vendredi, janvier 26, 2018

26.01.18, compensation 14,power (2), administration, police, capital, gendarmerie

blog: / Book: "Both Forms", Amazon

Paris, Friday, January 26, 2018


In copy: President of the Republic / Prime Minister / Minister of the Interior
Presidents of Parliament / Presidents of parliamentary groups

Mr. Director General of the National Gendarmerie
Mr. Director General of the National Police

Last December 21, I had the honor to inform the Minister of the Interior of the reflection to which certain evolutions of the reports of the Police and the Gendarmerie to the Power as we reported them the news. See below.

This relation to the Power does not concern the ordinary calm and public troubles. 

It relates to the Directorate of the mastery of these.

Publicly, the theme is always approached for the sole purpose of guaranteeing the identification of the public administration, and particularly the police, with the Power.

The news undermines this evidence and opens the way for reflection.

The Traore and Luhaka cases illustrate loudly that the Gendarmerie and the Police are henceforth concerned in the same way by these redefinitions of the reports of public authorities to the Power.

One of the elements of this questioning of positions that seemed to be acquired forever is the evolution of the reports of public financing, the budget, and private financing, capital.

1- The 20th century is one of budget exclusivity and distance from capital.
2- The 21st century is already functioning on a redistribution of so-called "private and public" relations.
a- The new relations of the public and private Museums or the Davos forum are illustrations of these evolutions.
b- The public administration has already initiated a reflection on this subject.

In the Police (in the general sense), these evolutions are translated by two forms of financing of the public action by the capital:
1- The transfer of public land to the benefit of the capital.
a- The significant growth of private policies and their different forms is a dry penetration of capital in the civil service.
b- The public administration delegates or even gives up some of its prerogatives to private capital.
2- The predation of criminals' capital for the benefit of the public
a- It is acquired worldwide that the economic activity of the mafia is now automatically included in the activity of capital.
b- The seizure of mafia goods, such as cars, is not just a punishment.
c- It also a predation of "capital" to provide equipment, financing, to public services that could not afford such equipment with the "budget".
d- This is a draft of reflections and answers.

The approach of the joint work of "public and private", "budget and capital", which I propose, is distinct from this first administrative response.

It is based on:
1- The absence of delegation and predation
2- Strict respect for gender separation.
3- The preliminary experiment that would establish its low water.

This form of public and private cooperation, complementary to other forms, installs the "public" on the ground drawn by modernity which is the intermingling of "budget" and "capital".
It contributes to answering the major question raised by this evolution which is that of the continuity of the integrity of the public action, of its agents, in its associations with the different forms of the capital.

Indeed, an obstacle to any reflection on the associations of "budget" and "capital" (financing of administrations, compensation of victims of the Powers, compensation for executive salaries, etc.) is the uncertainty in which there is a number of public officials as to the merits of the public Power.

This is what brings the French to question the judicial challenge of the servants of the state in their confrontations with organized criminals who are in fact some form of "capital" and "private".

To carry this reflection to a successful conclusion, it is necessary to consider that the Public Power has a place to be and to be able to say at any moment who is leading.

Thanking you for your attention

Please accept, Mr. Director General of the National Gendarmerie, the Director General of the National Police, the assurances of my highest regards,



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