mardi, janvier 16, 2018

16.01.18, insane, mentally ill, jails, media, magistrates, jihad, crime

Blog: / Book: The two forms, ed. Amazon.

Paris, Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Mr. Praud,

If I am not mistaken, you are the one who runs an information program in the morning until 10:30.

This morning, you gave the floor to Mr. Fenech, a former member of Parliament who became a consultant on cnews, to talk about prisons.
He said, "There are 20% mental patients in prison. We do not know how to do it. We do not have the codes ... "(from memory).

I recall that since the Revolution France has an organization that "knows how to do that". It was codified under the Consulate.
1- The criminals go to prison under administrative and judicial authority.
Nobody is ignorant of the criminality of these administrators.
2- The various fools go to psychiatric hospital under the medical authority.
No one is unaware of the criminality of these medical personnel.

Returning behind this device and placing fools, whatever their titles, in prison is a crime that emerges from the Nuremberg case law.

The fools are today used on both sides of the crime, criminals and magistrates, as places of negotiation for the progression, the installation, the mastery, the use, of this one.

Hence the proliferation of mad jihadists supported by magistrates. etc.

In any case, it is inadmissible to say in a program that "we do not know how to deal with fools in prison".

If, "we know how to do it": we put them in a hospital outside the prison.

Thanking you for your attention,

Please accept, Mr Praud, the assurance of my best regards,


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