words serve to hide the fact that this opposition is not aimed at the danger of the proliferation of nuclear weapons but at the novelty of their possession by North Korea.

Again and again under the guise of the maintenance of order establishes, one refuses to name the changes that produces this status quo.

Indeed, North Korea also wants the status quo. But by giving itself the means to make it perennial, it upsets the equilibrium.

These balances are in motionless appearances and in reality they are dynamic.

This reversal of balances is therefore a consequence of the operating rules of the Armistice of Panmunjeom, of July 27, 1953.

3) - The dynamic equilibria
The Armistice notes the impossibility for each of the military-political camps to unify Korea under its dictatorship.
He confines the two military-political camps in two distinct parts of Korea.
b- It sets them as a function and duty to manage their camp and prepare for reunification.
c- Without the inadequacy of one camp to another the unity would have already been realized.
Reunification is therefore a policy and implies an inevitable subordination from one side to the other.

The official reasoning of the Powers concerned is that North Korea would unnecessarily add an unconventional, exceptionally dangerous weapon to a conventional arsenal sufficient for the Armistice to continue peacefully organizing the division of the country.

Therefore, international action would consist in forcing North Korea to abandon its nuclear enterprise declared moot and return to the status quo of the two Koreas managed by conventional weapons without any direct danger to others.

Except that the mechanics of the Armistice is not that of immobilism.
As long as both sides were observing each other with conventional weapons, every hope was allowed for each of them to subvert the other for its own benefit and to appear as the only legitimate Korea.

By mastering the atomic weapon, North Korea makes this reunification impossible for the benefit of the military-political camp of the South.

At the same time, it raises legitimate concerns on the part of South Korea to see this weapon accompany a policy of reunification for the benefit of the North.

The stir caused by the accession of North Korea to the atomic weapon comes as much from the rupture of the balance of the two camps to its profit as from the impossibility for the camp of opposite to break it to the his profit.

Consequently, any policy of giving up a camp, of the means it uses to fulfill this function and this duty assigned to it by the Armistice, amounts to renewing the ante military confrontation.

As the War of 14 was a European World War, a new Korean War would be a kind of Asian World War; The atomic weapons, Korean, Pakistani, Chinese, American, Indian, Russian, and more.

4) - The UN Mediation
To open up the "dialogue" necessary for the promotion of peace, Mr. Guterres formulates a requirement "We are available, but we can only mediate when both parties agree to our mediation".

He could develop this point of view by defining the modalities of his "mediation" in terms acceptable to both parties and useful for peace.

The Secretary-General says, "Dialogue must have a purpose and the goal for us is to achieve the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula peacefully."

It is impossible to achieve this goal without first addressing the questions to which nuclear power is an answer.

To do this, the "mediation" of the United Nations must begin with an examination of the questions posed by the Armistice signed under the authority of the United Nations and the reason why the "two parties" make a continual reference to it. sixty-five years after his signature.

1- States
a- These two camps have each built a separate state for the purposes of international coverage.
These states are always the masks of these camps.
c- States must dominate the Camps and not the other way around.

2- Reunification
a- As long as these states are hostages to the camps that produced them, they will be prisoners of the Armistice system and in particular of the reunification policy.
b- The emancipation of these States with regard to the camps passes by the renunciation of the policy of Reunification.
c- This absorbed the cultural ties of the two Koreas. It is, however, distinct from it.
5) - The solution of the Treaties
The function of the UN is to be the place of resolution of the evolutions led by the Armistice.

1- The two states
If by treaty, the two states recognize themselves as sovereign vis-à-vis the camps that built them and if they renounce any policy of reunification, the aggressiveness of one to the other loses all foundation political and legal.

2- Supports
From there, it is possible to obtain state circles of these two states that they also renounce by Treaty any policy of participation in any reunification.

3- The NPT
On this basis, the examination of the two Koreas' inscription in the NPT becomes all the more plausible as both parties were signatories to it.

6)- Conclusion
The Secretary-General of the United Nations says he is "ready to go anywhere, anytime, when it's useful" and he says, "Meetings only make sense if they have a reason to 'be. "

He can create this "raison d'être" by erasing the appearances of immobilism of the Armistice of 1953 and by registering its mediation in the effective dynamism of this one.

It can therefore accompany the installation of the legal supremacy of these two states and leave the Korean culture to those who practice it.

It will be able to achieve the goal of the United Nations as to the updating, by the two States, under its High Authority, of the signing of the NPT already mastered by "both parties".


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