lundi, septembre 10, 2018

10.09.18, racism, clashes, populations, chemnitz, democracy, religions, islam, europe,

blog: / Book: The Two forms, ed. Amazon

Paris, Monday, September 10, 2018


The following text deals with the distinction between the qualification of racism and that of clashes of populations.

This distinction does not guarantee the correctness of the causes but the relevance of the qualifications.

This quarrel of concept is important because without the right categories there can be no rational questions or effective answers. The right answers come from the right questions.

In the streets, in the media, in the political scene, two parties are being formed everywhere in Europe that are mutually attacking each other simply because of their races with religious connotations or facts committed as such.

Commentators describe these various clashes as "racist".

This qualification is not relevant. It is an obstacle to the understanding of these facts which do not fall under a qualification of racism.

It highlights the limits of the subordination of political and legal qualification to the propaganda machinery that dominates the media life.

Indeed, racism is an ideological practice that inferiorizes individuals or groups. This is not the aim of this type of ideological or practical combat carried out everywhere in Europe.

We are not in the presence of people who attack others to lower them.

It is not a racist conflict but a population conflict on a racial basis.

It is a frontal collision of populations of equivalent social importance.

Migrants, arriving or arriving, are by no means in a personal situation inferior to that of the Europeans.

The only inferiorisation created is that resulting from an imbalanced physical or moral balance of power. It is circumstantial and mutual. This applies to both Europeans and migrants.

With this qualification, we can recognize that there are in Europe, and not only in this or that country, populations that are distinguished by racial and religious criteria and can no longer avoid confronting each other in this respect.

This recognition of the facts is only troublesome for those whose function or passion is to deny the existence of social contradictions and affirm the normality of uniformity.

These clashes of populations have for object the definition and the exercise of the Public authorities; in other words, power and its exercise.

They are therefore political and the only way to understand and act is to consider these parties as political parties.

Religion accompanies these clashes because it is the first primitive form of the administrative political organization of the populations. Which qualifies these conflicts as ethnico-religious.

The political stake of these fights is the victory or the defeat of the democratic, administrative, civil, secular political forms, devoid of religiosity, in their oppositions to the servile and archaic forms subordinated to the religions.

Secularism and democracy are therefore among the stakes of these clashes.

The parties involved are only the visible mass media of these conflicts.

There is reason to think about this opposition of equal populations in distinctions, but it is impossible to deny the reality and counterproductive of substituting the imprecations of partisan morals for the categories of rational knowledge.


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