mardi, décembre 12, 2017

12.12.17, social unity, humanity, political left, trade unions, National Assembly, Senate, social security, social charges, social security contributions

book:  “Les deux formes”, Amazon


Paris, Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Part 1: French text / Part 2: English text, Google translation

Left parties and trade unions

Copy :
President of the Republic
Presidents of Parliament
Presidents of parliamentary groups



In the manner of the fighters of your respective programs; you were to accompany President Macron, for whom you called to vote, so that he would not be a prisoner of the University and Employers' Camarilla who sought to obtain on 22 October 2017 the Revocation of the Ordinance of 4 and 19 October 1945 Social Security

For the same reasons, under the clerical and feudal forms, the same maneuvered tirelessly to obtain from Louis XIV, October 22, 1685, the Revocation, of the Edict of Nantes, or Edit of Pacification, of April 30, 1598.

As a lesson from this experience, working together to prevent the undivided political and social domination of a socio-political grouping has become the foundation of French Democracy.

You did not say a single word. To use a judicial vocabulary, it is an inexcusable fault.

It is easy to prove that the government is right when the irresponsible left is running out.

1- The registration of social insurance, sickness, unemployment, pensions, in the capital is the only way, the only one, there is no other, to answer the question asked in Paris, December 2, 2017, by President Obama on the decisive importance of the social unity of humanity.

2. The same who have given France the means of her vigorous and peaceful development and of her world authority have given her the means of not reproducing the faults of the royal organization; democracy.

3- It is therefore in full knowledge of the facts and without the shadow of a constraint that you have bowed to a parliamentary majority that is enslaved by a dictatorship of university obscurantism, as before, instead of leading, as De Gaulle in his time, a state policy.

You capitulate while a President of the world's leading state declares that your weapons are his. You are pitiful.

Those who will thus die prematurely greet you very low.

4- The Camarillas
The Camarilla of 1685 expelled the Protestants from the Territory and with them their democratic innovations.
It has thus taken France out of the world economy of time for the benefit of England.
b- The Camarilla of 1870 subordinated bourgeois democratic innovation to feudal ideology by hatred of the Revolution against a Prussia that subordinated feudal archaism to capitalist development.
The defeat thus programmed has taken France out of the direction of Europe in favor of Prussia.
c- The Camarilla of 2017 imposed the dictatorship of a unique socio-political network which thus took its revenge on the Revolution and the Liberation, on the French Republic.
It has released France from the ongoing debates on the political direction of Europe and humanity.

When one disavows his utility, his reason for being, his function, one can no longer assure anything. This is what the public calls being dishonest.

1- Your insurmountable divisions come first and foremost from your capitulation in the exercise of your responsibilities. They ensure your moral and political comfort.

2- To play the comedy of the Radicality, you palliate your incapacity to preserve the right of the employees to the Insurances by the Poujadist vituperation of the incomes of the executives, the public or the private sector.

You thus participate in blocking the positive adaptation of French executives to globalization while contributing to the negative adaptation of wages to it.

You are reactionary at both ends.

3- It is obvious that in the debates of civil society, you slip into archaic, obscurantist, blind camps.

4. Apart from liquidating the Party of Rifles and marching under the portraits of thugs guarantors of the exclusion of workers and employees from the public debate, we search in vain for your commitments.

You did not choose a camp but the rout.

Tomorrow, the human break denounced by President Obama will be worse than today. You have your share and she is a volunteer.

Please accept, Comrades, the expression of my fraternal greetings,


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