vendredi, décembre 15, 2017

15.12.17, sexual body 2, instruction, minister, M. Blanquer,

 corps sexuel : 02.12.16

Book: “Les deux formes”, Amazon

Paris, Friday, December 15, 2017 

Minister of National Education

 Copy to: 

President of the Republic
Prime Minister
Presidents of Parliament
Chairman of the parliamentary groups

Subject: Instruction of the Sexual Body 


On December 14, on Arte, the show "you die less stupid" gives a course on the reasons for the externality of the testicles. 

We are learning that scientists do not know anything about it. 

 But this is not the object of this reflection. 

This program is organized from the animated cartoon of the subject.  So you have to represent testicles.

 Almost immediately, the presenter says: "In order not to shock the children, we will change the representation of the testicles. 

 "This leads to the change of body representation that becomes the set of component parts of a computer and the testicles are the mouse.   Without anyone telling us what happens to the penis. 

For 30 years, the erasure of the male genitals is a mandatory rule, presented falsely as a legal requirement, all public information work.

 By this replica of "hide this breast that I can not see", the media place the scientific representation of the Sexual Body in the circle of what Molière immortalized under the title of "Tartuffe".

 Molière wrote four centuries ago. Nothing has changed regarding the domination of the obscurantist party.

 I beg you, Minister, to consider the need to build a teaching of the "sexual body", as there is a heart body, neuroscience, etc.

 Since you are told of "right" and that topic would be "left", I recall a few facts about your level of function.
 a- It is the deputy Lucien Neuwirth, supported by the president De Gaulle who imposes the vote of the law on the Pill. 
b- It is the Minister of National Education Fontanet, under the presidency of Mr. Pompidou, who creates the first information course on sexuality at the beginning of 1968. 
c- It is Mrs. Veil who imposes the freedom of women to abort.

 Neither are known as militant zadists. 

You have restored the continuity of education by restoring the teaching of Latin and Greek and reopening priority language classes such as German. 

Therefore, you have the national legitimacy to put in place the novelties in political debate since 1968; fifty years ago.

 I'm not asking you to change national education programs. A minister would not do it. 

On the other hand, you can take language with willing and competent people really convinced of the need to install the French in the scientific knowledge.

 IT and its developments allow it. 

I enclose various correspondence in which I expose the subject. 

It is pathetic to see the French leaders hope to guarantee the French to remain among the free peoples and therefore leaders by imposing a public ideology of the level of that of Pakistan. 

Thanking you and waiting to read you,

 Please accept, Sir, the assurance of my best regards, 

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