mercredi, janvier 03, 2018

03.01.18, back jihadists8, Syria, Justice, Iraq, Jihad, Jurisdiction, Law

English and French text

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Wednesday, January 3, 2018

N. Ref. : the text of January 2, 2018

Mister President,

During Yves Calvi's "L'info du Vrai" show, the Figaro official says that you have changed French diplomacy by declaring that the Syrian President is in fact a political reality that must be taken into account and which must be discussed.

Would not it be wise indeed to resettle Syria in an official dialogue with the international community by recognizing the prerogatives of the Syrian Justice in the examination of the jihadist criminality on its soil?

Even if the French jihadists are handed over to the Iraqi authorities for practical reasons; it would be productive to place Syrian justice in the loop of local judicial discussions and thereby restore the prestige of Iraqi justice.

What better start for the recomposition of a destroyed state than to start by restoring its judicial power?

It would also be a mark of respect for all these peoples, these States, these countries; She would be understood.

It is neglected in European public reasoning that the jihadists who came from Europe to ravage the Middle East are, in the eyes of the inhabitants of this region, first of all Europeans; a trifle

It takes a certain amount of unconsciousness and colonialist cultural backwardness to claim the authority to repatriate valid jihadists, or even to publicly reserve one's choice, precisely because they are European and, as such, local justice is not good enough for them.

By taking the initiative to recognize the justices of these countries as the only competent to judge the criminals who operate on their territory, France would renew a diplomatic, institutional, local place, weakened previously.

A conference demonstrating the authority of the local magistracy and their joint work with the European magistracy, in particular French, would be the best warning to all the jihadists in the bud.

Between the criminals who want to manipulate us and the magistrates who are waiting for our cooperation, there are choices to be made.

Thanking you for your attention,

Please accept, Mr President of the Republic, the assurance of my best regards,


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